Category Archive : Lifestyle Fashion

Are you worried about enlarged pores? While large skin pores are often genetic or the result of our lack of proper skin care, it is one of the leading causes of skin problems among us women. Yes, we understand that our skin pores or glands serve a great purpose (the secretions from the skin pores are one of the body’s important immune defenses that protect the interior from the external environment reducing the chance of infection), but the pores large ones are simply unpleasant to look at.

Why worry about enlarged pores?

Large pores equals oily skin. The rush of oily skin is especially serious for people who have large pores. Due to the size of the pores, this leads to excessive production of sebum (substance secreted by our sebaceous glands that prevents hair and skin from drying out) resulting in oily skin.

Large pores are prone to skin irritations. Excess sebum production from enlarged pores can lead to a number of skin problems including acne, unsightly skin, rashes and blackheads.

Enlarged pores can lead to a cycle of stress and insecurity. You can call it vain, but some people can’t stand the sight of oversized pores. It can cause insecurity and discomfort, which can lead to stress and can trigger a vicious cycle of excessive sebum production that can lead to other skin problems.

While you can’t minimize the size of your pores without surgery, an easy and inexpensive beauty remedy like this homemade tomato and lemon face mask can help reduce the appearance of your skin’s pores, as well as minimize excess sebum production. of your skin.

Of lemons and tomatoes

Tomatoes are an exceptional treatment for enlarged pore skin, as their naturally acidic properties help balance skin and remove excess oil. It also has cooling elements to soothe rough skin and tons of vitamin C and A, which brighten dull skin!

Tomatoes are also rich in phytochemicals (hyperlink) that aid in our system’s process of preventing disease and removing toxins from our bodies, leaving us (and our skin!) healthy and nourished.

Lemon, on the other hand, has many tasty and healthy uses when added to foods and drinks, but did you know that lemon juice is a natural antiseptic medicine? It helps in curing dullness of the skin as it is an excellent source of vitamin C. It improves the skin by rejuvenating it from within and thus gives that lovely glow to your face. Its antiseptic properties also help remove blackheads and unclog pores with excess sebum.

Now, with these two ingredients in today’s inexpensive and effortless DIY mask that combines the skin-enriching properties of lemon and the cooling effect of tomato, you can effectively cleanse and minimize pores. You are sure to see a big difference in your skin once you apply this unique combination of ingredients! Enjoy!



1 ripe tomato
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon oatmeal


1. Scoop out and mash the ripe tomatoes in a bowl.
2. Put all the ingredients: tomato puree, lemon juice and oatmeal in a blender, then puree.
3. Apply to clean face and leave for about 15 minutes.
4. Rinse with lukewarm water, then pat dry.

Are you depressed: anxious or depressed? If so, your serotonin levels may be low. Serotonin is one of the most amazing and important substances in your body, and when it gets low, problems develop. What is? It is a neurotransmitter that helps transmit messages along neurons from one region of the brain to another. Low levels not only lead to depression and anxiety, but can also cause other problems like insomnia, loss of appetite, and memory loss, to name just a few. Therefore, it is in your best interest to ensure that it stays high.

Several foods contain serotonin, but they are not very helpful, since serotonin cannot be directly absorbed by the brain. Eating the right foods, however, is the right approach. What you want to eat are foods that contain tryptophan; it is one of the 20 amino acids in your body (amino acids are the building blocks of protein in your body). But simply eating foods that contain tryptophan is not enough. The problem is that tryptophan has to get from the blood to the brain to be useful, and under normal circumstances, it can’t get through. The reason is that there are 20 different amino acids in your blood at any given time (they come from the protein you eat) and they are all trying to get into your brain. Some are relatively large, and with such a large number trying to get in at once, the tryptophan gets blocked. You can think of the entrance to your brain as a door with a large number of people trying to get in at the same time. If you are in this group, your chances of getting in are relatively small. The same goes for tryptophan, and as a result, very little reaches your brain, even though there may be a good supply in your blood.

So you need to cut down on the competition and you can do that by eating carbs. Carbohydrates produce insulin, and this insulin sends the amino acids from the blood into the body, all except tryptophan. When tryptophan finds that it no longer has competition, it rushes to the brain where it is converted into serotonin.

