Author: admin

Gender across particular international borders

some sexy stuff

Gender is another Latin word (genes) meaning gender, genre or class. Nouns in English are classified as male, femininePrayed neutral. The term has nothing to do with sexual characteristics, masculinity and femininity. It is an arbitrary classification in which words are conveniently introduced in order to determine what pronoun to use in place of the noun when deemed necessary. The genus could also be classified as Group I (for masculine), Group II (for feminine), and Group III (for neutral). They could also have been groups with letters as in one BY against. Or each could have been represented by fruits, vegetables, meats, planets, minerals, or atomic elements. Whatever the reason, we have to live with what we have. Nouns are grouped by gender.


man (masculine)

niece (feminine)

woman (feminine)

nephew (male)

brigantine (neutral)

dick (neutral)

indigestion (neutral)

omphaloskepsis (neutral)

god (masculine)

goddess (female)

king (masculine)

queen (feminine)

baroness (feminine)

sterility (neutral)

What determines gender? Some words by their essence suggest gender. Mother, daughter, sister, and all other female relatives are of the female gender; father, son, brother, and all other male relatives are inherently male. in the animal kingdom [which includes mankind somewhere near the top], there are males and females so designated by their masculine or feminine characteristics. Some nouns seem to fit all three genders in some way.

Some words are simply defined as male:

dog (seen up close to verify)



Some words are naturally feminine:

bitch (seen up close to verify)

lioness (indicated by suffix)

pond (completely new word)

Some words indicate neutral gender by definition:

dog (too far to determine the characteristics of the genus)

cat (general family, genus and species)

castrated (modified male)

Then there are those words that have the same spelling for all three genders thus leaving the determination to the description or modifiers.







Some words simply leave no clue as to which pronoun would be the appropriate replacement if the natural gender [grammatical sex?] They were the determining factor.

Ocean: The expanding ocean stirs its (its) waves and splashes its (its) dew along the shore.

Baby: Oh, what a cute baby. What is her (her? his?) name?

Boat: The sloop I sail has beautiful lines; her sails flutter like clouds in the sky.

Darling: The stars in the sky make his (her) beauty much more impressive. [Can sky be plural? According to the song America, we have… for spacious skies… ]

To be or not to be: what is gender?

English allows a great deal of leeway in determining which gender is assigned to a noun and its always corresponding pronoun. Foreign languages ​​are less forgiving, as you will soon see. To determine gender, take a close look at the noun. Does it have characteristics that can be naturally associated with a specific gender? If so, assign it that gender, male for male and female for female. Everything else is neutral. The need to know is only important when it becomes necessary to use a pronoun instead of the noun.


horse: That horse has won more races than any other. (He… , She… , It… ) is definitely my choice to be included in tonight’s trifecta.

What pronoun should be used to replace horse as the subject of the second sentence?

Hears implies that you know the horse is male.

She assume the horse is female.

It’s ignore either option and reveal that you know nothing about the horse’s gender.

Any of the three options would be acceptable and understandable in English. look how easy East language is? Foreign languages ​​require you to know the gender of the horse before substituting a pronoun. in english you could say Horse and substitute any of the three pronouns; in Spanish, the word for horse, horses, is masculine and requires a masculine pronoun; in German, the same horse is Pferd, a neuter noun, and requires a neuter pronoun. Indicators in Spanish and German (definite or indefinite main articles) indicate the gender that applies.

Foreign application (German):

Use of foreign Romance languages gender Y number to determine which item goes with it. Rather, the article describes the type of noun that follows, whether singular or plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter. What comes first, the article or the noun? They must arrive at the same time as inseparable entities.

When a German says: “Of…”, it can be inferred that a masculine singular noun will follow.

When a Spaniard begins with, “The ace…”one would expect a feminine plural noun to follow.

When an Englishman says: “Tea… “, nobody knows what to expect next. It can be masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural. The opening word gives no clue as to what to expect. It’s an airdrop that just requires consistency to make the app understandable.

Notice the conditions in the next section that make the German genre so difficult. Compare those conditions with the English genre and take a deep breath of relief that the English genre is so simple.]

Foreign application, German Gender:

There are specific conditions governing the gender of German nouns.

1. The natural Y grammarian gender are identical:

has) Family relationships: male members are masculine; female members are female.

b) activities: those carried out by men are masculine; those performed by women are feminine. [Those performed by both have their own nouns and genders.]

