Category Archive : Legal Law

Cloud computing is the delivery of shared resources, software, and information over the Internet. It is a relatively new delivery model for IT services and provides users with a completely different way to use and manage their IT software and platforms. A common way to use cloud computing is to subscribe to or pay a monthly fee to use a particular software solution. Instead of the software being installed directly on a user’s computer, the user accesses the software remotely, through their web browser.

Some of the generic benefits of cloud computing include:

  • cost: Cost can be greatly reduced as capital expenses are converted to operating expenses, lowering barriers to entry
  • local independence– Users can access systems using a web browser, regardless of their location or device they are using
  • Scalability and maximum load capacity: Using cloud software means companies can handle spikes in demand with ease
  • reliability: Reliability is improved, making it a more secure option for disaster recovery.
  • Maintenance: This is easier in cloud computing since the software is not installed on the user’s computer; which means that support and updates are managed and assumed by the provider itself.

Event managers can take advantage of cloud computing and use it to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of their events.

Two of the most popular cloud software solutions for event managers are:

google docs

Google Docs is a fantastic example of cloud computing. Traditionally, working with a master document on a conventional server or network could cause many problems, such as:

  • Not knowing if you’re working on the latest version
  • Only one person at a time can access
  • Only those working on the server/network will be able to access the document
  • Duplication issues

However, hosting documents in the cloud means that key members of the event team (and external partners and vendors) can access documents anytime, anywhere (internet connection pending). There is no limit to the number of people who can view the document at any one time, updates are made in real time, and there are no issues with document duplication. Additionally, hosting documents in the cloud is also more secure as they are not dependent on the security of the network or server they would normally be stored on.

Event management software

Event software is starting to play a key role in organizing and managing events. The comprehensive event management software includes features such as:

Website integration: event software should seamlessly integrate with your existing website without the need to redesign or rebrand

Online registration: Event management software should allow event managers to create a fully customizable online booking form that captures the most relevant information from their delegates.

event communication: Clear and targeted communication to your audience of delegates is crucial, the event system should include integrated event communication tools such as email marketing, invites and surveys.

Event Badges: One of the most time-consuming jobs for an event manager is the production of delegate credentials. Event software allows you to create custom badges before or during the event simply and quickly

Event resource management: Manage and assign all resources easily through a comprehensive calendar function, providing full control of all aspects of the event management process.

event finances: Technology enables event managers to offer a variety of options for delegates to pay online securely and reliably, providing ease of use through automation

event reports: Determining the true ROI of events can be determined and managed through a powerful set of reports and analytics.

event scheduler– Manage and schedule multifaceted one-on-one meetings for your delegates and vendors simply and efficiently

Venue management softwareThey are: Flexible venue planning and scheduling tools that manage event venues regardless of the type of events being held.

Document managementnt – An easy way to publish and manage speaker summaries and biographies

Event software can help event managers create more effective and successful events. Research has shown that during the current economic downturn, many event businesses have begun to harness the benefits of event automation and technology to help stay afloat. Increasing the efficiency and lowering the cost of hosting events is helping to increase the return on investment provided to both the event company and the delegates who attend.

A cloud-based event management solution offers the opportunity for event managers to manage event teams and service delegate requests and reservations, from anywhere at any time. At the same time, event promotions, reservations, cancellations and updates can also be made using the Internet as a key delivery vehicle.

From an event managers point of view, cloud event management software will handle high volumes of outgoing transactions (email newsletters, invitations, etc.) and incoming transactions (event bookings, modifications, cancellations etc.). , etc.), saving time and money. while giving delegates a smoother and better experience.

From a management point of view, a cloud-based event management solution provides the mechanism for real-time monitoring of all event activities: event managers can get an accurate view of the status of active events, what stage of particular event marketing campaigns they are in and the feedback they are receiving about their ongoing event program. External partners (coaches, speakers, sponsors, caterers, venue managers, etc.) can also easily and securely access the event-related details they need access to and can respond to any change of the event that affects them. again in real time.

