Category Archive : Health Fitness

Every fit guy who has ever been in action movies wants big arms or has wanted big arms at some point in their lives. In fact, most guys work out their arms first when they first join the gym, it’s just one of those testosterone driven things that hasn’t been seeded by evolution if you believe that sort of thing. Big arms are a sign of masculinity and guys like to show how alpha they are by the size of their arms.

The mistakes we make when it comes to building big arms

One of the first workouts we do when we first join the gym is the biceps curl; It doesn’t really matter if it’s the barbell or the dumbbell curl. We are under the misconception that doing bicep curls is all it takes to build monster arms. Yes, at first your biceps will respond and grow because of the beginner gains (anything you do at this point stimulates growth since you weren’t used to it), but soon the beginner gains stop and you have to find other ways to achieve growth and you will Notice that your arms are not as big and thick (in width) as you would like them to be.

The other thing we don’t do is we don’t work other body parts, which is a really bad move because if you want to look part and proportional you have to work other body parts. Imagine Arnold without his big chest and shoulders to back up his huge arms, he wouldn’t have looked the part and definitely wouldn’t have won the Olympia or landed the role of Conan the Barbarian.

The third thing we do is we overtrain and don’t give our muscles enough time to recover and grow by doing the same workouts and working the same body parts day after day. At first, these are usually your biceps, so you don’t get the maximum growth you expect from the amount of work you put in.

And finally we don’t eat well (healthy) or drink enough water but drink too much coffee, juice (not fresh juice), soft drinks and alcohol. Drinking colas and the like all day long won’t do you any good, and drinking beer (too much, as in binge drinking for college and high school kids) is counterproductive. Drinking water will do you a lot of good. Eating junk food will not help you build lean muscle mass, in fact, since you will eat more because you exercise, eating junk food will also increase the amount of fat you gain.

How to get big arms:

Getting big arms is more than just training your biceps, it’s about training your entire arm, which includes your triceps as well, if you work out your triceps, your arms will be bigger because your triceps are bigger than your biceps (haven’t you ever wondered ever? why triceps have ‘tri’ and biceps ‘Bi’ as a prefix).

Also, you should train the big parts of the body as this will help make your arms bigger because training the big parts of the body like your back and legs helps to release hormones that make you grow bigger and help you be stronger. This can be done by doing exercises like squats and deadlifts that train the entire body.

A guy with big arms and no chest and shoulders never looks good, so it’s best for you to focus on those parts of the body as well, it will not only make you look better, stronger, but it will help the other parts of the body as well. body to recover because you will train each body part on a separate day. This helps to avoid overtraining, your body will get enough rest and recover and grow.

Drinking plenty of water will allow your blood volume to increase and improve the transport of nutrients throughout your body. Proper nutrition will ensure that you minimize fat gain and maximize muscle gain because your diet will help repair and build new muscle cells.

So you’ll see that getting big arms isn’t just about curling weights, there are other factors that influence whether and how much you grow in terms of fat and muscle gain. If you follow these guidelines to grow your arms, you will notice the difference in your body and strength levels in the weeks to come.

The stair climber is a versatile piece of gym equipment that has the ability to combine the benefits of the stair stepper and a treadmill. It’s a great option if you’re looking to introduce some cardiovascular activity to your existing strength training. Here are several benefits of using the stair climbing machine:


The treadmill is an excellent option to increase daily cardiovascular activity. Even a moderately active session of 30 to 60 minutes per day has the potential to help reduce the risk of heart disease, increase calorie-burning capacity, improve good (HDL) cholesterol levels, and lower blood pressure. Overall, the cardiovascular benefits of this machine are considered its greatest strength.

Muscular tone

The legs perform a constant stair-climbing action while wearing this equipment which can play an important role in toning the leg muscles. The stair climber provides movement that is quite similar to climbing stairs or uphill. This can benefit major muscle groups such as the hamstrings, glutes, quads, and calves.


A consistent training plan that makes use of the stair stepper will surely help you in your attempt to lose weight. For example, a 25-30 minute workout at a speed of 3 miles per hour has the potential to burn about 315 calories. By losing weight at this rate, it is possible to lose almost 1 pound of body fat every 9-10 days of exercise.