2. Grammatical gender sometimes contradictory natural gender:

has) GirlY Miss (expected to be female) are neutral

b) Victim Y little boy (that should be meter Prayed F only) are neutral.

against) Diminutiveregardless of natural gender, are neutral.

d) animals they follow their natural genus unless the reference is to species. So the reference is neutral.

3. compound nouns have gender determined by the last (last) part of the word.

4. Gender that is determined by rules that govern groups [again, the powers that be]:

a) The months, the days of the week and the cardinal points are masculine.

Goal, Spring is neutral

b) Nouns derived from strong verbs and mountains are masculine.

Goal, The Matterhorn is neutral

c) Nouns ending in: -ig, -ling, -ant, -er, -ismus, -or they are masculine.

Goal, restaurant is neutral

d) nouns with derived Latin endings: -ion, -anz, -enz, -ie, -ik, -ur, -age, -ette they are feminine.

e) Nouns ending in: –keit, -heit, -ei, -schaft, -ung, -t,_t, -nis they are feminine.

f) The nouns that name airplanes and ships are feminine.

g) Place names from continents to cafes, chemicals ending in -in Prayed -olthe letters of the alphabet and diminutives are neuter.

I) Nouns taken from infinitives or ending in: -um, -ment, -ett, -icht they are neutral.

5. Some nouns are spelled the same way and have the same meaning but different genders.

a) Liter, meter (m/n) can be anything. But, kilometer is only masculine.

b) Crystal (m/n) can be any when referring to the mineral.

Some nouns change meaning when gender changes:

a) der Alp – ghost; die Alp – grassland on a mountain [How afraid could one be on Halloween upon seeing die Alp.]

b) der Band – volume; das Band – tape, ligament, conveyor belt, link

c) der Laster – truck; das Laster – vice [Imagine watching das Miami Laster.]

d) der Otter – otter; die otter – viper

e) See Lake; die See – sea

Foreign Application, Spanish

All nouns in Spanish are masculine or feminine as indicated by the definite or indefinite article that precedes them. But, if you don’t know which article precedes the noun, there must be some other system for determining gender. There are. Consider the following:

1. Masculine nouns end in -either, with some exceptions.

book – the book, the books

coat – the coat, the coats

agreement – the agreement, the agreements

2. Feminine nouns end in -a, -ción, -sión, -dad, -tad, -tud, -umbre, -ez.

perch – the hanger, the hangers

family – family, families

generation – management, generations

3. Nouns ending in -entity, -ist, -cid, -ante, etc. they are masculine or feminine depending on the reference, but the ending does not change gender; only the item does.

the dentist – the dentist, the dentists; the dentist, the dentists

the artist- the artist, the artists; the artist, the artists

the student – the student, the students; the student, the students

4. Some masculine nouns and some feminine nouns end in -me.


it ticks



5. Some nouns that end in -either they are feminine.


6. Some nouns that end in -has they are masculine.

the day

the map

7. Some nouns are generally considered masculine but have a feminine form.

the Guardian

the sentinel

8. Nouns of Greek origin that end in -has they are masculine even though they appear feminine.

the drama

the topic

9. Abstract nouns formed from adjectives are neuter and take the article Hears.

how beautiful


10. Abstract nouns ending in –us are feminine, unless there is a suffix augmentation; So they are female.

11. The letters of the alphabet, phonetic sounds and symbols are feminine.

12. Some nouns are masculine or feminine without change of meaning.

he or her sugar

the gold the sea

13. Some nouns change meaning depending on their apparent gender.

the guide – the guide

the guide – the directory

capital – money

the capital – the capital (government)

Spanish grammar implies the same correlation of articles, gender, number, and case as English and German, but it is less restrictive than German and more restricted than English. The alphabets in all three languages ​​are similar for the most part, with German and Spanish adding a few extra letter combinations for some special sound effects. It’s still a horror wedding.

You want to explore the thrill of playing sex games to spice up your relationship. But there is only one problem. How do you approach your partner with the idea of ​​playing couples games? Will they want to play these kinds of games or will they feel insulted because you think your sex life is boring? Especially in long-term relationships, even the thought of discussing or changing your sexual routine can be uncomfortable. But playing adult games can be the best way to introduce fun new activities into your love life without feeling uncomfortable.