Having a cloud-based event management solution opens up significant opportunities to integrate the solution with complementary apps and solutions both internally and externally. For example:


  • finance apps
  • Customer and contact management solutions


  • Associated Websites
  • Third Party Online Payment Providers
  • social media environments

With a cloud-based event management solution, event management becomes entirely a business issue and IT issues are handled by the cloud application provider. The availability of the event management solution, data backup and security, as well as the scalability of the solution at peak times are transparently managed by the cloud application provider.

Behaviorism is a school of psychology that emerged in the 20th century. Behaviorists believe that human behavior is the result of reinforcement and punishment for certain behaviors or is the result of a response to environmental stimuli. The earliest example of behaviorist ideas dates back to Edward Thorndike’s Law of Effect in 1905. The Law of Effect states that “responses that produce a satisfactory effect in a particular situation are more likely to occur again in that situation, and responses that produce an upsetting effect are less likely to reoccur in that situation.” This is the principle on which conditioning is based.

Conditioning is the process of psychologically manipulating an animal or person to behave in a particular way. Ivan Pavlov (1902) was the first person to attempt conditioning with his dogs and therefore his type of conditioning is known as Pavlovian Conditioning or Classical Conditioning. Later, BF Skinner (1948) would extend this idea with his work on rats and develop Operant Conditioning. It was the combination of classical and operant conditioning that became the basis of behaviorism.

classical conditioning

Ivan Pavlov first discovered conditioning when he was working on gastric function in dogs. He collected and analyzed their saliva, but noticed that the dogs salivated before they were given food and even when the person feeding them approached. Pavlov realized that dogs had come to associate their feeders with the food itself and began experiments to examine this.

Pavlov noticed that dogs had responses to certain stimuli that were genetically programmed into them. For example, dogs salivating when presented with food would be an unconditioned response (UR) and the food itself would be an unconditioned stimulus (US). It would then be possible to pair a neutral stimulus (NS) with the unconditioned stimulus (US) to produce a conditioned response (CR). A higher pairing frequency of neutral stimuli (NS) and unconditioned stimuli (US) makes conditioning more likely to occur.

For example, Pavlov (1902) rang a bell (NS) just as the dogs received food (US). This causes the dogs to salivate (UR). After enough pairings, the dogs come to associate the sound of the bell with the presentation of food, so the sound of the bell was enough to produce salivation. The sound of the bell had become a conditioned stimulus (CS) and salivation had become a conditioned response (CR).

Extinction, Generalization and Discrimination

Conditioning, in this way, is more effective if the neutral stimulus (NS) slightly precedes the unconditioned stimulus (US). If the unconditioned stimulus (US) produces a strong reaction, conditioning will occur more quickly. Also, in a process called extinction, the conditioned response (CR) caused by the conditioned stimulus (CS) will weaken over time if it is not strengthened by pairing the conditioned stimulus (CS) with the unconditioned stimulus (US). Conditioning can also be generalized. That means that a stimulus similar to the conditioned stimulus (CS) will produce a weaker conditioned response (CR). However, if presented with a neutral stimulus (NS) that is similar to the conditioned stimulus (CS), the dog may not react. This means that the dog has discriminated the neutral stimulus (NS) and requires a closer stimulus to produce the conditioned response (CR).

emotional conditioning

Emotional conditioning refers to instances of classical conditioning that produce an emotional response. It is about associating neutral stimuli (NS) with stimuli that naturally produce an emotional reaction. The types of conditioned responses (CRs) caused by emotional conditioning include our fears and phobias, the products we buy, and can even produce drug cravings in former drug users. A phobia can be induced when a neutral stimulus (NS) precedes an adverse one such as the rat phobia that Watson and Rayner (1920) produced in Little Albert. The products are neutral stimuli (NS) that can be converted into conditioned stimuli (CS) that elicit an emotional response. They do this by associating themselves with celebrities and desirable life situations in advertising.

