Category Archive : Health Fitness

Let’s be honest, losing weight is not easy.

The reality is that it takes a lot of hard work to get fit and stay fit and healthy. Not to mention going on a diet and avoiding some of your favorite foods. It can be a pain, especially when you go the extra mile only to realize you’ve only lost a pound all week.

It can be depressing at times, especially when you have skinny friends who can eat whatever they want and never gain a pound. As long as you’re on the treadmill 5 days a week and eating your greens and still getting ‘so-so’ results. Therefore, you must use all available resources to your advantage.

Fortunately, there are some relatively inexpensive things you can add to your weight loss tools to maximize your results. This is not designed to give you results overnight, but with a little effort and determination, you will double your results in a short amount of time.

In this article, you are about to discover a popular duo that is creating quite a stir online. They are Garcinia Cambogia and Apple Cider Vinegar.

An Introduction to Garcinia Cambogia and Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

I first came across this ‘weight loss duo’ in an article while browsing my Facebook feed a while back. The Garcinia Cambogia and Apple Cider Vinegar article was on CNN and featured a Stanford University student who lost a lot of weight with the recipe.

Unfortunately, I can’t say how valid the merits of that article are, but after reading it, I started doing some research. What I discovered was amazing, to say the least.

This Is What I Found Out About Using Garcinia Cambogia And Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss

Garcinia is a fruit native to India and some Asian countries. Scientists have discovered that its main ingredient, hydroxycitric acid, also known as HCA, has some incredible benefits for weight loss. These include appetite suppression, increased serotonin levels, and blocking the production of fat from carbohydrates by inhibiting the enzyme citrus lyase.

Apple cider vinegar, on the other hand, is rich in pectin, which will also reduce hunger pangs. It is also known to stimulate protein digestion. This in itself improves calorie burning because protein requires more energy to break down compared to other macronutrients, namely fats and carbohydrates.

There are other health benefits to taking ACV as well. Some of these include:

  • Prevents fat accumulation
  • Control blood sugar levels
  • Helps suppress appetite
  • And also detoxifies the body

So can you imagine what will happen when you combine ACV with an effective fat burner like Garcinia Cambogia?

Amazing things can happen.

By combining the two, you have the advantage of burning fat faster than you would without them. The appetite-suppressing and fat-blocking properties of this duo will help you eat less than you’re used to, allowing you to create a calorie deficit needed for fat loss.

It is recommended to take them daily first thing in the morning about 30-45 minutes before breakfast. This means that depending on what time you normally eat breakfast, you may need to wake up a little earlier.

To start, just make sure you have a high-quality Garcinia brand and only take raw, unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized organic apple cider vinegar.

Some things are as easy as ABCD, but losing weight isn’t one of them. People have tried different ways, different weight loss plans and different exercise regimens to lose weight and there just isn’t a hard and fast rule to do it. However, I think everyone agrees that weight gain and subsequently weight loss is dependent on food intake and calorie output or better calorie intake and output.

Some people have actually micromanaged themselves to the weight they want and this involves not only keeping meticulous notes on what you eat and what’s in it, but also how you burn it off through exercise and motivation to stick to the plan.

Here are some of the strategies you can employ to micromanage yourself and get in shape:

Be realistic

This simply means setting goals that you can achieve. If this is your first time exercising, running, or walking, don’t start out trying to do it all in one day. Set reasonable goals like, I’ll start with a 30 minute walk or brisk walk today and depending on how it goes I’ll increase it by 5 minutes every 2 days. Having a defined place or number that we want to reach helps us achieve goals and not abandon them. For example, today I will run on the treadmill for 45 minutes at level 10 or I will lift 10kg weights 3 sets of ten is much easier to achieve than saying, I will run on the treadmill until I get tired.