Everyone wants an exciting and satisfying sex life filled with erotic adventures, romantic intimacy, creative foreplay, and exciting thrills that bring them closer as a couple. But most people are shy about revealing the full range of their sexual needs and desires. Sometimes we just need a sign that it’s okay to be playful, playful and naughty, to give us permission to release the controls of our sex drive. The key is to start in neutral first by playing regular games to build confidence and trust. Then gradually switch to different levels of play that include more intimate pleasures.

Here is a list of various types of adult games in order of intensity level. Try a few games from each category before moving on to the next. Adjust the speed at which you progress and be prepared to go back a level if either of you gets too far out of your sexual comfort zone.

  1. regular games such as checkers, cards, billiards and bowling allow them to innocently play and have fun together. Get your partner used to the games and then up the ante cleverly with a pleasure reward for the winner. Propose a simple game of striptease if the mood seems right.
  2. romantic games they are designed to strengthen your emotional bond by causing you to slow down and fully experience an intimate connection with others. They can be real board games or books with romantic quizzes and activities. Even a romantic massage or bubble bath for two can create intense feelings between you. These loving exercises will increase your level of trust so that both of you feel sure together.
  3. relationship games help them discover more about each other by getting them to talk openly about their life together. As we grow and change, be sure to keep your communication flowing so it doesn’t drift apart. Play these games to find new interests or activities you can do together – the more challenging they are, the better your bond.
  4. erotic games Have an adult theme that can be funny, based on sexual trivia, or meant to stir your mind. Gaining more sexual knowledge and seeing how your partner reacts to certain erotic topics can make you a more understanding and sensitive lover. Play these just for fun – some can also be played with friends to gain a new perspective on how other people think and feel about sex.
  5. bedroom sets provide ways to randomly mix and match different types of sensual pleasure. This foreplay allows you to playfully delay sex while stimulating and arousing each other in new ways. You may be encouraged to experiment with new sexual positions or techniques, things you might not otherwise be allowed to do. part of the game. Become more aware of what you both enjoy and gain confidence in your creative lovemaking skills.
  6. role playing games they are more advanced types of sex games where you explore fantasies and secret desires. By pretending to be different characters acting out a passionate scene, you can release your inhibitions and explore hot sex with wild abandon. Start with simple scenarios that you find together in movies or books. Try them out using only your imagination first before purchasing costumes and accessories.

Laughing and playing together is always good for your relationship. When your fun and games lead to sensual pleasure and amazing sex, you are definitely on the right track. Start slow, build confidence, build trust, and your lover will enthusiastically play more couples games with you.

I know what you’re thinking! Sure, chicken is easy and yes, it can be healthy, but can it really be gourmet? Absolutely! It’s all in the presentation. Take a pencil and paper; that’s how you do it.

However, it is much easier to use an electric skillet. This way you can make your sauce. Add about 2 tbsp. of light extra virgin olive oil in your pan. Take two good sized cloves of garlic, peel them, pound them with a knife, chop them up and put them in your pan. Slice some red onion (about 3 inches long and 1/2 inch thick). Quarter a handful of mushrooms and sauté over low heat along with the onion and garlic. This is a great meal with some delicious Pinot Grigio, so I’ll pour myself a glass and use about a quarter cup to add to the stir fry. Let it reduce a bit and stir it a couple of times. Then add about 2-3 tbsp. of Balsamic Vinegar (I like Colavita because it is a little sweeter), stir and cover. To the next station!

Now, rinse the boneless skinless chicken breasts, removing all the fat. I used 3 7 oz. breasts Raise skillet to about 300 and brown breasts tenderloin side down first. After about a minute and a half, flip the chicken and repeat browning. Turn the pan down to about 200 and add two cups of water. Once the liquid begins to boil again, add 1 1/2 teaspoons of plain low-sodium chicken broth paste. Stir it so that it dissolves properly. Add a quarter size amount of thyme over the chicken along with some fresh ground pepper. Are you starting to sound good? Now just let it go! To the next station!

You can do this with any type of rice. My personal favorite is jasmine white (because it’s not that soft), but you can do whatever you want. Also, you could even spice up your rice a bit by using some sliced ​​almonds or cashews. Cook your rice about half an hour before you’d like to eat it, but make sure it’s not too musky. This way, you are not pressured. Regardless, the longer the chicken is in the sauce, the more delicious it will be! You just want to make sure to stir and flip them every 10 minutes or so and keep the temperature low at 200. Make sure to keep about 2 cups of liquid in the pan at all times.