Your first step, therefore, is to eat foods that contain tryptophan. Some of the best are;

  • Turkey: 0.37 g per quarter cup
  • Chicken: 0.28 g per quarter cup
  • Cottage cheese: 0.4 g per cup
  • Wheat germ: 0.4 g per cup
  • Eggs: 0.1 g each

Other excellent sources are dairy products, soy, nuts, and bananas.

Once you have a good supply of tryptophan in your blood, you should eat carbohydrates. They will allow your brain to absorb tryptophan. Some of the best carbohydrates for this are:

  • whole grains
  • Oatmeal
  • Wholemeal bread and cookies
  • Beans
  • Pasta

However, it is important to eat complex carbohydrates and avoid simple carbohydrates like cookies, candy, and chips. Also, you should leave some time between foods with tryptophan and carbohydrates, if possible. Carbohydrate snacks can be used after the main meal. It’s also important to make sure you don’t overload on protein at your main meal.

This should keep your serotonin levels high enough and help you feel good. Food, however, isn’t the only thing that helps keep serotonin levels high. Some of the others are:

  • working out
  • vitamins
  • Get enough sunlight
  • meditation and relaxation
  • regular hours of sleep

A great way to raise serotonin levels is to exercise regularly every day, but you don’t have to overdo it. Thirty to forty minutes of exercise a day is enough. Do aerobics and weights. Studies have shown that serotonin levels stay high for several days after a good bout of exercise. Walking, jogging, and bicycling are all good.

Various vitamins are also helpful in creating good levels of serotonin. They include B6 (100-300 mg/day), calcium (1000-1200 mg/day), magnesium (300 mg/day), and folic acid (200 mg/day).

Getting enough sunlight is also important. When you wake up in the morning, your body starts to produce serotonin. How much you create depends on how much sunlight you’re exposed to, so try to get outside for a bit every day, especially in the morning.

Serotonin is depleted by stress and tension, so try to relax during the day. Meditation is particularly good, as is listening to relaxing music. Laughter also helps.

Finally, try to get regular sleep hours. However, here’s a catch 22. You need good levels of serotonin to sleep well, but if you don’t sleep, your levels suffer.

Following this will help you feel better and be more cheerful and happy. But be careful: too much serotonin will make you sleepy.

When I start teaching my Pickup Artist students, I divide them into two categories. self-validation vs. External validation. Those who validate themselves have a very short course to learn the lessons of the social arts and how to be more attractive. Those who go through difficult times are validating themselves externally, that is, they look for other people to like them and show it.

External validation is a dangerous compass to have. It makes the budding social artist put their self-esteem and worth in the hands of other people. When that’s the case, he’s giving other people his rightful power, and it’s one of the most powerful things he can give to others.

If you seek external validation, you feel like you’re only worth something or have value if a woman decides to be with you, or if people tell you they like you. The danger of this is that you will never be completely satisfied… no one can 100% validate another person. No one can like EVERYTHING about you. Despite having positive/high value women in their lives, they will only listen to or focus on the things they say are negative about them. Even though you don’t like very few things about the person, those are the things the person listens to and focuses all their attention on.

For example, I had a student go fishing one night and he wrote a field report. In that field report, she mentioned opening 5 sets, getting 3 phone numbers, closing a kiss, and was taken away by a woman. Guess what 3/4 of his field report was about? How it was a flop and he couldn’t get over the fact that he got busted. Instead of focusing on the overall success of his evening and how he got 3 numbers and a kiss (something that only 1% of men can usually pull off), he felt like a failure and a terrible person that no one liked. women. because one opened unsuccessfully. He was so focused on external validation that he only focused on his flaws. He was looking for 100% validity of his openings and the opposite was a failure. Not only was a bad opening a failure… anything less than 100% success was considered a failure. A person with this compass can become depressed very quickly, and they are usually the ones who stop receiving instruction in 6 months or less.

Many men starting out in dating have this compass of validity-seeking behavior. It is one of the reasons why they are so in need of women. They seek that validation and sometimes beg or give too much of themselves to people to get that validation. They buy drinks. They offer cars and money to women they don’t even know. They tell the exotic dancers, “I’ll get you out of this. You won’t have to get naked anymore.” They live and breathe every word of the women they try to talk to, and internalize every NEGATIVE statement as if it were the written word of God. That’s too much value to give to a woman you haven’t even met yet (and haven’t even had sex with yet!)