Operant conditioning

Operant Conditioning is a type of conditioning developed by BF Skinner (1948) through his experiments with rats. Based on Thorndike’s Law of Effect (1905), operant conditioning postulates that behaviors that are followed by a positive state of affairs are more likely to be repeated in the future. The difference is that Operant Conditioning allows the subject to operate on her environment and introduces the ideas of reinforcement and punishment into the conditioning.

Reinforcers are things that create a “positive state of affairs.” Therefore, they increase the probability that a response will be repeated. Primary reinforcers directly satisfy a biological need like comfort or food, and secondary reinforcers are things that become associated with the primary reinforcer through classical conditioning. There are two types of reinforcement: positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is receiving something positive to increase the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated, such as being paid for working hard, which makes one more likely to work hard. Negative reinforcement is the removal of something negative to increase the repetition of the behavior. For example, if pressing a lever prevents you from getting electrocuted. This is also an example of escape learning.

If a subject learns to carry out a behavior to stop a negative experience, it is said that he is carrying out escape learning. Furthermore, if a subject learns to perform a behavior to prevent a negative situation from occurring, she is said to be engaging in avoidance learning. If a subject cannot perform behaviors that stop or prevent negative situations, he can become depressed. He has experienced slanting helplessness which was examined by Martin Seligman (1974) and his experiments with dogs.

Reinforcement schedules

As with classical conditioning, a behavior can undergo the process of extinction. Different schedules of reinforcement have a strong effect on the speed with which a behavior is adopted and the rate of extinction of the behavior. Ferster and Skinner (1957) created new schedules of reinforcement and examined their effect on response rate, the rate at which the behavior was repeated, and extinction rate, the rate at which the behavior ceased. The 5 reinforcement schedules are: Continuous, Fixed Rate, Variable Rate, Fixed Interval, Variable Interval.

Continuous Reinforcement: Continuous reinforcement is where the behavior is reinforced each time it is performed. It has the slowest response rate but the fastest extinction rate.

Fixed Ratio Boost: Fixed rate reinforcement is where the behavior is reinforced at a fixed rate, such as every 3 or 5 times the behavior is performed. It has a fast response rate and a decent extinction rate.

Variable boost ratio: Variable-rate reinforcement is where the behavior is reinforced in varying proportions, such as an average of every 5 times the behavior is performed. It has a fast average response rate and the extinction rate is very slow. It is the best method to condition behavior.

Fixed interval boost: Fixed interval reinforcement is where the behavior is reinforced after a fixed time, such as every 5 minutes. The response rate and extinction rate is average.

Variable Interval Boost: Variable interval reinforcement is where behavior is reinforced at random time intervals. The response rate is fast and the extinction rate is slow.


Punishments are things that cause a negative outcome to decrease the frequency of the behavior that preceded it. Punishment is most effective when it is administered immediately after undesirable behavior, when it is applied consistently, and when it is intense enough to repress the behavior. Punishment generally suppresses rather than extinguishes behavior and does not help people develop more appropriate behaviors.

There are two types of punishment: positive punishment and negative punishment. Positive punishment is the addition of something negative, like punishing someone. Negative punishment is the removal of something positive. For example, taking away someone’s freedom for committing a crime.

Positive punishment can often be confused with negative reinforcement. The distinction lies in how negative reinforcement increases the occurrence of a behavior because it allows the subject to escape from an adverse situation. On the contrary, positive punishment decreases the probability that a behavior will cause an adverse situation.


Ferster, C. B. and Skinner, B. F. (1957). reinforcement schedules.

Pavlov, IP (1902). The work of the digestive glands. London: Griffin.

Seligman, MEP (1974). Depression and learned helplessness. In RJ Friedman and MM Katz (Eds.), The Psychology of Depression: Contemporary Theory and Research. Washington DC: Winston-Wiley.

Skinner, B.F. (1948). Superstition’ in the pigeon. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 38, 168-172

Thorndike, E. L. (1905). The elements of psychology. New York: AG Seiler.