Ready to eat? Well, remove the chicken and cut it into slices or chunks (whichever suits you best). Take 1 ½ teaspoons and mix it with a small amount of cold water (maybe ¼ cup of water). Pour the mixture into the sauce and stir. Once it thickens a bit, add another teaspoon to ¼ cup of water and do it again. Add the chicken to the sauce and stir. Let the sauce cook for about 10 minutes… stir frequently. You want the sauce to be thick enough to coat the chicken well. To the next station!

This is where the presentation comes in. Now I’m one of those people who would use their “good stuff” whenever I could. So my philosophy is, if you have it, use it! While you’re messing about in the kitchen, finely julienne some pretty bell peppers. Red, orange, and yellow are my favorites because they add a really nice color to the dish. Sauté them enough that they are soft and you can either bunch them up a bit on the plate or spread them out a bit. You don’t want it over power, that’s all. Serve a cup and a half of rice on the plate. Now make a small pocket on top of the rice. Serve a good amount of sauce on top of the pocket. Add your chicken to the top and garnish your plate with your peppers and the finishing touch, which is a nice piece of herb. I like to use sprigs of rosemary because they are so pretty. But you could use pretty much anything I guess.

Viola! You have created a chicken and rice dish that is EASY, HEALTHY and GOURMET!

Flat panel televisions are one of the most popular home entertainment devices today. In addition to saving space, LCD TVs also add to the atmosphere of a room and offer better picture quality.

However, installing an LCD TV is a demanding task, which would require 1-2 people. Assistance will be required to mount the LCD TV to the wall, perform drilling work, and connect the various cables and wires to their proper places.

Is your LCD TV ready to mount on the wall?

The first step in this process would be to make sure your flat panel TV is ready to mount. This is necessary as current wall and mounting brackets are designed for the latest LCD TV models and an older one may not fit. Wall mount LCD TVs come with threaded screw inserts in the corners and sides of the TV. You can also check your owner’s manual for VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association) compatibility.

The LCD TV wall mount should be selected according to the size of the LCD TV. You can also opt for a stand with an adjustable tilt option that will allow you to watch TV while reclining.

Choose the location carefully

Choose the place where you want to mount the LCD TV on the wall. This would ensure that you save time during the installation of the LCD TV. Install the TV in a place that is easy to see from anywhere in the room. Ideally, the flat screen TV should be installed in a room away from windows for good picture clarity. Allow about twice the width of the screen if possible on both sides. Also, the distance between the viewer and the screen should be at least twice the size of the screen for optimal viewing.

Select a place where people do not have to pass by frequently and where the TV is safe from shock. Security screws help keep the TV screen secure on the mounts to prevent mishaps.

Inside is always better than outside

Also, it is always a good idea to mount your LCD TV on an interior wall rather than an exterior wall, as exterior walls have built-in fire and insulation bracing or blocks. This causes difficulties if you need to drill a bit to attach the wall mount or run the TV cables through the wall.

You can use the drywall wall studs to fix the TV wall mount and power outlets. This is especially recommended for heavier TVs as the uprights are better able to support the weight of the TV. You may need to use a stud finder to locate the studs in your walls before you begin installation.

power problems

Your LCD TV including all the devices like cable box, DVD player and video game player will need more power. Therefore, it is recommended to install a separate outlet for your TV with a surge protector to control fluctuations.

Space should be left between the TV and the outlet, as well as the wall, even more so if you plan to install the flat screen TV above the fireplace. The temperature around the TV should not exceed 32 degrees Celsius, beyond which the TV may overheat and malfunction.

Finally, connect the cables and wires in the proper places, calibrate the picture quality and you are ready to enjoy the superior viewing of your flat panel TV.

Blemishes, blackheads, acne, breakouts, uneven and bumpy skin…it’s a nightmare for anyone of any age.

I used to suffer terribly with it, nothing worked for me… apart from a small number of products (face washes, scrubs, etc), but only temporarily.

One reason they don’t work and I don’t use them anymore is because they drastically alter the PH levels in the skin, stripping away essential oils.

This leaves the skin sore and brittle; causing easy damage.

After using them, your skin is left without its natural oils and out of PH balance, so your skin tries to compensate by excreting more oils… in an attempt to rebalance them.