avoid the temptation

This is easy to say, but difficult to do. This implies avoiding situations that make you break with your already defined eating routine. Things like a friend’s birthday party, going to the movies with friends, or just hanging out. You have to prepare yourself before you venture or don’t go. You should have a plan for what you’re going to eat and what you’re going to do when you’re offered something to eat so you don’t come off as rude or decide to indulge him just once. The latter is dangerous because you find yourself indulging more often or deciding that since you’ve already broken your rule, you better go all the way.

stick to your plan

It is much better to lose weight by eating smaller, more frequent meals than eating 3 large meals. The biggest problem with six frequent meals is sticking to them. So what you need to do again is plan your eating ahead of time for the day and bring any meals or snacks you eat with you, so you don’t grab what you see when you’re hungry. Another good strategy is to buy smaller plates and when eating you can feel your plate and only have that one helping without seconds.

weigh yourself regularly

The idea behind this is to keep you focused on what you are doing and why you are doing it. It also helps you monitor your progress, and nothing is as motivating as seeing the expected results. However, when you step on the scale and notice that you have gained weight, it still keeps you in check. At least then you’ll know more work is needed and you’ll check your food list to see what needs to be eliminated.

measure input and output

Basically, it’s about keeping track of the caloric content of the food you eat and the calories you burn when you exercise. Well, I will say that it is a bit difficult, especially when you are just starting out. Sometimes you just don’t know how to calculate the calories in a meal, but most restaurants, especially in New York, are beginning to list the calorie content on the menu. Measuring what you burn is easier for the machine. I don’t think anyone builds an exercise machine these days without a way to give you a digital view of the calories you’re burning.

The weight loss journey is a journey for some people that is always on, but micromanaging your strategy makes it a destination. The entry and exit graph will help you determine when to increase or decrease any part of the equation and this will help you achieve your end goal. Keeping your finger on every aspect of your weight loss is a strategy that is very productive when you focus on it.

If you really want to tone your abs, you’ll want to know about Callanetics. We’ll take a look at what Callanetics are, how they can benefit your abs, and what else you need to know to get great abs.

What is Callanetics?

Callanetics is a system of small precise movements repeated many times. These moves were first devised as a form of pain relief, so they’re suitable for just about anyone. These small movements target individual muscles very precisely so that all of the exercise targets the target muscle and none targets surrounding tendons, ligaments, and auxiliary muscles.

Because of this goal, one hour of Callanetics can have the same effect on toning and toning your body as twenty hours of traditional aerobics. Each muscle exercise fully engages and works deeply, building and toning muscles from the first hour of exercise.

Plus, because of the way Callanetics works, there is no jerking or bouncing, meaning the risk of injury during exercise is virtually eliminated. Callanetics is safe for all ages and fitness ranges, there’s a place to start and benefits for everyone. Callanetics is even suitable for many people who struggle with traditional exercise regimens due to problems such as their backs or knees.

How does Callanetics benefit the abs?

A Callanetics for abdominal training will specifically target the abdominal muscles, working them deeply. Callanetics is one of the fastest methods to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles (and indeed all of them). You will be able to work your abs quickly, but thoroughly, you can even do abdominal exercises in twenty minutes free, since you do not need any special equipment or clothing, unlike traditional exercise routines.

What else do I need to know?

Callanetics has recently been updated, including a set of cardio exercises and several mini-programs for different areas of the body, including the abs! This suite of exercises from Callanetics may be all you need to work out your body and get great abs.

However (there’s always a “however”!) to get that “six pack” look you’ll need to do more than exercise. You will need to reduce the fat that covers your muscles.

To really start seeing abs, men need to be below 10-11% body fat, and women need to be below 16-19% body fat to really show off their abs. Of course everyone will differ a bit depending on body fat distribution, some people will see great abs at higher percentages and others will need to go even lower to really show off their abs.

Callanetics for abs is a big part of your overall fit and tone routine. Combined with a healthy diet, you’ll have great abs in no time.

What should I eat for a diet to lose fat and build muscle? In general, a trainer would focus on losing fat or building muscle because he can push himself to the limit and get the maximum results from either.

However, it is possible to conquer both at once, but the key to achieving such results is diet.