Watson, John B. and Rayner, Rosalie. (1920). Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3, 1-14.

Help is available, and the law is on your side. His promise is simple: every child counts. Every child has the right to an education. Every eligible child with a disability is entitled to a “special” education, one that confers “significant benefits.” That’s what Congress has said. That is what the Supreme Court of the United States has said.

The law protects all children. The law protects you as the father of your child.

Individualized Education Plan (IEP) – Every special education student must have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) developed by a team that includes parents, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals. An IEP sets educational goals and describes the special services that will be provided to the student.

Due Process: Special education law provides many due process hearings and appeal procedures.

“Section 504” classroom accommodations are available to many students (K-12 and college) who have disabilities.

There are only five modes of communication that can lead to a disability; They are auditory, visual, verbal, nonverbal, and tactical communication.

If your child’s disability is affecting his or her education, he or she may be eligible for services under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. IDEA requires public schools to locate and identify children with disabilities who may need specialized education. These children must “have available” a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs” 20 USC sec. 140(d). children with disabilities should “to the maximum extent appropriate [be] educated with children who are not disabled” 20 USC 1412 (e)(5).

Many parents find themselves in a situation where their child is having academic difficulties or discipline problems at school. Many times, there may be an unidentified disability causing these problems. If they have a disability that is negatively affecting their education, they would likely benefit from special education services.

Special education services may include:

occupational therapy

speech and language therapy

Resource Specialist Programs

Modification of regular education programs

special day classes

non public schools

Residential treatment, and many more.

If you think your child will benefit from special education services, call a professional. Your child only goes through her educational process once, so give your child the best chance for the future by making sure she gets the kind of education that helps her learn and succeed. Nothing is more important for her future.

Baldness is a common problem among men and women. Hair transplant is a comprehensive solution to the problem. Why does this happen and why is it considered a very common problem? One of the reasons why people are so careless about hair that they only focus on faces. These suckers quote that people take a facial by the thousands but refuse to take a hair spa by the hundreds, that’s where we’re at. This is one of the main reasons why men and women look to surgeons for a solution.

Hair transplant is a simple surgery where the surgeons will fill you with hair where they see you bald. There are 2 methods to do this, one if follicular unit surgery and follicular unit extraction. In surgery, the doctor will place a strip on the head where high baldness is found. It is divided into 500 grafts and each graft will have few hairs. The type of graft used depends on the quality and color. This surgeon will decide that. Grafting also depends on the size where the graft is obtained and follicular unit extraction is done a lot among men as they have a lot of baldness.

Follicle technique used for hair transplantation –
The hair follicles are removed one by one and they will create holes in the scalp and plant the new hair follicles. Basically, like growing a crop, we do the same thing. Since it is a highly risky process, the hair transplant surgeon is requested to be clean while doing it. The surgeon will place the graft at equal intervals or as desired by the patient. Since this procedure is critical and there are chances that the brain will be affected, people are very cautious about it. The patient and the surgeon should talk before going to surgery.

The hair transplant surgeon must clearly explain the procedure so that the patient is prepared in advance. Due to advancements in the medical field, hair restoration techniques appear to be useful and promising. Improvements in hair loss treatments are made and also combined with some mini procedures. Still, this treatment is promising and results-oriented for baldness. You will never get the same result that you get from this surgery.

Tips before and after surgery –
After the surgery, this surgeon instructs the patient to stay out of the sun and to touch the scalp frequently. It can disturb follicles that are not yet stable. Consuming liquor or smoking is strictly prohibited. Any sport or exercise should be avoided as physical activity can disturb the follicles. When you have decided to use this surgery, you should listen to the surgeon blindly. Anything you can’t hear, then you don’t need to have the surgery. If you’re not in full mediation, then it’s a waste to take this.