This means a higher level of oil/grease on the face, which clogs the pores and traps dirt in them. This turns into sebum (the white stuff that appears in blemishes) and contains bacteria that can spread, causing more blemishes to form.

Your skin needs something that doesn’t remove any layers of skin or cause a sudden alteration of the natural oil level or PH balance.

This is where black tea comes in.

The natural compounds found in black tea are excellent for the skin, soothing yet strict.

The caffeine content in tea is high, which means it’s an excellent source to use, especially on the eyes.

The skin around the eye area is thin, and I mean paper thin. This means it’s easy for things to get absorbed into the skin and deeper, which can be both bad and good!

The downside is that any dirt or grease is likely to get trapped quite easily here and cause staining. Not only that, but also stress, lack of sleep, diet, skin care – all of these can cause those dark circles under the eyes (often called “black bags”).

The good news is that the caffeine in the tea can help promote and support higher levels of blood flow, which means more blood will return to the eye and wash away the darkness.

Tea is a natural astringent, which means that it will dry out and tighten the skin. This is really important when it comes to blemishes, acne, pimples, etc.

This is because by drying the blemish it will be removed effectively and by tightening the skin the pores will close and prevent dirt or oil from getting in which gets trapped and causes more blemishes.

The other compounds in black tea act as a calming agent, reducing and eliminating red or blotchy spots that may appear on the skin; sometimes they are bumps on the skin that are not exactly spots but are not flat.

Black tea is a great way to treat blemishes because it works quickly and, if used as part of your daily skin care routine, will leave skin cleaner, healthier and brighter.

How to apply black tea on spots

You will need to:

  • a tea bag
  • A cup
  • Hot water
  • cold water

  1. Find a cup, fill it with warm water (a mixture of 2 parts hot and 1 part cold works best).
  2. Submerge the tea bag in the water, letting it saturate the water for a few minutes.
  3. When the water is dark brown in color, take out the tea bag and apply it on the blemishes or acne area.
  4. Repeat this for a few minutes; the tea will dry out pretty quickly, so you can use a lot of water.
  5. Leave overnight, do not wash immediately!
  6. In the morning you can now use a simple face wash to remove any tea residue that may remain.
  7. You will notice that your skin feels firmer, smoother, your spots will be reduced and red marks will fade.


You can use the tea bag (or two) on your eyes after applying it to the blemishes. You can do this by placing them on your eyes and leave them for a good 15 to 30 minutes.

Do this every night and you will see a big difference! The darkness will fade from under your eyes.

The RT Wave (EV-L2R5803) is brought to you by Videocomm Technologies and is the only wireless elevator camera system in the industry. This unique wireless camera system requires no software, setup, or programming. This allows for quick and easy installation (plug and play) and is used for the most intensive surveillance operations. Provides real-time DVD-quality images up to200 floors, this system stands above any other elevator camera system.

The system comes equipped with a modern, low-profile corner-mount camera that provides clear video from 480 TV lines of horizontal resolution and has a hardware-based MPEG-4 video compression format. A minimum illumination of 0.4 lux enables viewing in low-light environments. The 2.8mm wide angle lens allows you to see every corner of the elevator. This will help easily identify residents, employees, and visitors. A rugged, vandal-proof dome housing prevents any system tampering (IP-66 rating).

The RT Wave system also comes with a wireless transmitter and receiver with 6 rubber ducky antennas for a continuous signal and does not require a connection to the elevator mechanics or trip wire. It has a digital immunity to signal interference. A remote control is also provided with the system to help control the color brightness, hue and saturation of the video. Two universal mounting brackets, three power supplies, and a 25-foot low-loss power/video cable complete the kit.

No equipment maintenance or inspection is required with this system. It is also FCC and IC approved for use without a license.

Chances are, our biggest fear as we approach or retire can be expressed in 8 simple words: “Will I run out of money when I retire?” I can see the wrinkled nose and sweaty palms starting to show as stress levels rise after someone asks that question. Also, it’s not an easy quantifiable answer. It’s best approached as “it depends” as it depends on various moving parts such as interest rates, inflation, withdrawals, etc. that muddies the waters of income and savings.

As a Retirement Counselor, I have to sit down, take a deep breath, and then start outlining the events and circumstances that “could” result in a shortfall in money during your retirement. In this article, I’ll explain some of these, along with some ‘pitfalls’ and ‘bumps’ to watch out for on the road to (and into) retirement.

