Month: August 2021

Billions of people do it every day. In fact, you could say that it makes the world go round. Some of the people who are doing it are very young. Some are very old.

And billions of hours are put in every day.

What is this activity that is so common that almost everyone does it every day? Join the conversation! Making a little talk! Conversing. Yakking. Making a talk. Shooting the breeze!

This type of conversation is not very deep and is not about anything important. In fact, you could say that, on the surface, most conversations between two people tend to be very trivial. Because these conversations seem so trivial, you might think they are unimportant, but they actually play an important role in how we get to know other people and how they get to know us in return.

You can chat with someone you’ve known for years. Or someone you just lined up at the bank. You may want to share the latest gossip or talk about sports. Your interlocutor might ask you how you like the weather or what you do.

This kind of idle conversation can last five minutes or half an hour. In many cases, small talk leads nowhere. It just disappears without leaving much of a trace.

Are all those billions of hours that people spend every day making conversation a waste of time? Not necessarily.

Although small talk can be a huge waste of time, it also helps to pass the time. Help people get to know each other better. Small talk can be a lot of fun and extremely enjoyable.

And while most small talk may not be about something important, some may lead you to develop deeper friendships with some of the people you talk to. Or these conversations can lead to new job opportunities.

The little talk has a purpose. The purpose of a small talk is to help you get to know other people in a fairly safe and predictable way.

And having good speaking skills is really important. Lack of conversation skills can lead to problems creating new relationships. Poor conversation skills can even hold you back in your career.

The purpose of a little chat is to let other people know a little about you, while at the same time you can learn a little about them.

During the course of your introductory talk, you may have some common interests. Or you may find that you don’t have much to talk about!

The next time you meet someone you have talked to before, the two of you will get to know each other a bit more. The more you talk, the more you will find things in common.

Not everyone is good at chatting with people they don’t know very well. Some people find it very difficult, and even distressing, to make small talk.

People who are very shy and people who have low self-esteem often have a hard time starting and sustaining these conversations.

Sometimes very smart people have the hardest time engaging in idle conversations with others.

People who are not good at small talk will find that they do not make as many friends as people who engage in small talk with ease. Lack of conversation skills can make you look socially awkward.

People who aren’t good at conversation starters can end up feeling very lonely.

If you have trouble engaging in small talk and other forms of conversation, what should you do?

First, you have to ask yourself if improving your conversation skills is something you really want to do. Ask yourself why improving your conversation skills might be important to you.

Would your life be better if you could easily converse with other people?

If the answer is yes, the good news is that you can really improve your conversation skills. It will take practice and commitment to improve your conversations, but when your conversation skills improve, it can open up a whole new world of social opportunities for you.

If you are having a hard time house training your Shih Tzu puppy and she urinates frequently in the house, the problem may not be with your puppy’s learning ability, but with an underlying condition called a urinary tract infection. The condition is more common in females, but the incidence in males is increasing.

Signs of urinary tract infection (UTI)

The signs are not identical in all dogs, but if most of the following are present, your dog may be suffering from a UTI.

  • Bad smelling urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Cloudy dark gold urine
  • Increased urination
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Low energy levels
  • Sensitive lower abdomen
  • Licking genitals

How does it happen?

There are a large number of bacteria outside the urinary opening. When bacteria enter the urethra, they multiply in the urine and eventually end up in the kidneys.

 The dangers of urinary tract infections.

Frequent infections can cause bladder scarring and, in more severe cases, kidney failure. For this reason, it is advisable to take your dog to the vet if you suspect a urinary infection and especially if the condition is chronic.

 How to prevent urinary tract infection

  • Make sure your dog has access to fresh water. The more often your dog drinks, the more often he will urinate. Urinary tract infection is more common in dogs that do not urinate enough, as it allows more time for bacteria to multiply while sitting on the bladder.
  • Certain medications and illnesses increase the risk of your dog developing a UTI. These include antibiotics, glucocorticoids; corticosteroids, urogenital diseases (such as epididymitis or inflammation of the testicles), diabetes, and tumors. By eliminating the drug or treating the disease, you can prevent the urinary tract infection from reoccurring in the future.
  • Do not pour water or milk on your dog’s food and leave it out for a long time. This will create an environment in which the E Coli virus can multiply and increase the chances of your dog getting a UTI.
  • Always buy the best quality commercial dog food. Some experts believe that dog food is one of the main contributing factors to urinary infection due to the presence of bacteria in food.