The treadmill is more efficient at burning calories than the stair climber and the treadmill. It is believed that the treadmill can burn up to 3-1/2 times more calories than a treadmill and almost 35% more than using a stair climber.

versatile use

Like the star stair climber, elliptical machine, and treadmill, the stair climber allows you to increase the level of intensity or difficulty. This makes it much easier to exercise at a comfortable level at first and then increase the level of difficulty as your body gets used to the workout. By increasing the intensity, it’s possible to avoid a plateau and ensure your body gets the most out of each and every workout.

Are there any negatives?

In addition to the many positive aspects of using the treadmill, there are also some issues that can limit its use for some people. For example, it is not designed for running and therefore the pace may be too slow for some. Also, the weight limit on these machines is usually limited to around 300 pounds.

The Medifast diet is one of the most popular meal replacement diets on the market that is delivered to your home. It is known to offer safe and ultra-fast weight loss (up to 5 pounds per week).

But if you’re thinking of trying the Medifast weight loss diet, there are a few things you should know first, like how it works and whether you can include alcohol or fruit in your diet.

With that in mind, here are the most frequently asked questions (and answers) about this diet:

#1 How does the Medifast diet work?

You eat 5 Medifast “meals” per day plus a lean and green meal that you add yourself (lean protein and vegetables).

Medifast meals consist of a variety of shakes, bars, entrees, puddings, snacks, pancakes, and even cookies or brownies. These meals are higher in protein than standard meal replacement bars and are lower in fat. That way you don’t get hungry and you feel full for longer.

Another thing that helps is that you are eating every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism up.

#2. Do I have to eat the lean and green meal at night?

No. You can eat any of the foods, including lean and green, in any order you like. However, you should eat a meal every 2 to 3 hours to prevent your metabolism from slowing down.

So you can have your lean and green meal in the morning if you want, or even split it up throughout the day.

#3. How much weight can I lose with Medifast?

You can expect to lose 2-5 pounds per week for the first 2 weeks (so up to 10 pounds in 2 weeks is possible). After that, your weight loss should level off a bit at around 1 to 3 pounds per week.

#4. Can I eat fruit on the Medifast diet?

Unfortunately not. According to Medifast, the high sugar content in fruit (technically fructose) can alter your weight loss progress. So you will have to wait until you finish the diet and have reached your goal.

#5. Can I eat Splenda on a Medifast diet?

Yes, you can have 1 packet of artificial sweetener in your coffee or tea every day.

#6. What if I don’t have time to make lean and green food?

No problem. Medifast has recently introduced several frozen meals that fit the requirements of lean and green food. They are microwave safe and ready in minutes.

This cuts down on meal prep and is a great option if you’re too busy to cook but still want to try Medifast.

#7. Can I have alcohol on this diet?

Unfortunately not. Alcohol is not allowed on Medifast. Just like fruit, you’ll have to wait until you’ve reached your goal to indulge yourself a bit.

#8. Can I choose my own Medifast meals or am I stuck with “favorites”?

You can choose your own favorite Medifast meals if you know what you want and customize your package that way.

#9. What happens when I reach my goal?

Medifast has a transition and maintenance program that is designed to safely wean you off the diet and return to regular eating without gaining the weight back.

#10. How much does Medifast cost?

While this depends on certain things, like current special offers, Medifast is generally around $11 per day. This includes all 5 meals plus online support and tools like message boards, recipes, and more.

This does not include the cost of your own lean and green food.

Those are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Medifast diet. Although this diet can be strict, you get very fast results. And it’s incredibly easy to follow with plenty of online support to encourage you to reach your weight loss goal. Good luck!

Although more people are at risk of type 2 diabetes than ever before, the disease is not inevitable. Regardless of your current risk profile, you can stabilize your blood sugar level and keep it at a healthy level through a combination of:

  • natural remedies such as medicinal herbs
  • dietary strategies and
  • Changes in lifestyle

And if you already have type 2 diabetes, you too may benefit from including natural medicine in your treatment program. Perhaps this is a herb that will help you!