First, “running out of money in retirement” needs a proper definition. Do you mean bring your investments and savings plans to zero? Or does it mean running out of REVENUE that those investments can produce? Or is the better question still, “will my current lifestyle be reduced for years to come by my investment choices today,” or “how can my current plan for living in retirement be reworked to increase my chances of not staying no money” You need to be specific with your question to allow your advisor to give you a more specific answer based on the rules and historical results.

Once your question is precisely framed, you need to consider what you feel comfortable doing. What is your experience, temperament and level of willing risk? follow me here If you’re a saver and you like bonds and CDs, and you think stocks are risky, then say so. If your retirement plan owned mutual funds and they worked, then you can take some risk from owning stock-based investments. Where I find most investors get sidetracked is when they do things that really go against their nature or experience, and allow emotions to color their thinking. Also, they don’t think about things in terms of money or they think too much and change their strategy too often for any company to have a chance of success. Let’s look at some numbers and options that might help you with your retirement planning.

Consider a retirement portfolio (IRA, brokerage account, etc.) that contains $50,000 in bonds and $50,000 in stocks. The shares are of high quality and pay dividends equivalent to 2% per year. The bond portion pays 5% in interest income. That’s $1,000 in stock dividends plus $2,500 in bond dividends, for an income of $3,500 per year. Nothing bad; that’s close to $300/month in revenue. If bonds and stocks continue to pay, then it’s fairly certain that your income will stay level, or even increase over time as corporations increase their dividends if business goes well.

appreciation vs. Earnings: I think investors are wrong when they confuse ‘appreciation’ with ‘earnings’. Appreciation is the increase in the value of a stock, bond, or mutual fund. Income is the earning of dividends or interest from a stock, bond, or mutual fund. From my example, what could happen that could derail your efforts and lead you to run out of money prematurely? Answer: Spend more than you earn.

Suppose your stock value goes up 25%, to $62,500, and the bonuses stay at $50,000. Now you have $112,500 total, right? You may think: OK, now I will take $1,000 more from my account every year since I made some money on my stocks, now take $4,500 or $375 per month. Whoa there big spender! Where do you get the extra $1,000? You have to sell some stocks or bonds to get it. You are now spending your principal, since your dividends and interest are still $3,500 per year. Spending more than your portfolio earns is spending your capital. For every $1,000 of stock you sell, you are reducing your future income by $20/year (2% of $1,000 and $50/year for every $1,000 of bonds sold). It’s emotionally warm to think that way in a bull market, but what about when the 25% bear
market hits (we just had one) and your account is now down to $87,500 ($50,000 in bonds + $37,500 in stocks). Derail your #1 retirement rut: You’ll never run out of equity if you don’t spend at all. Rule 1a: If you decide to spend capital in good times, be prepared to stop spending capital in bad times. Remember: dividend and interest income are fairly stable. Stock and bond appreciation is not stable and cannot be relied upon year after year. Better idea: When stocks go up, move some of that appreciation (gain) into bonds; now you will get more income: 5% of the bonuses vs. 2% for shares.

Taxes and Inflation: The second really important area ignored by most investors and mutual funds is the effects of inflation and taxes on your retirement money. It’s what you keep that counts. We all hate taxes and the damn tax code is changed so often by Congress that hardly anyone can keep up. Inflation is a bit easier to understand. To simplify the example, let’s say you’re earning 5% on your combined portfolio of stocks and bonds. Removing 15% in taxes, you now earn 4.25%. Now subtract 3% for inflation and you get 1.25%; It’s not a big win now, is it? Fill your retirement pothole #2: Consider inflation and tax impacts when designing your retirement income plan.

Maximum withdrawal rates. Multiple studies have been written on this topic over the last 25 years, and the consensus is that a 4% to 4.5% withdrawal rate would prevent you from running out of money over a 30-year withdrawal period using 50% stock/50% equity. bonds. This plan does not consider primary vs. input as above. Take the initial value of your account and withdraw 4 -4.50% year after year. Another plan I’ve seen put forward is to withdraw the total return on your portfolio (appreciation + income) after subtracting the rate of inflation. For example, your portfolio earns 10% for the year (8% appreciation + 2% income); you can withdraw 7% that year. Why? Because if you make 10% and inflation is 3%, then you’re leaving that 3% gain in the portfolio to offset the inflation in the portfolio that you’ll need next year. That would require some mental math on your part, because you would adjust your income each year based on the value of your portfolio and the cost of living (inflation) from the previous year. Where this plan could fail is when your portfolio loses money, like last year, so no withdrawals would be taken. Can you put your retirement income on hold and wait for better times? Probably not. Fill your retirement pothole #3: Be flexible; make more than one plan for your retirement income, using more than one portfolio or investment.