Treatment for urinary tract infection

  • It is best to take your dog to the vet for a proper examination. In most cases, the vet will prescribe antibiotics to treat the condition.
  • Change the dog’s diet. Homemade dog food is the first option. If you can’t make homemade dog food, canned food is the next best thing. UTIs occur more often in alkaline urine than in acidic urine. You should feed your dog foods that encourage acidic urine and this includes animal-based protein sources. Stay away, as much as possible, from vegetarian-type diets, as they lead to alkaline urine.
  • A pill or tablet containing cranberry extract is also a very cost-effective way to treat or prevent UTIs.
  • Give your dog 1000 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) twice a day.

Your commercial tenant did not pay the rent. You have heard that things are not going very well for them, but now it is evident. As the property manager, your duty and obligation is to resolve the issue as soon as possible. When the tenant did not pay by the due date, they have effectively breached the lease and you have the right to evict the tenant from the property. An eviction lawsuit commonly called an unlawful detainer action is a fairly straightforward legal process. The important thing for property managers to know is that the steps involved in this process are critical and must be followed to the letter. A real estate attorney representing both parties in the action is common. If your property manager has complied with the law, given proper notice, and has a detailed file of all correspondence between the tenant and their business, the illegal detainer action should go smoothly and the landlord or landlord should prevail. .

The first step is to solve the problem of paying the rent if possible

If possible, the property manager should make every effort to get the tenant to make the rent payments and update the lease. If this means waiting a few extra days for payment, this may be the best course of action rather than filing a lawsuit. Your individual company policies and best practices will dictate this action, but it would be best resolved by all parties prior to litigation.

Written three-day notice

If a payment is not received, a “three-day notice to pay or resign” must be prepared and properly served on the tenant. This notice must have a specific legal format. A business owner, landlord, or property manager can choose from different types of 3-day notices; 1) specify the exact amount of rent owed; or 2) estimates the amount of rent owed, usually when a tenant pays a percentage of rent.

If the lease requires the tenant to pay the rent and other separate amounts for triple net or CAM charges, the property manager must obtain appropriate advice on whether or not two separate and distinct notices are required. For example, if the property manager or landlord accepts an overpayment of rent because they miscalculated and the tenant overpaid the estimated rents and CAM charges, this can lead to a tenant victory in the withholding action illegal. This would also entitle the tenant to attorney’s fees. It is essential to be correct in this step.

The three-day notice must be properly and legally served

Tenant is considered served when the three-day notice is personally delivered, or when it is delivered personally to a responsible person at the place of business. In the event that no one is available, the owner or property manager can attach the notice to the main entrance door of the business premises and, at the same time, send a copy of the three-day notice by certified mail with return receipt requested. requested. The landlord or property manager must then prepare a ‘proof of delivery’ in the appropriate format that indicates in the relevant part that the ‘three-day notice’ was delivered to the tenant, or describes the method of delivery.

The property manager or landlord has a required three-day waiting period for the service to be effective

After successfully serving the three-day notice, a three-day waiting period begins the next business day. If the third day falls on a weekend or holiday, the three-day waiting period is extended to the next business day.

If the tenant decides to pay all of the rent owed at this time or correct any pending violations of the lease terms, the eviction process ceases. If the tenant makes a partial payment, the landlord or property manager can accept a partial payment, but must notify the tenant that they are not giving up their rights to proceed with the eviction.

In the event that the tenant has violated the lease through any criminal act or conduct, the eviction process continues.

At the end of the three-day waiting period, the property owner or manager can go ahead with filing and serving a complaint and summons.

Summons and Complaints Prepared and Served

In the event that the tenant has not remedied the pending rental violation, or has failed to remedy any other violation that the property has been notified of, the owner or property manager may proceed to file and serve the summons and the complaint to the tenant. A third party who is not involved in the action, usually a registered process server, can be hired for a fee to deliver the documents to the tenant. The summons, complaint, and proof of service must be filed with the court clerk’s office along with a copy of the lease, and then the property must give you three days’ notice and your proof of service.

Technical errors can cause delays

If the property owner or manager has taken on this process himself, there is a possibility that he has made a technical error in the processing, preparation, delivery and filing of these documents. There are several technical areas of the law that must be followed or will result in substantial delays if not followed. A tenant who hires an attorney is likely to find these technical errors, if the court does not find them. This will likely result in delays, which means money for the property owner. The best course of action in these situations is to hire an eviction attorney to help prevent delays and additional costs to the landlord.