Here is a sample of the diet to lose fat and build muscle:

1. If you want to build muscle and burn fat, you need to eat protein, and lots of it. Focus on lean proteins like chicken, turkey, tuna, skim milk, egg whites, and lean beef. Eating this will speed up your metabolism so you will burn fat while gaining muscle.

2. Only eat carbohydrates around training, all other meals should be protein. Try to stick to oatmeal, whole-grain bread, whole-grain pasta, potatoes, and fresh fruit.

An example of breakfast on this diet would be:

– 2 whole eggs with 4 scrambled egg whites.

– A cup of oatmeal with half a cup of mixed strawberries.

– A glass of skimmed milk.

This breakfast is packed with protein, healthy fats, low-glycemic carbohydrates, and vitamins. This is just one of the sample breakfasts featured in The Fat Loss, Muscle Building Diet.

You also have to train differently, you need to weight train at least 4 times a week focusing on heavy movements for 8-10 reps. This will ensure that your muscle grows from the strength of the weight, however cardio is also needed.

3-4 times a week you should be using the treadmill for 30 minutes, after training it is your best option. This will help burn fat as lean muscle tissue increases.

Did you know that research has shown that you can lose fat and build muscle? Diet is the key.

If you are considering a career in the United States Armed Forces, you will need to meet a number of requirements before you can join. These range from physical, academic, background and personal history verification. While some of these cannot be changed, for example if you have a felony, this will stay with you. However, other issues can be modified, and the most important one that many ask is the weight.

Each branch within the US military requires that you meet certain height and weight requirements. I will not provide specific numbers as they differ for each branch. However, if you are overweight or very underweight, this can be a disqualifying factor.

It does not have to be like that. If you are underweight, just eat! That may sound easier than it is, but most people find it harder to lose weight than it is to gain weight. Start eating regular healthy meals more often and maybe do some weight training to build muscle mass.

Being overweight on the other hand is a much more common problem. Many potential recruits let this get in the way of their enlistment dreams. It does not have to be like that.

Your branch of choice will have a list of physical fitness requirements. And so while you’re training for those requirements, you’ll already be getting into a fitness regimen. If you have medical problems related to your weight, definitely talk to a doctor to make sure you can participate in physical activity.

However, if you are an average American who lives a sedentary lifestyle and enjoys eating fatty foods, you should be able to easily take matters into your own hands. Start by eliminating fatty food and junk food. Replace them with healthy lean meat and fresh produce.

Try to exercise 3-4 times a week, starting with easy exercises like walking and lifting light weights, then slowly work your way up to faster running, maybe even swimming, biking, whatever you find most enjoyable.

And last but not least, don’t stop talking to a recruiter just because of your weight. If your recruiter sees that you are an ideal candidate other than weight, he will work with you. They can start with the paperwork and background checks to at least get things up and running.

They will also put you on a fitness routine and maybe even train with you a few times a week to help you exercise properly to get into military shape.

When you’re deciding on your weight loss battle plan, you usually start with the first question: “How many calories should I burn in a day right now? If it’s a lot, then I’m not going to work as hard.” . If it’s nothing to begin with, then I’m going to give up now while I still have some dignity.”

Ok, that’s more of a joke, but I’ll honestly attest that probably most people trying to lose weight give up so easily. They see where they are, they see where they want to be, and then they say, “Fuck it.”

Well, you might be interested to know that the number of calories you’re burning each day right now may only require a very small adjustment for you to lose as much weight as you want.

And while there are quite a few equations, formulas, and web apps online that will help you analytically figure out your daily calorie burn, I’m going to show you a much easier way to formulate this answer and how you can use this knowledge to improve your current fat loss efforts.

The calculation of daily calories burned depends on your BMR (basal metabolic rate)

The beginning, middle and end of this idea of ​​burning calories throughout the day has to do with your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). Your BMR is the rate that determines how many calories you need to continue performing your basic functions.