Finally, remember: today I used an example of a 50%-50% portfolio mix. You may own other investments that secure your income, such as a pension, social security, or an income annuity. The more secure the collateral, the more options you generally have with your remaining investments.

Mobile application development is the process of creating and developing application software and programs for mobile phones and smart devices. These software and application programs are already installed during the manufacture of the mobile device or purchased from mobile phone software providers and then installed on the phone, or downloaded directly to the mobile phone through your web browser (via its HTTP functionality that uses client and server-side processing). But since this is a very broad topic, this article will help you get familiar with mobile app development.

Mobile phone software and applications are being designed, built, and developed to run on today’s most popular mobile device platforms and environments. These are Android OS, Blackberry OS, HP Web OS, Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, and Apple iOS OS. These runtime environments only support the code and binaries that correspond to your operating system. But what is common among most of the mobiles is that they use ARM processors. Through the commonly used ARM architecture, the mobile application codes and binaries are executed in machine format to be read by the device’s processor. However, mobile app development still needs to be done using tools for specific mobile operating systems.

As a developer, it is always essential to determine and analyze which platforms or environments to use for the development of applications and programs for mobile phones. Mobile software development gives the programmer exposure to the tools of the trade, allowing them to write code faster, test it, and then deploy the mobile app to certain mobile phones and their operating systems. Some of the well-known development environments for mobile app development include the following: Adobe AIR, Android, Application Craft, Aqua, Battery Tech, Blackberry, Canappi, CloudPact, Corona SDK, iOS SDK, Java ME, Macromedia Flash Lite, Meme SDI,. NET Framework, Symbian, Windows Mobile and webOS.

After each development phase, the built and developed modules of the mobile application must undergo a series of tests to determine if it works according to the established requirements or not. The project team must assign one of its members to perform functionality tests and controls. For mobile app development, here are mobile app test environments that can be used for Android, iPhone, and Blackberry operating systems:

  1. Google Android Emulator
  2. Official Android SDK Emulator
  3. MobiOne
  4. iPhoney; Y
  5. BlackBerry stimulator.

Other tools include FoneMonkey, Robotium, Sikuli, and MITE.

These are the things to keep in mind when you set out to develop applications and software programs for mobile phones and smart devices. It is quite difficult and time consuming to undertake a mobile app development project as there are many requirements to consider and a lot of time is needed for the analyses, the simultaneous development of different modules and their integration into a fully functional one. application, and the testing phase that must be carried out meticulously. Mobile application software development is similar to system software development for computers, web applications, and website development: the product of the project goes through the phases of the system development life cycle (SDLC). Therefore, the only difference is the development environments and the operating systems where the mobile applications are going to be deployed.

Maurice Richard’s career spanned from 1942 to 1960 and in that time he won the Stanley Cup eight times and won the Hart Trophy as the NHL’s Most Valuable Player in 1947. He set numerous scoring records, including being the first player to score 50 goals in 50 games. , and the first player to score more than 500 career goals from him. Maurice Richard ended his career with his last Stanley Cup win in 1960 and 544 regular season goals.

There was only one player at the time, who came close enough to break Richard’s career goalscoring record and of course that was Gordie Howe, who was still playing long after Richard had retired. In fact, it only took Gordie Howe a few years to reach that number, as it seems that Gordie Howe had reached his prime in the early ’60s.

An interesting game brought this record to the fore when the Detroit Red Wings hosted the Montreal Canadiens at Detroit’s Olympia on October 27, 1963, more than four years after Maurice Richard’s retirement. However, Maurice Richard’s younger brother Henri Richard was in the game and played a pivotal role in allowing Gordie Howe to tie Maurice Richard’s record.