Court proceedings require all parties to appear before a judge

If the tenant does not contest the eviction

A properly cared tenant has five days to object to the eviction. If the substitute service was used, the tenant would have fifteen days to file a plea in response to the action. If the tenant does not object to the eviction, the landlord or property manager will seek a default judgment of possession of the property. It will most likely be granted and the case will be referred to the sheriff’s office for the tenant’s lockout (see below).

If the tenant challenges the eviction

In the event that the tenant hires an attorney and contests the eviction, things will take a little longer. The tenant will be given more time to prepare and there will be a period of approximately thirty days in which a trial will be established. If the landlord wins, the tenant will have to pay the rent and other losses that probably include attorney’s fees. If the tenant wins, the landlord may have to pay attorney’s fees. In this situation, the property manager really needs to be represented by an attorney.

The owner or property manager has the right to block the tenant

Assuming a landlord’s victory, the county sheriff will post a ‘Five Day Notice to Vacate’ the premises on the tenant’s door or at the entrance to the business. On the sixth day, the bailiff meets with the property owner or manager at the property. The property owner or manager receives a receipt for possession of the property. If the tenant is still there when the sheriff arrives, the sheriff will physically remove him. The property owner or manager will now have a locksmith come in and change the locks to keep the tenant out.

Notice to claim ownership

If the tenant leaves personal property, there are state statutes that address this specific issue. The owner or property manager must give the tenant fifteen days after the closing period to claim any possession of the property, or if the tenant left before closing, eighteen (18) days after the mailing of the “notice of abandonment belief “to the tenant’s last known address. The notice must describe the property specifically so that the tenant can identify it, and the notice must also describe storage costs. A prudent practice for a landlord or property manager would be to photograph and record all of the tenants’ belongings so there is no subsequent dispute.

It is not legal for a landlord or property manager to retain a tenant’s personal property as security for the payment of money awarded by a court judgment.

Unclaimed property disposed of or sold

When the fifteen-day waiting period ends, the owner or property manager can dispose of the tenant’s personal property if it is worth less than $ 750 or $ 1.00 per square foot, whichever is greater. If the property is worth more, the property owner or manager must auction it off through a public sale made after a properly published notice with the proceeds delivered to the county, less expenses.


Although this article has briefly touched on this process, one should see that it is not a simple process, but rather a process that should be taken seriously and professionally. It is always good practice to have an eviction attorney help the property owner and / or manager through this process.

If you are passionate about playing FIFA 11 and want to win more matches then you should improve your defense skills. That’s because even if you’re good at attacking plays like ‘ball through’, ‘spikes’, ‘free throws’, etc., you don’t want to lose 5: 4, but rather win 2: 0 or 1: 0.

So pay more attention to defending playstyle than attacking, but you should be good enough to score goals in the first place because this article is about defending and not attacking.

Defend the style of play that you must master:

1. Stand your ground and let the opponent fool you. Because if you get in his way and you don’t give him room to run, he may make a missed pass or he may panic and shoot early. This does not mean that you should sit still and do nothing, but rather that you should anticipate your opponent’s move and make your move to go on his career path line.

2. When the attacker is near you, press B (Note: the keys mentioned here are not keyboard settings, but Xbox controller keys, so use the appropriate keys you set for your keyboard) to tackle, here the time It is important. He has to be at the right distance to make the tackle. If you are new and not sure of the moment and everything, tap B like 2 or 3 times when your opponent is close to you.

3. Follow the attacker by pressing A + RT and press LT at the appropriate time as in the previous step. You have to practice and find the right time for these tackles. But don’t use too much Sprint (RT) + A, otherwise you could lose too much energy too fast. So use it properly and effectively.

4. You can block the movements of your opponents by pressing LT and RT constantly, which will help you avoid crosses and passes. This is a joke. This can also be used when you know your opponent is going to “ball through”. All you have to do is give control to the defending player who is close to your opponent who has started running forward, and press LT to catch up with that attacker.

5. You can ask your other defender or nearby player to join you in defending by pressing and holding B. You have to get it right before your opponent gets close to you, otherwise the player near you won’t have enough time to block the attacker. Use this sparingly, because you are creating some open space by calling other players close to you and if you get it wrong you may pay the price as your opponent can use that open space to pass or move towards your target.