The world is wide and beautiful. It is full of natural and man-made wonders. We all love seeing new places and spending time relaxing and on vacation. Today, people spend large sums of money on trips and expeditions to different places in the world. There are so many tourist attractions in the world that tourism has become one of the biggest industries of modern times. There are innumerable places that are worth visiting and ideal for spending the holidays. Before you decide to visit any place, you need to collect relevant information about that place. You need to be very aware of the different facts like hotels, transportation, etc. about that location. It is not advisable to travel anywhere without prior agreement. This requires careful preparation and perfect arrangements. It is suggested that you seek guidance from professional authorities before planning your tour.

Travel agents play a very important role in this scenario. They can assist you and also organize excursions for you. These agents help the various tourists with the help of a variety of information. They help travelers to organize their tours by providing information about hotels, weather conditions of the desired place and other important information. These agents have a wealth of information and data about the various locations. They give clients advice on destinations. They have a great deal of experience in terms of organizing the tours. They handle all your requirements related to air ticket reservations, arranging the taxis, booking the best hotels and guest houses for you. In simple words, tour agents can plan your entire tour with their amazing packages and deals. Since they are specialists in this field, you can easily rely on them for the best arrangements. You may not be able to contact hotels, local transportation, etc., as you may not have enough contacts in all countries or cities.

These agents are really a major source of cruise line reservations, airline reservations, etc. They have sufficient arrangements for booking rooms at various high-end resorts and hotels. Large travel groups and motel chains often coordinate with these agents just to promote their packages. An efficient agent can help you find a great package with attractive offers at lucrative prices. They have enough knowledge about the various destinations and places. They have the ability to guide the tourists about the places, the local decree, the culture and the main attractions of various places. These efficient agents can advise you on the various legal procedures, customs regulations, etc. in case you travel around the countries. They offer you information for the required documents such as Visa, passports, etc. You can also seek guidance on currency exchange etc. Taking the help of the reliable travel agents is therefore a wise decision.

They help you plan your entire tour with complete airline arrangements, hotel reservations, meals and also your transportation like taxi etc. They also have the responsibility to make alternative arrangements and reservations in the event of cancellation or changes to planned trips. Agents use various sources, such as websites, travel journals, etc., to obtain information about different hotels, rates, etc. They help travelers find discounts on their trips. Agents must have complete knowledge about the different hotels and restaurants to be able to suggest these places to their clients.

So, if you’re planning a fun-filled vacation in the beautiful and serene surroundings of Switzerland or thinking of visiting New York to pursue business opportunities, try enlisting the help of a well-known travel agent who can help you plan your trip. travel with great efficiency. With the help of an efficient agent, you will be able to enjoy your travels. They are dedicated to offering you wonderful services so that you can have complete fun, comfort and fascination during your travels.

Public speaking is one of the highest paying careers today. Whether the economy is up or down, public speakers are always in high demand. One of the things that will ensure that you are always in demand as a speaker is your ability to communicate. Your ability to communicate successfully is literally your golden egg. Here are three steps that will greatly improve your ability to communicate in front of an audience.

Step 1 – Eliminate your fear of public speaking –

Speaking anxiety will keep you from being the best communicator you can be. Communication goes beyond simply pronouncing words. The words are simply the carriers of the intention. So it is the intention that communicates, not the words. When you feel anxiety, your intention is not communicated as directly and with full power. To really have the full impact of what you’re trying to communicate, you need to be comfortable with who and what you are right now. When you feel comfortable in front of an audience the intention of your message is communicated directly with impact and you will achieve the desired result.

Step 2 – Practice, Practice, Practice!

You have heard this many times. This step will go a long way in helping you become “one” with the message you will be conveying. Remember that you are delivering intention through the words you speak, so practicing allows you to sharpen the delivery of your intention. This is very powerful, so don’t overlook it. This will increase your ability to get the results you expected at the end of your speech.

Step 3 – Start working on improving your personal life –

Who you are as a person radiates and can be perceived. If your intentions are good, the people around you can sense it. Most people are generally good, so one way to make yourself stand out, by being better, above the crowd is to improve yourself.