Astragalus root: Astragalus root, one of more than 5,000 Chinese herbal medicines that have been used for centuries, is a well-known immune modulator, ensuring that the immune system is active enough to fight disease, but not so active that it destroy healthy tissue Scientists now believe that this inexpensive, nontoxic plant could be a treatment for both type 2 diabetes and associated obesity.

Researchers from prestigious institutions in China, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom have discovered that two compounds from the astragalus root: astragaloside II and isoastragaloside I, have a highly selective action on fat cells. These compounds stimulate fat cells to release a hormone called adiponectin.

What does adiponectin do:

  • is to send signals to various organs in your body that enough food has been eaten and that there is no need to look for more
  • tells your liver not to convert your glycogen stores to glucose. This helps keep blood sugar levels low.
  • signals fat cells that it is time to respond to insulin to remove glucose and fatty acids from the bloodstream. This is another blood sugar-lowering effect that also prevents arteries from becoming “clogged” (actually hardened) with fat
  • it also tells your brain that enough food has been consumed and reduces your appetite

All these effects are extremely useful for type 2 diabetics, especially type 2 diabetics who have a weight problem. Together they help reverse insulin resistance, which is the underlying problem for both adult-onset diabetes and weight gain. So, do we all need to go out and try to find astragalus so we can make some tasty herbal tea?

At this time, the best way to obtain this herb is to see a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, who will give you the herbal combination that best suits all of your symptoms. If your blood sugar levels are especially high, you may be given a “detox” first, followed by astragalus.

Professionally dispensed herbal medicine complements your medications prescribed by your conventional physician. It does not replace them. However, the boost you get from taking the right herb could be exactly what you need, with your medication, to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

The routine that I followed: The key to successful weight loss is to create a routine, so that you eat and exercise at almost the same time of day.

The first thing you should do is stop overeating. I know it sounds easy, but it’s really hard to do. I was able to stick to a diet plan for 5-6 days, but out of nowhere I was able to eat more than 3000 calories in one meal and all the hard work I put in was gone in 10 minutes. Of course I felt horrible after that, but it was too late.

YES, I was binge eating and it took me 6-7 months to learn how to control my food addiction and emotional eating. The good news is that you can do it much faster, because you have the mindset manual. So if you haven’t read it yet, go ahead and do it right now!

This is what I did when I started…

I first made the decision to do this for 3-4 months no matter what, because my goal was to lose 70 pounds…

I started drinking a lot of water with lemon juice, to cleanse my entire system of toxins. Always keep a bottle with you and set your alarm to go off every 45 minutes to remind you to drink water.

I usually prepare my water the day before. You can also do it in the morning, however each morning you should start with a big glass of lemon water, followed by your morning workout.

Breakfast then followed, then a snack and lunch around 1. I used to have another 2 snacks later, followed by a light dinner. Almost every night she used to jog or walk for 30 minutes, and at least 2 days a week she would go to the gym for a 30 minute strength workout.

The routine to lose weight fast!

– in the morning: – drink a large glass of water with lemon (at room temperature),

– my morning workout – I gave you some examples of intense workouts, however this is the most effective – just 5 minutes of: stretching and a bit of preparation; then do: 5 burpees, 10 push-ups, 20 squats, 20 lunges, 30 crunches, and 50 jumping jacks. Repeat this routine for 5 times. It will take you about 15-20 to do this morning routine, but you will burn about 200 calories. This will increase blood flow and metabolism. Do this short workout tomorrow morning!

– breakfast: just choose one of the options that I explain to you in the diet manual.

– snack 1: a small fruit salad

– Early lunch: a salad, light cheese (not too much) and grilled meat, olive oil. You can choose anything from the diet plan.

– Snack 2: my favorite Protein Cookies. containing lots of protein and only 150 calories.

– dinner: grilled fish with grilled vegetables (boiled are fine, but as far as possible they should be almost raw).

– drink 2-3 liters of lemon water in between and freshly squeezed juice: again, I try to choose vegetables instead of fruits, and especially those that speed up the female metabolism, such as beets and carrots.

– every night and throughout the day, plus lemon water or green tea.