6. Last but not least, the sliding tackle. It can save your team in desperate times, but again, you must use it at the right time. Press X to do a sliding tackle. Do not attack the player and slide on him while doing so. Try to aim for the ball and get ahead and then make a sliding tackle. As they say, the sliding tackle can be spectacular if you time it correctly, or else you may be looking at the referee who signals you with a yellow or red card.

That is all for now. Enjoy defending and play fair.

To update:

You can try using different keys to see how the game responds. One that I found to defend in FIFA 11 works fine for me, but it takes some practice to master.

The 7-0 Colts take on the Patriots 6-1 on the Sunday Night NFL stage in a showdown we’ve been waiting for all season. The Patriots are three-point favorites at home and definitely have history on their side, but Indy was finally able to break through with an impressive 40-21 win last season, the Colts’ first win in seven attempts against Tom Brady.

The Colts’ defense is the big question mark in this game. Indy’s defensive unit is giving up 167.9 rushing yards per game. However, the passing defense has been very impressive allowing only 167.6 yards per game. Looking at these numbers, New England’s success this weekend will depend more on his ability to execute football than on Tom Brady’s right arm.

New England has a solid running attack led by Laurence Maroney and Corey Dillon, who combine for about 120 yards per game. What has to worry the Patriots is that Tom Brady has always been their knockout blow and the Colts are not going to give Brady a chance to beat them.

One thing New England knows it will have to do is create great defensive plays. Peyton Manning will lead the Colts in scoring units throughout the game if New England is unable to produce turnovers. Your defensive numbers don’t matter when you play the Colts. Denver discovered that last week when Manning scored them 34 points.

On paper, New England has the best running game, the best defense, home-court advantage and history on their side. But Indianapolis has the best quarterback in football, who is the best in the game at reading blitzes and calling automatics on the line of scrimmage. Indy also took off with a win last season and we must remember that the Colts are the undefeated team in this matchup that beat a Denver team last week on the road that closed the Pats in New England.

Dave Price has spent hours researching this matchup weighing all factors from individual player matchups to weather conditions, which is why he’s the # 1 NFL Handicapper in the world, and has figured out which team has the overwhelming advantage in the great Sunday Night tournament. play. This is not as close as it appears on paper. Get on board with Dave Price for the easiest winner of the entire NFL season!

Discover the magic of a California timeshare in Palm Desert at either of the two uniquely styled retreats at Marriott Desert Springs Villas and Marriott Desert Springs Villas II. Both California timeshare resorts are members of RCI and Interval International, two of the largest timeshare exchange companies in the world.

The year-round pleasant climate, with more than 350 days of sunshine a year, makes California Timeshares in Palm Desert an unforgettable vacation destination and exceptional golf destination. With the backdrop of the Santa Rosa Mountains, guests at both resorts immerse themselves in the breathtaking beauty of the Mojave Desert while trying their luck and enjoying renowned artists at one of the area’s casinos, shop at El Paseo, hike in Joshua Tree National Park or relax with a unique Palm Desert spa experience.

Let’s take a look at what each of Marriott Desert Springs Villa’s California timeshare resorts has to offer in villa accommodations, on-site services and activities, and on-site dining options.

Villa descriptions:

After a day of golfing, shopping, and / or sightseeing, guests enjoy returning to the spacious two-bedroom, two-bathroom villas at Marriott Desert Springs Villas They offer approximately 1,650 square feet that can accommodate up to eight people. Some villas offer a “lockdown” option.

Marriott Desert Springs Villas II They are slightly smaller two-bedroom, two-bathroom villas at 1,400 square feet and also sleep eight with select villas also offering the “lockdown” option.

The luxurious villas at both California timeshare resorts feature a fully equipped kitchen, televisions throughout, and a DVD player in the living room. The master suite has a king-size bed, an oversized bathtub, and a separate shower. For added guest enjoyment and comfort, the beautifully appointed villas offer spacious and furnished private balconies or porches, an in-villa washer and dryer, and complimentary Wi-Fi Internet access.