How to improve yourself:

A. Think of an area of ​​life that really sucks for you.

B. Think about how you would like that area of ​​life to be instead.

C. Buy books or take seminars and workshops that deal with improving that area of ​​life.

When you eliminate your anxiety about speaking, practice practicing your speech before you go on stage, and continually work on improving your personal life, you’ll be recognized as a super effective communicator in front of an audience giving your presentations with confidence and power! You will have discovered yourself to be a really bad public speaker!

Having a teen self-harm can be very, very scary for a parent. Teen self-harm is a topic that has been featured more in the news and media, so it is being talked about more than in the past. It is important to note that many teens get piercings and/or tattoos. While this is concerning to many parents, it’s usually done because teens want to look good and fit in, and it’s not the same as teens getting cut or burned. If you’re the parent of a teen who tattoos or pierces excessively, you may want to explore what’s driving this behavior (especially if the tattooing or piercing isn’t done professionally), however, it’s usually teens seeking to create their own identity, trying to fit in or being rebellious.

Self-harm, on the other hand, involves teens cutting, scratching, or burning themselves to make themselves feel better. It sounds counterintuitive at first… why would someone hurt themselves to make themselves feel better? What often happens is that these teens are hurting inside and feel like they can’t control their inner pain, therefore they create a pain they can control as a way to release the inner pain. In general, when teens self-harm, they don’t want to die, they’re just looking for some relief from their internal pain in the moment. The scary thing, though, is that sometimes teens cut themselves too much, causing very permanent damage or even death, even though that was not their intention.

Teens who cut or burn themselves often keep this behavior a secret and cut themselves in places that are covered by clothing because they are ashamed of their behavior and know it is not socially acceptable. It can be difficult for parents to notice the warning signs because many times these teens seem fine and show no apparent signs of distress. It is important to note that any one of the signs below by itself is not necessarily a cause for alarm, however, noticing several of these signs in your teen may be cause for concern:

1. Wear long-sleeved shirts or pants even in very hot weather.
2. Acting vague and evasive or angry when asked about cuts, burns, or scabs.
3. Refusing to wear a bathing suit in the summer (unrelated to feeling embarrassed about their weight) when they would normally have liked swimming
4. Keep razors or lighters in your room.
5. Appearing more reserved than usual: Spending a lot of time alone in your room.
6. Dispose of bloody tissues in your bedroom or bathroom
7. Partnering with a partner who is known to self-harm
8. Being suspected by anyone of self-harm (friends, teachers, family members, etc.)

Teens who cut themselves can cut themselves on almost anything, however, they often use the following items: razors, thumbtacks, forks, knives, broken glass, paper clips, broken CDs, needles, staples, fingernails, earrings, and scissors. Teens who self-injure by burning may use the following items: lighters, matches, cigarettes, and erasers that rub against the skin to create friction. Other forms of self-harm can include biting, head banging, interfering with wound healing, hitting things excessively, and hair pulling. While rates of self-harm are thought to be higher in adolescent girls, we know that adolescents engage in this behavior as well.

If you suspect or know that your teen is self-harming, you should ask about it. They may feel a sense of relief and be very honest with you, or they may continue to deny what they’re doing. It is helpful for parents who are concerned about self-harm and who are addressing this with their teen to stay calm during the discussion. By staying calm, your teen is more likely to talk openly with you about what’s going on. You can ask questions and let them know if she doesn’t fully understand; Teens generally appreciate honesty and may take the opportunity to explain things better to you.

As a parent, you shouldn’t focus on blaming yourself for your teen’s self-harm. You are probably not responsible at all, and focusing on this will not be helpful to you or your teen. If your teen self-harms, it’s important to get professional help. It is important for you as a parent to be involved in the treatment process with them and help them learn to express what they feel inside and manage it in a healthier way by using coping skills. You never want to bribe your teen to stop self-harming or try to coddle her after she self-harms to make her feel better. While I have seen parents do this for all the right reasons, what happens is that teens see this as another benefit of self-harming and lose whatever motivation they may have had to change their current behavior. Consulting with a professional can be very helpful for parents of teens who self-injure. As is the case with anything, if you are concerned that your teen is suicidal or in serious risk, you should seek emergency services immediately.

the atlantics were formed in January 1976 by bassist Bruce Wilkinson and guitarist Tom Hauck, two students at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. They were joined by drummer Boby Bear and lead guitarist Jeff Lock. To complete the lineup, Wilkinson recruited singer Bobby Marron, a friend from Wilkinson’s hometown of New Jersey.