– 2 ingredients that should be in your daily eating plan are: coconut oil and cinnamon. These 2 are so essential for weight loss and should be consumed daily, because they increase the body’s ability to burn fat!

You can use coconut oil/butter for all your cooking and if you don’t cook, try to have 2 teaspoons of coconut butter – have one in the morning and one in the evening.

It tastes great! And cinnamon, can be sprinkled over fruits in your tea or coffee!

The truth is that I followed this routine for more than 4 months and lost more than 70 pounds.

I also recommend doing another workout in the afternoon, 2 days a week. A longer one, which can last up to 45 minutes, in which you have to do strength work.

I also used to use the massage brush on my thighs and legs.

This is a great tool, because massaging the thighs, buttocks, stomach area, and even arms will increase blood flow to these areas and break down fat deposits.

For best results I recommend using it daily with any cream, even olive oil or coconut oil are great!

The most important aspect for you if you want to lose weight is perseverance. It doesn’t matter if you are lazy, don’t feel like exercising, you need to drop the excuses and move on.

So my advice to you is to start TODAY! Don’t wait another day… at least create the schedule TODAY and start tomorrow! Don’t forget to share this article on how to lose 70 pounds with your friends via social media.

Serotonin is generally considered a “good” neurochemical. Some have come to call it, somewhat wrongly, the Happiness Hormone.

Let’s take a look at some drawbacks of serotonin. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, it just illustrates some ways that serotonin can be a liability or even a detriment.

1. Lethargy

It’s more or less a linear function: when insulin is released, tryptophan is transported to the brain and serotonin is produced. The more insulin someone secretes, the more tryptophan reaches the brain and the more serotonin is synthesized.

Some people are sensitive to carbohydrates and secrete a lot of insulin when they eat certain carbohydrates. This is often related to genetics. That high insulin can lead to increased tryptophan transport and result in increased serotonin production.

Although serotonin induces relaxation, high levels of it can make us lethargic and sluggish.

2. Hypertension

Serotonin is a vasoconstrictor, so it can contribute to high blood pressure. Again, it’s part of the same linear function. To the extent that someone secretes high levels of insulin, that high insulin is likely to result in high serotonin.

People who are young, not overweight, and not eating a high-sodium diet can still have high blood pressure. And it can be diagnosed as “idiopathic” if the doctor doesn’t look at factors such as genetic sensitivity to carbohydrates and the specific carbohydrate content of the diet.

3. Resistance blocked

We are quite used to hearing about the benefits of serotonin, for example, that exercise triggers serotonin. However, for any athletic activity that involves endurance or high-intensity exertion, elevated serotonin is not a good thing.

It causes fatigue and makes us want to quit training early. This effect has been shown in animals, as well as in athletes.

How to Optimize Your Serotonin

• Eat protein with every meal. This will provide you with tryptophan when you need and want serotonin. But it will also block serotonin and prevent too high levels of serotonin.

• Avoid “big insulin” triggers. Stay away from sugar and other junk carbs, like white flour. Don’t combine “high insulin” carbohydrates with saturated fats (such as butter on potatoes or on white bread). The combination leads to an even greater insulin release.

• Avoid starches alone. Manage the insulin/serotonin impact of your meals by eating protein, healthy fats, and vegetables as well.

• When eating starches, focus on the healthy ones to avoid sugar cravings. Some examples are lentils, quinoa, squash, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and turnips.

Bottom line
Serotonin may be key in controlling mood, exercise, appetite, food preferences, blood pressure, sleep, and cravings. Remember that controlling serotonin can mean keeping levels low at times. Both increasing serotonin and blocking it are in your control.

People living in Mediterranean countries and following a Mediterranean diet have never considered fruit as a fattening food. On the contrary, they are very aware that the fruits are a gift that nature has given us; they are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and water, all the nutrients that contribute to our good health and happiness – without health it is difficult to be happy.

That being said, fruits, like most foods, can contribute to weight gain if you eat them in excess or prepare them incorrectly. This will be the case if you eat three bananas instead of eating just half of one, if you eat a fried banana instead of eating it raw, or if you draw your strawberries in whipped cream.