The following services are available to guests of both California timeshare resorts at the adjacent Desert Springs JW Marriott Resort & Spa:

Golf: Two 18-hole championship golf courses, The Palm Course and Valley Course

Top rated tennis facilities

Five restaurants and two lounges

Access to the hotel’s spa and whirlpool, gym and Oasis pool

Services and activities for both resorts:

Gym and sports courts

Seven pool areas

Children’s pools

Whirlpool spas

Kids Club and Recreation Center with daily activities program designed for all ages

On-site dining options for both California timeshare resorts:

The MarketPlace for Snacks – Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner

The Water’s Edge Pool Bar & Grill – Open for lunch

The MarketPlace Express is also available at the Marriott Desert Villas II, open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Five restaurants and two lounges are available at the adjacent Desert Springs JW Marriott Resort & Spa

It’s fair to say that no other German band in hard rock / metal history has had the success and global dominance of the Scorpions. Since the release of their first album Lonesome Crow in 1972, the band has been on a mission to shake up the masses, dare I say it, like a hurricane. And they have done that with studio masterpieces such as Virgin Killer, Lovedrive, Blackout, Love At First Sting and Sting In The Tail among others. They also have a reputation for being one of the most energetic live acts in the world, having been captured on live albums like World Wide Live and Acoustica. Now add to that your latest project and the most spectacular celebration of your MTV career Unplugged In Athens. For his thoughts on the band’s career, the success of Love At First Sting, and the latest MTV Unplugged CD / DVD, I spoke with lead guitarist and rhythm player Matthias Jabs.

Rock man: Congratulations on everything you have accomplished in the last 4 decades, most marriages do not last that long, what has been the secret of your longevity?

Matthias jabs: Yes, first of all I think it is the friendship between the members because they have to like each other if they share a tour bus for many months and fortunately we all get along very well and the chemistry is correct. Then secondly, I would say that it is the interest in music and in the end also in success, everyone is very determined in this band and everyone wants to achieve a lot and more and I think it is a momentum that keeps us going.

RM: You have just released on CD and DVD a new live acoustic recording, MTV Unplugged In Athens, must you be very satisfied with the final product?

MJ: Absolutely, I mean it was, first of all it was a fantastic time to prepare all the arrangements, I went to Stockholm to work with our Swedish producers and friends, so three Swedes and a German arranged 25 songs and it was a great pleasure to start , but then to rehearse with all the musicians and finally perform in Athens, a great theater, great atmosphere, good weather too and it was the first time that an MTV Unplugged happened outdoors and in one of those spectacular amphitheaters looking down at the city at night it was just spectacular. Yes, we had a great time and you know, musically it looks great, so yeah, I’m happy with this product.

RM: You have previously released acoustic shows like Acoustica, how is MTV Unplugged different from that release?

MJ: Yes, we did Acoustica in 2001 and some of the songs are even the same because in the first place the band thought “Let’s not do our most popular songs again” because we have various arrangements for orchestral, electric versions of course, so we had many doubts about it but in the end, you know. The record company and the audience also convinced us that we can’t do a show without Rock You Like A Hurricane or Still Loving You, but it’s a whole new approach, aside from the songs that we repeat so to speak, but still got a different arrangement. . But the idea was to write some new ones, mainly to make songs that we never played live and a lot of those songs from the 70s, some from the 80s, some from the 90s are songs that the band never did on stage, so this is a First and foremost and for the most die-hard Greek fans it was a surprise, especially since it takes some time until you recognize the song if it is not announced, because the arrangements are so different, so it was a built-in wow factor for them. I think it’s worth doing even though we’ve done Acoustica before.

RM: What was it about Athens that made it ideal for this MTV Unplugged show?

MJ: First of all, we have probably the most loyal fans in the world who are from Greece, although we have huge fans all over the world, but they are crazy about us, that’s one thing. The other thing is that we were imagining an amphitheater right away, like the ones found mainly in Greece, there are also some nice ones in Italy, but in Europe and then as for the weather in September, where can you go outside where there is chances of rain? like zero and the temperature is nice at night? And you know, we are talking about acoustic instruments, you can’t have a big drop in temperature, if like the sun comes out in the afternoon, it’s very hot, like in the fall, like the rest of southern Europe and then at night. It’s cold that messes up the tuning and the very expensive guitars we have, we think that for recordings the tuning should be stable. So all kinds of aspects, all of that ended up like Greece, they have all of that, they have the nice amphitheaters, they have the weather and they have the big fans, so basically it was definitely our initial idea and we stuck with it. .

RM: There are a couple of interesting tracks in this song list, can you tell me a bit about Delicate Dance, which has a true relationship between Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin and Love Is The Answer, a ballad with guitarist Rudolf Schenker on vocals? .

