a pointed wish

My children are in their teens. They both have the desire to fulfill their dreams. My son wants to be an airplane pilot and my daughter wants to be a chef. They are making plans for the school to achieve these dreams. Every step of the way will be challenges to overcome and discipline to make your dreams come true.

When my son was younger, he wanted to be a firefighter. He went to the local fire station and saw a huge red truck. He then wanted a little toy truck of his own. If he continued to wish for this dream, his inner worldview would eventually form a material reality. In the next paragraph I want to share with you how a one-way desire creates a material reality. I will describe it as a Miracle.

A miracle is Energy in Formation. Anything you keep your attention on over time is energy in the making. We are transformed by what we appreciate and fill our hearts with the experience of what we desire. Our intention to dwell on what we hold sacred is our soul. Therefore, the miracle of transformation that occurs from this quality of existence creates a manifestation of the formless in form.

This miracle is a unique focus on what you wish to bring into existence. Connect your heart and mind together. This unification creates movement in the body to make your wishes come true. Your soul holds all of this together by creating the kind of character necessary to fill your body with inspiration and energy. This connection between your mind, body, and soul forms patterns that are consistent with obtaining your final wish. Through daily actions and the meeting of others with similar desires, you will make your dreams come true.

When I was running marathons in my twenties, I had to practice running daily. I didn’t go out and run 26.2 miles without mentally disciplining my mind and body to train for these events. Every day I put on my t-shirt, shorts and shoes and went for a run in rain or shine. Nothing was going to stop me from fulfilling my goal of finishing a marathon.

I can still remember the finish of that Chicago Marathon many years ago. The last three miles of this marathon were full of people cheering us all on. I remember crying and feeling my body fill with energy beyond me. My body was exhausted. It was the energy of the crowd that inspired me to go further and finish what I had started many months ago on trails through the woods and streets near my home. My tears and chills running through my body were my soul, reminding me that I had finished the journey I started, and my soul was proud of Sam.

Many men and women with strong masculine tendencies believe that physical control of an environment means mastery over it. And so we will know peace. This does not serve humanity well. As we mature, we become more soul than body. It is our inner mastery over our own world within us “collectively” that will heal the world around us. Using our inner strengths to nurture and build a world around us that reflects the inner qualities of existence within us will manifest an experience of harmony that cannot be shaken.

“The law of attraction” is a phrase you’re hearing a lot these days. It is not a new idea. You’ve also heard it in these phrases: “You will become what you think.” “You will reap what you sow.” “What goes around comes around.” and “Because every action is an equal and opposite reaction.” The ideas expressed in these sentences are for you and me to realize that where we put our attention will attract to us the desires that are made known to us. We have a choice to make during these moments of contemplation. We can stop and explore these experiences or move on to the next thought.

You and I are like magnets. We attract to us what we normally pay attention to. The moment we realize that this part of us is capable of creating out of one-way desire is monumental. It is here that we become the creators of our own destiny. This does not mean that we are The Creator. That is, who we are will be known through us as we explore the nature of our soul in its depths.

As we age, conditions are placed on us to direct us along our paths designed to keep us from harm. Even if we manage to stay out of harm’s way, we move into a state of stimulus-response reactions toward life. This takes us further and further away from the natural state of pure being with which we came into the world as children.

When you and I follow the desires of our most authentic selves, we will be given a path that will make work our play and our play our work. This one-time wish is our path to endless abundance and endless joy. It all begins with a simple question and four simple words expressed to your Creator and your most authentic self: how can I serve?

Sam Oliver, author of “The Road to Healing”

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