Fortunately, most of us eat fruits in their raw state and without adding anything to them, thus almost completely eliminating the risk of increasing their calories due to poor preparation. And as we are going to see now, many of the fruits that we eat regularly have fewer calories than many other foods that are common in our meals. Therefore, fruits allow us to be flexible with how much we can eat.

Most fruits are low in calories.

Some fruits are really low in calories. In this group we find melons, watermelons, papayas and grapefruits. They provide less than 40 calories per 100 grams of fruit. They are followed by the group of berries, oranges, tangerines, pineapples, apricots and peaches with only 50 calories per 100 grams.

To make it easier for us to compare fruit with other foods, let’s take as an example a slice of bread weighing about 25 or 30 grams. This slice of bread will probably have more calories than any of these fruits mentioned above, and without the richness of vitamins found in fruits. Also, as you well know, we rarely eat bread alone; most of the time we spread it with butter, margarine, peanut butter, or the like, increasing its calories. On the other hand, due to the rich flavor of fruits, we usually do not need to spread them and we eat them raw.

The nutrients of the fruit

Fresh fruit can be eaten as a main course, dessert, or as a snack between meals. Among the many nutrients that fruits contain are vitamins A and C, especially in citrus fruits. Vitamins B1, B2 and niacin are also found in fruits, although in smaller amounts. Regarding minerals, fruits are rich in potassium, between 200 and 300 milligrams (mg) per 100 grams of fresh fruit. The fruit with the highest potassium content is the banana, with about 400 mg per 100 grams of fruit. Fruits are low in sodium, which makes them the perfect food to combat hypertension.

On the other hand, fruits are low in protein and fat except for coconuts and avocados which are high in fat.

Carbohydrates (sugars) in fruit

When it comes to carbohydrates, we can separate fruits into two groups:

Group A: the fruits of this group have a content of 5 to 15 milligrams of sugar for each gram of fruit. Among the fruits of group A we find cherries, plums, peaches, blueberries, kiwis, limes, lemons, tangerines, mangoes, apples, melons, oranges, papayas, pears and watermelons.

B Group: the fruits of this group have a content of about 15 to 20 milligrams of sugar per 100 grams of fruit. Among the fruits of this group we find bananas, dates, figs and grapes.

In a separate group we could include avocados and coconuts that, although they have few carbohydrates, 10 milligrams of sugar per 100 grams of fruit, have high amounts of fat, more than 35% of their content, which makes them very high in calories.

Calculate the calories of food

Based on the above information, we can say that group A fruits provide between 40 and 80 calories per 100 grams. Group B fruits provide more than 150 calories per 100 grams of fruit. Since nutrition experts recommend eating four servings of fruit a day, you should think about these numbers when eating fruit. If you only eat group A fruits, you will be eating between 160 and 300 calories a day. Not bad! But if you only eat fruits from group B, you will be gulping down more than 600 calories. Something to take into account.

final thoughts

As you have seen in this article, we cannot say that the fruit is fattening. What we have to remember when eating fruit is which fruits belong to which group and eat accordingly. By that I mean, eat more fruits from group A and use moderation when eating fruits from group B.

Have a healthy day

Emilia Klapp, BS, RD.

If you’re one of those people who can’t stand all the counting, tracking, adding, and graphing that some diets require, you might find refuge in a simple numerical scale: the glycemic index. On the other hand, you may find it another maddening way to complicate the simple act of eating.

The glycemic index is a measure of the quality of carbohydrate foods. It’s kind of like good carbs/bad carbs, depending on how they affect blood sugar. Although not new, it began to receive a lot of publicity when the anti-carb movement took hold.

Here’s how it works: On the glycemic index, pure glucose is arbitrarily assigned a score of 100; it doesn’t mean anything in particular; it’s just a fixed benchmark of how it has affected your blood sugar about two hours after eating. Then all other foods on the index are given a number relative to glucose and its effect on blood sugar.

Foods with a low ratio generally break down slowly and do not cause drastic fluctuations in blood sugar. Foods with a high index usually do. For example, green peas have an index of 39, while cornflakes have an index of 92.