MJ: Yes, the initial idea was that we needed an instrumental, we knew we had 23/24 songs, a very long set, acoustic guitars means there are no long guitar solos, so many things to sing for Klaus. So we thought we needed an instrumental and percussion solo, also to have at least two breaks for him during the show so he can get his voice back for a little bit at least and it was also recorded back to back so we played 3 shows, the first ones 2 are recorded. So that was the idea and I was working on this instrumental, Delicate Dance and when it was finished everyone liked it so much they said “Yeah great” and Rudolf had been working on an instrumental too but he thought mine is better as well. you added. some voices to his instrumental [laughs] and then we had Love Is The Answer.

RM: If you’re talking about classic ’80s albums, you can’t go past Love At First Sting. In 2014 you celebrate the 30th anniversary of this iconic album, do you have something planned to celebrate this milestone and why do you think this album has become a jewel in the crown of your catalog?

MJ: I mean, it has the songs, it has the right energy, we were flying really high in the early 80’s and some people say it was our most creative moment like Blackout and Love At First Sting and you know, it really is the moment we achieved status. headlining and multiplatinum sales and all that. In the meantime there are takes from those two albums and in early 2012 during the tour we take a break and look at those leftovers, so to speak, and there is very interesting material, so we fill them in, we have them as basic. tracks, you know, they had no written lyrics, they were just demos, but very good ideas from that particular era. In the meantime we have some basic tracks and we want to finish them, maybe towards the end of this year. [2014] and releasing them in early 2015, because Rudolf founded the band in 1965 and called it Scorpions, when it was still like a school band, so if you take this as the beginning all of a sudden I know it sounds strange, but then we have 50 years of Scorpions and we could release those shots next year.

RM: Love At First Sting has so many important songs like Bad Boys Running Wild, Rock You Like A Hurricane, Big City Nights and Still Loving You, at the time you recorded it, did you know you had something special on your hands?

MJ: Yes, up to a point. Songs like Rock You Like A Hurricane, but you get feedback from abroad, our agent in America was crazy about it when he heard it on the phone, and we hadn’t finished it yet, and songs like Still Loving You or Big City Nights, but especially Rock. You Like A Hurricane and Still Loving You, which turned out to be two of our biggest songs, people outside said “You have something special there.” As a musician, I don’t remember ever thinking that way, because if you’re still in the process of recording and creating things, you don’t think that way, at least we don’t, we’re just too focused on the songs and how to play them. and singing them well and once the material is released, you get a more neutral perspective and if it succeeds, you say “Oh, now I understand why.” [laughs] but while you are near him you don’t think that way.

RMIf I can take you back to 1991, you had a worldwide hit on your hands with Wind Of Change, at the time, were you surprised by how widespread the success of that song was?

MJ: Yes incredible. I mean, first of all, at first, people from the record company came in, we liked a preview thing in the studio and they said “yeah, okay, but take that hiss off” and in America they released it. [laughs] We didn’t even consider the song to be important, it was just too different from everything else we had been doing. And then we played the first show of the European tour, right after the launch in Brussels and a French TV crew came and filmed the song live with a camera and made a video, without asking us and the song and the video. We went to Number 1 while we were playing in America and we said “Oh this is amazing” and all of a sudden the song took off and we didn’t do anything for it. So obviously, you know, this is a hit and since you’re from Australia I should mention that it was even on the Australian charts and we made the mistake of not going to Australia because we were already on tour. And at the end of the tour it was like one of the longest we ever done, like two and a half years, and then someone said “Okay, now you can go to Australia” and we said “Oh next time” and we didn’t. and we still feel that it was the biggest mistake. Because that’s what’s missing in our career that we’ve never played in Australia, I think it’s a shame.

RM: Of all the albums you have recorded, are there one or two that stand out as personal favorites and why?

MJ: My personal albums, I think Blackout is one of my favorites. Blackout and Love At First Sting, we mention the ones that are now my favorites, because it shows how the band went from being professional. Yes but do you know? so much and so successful you know With those records we did it big we have a different sound, we sound more, although we sound young and energetic, suddenly we sound more mature, I don’t know if that’s the right word, but we sound like world class all of a sudden. That’s when we really took off in the 80s, I must also mention that I really like the album Sting In The Tail that was released in 2010, our last studio recording, it is also an album that I am totally happy with, because like all songs and that is not the case on other albums.