The Atlantics played their first concert in the spring of 1976 at The Rat in Kenmore Square. In May 1976 they opened for the Ramones, who played two nights at The Club in Central Square. The Atlantics made their first trips to New York in the summer of 1976, playing at CBGB and Max’s Kansas City. The band quickly became an important and authentic part of the emerging punk/new wave movement.

The following spring, Ray Fernandes replaced Boby Bear on drums. In the summer of 1977, the Atlantics recorded their first independent 45 on Jukebox Records, “When You’re Young”, written by Bruce Wilkinson, backed by “Where Would I Be Without Your Love”, written by Jeff Lock. A thousand copies were printed but never released, and the single is now considered a collector’s item. In the spring of 1978, Jeff Lock left the band and was replaced by Fred Pineau of the Bonjour Aviators.

The Atlantics signed to ABC Records that summer, and in December the band recorded their BIG CITY ROCK LP at the Hit Factory in New York. The album was released in March 1979, just after ABC Records had been sold to MCA Records. His new label, along with Premier Talent, put the Atlantics on a national tour with Roxy Music, followed by a New England regional tour. The band performed with artists such as The Ramones, The Cars, Cheap Trick, Boston, Graham Parker, Talking Heads and many others. Bruce Wilkinson’s single “One Last Night” received regional and international airplay, and the album garnered a rave review in Rolling Stone.

In the summer of 1979, Paul Caruso joined the group as drummer, and the band returned in 1980 with what would become one of New England’s biggest independent singles, “Lonelyhearts”, written by Tom Hauck. It was the flip side of “Can’t Wait Forever,” a Motown-flavored song by Bruce Wilkinson. “Lonelyhearts” shot to the top of the New England radio and dance music charts and stayed for months, and can still be heard on Boston radio stations, including WFNX-FM.

Over the next two years, the Atlantic released several more songs on tape to Boston radio stations, including “Pop Shivers”, “Wrong Number” and “Weekend”. In June 1983, the band played their last show on the Boston Channel.

The original analog tapes of many of Atlantic’s most popular songs were consigned to storage. In 2006 these tapes were recovered and thirteen tracks were digitally restored for the ATLANTICS CD. These tracks were recorded between 1979 and 1982 in studios in the Boston area and have no overdubs or other alterations. In 2007, the Atlantics threw a live set from the Paradise club in Boston. ATLANTICS LIVE was recorded in March 1979 and features many of BIG CITY ROCK’s songs. Atlantics CDs are available from CDbaby and from Newbury Comics.

In October 2011, the Atlantics had the honor of including the cover of the “Lonelyhearts” single in a wonderful new book by Matthew Chojnacki: “Put the Needle on the Record”. It’s a collection of over 250 covers of singles by artists ranging from The Ramones to Pat Benatar to Run-DMC. The versions are accompanied by comments from the artists. The cover for “Lonelyhearts” was designed by Tibor Kalman, who had recently founded M&Co, which became a leading design firm. When the band first met Tibor, he had other ideas; one of them was covering the sleeve with sandpaper (rough side out!). The band thought this was a good idea, but it wouldn’t endear them to record retailers or radio stations. The cover concept they chose, the rows of tiny photos of the band members, was an instant hit and luckily the song was too.

© 2011 Thomas Hauck Communications Services

My favorites though and in no particular order are Leopards Creek and Pezula Resort in South Africa, TPC in Sawgrass known as the 5th largest and Seminole in Florida, Turberry Ailsa soon to host the Ryder Cup again and Royal Durnoch in Scotland, Pinehurst and Ocean on Kaiwah Island in South Carolina, Ballybunnion & Royal County Down in Ireland, Valderrama in Spain, home of the 97 Ryder Cup, and Casa do Campo in the Dominican Republic.