Originally developed to help people, especially diabetics, control their blood sugar, the index includes mostly carbohydrate foods, because protein and fat do not have an immediate effect on blood sugar.

But assigning numbers to different foods based on their glycemic effect creates a scaled list of foods that ends up being a very useful tool for people with obesity and other health problems. This is because simply sticking to a low-glycemic diet tends to guide people toward healthier eating and weight loss, even when that’s not your specific goal.

Consider: Type II diabetes, as well as various cancers and cardiovascular disease, are highly correlated with high-index diets. There is plenty of research showing that lowering the overall glycemic index also reduces the risks of these problems.

This is because, almost by default, a low-index diet will include more fresh fruits and vegetables, more fiber, more dairy, all foods that offer essential nutrients, are more likely to be low in calories, and tend to keep the body satiated for longer. , enduring the next hunger spell. All of that usually adds up to weight loss, no matter the program.

Proponents of the index say it’s more useful than counting calories or grams of fat or carbohydrates, and actually offers a simplified approach to learning to eat better, but some experts caution that people shouldn’t worry too much about precise numbers. Instead, they urge people to pay attention to whether the foods they eat are low, medium, or high.

That’s because, as with any rule, there are exceptions to the fairly consistent physiological rules that underlie the index. For example, watermelon has a fairly high glycemic index, around 75, which is even higher than table sugar. Does that make it bad for you? No. Because despite its high index, watermelon actually has a pretty low glycemic load. That’s a measure based on the amount of food you’d actually eat, not just an arbitrary amount used in tests, like with the index.

The glycemic load of a food can be determined using the glycemic index of a food, divided by 100 and multiplied by the available carbohydrates you would eat. With most feeds, a low index is consistent with a low load, but there are peculiar exceptions. Of course, to find them, you’d have to do a lot of math again, and that’s not the way people normally eat.

That’s why doctors and nutrition experts encourage people who are trying to develop a healthy diet to avoid getting caught up in the numbers game and look more generally at the foods on the index, leaning toward those that rank higher. are at the lower end. Anything above 70 is considered a high index, 55 to 69 is medium, and below 55 are low glycemic index foods.

And look what’s in those groups: High-index foods include most breakfast cereals, white bread and other processed baked goods, most potatoes, ice cream, candy, and table sugar, your true Atkins nightmare.

The lowest index foods include cherries, grapefruit, broccoli, vegetables such as lentils and beans, most whole grain baked goods, and most dairy products. So even without counting calories or tracking specific index numbers, you can see that steering your diet toward the lower end of the index is sure to do you just fine.

We like to encourage patients to think about glycemic index and glycemic load as two more tools that can be helpful in developing healthier thinking and planning about eating habits.

One last thing to remember: There is no standardized list of glycemic indexes, and most indexes include brand-name items that people buy on a typical shopping trip, as well as more generic items like vegetables and fruit. This is one of the most useful aspects of listings, but only if you get one that relates to where you live.

If your average Southwest Floridian were to look at an index created in Australia, it wouldn’t be much help, because really, when was the last time you had a couple of Golden Pikelets with a nice glass of Milo?


Fruits tend to have a high glycemic index, so I recommend that people take their fruits with a meal or with some protein like cottage cheese or regular cheese. These protein sources help mitigate the glycemic effect of the fruit. Don’t let a high index number keep you from your apple a day.

Ok, here’s a little experiment to try. In a random survey of people you meet today, ask them two questions.

1. How do you feel about your body?
2. What about your weight? Do you want to lose, gain or maintain your current weight?

About 4 out of 5 will complain about how much they weigh more than the ideal body weight for their age and height. While others will talk about the lumps they want to remove. Most people will also want to lose the excess weight they think they are carrying. These will include people who you think are in the ideal weight class or who are staying thin. The obsession with losing weight seems to be a universal problem of the modern world.

There are basically 3 ways to lose excess weight. One is strict diet control. Watching every calorie you consume will automatically translate to weight loss. When you consume fewer calories than you normally burn, you will naturally lose weight.