These basic functions make up most of the vital bodily operations, such as breathing, sleeping, breaking down food, pumping the heart and blood, and even adjusting internal temperature. That means everyone’s BMR always works, regardless of how fast they claim it to be.

Realistically, most people’s BMR runs at about the same rate. Of course, there are special cases that will break the bell curve, such as people who burn calories abnormally fast and find it difficult to gain weight. (I’m so jealous of those people)

The opposite effect can also occur with unusually slow metabolisms, but for the most part, everyone is in the middle, running at about the same pace when lifestyle physical activity levels are not taken into account. Your physical activities of the day are the other part of this equation to burn calories.

There Are Too Many Factors To Get A Perfectly Accurate Figure (For Your Daily Burn)

Determining how many calories someone burns in a day is incredibly complicated because there are so many factors and variables to consider. Ultimately, your daily calories burned are decided by a combination of your BMR (using your current weight) and your daily physical activity.

If you do a quick search you can find a number of those calorie burned calculator sites on the web that you can visit to type in all sorts of data about what you did for the day and it will spit out a number that may or may not be relatively close. .

Most of those web applications are made with plain JavaScript that adds values ​​based on various fitness rules like:

1. How many calories are in a pound? A pound of muscle burns around 6 calories per day.

2. A pound of fat burns about 2 calories per day.

3. Walking burns between 80 and 100 calories per mile.

4. If you are a man, your result should be between 2,000 and 2,400 calories per day.

5. If you are a woman, your result should be between 1,800 and 2,100 calories per day.

The first 3 rules have enough research to probably be referred to as facts. I’m not so sure about 4 and 5.

But after you take the time to remember everything you did, try to figure out how many jumps you took and how many steps you took in the office… it’s hardly worth it after explaining the simple way to do it. as a closing estimate.

BMR equations and formulas: complicated, but there is an easier way…

While I have to give those calorie burning apps credit for…well…existing…for people to be able to use them, I just hope they’re loosely based on one of the established BMR equations or formulas instead of just “adding up all the calories”.

The first three equations that really tried to answer the question “How many calories do I burn in a day?” are the Harris-Benedict, Mifflin, and Katch-McArdle equations. All three took into account a person’s weight, height and age, but it was the Katch-McArdle formula that was the first to integrate lean body mass into the equation.

Now, for an imaginary 55-year-old woman, 130 lbs (59 kg), 5’6″ (168 cm) tall, and 30% body fat, these three formulas would produce the following results:

Harris – Benedict Equation = 1272 calories

Mifflin’s equation = 1204 calories

Katch-McArdle formula = 1263 calories

So for this imaginary woman to maintain her body weight, she needs to consume about 1,246 calories per day. That’s what her body demands based on her current stats. (Her stats of hers are also imaginary)

The simple formula to answer “How many calories do I burn in a day?”

Now I know I’ve been dangling a carrot in front of your face until now, but now I’ll reveal to you how you can formulate the answer to your calorie burning question. A quick but somewhat accurate estimate of your BMR can be made by taking your current weight in pounds and multiplying it by 10.

Yes, it really is as simple as that. You’re probably looking at the average of the three values ​​of the equation (1246) and the value of this simpler version (1300) and thinking “Hey, that’s 54 fewer calories! This isn’t accurate at all!”

Calm down people. The thing to remember is that anything that has to do with measuring the speed or power of one’s metabolism isn’t going to be any better than an educated guess.

At least with this method, you’re between 50 and 100 calories and you don’t even need a calculator.

Your next question is probably “How many calories should I eat to lose weight?”

Well, the simple answer is less than the number you generated. The number of calories you burn each day is the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight. This is the amount of energy your body needs to continue to maintain your current weight.

If you increase this amount, you will gain weight, and if you decrease this amount, you will lose weight. It really is that simple. The hard part is coming up with a good plan to lower your calorie intake without driving yourself crazy or getting discouraged. You may hear people ask questions like “How many carbs per day to lose weight?”, but it’s all about the calories. Don’t overcomplicate things by separating food groups when you really need to focus on frequency and portion size.