It’s no wonder they were all voted among the top 100 courses in the world by Golf Digest in 2009 and to me choosing one of them would be disrespectful to the others as they are fantastic courses. I think all golfers looking for a golf break or golf vacation should take the opportunity to play some of these fantastic courses.

Other courses outside the top 100 within Europe but definitely essential to play are San Lorenzo in Algrave, Penha Longa and Oitavos in Lisbon. In Italy the course at Poggio dei Medici and Palazzo Arzaga, in Spain the courses at the resorts of Villa Padierna and Finca Cortesin the venue of the Volvo Masters. In France I would recommend the Four Seasons Provence, in Turkey and Cyprus the new Faldo courses like Elea.

Around the world I would highly recommend the White Witch & Half Moon in Jamiaca, Le Touessrok in Mauritius, Blue Monster at Doral in Miami and Champions at PGA National, Majlis and Four Seasons in Dubai and TPC Stadium at Fairmont in Scottsdale. Others are the Canouan Island Trump Course in the Grenadines, the Banyan Tree Course in Thailand, and last but not least the Palmeraie Golf Palace Course in Marrakech with the excellent Abu Dhabi Golf Club, home of the PGA European Tour.

I hope I’ve whetted every golfer’s appetite with just a taste of what you can play if you’re thinking of traveling on a golf vacation in the near future. At Exclusive Golf we can fulfill your dreams of playing on the same courses as your peers, that’s why we love golf, no other sport can offer this.

We all like to save money, especially when we save money by buying something that we really need in our lives like home appliances. The only room that takes center stage is the kitchen and we are all undoubtedly looking for great deals, which would include a tremendous gas stove price.

Gas stoves bring the power of fire to the kitchen, and for those who make the kitchen their refuge, being able to harness this power leads to some of life’s most satisfying moments, as well as some of its most delicious moments. While it can be intimidating to deal with an open flame, it can be more stressful to know if you’re getting a lot of savings when you buy a gas stove.

Sometimes appliance stores sell a package of kitchen appliances together so that with one purchase you can decorate your kitchen with all the appliances you need. It may sound tempting, but some people consider themselves savvy enough in the kitchen to justify buying a gas stove to find “the best.”

The truth is that “the best” always varies from person to person and from family to family. It is these types of dilemmas that make it vital to really know what to look for when shopping for the right gas stove.

Fortunately, appliance experts can agree that these five secrets could give you the inside scoop as you enter the market:

Spending more does not give you more – Many consumer publications and services point out that some of the best models can often give you the most options at a great price. Although the ‘pro’ model is good, you might get more for your money a price level or two lower.

Know your needs – You are single? In a relationship where you both live together? Do you have children or plan to have children? An answer to these simple questions can help point you in the right direction to buying the right gas stove for you.

have a budget – As with any remodeling/restoration/replacement situation, you never want to leave home without setting a budget. A working budget allows you not to spend more than you can afford, plus it makes you a little more diligent in finding the stove that meets your criteria.

Resale value or value in use – Real estate gurus note that many sellers are doing everything they can to increase the resale value of their home, including some high-end appliances. You need to think about whether your choice of gas stove today has great resale value and nothing else or if you prefer great resale value even after real life use.

choose the right day – Traders and consumer experts point out that finding the right day to buy is very important when looking for a good deal on a gas stove or any appliance. Thursdays are high on the list, as the sale prices for the weekend start to rise. Plus, holiday sales are actually great ways to get your gas stove at the right price. Finally, depending on whether your local appliance store employs people on commission, making ends meet can be a way to have a little more leverage in the bargaining game.

A good gas stove price can make a tough decision easier simply because you’re saving a little extra change in your pocket. Just make sure you know what you’re looking for before you buy.