Changing what you eat can also contribute to weight loss. Eating more protein and less processed carbohydrates, more fresh produce, and less sugar will help you in your weight loss process. It’s both Math and Biology working here. So, eat healthy and cut calories by around 500 calories from your normal dietary requirement and you’ll be well on your way to weight loss.

This simple change will work for those who only have about 5-10 pounds of excess weight to lose. However, if you are much more overweight, then you will need not only clean eating habits, strict dietary control, and something else. Junk and processed food should be completely removed from the equation if you are looking for a permanent way to lose weight.

Another way to lose weight is to lead a more active lifestyle. If you are a couch potato, simply adding a morning walk will help you shed excess fat and pounds. If you already walk, add a half hour of jogging or running to your schedule, increase the speed of your walking, or include cardio or strength training. Just move more. If you find yourself sitting for more than half an hour, get up and walk to the water cooler for a glass of water. That brings us to hydration. Drink plenty of water to keep your metabolism running in peak condition.

Besides diet, cleaner eating, and exercise, is there a good way to lose weight? No. But you should be evaluated by a health professional to find out if you have any health problems that are preventing you from doing your best weight loss efforts. A proper evaluation should reveal any problems. But don’t blame him for your lack of weight loss progress.

Get expert diet advice on a proper diet for your body type. Hire a professional to help you in the gym and tailor the right type of activities for you to lose weight.

A simple evaluation by professionals of your eating/exercise habits will reveal any gaps. If you’re consuming 3 cups of ice cream while staying within your calorie limit, you may still not be losing weight because those calories are coming from junk food.

You have to eat more natural and fresh foods as these not only provide vital nutrients but also need calories to digest. So in effect, you’re actually burning even more. Sugary things do not require any effort from your body to digest.

You may also be underestimating your calorie intake. So do it the right way by getting professional help.

Jumper’s knee pain

The patella tendon attaches the kneecap to the shin bone. This, along with the quadriceps muscles, allows the knee to bend and straighten, providing power for lifting and stabilization when landing. Certain physical activities, especially those that involve a lot of jumping and directional movement, such as basketball and volleyball, increase stress on the patellar tendon and accompanying quadriceps muscles. This gradual increase in tension over time results in the patella tendon and surrounding tissue becoming irritated and inflamed, thus creating the condition known as jumper’s knee or patellar tendonitis. This is a fairly common injury in athletes.

Symptoms of jumper’s knee

The first symptom that people with jumper’s knee present is pain in the lower part of the kneecap; this can be followed by swelling. As the condition progresses, people may experience pain and stiffness after exertion, and in some cases, weakness in the calves. In extreme cases, grinding sounds can be heard and swelling occurs in the knee.

Jumper’s Knee Treatment

Jumper’s knee can be classified into four different grades and treatment depends on which grade one is in. The grades are as follows:

• Grade 1: This is when the pain occurs in the lower part of the kneecap but only after training. This can be treated by resting, icing the affected area, and elevating the leg.

• Grade 2: This is when the pain occurs both before and after physical activity. Reducing activity usually works, however light physiotherapy may be required along with the methods mentioned above in grade 1.

• Grade 3: This is the stage where pain occurs during activity. The treatment is the same as those mentioned in grades 1 and 2.

• Grade 4: This is the most serious case as the pain is now constant and occurs during daily activities. An extensive break from physical activity is required at this stage, for at least four months. If the pain persists, surgery may be required, although it should be a last resort. Surgery is usually agreed upon after all other treatments have been ruled out and the tendon can be seen as degenerative on an MRI.

Other treatment methods include strengthening the calf muscles and quadriceps, proper stretching before activities also helps reduce the risk. A special type of massage treatment known as transverse friction/cross fiber friction massage is also used. Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and Voltaren may be used to control pain and reduce swelling.

Treatment of jumper’s knee is slow and it can take months before one makes a full recovery. Once the system recovers, it is highly recommended to stretch the quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles before physical activity. Getting into the habit of stretching and warming up and cooling down reduces the risk of the problem happening again.

Jumper’s knee can have a huge impact on an athlete’s career, however, with proper awareness of this issue and adjustments to training methods, this is an obstacle that can be easily overcome when one seeks to get one’s life back on track. life.