The Montreal Canadians were playing at a disadvantage as John Ferguson was sitting in the penalty box and Gordie Howe was on the power play. Henri Richard, who was always something of a defensive specialist, was one of four Habs who killed the penalty. During the play, Pocket Rocket was called to the bench or assumed he was called to the bench and thus entered the Habs door. However, there was some confusion and he was not replaced on the ice, leaving the Montreal Canadiens in a five-on-three situation, falling back into their own zone. Gordie Howe had the puck and he worked his way around Gilles Tremblay and scored on his old friend Gump Worsely.

Needless to say, the fans in Detroit went wild, and I’m sure no one felt worse than Maurice’s little brother, the Pocket Rocket: Henri Richard.

I’m not a woman, so I have no concept of the level of anxiety that many women must experience regarding their bodies.

To add to this, the male obsession and infatuation with the way women look often fuels already burning feelings of inadequacy.

The key is that if a woman’s breasts don’t look “full” or “big,” many feel self-conscious.

And while having an hourglass figure isn’t that important anymore (unlike when women used to don whalebone corsets), the idea of ​​”big breasts” certainly is.

This need often pushes many women toward breast augmentation surgery with implants. Implications and health aside, the aesthetics of this procedure have often received varying consensus around the world.

The key to appreciate is that if you have artificially inflated the size of your breasts, they are not going to be as soft, supple and “feminine” as they would be if they were natural.

This may not be news; The point is that if “bigger boobs” are what you’re after, there may be different ways to achieve the same result… like wearing push-up bras, etc.

To this end, there are a number of things to consider about getting breast enhancements that may indicate that you are wasting your time/money. Obviously, most women who undergo the procedure have done extensive research and likely have the support of a long-term partner; if you’re doing it just to attract a mate, it’s probably a bad decision…

1. Body image changes with age

If you are 21 years old, your perception of the “flaws” you have will be completely different than if you are over 41 years old.

Of course, no young woman wants to think about what could happen to her body in more than 20 years, but it is necessary when considering the advantages (or not) of breast augmentation.

I like tattoos: they look great when you’re young; By the time you start to age, they start to fade and become unsightly. While breast implants won’t do that, you need to understand that the elasticity of your breasts will change completely as you age.

In other words, if you’re basing your choice (to get implants) on how you look now, chances are you’re getting them for the wrong reasons.

By all means, if you’re really interested in getting them for your self-esteem, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that…but going through the whole process, the turmoil, and having to keep them just (let’s face it) to get attention. from a young partner, you are likely to have problems later in life.

You have to consider the long-term consequences (not just that they’ll make “that cute bikini” look good on the beach).

2. Health implications

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve read the obvious health implications of surgery, etc.

However, what most people don’t appreciate are the “peripheral” health implications for back, skin, etc.

Several women have reported large amounts of sagging (which speeds up the larger the implants), and some have even said that their implants fell out of the skin (very painful).

If you have a baby, it’s also questionable whether you’ll be able to breastfeed (some can, some can’t).

The point is, if you’re seriously considering the procedure, be sure to check out all the “other” complications that may arise.

3. They won’t attract a long-term partner.

Sure, women with enhanced breasts certainly turn heads…but they’re not real.

This alludes to the fact that you might attract a partner with the upgrades, but it doesn’t mean they’ll stick around.

As a guy, let me tell you up front that you can tell if a girl has done a job. I don’t care at all, but it denotes a number of indicators of her personality.

Maybe she felt inadequate before, maybe she needed to do it for work (if she aspired to be a model or actress), or (more likely than you think), maybe she’s looking for a millionaire.

Many women are just as bad as men when it comes to judging by their appearance alone. Maybe not as many women, but they are usually much more affected by previous emotional problems (maybe she was in an abusive relationship, had problems with her parents, etc.), which leads many of them to become completely paranoid about their appearance (again, out of a feeling of inadequacy). Usually, these are the women who end up getting “duckface” lip injections and all sorts of other jobs.

The point is that women generally have sex quite easily (easier than men anyway). The true test of whether she is “playing the game” to the best of her ability is whether she can encourage her partner(s) to remain interested in her after she has “given up the goods.”

Pretty creepy, but it does mean that if you enhance your appearance without indulging in your personality, hobbies, passions, and general “worth” beyond what people see, you’re likely to end up worse off.

In short, I can only offer an opinion on something as personal and delicate as this topic.

However, from my experience, while enhanced breasts are definitely a benefit in the “material” realm, when it comes to “true love,” they have very little effect…unless you’re so inclined anyway.