When you decrease your caloric intake, you are actually creating a caloric deficit. Of course, you can do this with any combination of diet and/or exercise. Personally, I like to do both for the fastest results. And I found that the fastest and most sustainable way to reduce my calories is to fast two or more times a week and use the trick your metabolism approach.

My fasting strategies are based on Eat Stop Eat, and I think that’s great because it’s a technique that I don’t really have to think about. With a normal diet, you have to worry about the portions of each meal and eat only “healthy foods”, and I just get tired. With fasting, I simply cut calories over a 24-hour window several times a week and lose weight. (And I’m still losing it)

Knowing how many calories you burn each day is the first step to losing weight. You need to know where you start before you can decide where you want to go.

Plyometric exercises are explosive movements that use force and speed to generate power. Imagine Coby Bryant or Michael Jordan jumping to dunk, plyometric training, at least in part, makes it possible.

Since they are high-impact and explosive, they present their own “brand,” so to speak, of training safety mandates. After all, you’re hitting the upper and lower body. Unlike other exercises, such as isometrics, in which, by definition, you are stationary, jump hard and land, in most cases, on a solid surface. So to relieve any stress in this regard, it’s a good idea to invest in a plyometric mat.

Be careful what you land

Jumping off a plyometric platform, like you would a box jump, increases impact up to 7x more than just running on pavement. Therefore, landing on a “skid” [emphasis placed on non-slid] matte or soft rugs are a must.

Consider Your Fitness Level: Lighter Plyometrics

Naturally, if you haven’t done plyometrics before, you’ll want to follow modified or lighter versions of plyometric training.

Some of the “lighter” plyometrics include movements like:

  • Skipping
  • jump the rope
  • lunges
  • jump squats
  • clap push ups

jumping jacks

One of the modified versions of a plyometric exercise that is a “safe” alternative for anyone not acclimated to repetitive jumping is jumping jacks. Not only are you getting your heart rate up, but you’re also engaging your upper body, something that typically doesn’t happen when you’re practicing lateral box jumps or jump squats.

Jumping on a trampoline or jumper can also alleviate the impact effect that occurs when using certain plyometric jumps.

Proper way

As with most exercises, form matters to avoid injury and get optimal results. It is imperative to perfect the form of any plyometric exercise before doing it quickly or explosively.

Eat healthy and hydrate

When it comes to safety, you should also think about how you feed and hydrate your body. Because plyometrics rely heavily on muscle strength, it’s important to stay well hydrated and fuel your body with the proper vitamins and nutrients. Drinking 8 ounces of water before starting a plyometric workout is just as essential as staying hydrated after your routine. Even eating vegetables and fruits can increase the amount of fluid you consume.

increase the intensity

Not all plyo exercises impart the same intensity of movement. Therefore, it is important to develop those exercises that are more difficult. To ensure that training is safe and progressive, exercises should evolve from low-intensity exercises to advanced plyometric training, especially for people who are less experienced in power and strength training.

Keep exercise to a minimum

When you’re just beginning a plyo routine, it’s also safer and more prudent to keep exercises to a minimum. For example, sessions may include two lower body plyometrics interspersed with upper body plyometrics.

hire a trainer

The most effective plyometric training is individualized to the particular needs of those doing the training. A personal trainer can design a plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Recovery and Rest

Proper recovery within a single workout and between workouts cannot be emphasized enough to prevent injury. A proper balance is 1 to 3 minutes rest between sets and 3 to 5 minutes between different exercises in a single training session.

Recovery between workouts can depend on variables, which are based on individual training requirements, and here again, the expertise of a trained specialist is most valuable.

A relatively safe plyometric exercise

For safety reasons, proper exercise selection is imperative. While a wide range of plyometric exercises can support one’s fitness goals, some workouts are applicable for a certain sporting activity. To exercise safely, choose a lower-body plyometric exercise that is considered low-intensity, such as the jump squat.