RM: When you play your last show and put your guitars away for the last time, how do you think the pages of music history will remember the Scorpions?

MJ: Definitely the most successful international band from Germany, that’s already a fact. I don’t see anyone who can follow us and because we are one of the few bands that can play in almost every country in the world. Yes, I think the most successful international band from Germany comes to mind, the rock band.

RM: Again, congratulations on the release of MTV Unplugged In Athens, on behalf of everyone here at Full Throttle Rock, I would like to wish you all the best for the future and thank you so much for all the years of great music you have given us.

MJ: Yes, thank you very much.

Facebook may be the king of social media, but it’s not the one people under 30 years of age turn to when using social media sites. The social media platform for audiences under 30 is Snapchat. In fact, Facebook continues to lose market share to Snapchat with younger generations.

The following are some of the statistics and data on Snapchat.

  • Snapchat has 188 million users worldwide.
  • Users spend at least 30 minutes on the platform per day.
  • 60 percent of users use the camera on Snapchat every day.
  • In the US, Snapchat is used by 41 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 34.

Why Your Nonprofit Should Care About Snapchat

  • Fundraising channeling.The number one reason your organization should care about Snapchat is that your nonprofit is probably losing roughly 25 to 35 percent of its donors to attrition each year. That means you are always looking for new donors and Millennials and Gen Z are the most activist and socially conscious generations. It makes all the sense in the world to appeal to young donors and have them partner with your nonprofit, even if they are not yet ready to contribute at the levels that older generations can give.
  • Behind the scenes action.One of the best things that is a crucial aspect of Snapchat is that it is not the place for any nifty content. Snapchat is all about keeping it real, and it’s a great opportunity for you to get used to presenting your nonprofit in a genuine way to your audience. If you can look authentic on Snapchat, you can easily translate this skill to other social media platforms, including Facebook. Snapshots are all about video, fun, and a behind-the-scenes look, and this is a great platform to practice the art of keeping it real and light, which is vital to grabbing the attention of young users.

What are some of the best tips for being successful on Snapchat?

  • Daily snapshots. In today’s world, where there is so much information that reaches people’s eyes, you have to be on Snapchat every day. This practice will not only make you comfortable using the platform, but it will also help you keep your brand in the minds of Snapchat users.
  • Appreciate disappearing content. One of the best innovations, which has been copied by Facebook, is content that disappears because it creates a sense of urgency. When posting snapshots to Snapchat, create a series that can be used for your fundraiser with content that will help drive the need for action.
  • Get creative with Snapchat stories. The stories feature allows you to compile snapshots as they were taken and provide the audience with a “story” progression or linear arc. This is a useful tool that you can use to count something like “a day in the life” or some other programmatic sequence, which will help you gain attention.
  • Snapchat allows brands to sponsor ads, lenses, or geofilters. This will allow you to create ten-second clips, augmented reality through the lens, or filters that can only be used in specific geographic locations. All of these creative and fun tools and opportunities allow you to promote your brand and the work your nonprofit does in your community.

For brands that aren’t used to using Snapchat, it can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many articles on the internet on how to get acquainted with this particular social media platform, including Snapchat itself, or this interesting article from
The New York Times.

To be successful, any business needs a committed owner, a strong concept, realistic goals, strategy, and financing. Using your own money is usually a good option, but the problem with most new business owners is that they don’t have their own money. The only real option is to look for a small business loan. Financing is generally classified into a couple of different options, such as debt and equity financing.

The traditional route of obtaining a business loan from a bank or financial institution is not for everyone, especially if you do not have a business credit history and your own personal credit history is not that good.

However, if you’ve had a business running for at least two years, you have a better chance of getting approved by a bank for a long time. Even if you are a new business, there may be options for obtaining a secured loan if you have some type of collateral. Don’t forget about credit cards, either. It can be beneficial for a small business to establish a line of credit with a financial institution as the business grows as a means to help manage cash flow, as long as you make payments on time.

Increase Your Chances of Getting a Small Business Loan

To really increase your chances of getting approved, show how you plan to use the funds. Any potential investor or lender will absolutely want to understand why you are seeking funds, how you intend to use the funds, and how you plan to return them. Analyze the things you will need money for. Don’t just ask for $ 10,000. Ask for $ 5,000 for inventory, $ 4,500 for equipment, and $ 500 for advertising. Explain your strategy on how you will make a profit and how to make a profit on your investment so that you are in a good position to pay it back.