To perform this exercise, you should stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your torso slightly bent forward. Stand so that your back remains neutral but straight. Position your arms so that your elbows are bent at 90 degrees. Lower your body so your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Make a quick move at this point (don’t spend a lot of time squatting) and jump up explosively before landing on your feet. Rest one or two seconds and repeat the exercise. To play it safe, extend your ankles to full plantar flexion (the optimal range). This type of exercise can prepare you for more challenging workouts, such as those represented by box jumps, depth jumps, and tuck jumps.

If you haven’t heard of Banting yet, it’s one of the latest diets that endorses a low-carb, high-fat lifestyle. The hardest part of any diet is knowing what you can and cannot eat. That’s why we’ve put together the Banting Diet Food List. This list ranks all the foods you can eat and the ones you should avoid when “Banting.”

So what is Banting?

Banting is the name of one of the latest diets that focuses on low-carb, high-fat foods as a way to maintain normal blood sugar and insulin levels, and in doing so, lose weight and regain health and energy. . The diet is named after William Banting, who in 1863 popularized a similar diet and was very successful in transforming himself from an obese and unhealthy undertaker to a lean and energetic one.

The Banting Diet focuses on eliminating all refined carbohydrates, sugars, and processed foods and instead focusing on natural ingredients (and organic or farm-raised when possible). Meat, vegetables, fats, nuts, and dairy are allowed, but sugary fruits and starchy vegetables should be limited. Anything that is processed or has preservatives, sugar and simple carbohydrates is completely off the menu.

It is recommended that people following this diet consume a maximum of 25g – 50g net carbs (net carbs) per day. Net carbohydrates are total carbohydrates minus dietary fiber and sugar alcohols; the reason this is deducted from the total carbohydrate measurement is because fiber and sugar alcohols do not have an impact on blood sugar levels. The blood sugar levels in turn increase the level of insulin in the blood, which is the main cause for the body to store unhealthy fat.

To make it easier for people starting this diet, the foods are placed on three lists: The Green List; The Orange List and the Red List.

The Green List

Foods on the Green List are those that you can eat freely and daily. The foods on this list contain between 0 g and 5 g of net carbohydrates (net carbs) per 100 g.

  • All fresh, unprocessed animal protein (including shellfish)
  • Sausages and sausages cured naturally
  • eggs
  • Sweeteners (only Erythritol, Xylitol and Stevia are allowed)
  • Sugar-free Full-fat, full-cream dairy products (eg, yogurt with double cream, cheese)
  • Coconut Cream, Milk and Water
  • Black Coffee and Teas
  • Animal fat and lard
  • Butter
  • Oils (such as olive, coconut avocado)
  • Nuts and nut butters (except those on the Orange List)
  • Seeds and seed butters
  • Vegetables (except those on the Orange and Red Lists)
  • All seasonings that occur naturally and are not sweetened

the orange list

These are foods that should be enjoyed only occasionally because the net carbohydrate content ranges from 6g to 25g per 100g serving.

  • These vegetables: butternut squash, parsnips, peas, sweet potatoes
  • These nuts: cashews, chestnuts
  • Dry wine and spirits without sugar (for example, Vodka, Brandy)
  • Dark chocolate (only 70-90%)
  • All fruits (fresh not dried)

the red list

The Red List are those foods or food products that should be completely avoided. This is because they are very high in carbohydrates or sugar, or include ingredients that are toxic to the body (such as preservatives, additives, artificial sweeteners, or seed oils).

  • Nuts (incl. plums and raisins)
  • Vegetables
  • dad
  • Corn
  • All bakery and pastry products
  • All processed and sweetened dairy
  • Rice Milk and Soy Milk
  • Beer and Cider
  • All soft drinks (including diet drinks)
  • Sports and energy drinks
  • all fruit juice
  • Battered and battered foods
  • Popcorn
  • All grains (for example, rice and couscous)
  • all pasta
  • all the bread
  • Sweetened and processed sauces and spreads (eg, peanut butter)
  • All sugars and sugar derivatives (for example, maple syrup, honey, fructose)
  • All processed meat products, including vegetarian soy products

Ladies, in this article you will discover some of the best fat loss exercises for women. But if you want to lose fat and even have a flat tummy, it’s time to cut the nonsense. I am not going to tell you to do the exercises that you will like. Perhaps the exercises look a little different. And to be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up sweating after making them. That is a good sign because traditional fat burning exercises for women seem very easy, in fact they are, but their intensity is far from high enough. There is a saying in life that is definitely true when it comes to burning fat. To get different results you will have to do different things. If you are a lazy person then this article is not for you, if you are motivated but looking for additional help then you will enjoy and benefit from this article.

high intensity interval training One of the best fat burning exercises for women is HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT training is ten times more powerful than low-intensity cardio training. By low-intensity cardio I mean jogging, walking, treadmills, and so on. HIIT workouts are performed at such a high intensity level that your body will spend the rest of the day expending energy to recover. Yes, you will definitely end up sweating and maybe crying if you are doing this for the first time. Getting out of your comfort zone is the key to fast fat loss.

Weight training to get super skinny One of the best exercises to lose fat fast for women is weight training. Most women, unless they’re bodybuilders, don’t do weightlifting exercises to get super skinny. This is one of the biggest mistakes, if not the biggest, that you can make. Most women who follow a traditional diet lose muscle weight and that is a crucial reason why conventional diets do not work. Do not be afraid of ending up as a female bodybuilder, this will not happen. Unlike cardio exercises, weight training does not burn fat during the workout, during a weightlifting workout your body burns sugar. But after the weightlifting workout, your body acts like a workout to burn fat non-stop. No, I’m not going to lie to you, training with dumbbells once a week will not work. You must implement weight training in your daily lifestyle. To lose fat fast, do weight training at least 3-5 times a week.

So the best fat loss exercises for women are not the ones that are talked about in the magazines or the exercises that you like the most, but the high intensity exercises.

One thing that children and bullying adults have in common is their inability to relax and sleep. Unless sleep is used as a kind of escape, deep rest is often difficult for the beleaguered.

I know that as a child, I had constant nightmares listening to my mother and stepfather arguing. I got to the point of being afraid to sleep. Later, I liked the fatigue as it insulated the pain and monotony of high school. It got worse when he worked late or early in the morning. My school grades suffered and so did my health.

(Of course, when you’re super attentive to drunken stepdads and high school bullies, you have a hard time relaxing.)

Despite how much I ate, I couldn’t seem to gain much muscle. It wasn’t until years later, when I became more independent and confident, that I was able to rest and sleep more soundly and gain more muscle weight. I was also able to concentrate better. So later I went to college and would really remember what I was supposed to do.

Rest is often ignored by those who are in a hurry to lose weight, gain muscle, finish school, or learn how to defend themselves. That’s often because the adrenaline glands are clogged. Trust me this time.

To support this theory, I read about a study in Montreal, Canada, in 1958, where school children were on meal programs and generally ate about the same amount of food. Fairly consistently, children from high-stress families were almost always underweight and tired.

Well this was a relief when I realized I wasn’t a total idiot. My mind couldn’t process the information while stuck in survival mode most of the time.

So what does this mean for you, my friends, who might be struggling with being overweight or underweight (too much cortisol due to stress)?

It means that to achieve greater muscle gains, burn fat and improve concentration, you must include rest and sleep in your routine. If you’ve completed your school course load and are working two jobs, then it’s time for some serious rescheduling, as lack of sleep can ruin your school grades, your ability to earn a living, and your relationships.

I used to work 12-18 hour days all summer long and then come home to school and/or work and be tired and restless for about three weeks as my mind and body tried to recover from the hectic pace of work. training with the army reserves. Sleep is nature’s usurer. You will collect that payback period eventually.

Train hard. But, give yourself that well-deserved rest and sleep. Your mind and body will thank you.