In addition to getting a small business loan, alternative lenders such as online lenders, angel investors, crowdfunding, etc. might also be worth considering.

ALWAYS be sincere and honest. When completing any type of application form, be completely honest and try to be as accurate as possible. All details related to your business should be consistent across the board: the loan application itself, official documents and records, social media accounts, etc. Just one type could hurt your chances.

The best place online to try to get a small business loan is US Business Funding. All you have to do is use the free loan calculator to receive an instant FREE estimate, and then you can apply for funds through a secure website in minutes. Then an agent will contact you to help you understand what to do next.

There are general rules, but there are no hard and fast rules. Tea ‘things people do every day to be successful‘in what they do has so many variables.

Some swear by the morning coffees, others by the 20-minute nap. More or less, that’s almost always the story. Like I said, variables.

Routine discipline, or better yet, is what makes people successful. I will never claim to be a ‘successful person’, but what I HAVE been doing is working from home for the last 18 years. I hope you can share YOUR story about smoothing out the rough edges of your daily workweek too because it helps. Every little piece of advice helps, actually, because most successful people listen.

1. No Emails – Most people start their days rolling out of their beds with everyone yelling at them. Your alarm is screaming. Your boss is yelling, your kids are yelling, your email is yelling. So one of the things I DON’T DO early in the morning is check my emails. People who know me know not to expect an instant response from me early in the morning. That’s when I’m trying to sort my things together so I can get things done for you throughout the day. So, no emails in the morning. Only coffee is allowed.

2. Stay Dressed – This is for those who work from home. One of the things that I have noticed in almost 2 decades is that I dress for work (even if I will be in my home office or living room) the entire time I go to work. I don’t know about you, but the moment I put on my nice, comfortable clothes, my zest for life and my zest for getting things slipped away like a layer of dead skin.

3. Meditate – Oprah said so. So did Deepak Chopra and Cameron Diaz. It’s not the woo-woo-woo stuff, trust me. It’s more like sitting there in complete silence or to soft music gently stroking my ear, or just sweeping the floor (the movement is meditatively repetitive, try it!). Instead of thinking of it as a ‘new age fad’, think of it as Loading your weapon ready to knock down the gates of the world. Bad when rephrased, huh? I use an application to “help me”: Insight Timer. It has music, guided meditation, and … well … complete silence.

4. Don’t multitask: It’s something I was very proud of, and multitasking was the only way to move the needle forward when the to-do list was too long. I do not do it anymore. Instead, I think that doing things in fits and starts is much more productive. An example would be that if you were to vacuum the floor THE overwhelming task of the day, you would consciously vacuum the living room and save the bedrooms and kitchen for tomorrow.

A silly example, I know, but when applied to work, it’s pretty amazing when you give the tasks at hand short bursts of active, productive attention. When I’m tired, I’ll be back with so much more to contribute. AFTER I’ve dealt with the fog in my brain instead of going through it. I mean, who am I to argue with the chemicals in my brain?

5. Coffee – I’m going to leave this right here. Explaining it further is going to piss me off if you don’t understand. It’s my survival poison.

6. Laugh a little: A sense of humor provides a buffer against the build-up of stress and anxiety in your system. So once in a while, upload your Tumblr or Twitter (where you are encouraged to follow people like 9gag, just personal preference of course) and just have a little laugh.

Experts say that humor provides a powerful buffer against stress and fear. “Humor is about playing with ideas and concepts,” said Martin, who teaches at the University of Western Ontario. “So when we see something funny, we see it from a different perspective. When people are caught in a stressful situation and they feel overwhelmed, they are stuck in a way of thinking: this is terrible. Get out of here. But if you can adopt one humorous perspective, so by definition you’re looking at it differently – you’re breaking out of that rigid mindset. ”

7. Be understanding: I know this doesn’t fit the normal “things people do to be successful” mold, but I think it’s pretty important. Because most of us work with others, whether in the office or remotely, we often assume that people are being mean when they are a little less kind to us. Sometimes, it’s because they are tired like you, exhausted like you, overwhelmed like you, have to pay bills like you, are worried about their children / parents like you, or have just had an argument with a friend / spouse like you .

I think this point is particularly important in the digital world. With the digital divide, we sometimes forget that we are dealing with human beings. Like you.