I can tell they are looking for validation when I ask them why they want to learn to pick. “Having sex with 100 women.” I ask why they need exactly 100. They say, “to prove that I am a master pickup artist.” Then I ask the deeper questions. “What does it mean to you to be a Master Pickup Artist?” They answer many times: “Then that would prove that I can have any woman I want and that women really want me.”

Having 100 women you’ve had sex with means absolutely nothing. It just means what she does on the surface. You’ve had sex with 100 women. what a thing Being self-validating and never having sex actually has a lot more to it than any number with being a Master Pickup Artist and an alpha male. A man who is non-reactive and who doesn’t try to gain the approval of others at all is much more attractive than a man whose self-esteem depends on getting an exact number or a large number of women. A man who has a woman who adds to his self-validation is much more stable than the fragile man who will become anxious and nervous, or feel like a failure, if he doesn’t get phone numbers, kisses, or dates in one night.

Self-validation is the ability to use yourself as the compass to your success. “I opened 5 games, got 3 numbers and 1 kiss!” versus “I opened five sets and failed when one didn’t open” shows what a big difference the framework is to a man when self-validating versus external validation.

I recently read a quote from Carlos Xuma on Facebook. “The man who gets along best with women is the man who gets along best without them.” Simply put, men who validate themselves are more successful with women in a pure sense. For starters, those who “need” them for validation put a lot of effort into it.

I had a wingman who is technically one of the BEST PUAs out there. 177 f wraps up his claim to fame and some of the best field reporting at The Attraction Forums. However, he had never gotten past his validation seeking behavior. So when he thought he had found “The One” after going through 177 women, he realized too late that he had chosen a woman who validated him better instead of a woman who was better for him. When they moved in together, she refused to help around the house, earn money, or pursue her career, and her validation was gone. She used the validation she provided as a means of improving financial health rather than truly validating him. She learned the minimal amount of work it took in the relationship to stay financially afloat instead of entering into a mutually beneficial relationship where both people validated each other so much that being together multiplied it exponentially.

He eventually broke up with his girlfriend and got mad at the game. He gave up. He was jaded. After 177 hits, he still couldn’t find a suitable woman. But his basis for finding worthwhile people in his life was still fed up with his need for validation.

People who seek external validation are also easy to hurt. As a wingman, he is instructed to be brutally honest with his wing to help his game. You tell him his breath smells bad, when he has body odor, when he looks weak and needed on the field to help his game and success. These guys are the hardest to dodge at times because they lose status and get sad quickly when it comes to real-time constructive criticism. Once again, instead of making adjustments, they make judgments about how good and friendly you really are.

Leaving your self-esteem at the mercy of other people is putting their opinion above yours on a subject that is truly yours… your life. When men put beautiful women on pedestals, they are letting much of their own personal worth depend on people who haven’t even proven their worth. They give more value to the opinions of these people than to the opinions of their own relatives. Would you put the value of your life in someone else’s hands before your mother’s opinion of your life? Those who seek external validation do so every day.

Some people become so dependent on these opinions that they become narcissistic. Of course, narcissists are supposed to be those people who are so inwardly focused that they fall in love with themselves. However, narcissists really are so externally validated that they will lie to keep their self-esteem inflated and will only keep people around them who validate their lies. This extreme form of external validation is so twisted that it distorts what they believe to be their personal opinion of themselves and makes it difficult for them to seek the truth in themselves. People who encounter narcissists find their loyalty constantly questioned, and find that the narcissist twists the truths and real facts so that anyone who doesn’t externally validate them is wrong or an idiot or a liar even when telling the truth. (This is why being in a relationship with a narcissist is so doomed from the start and why the divorce rate for people with this personality disorder is estimated to be high.)

So, with my social art students, I use NLP and reframing to illustrate this validation-seeking framework that many men have when they start the game, and teach them how to reverse this right away. Without this rethinking, they may end up being technically good, but ALWAYS WITH THE WRONG WOMEN and never satisfied with a beautiful woman who is the one. If you have the ability to meet many women, then you must have the ability to find several that match the characteristics you want. But if you’re externally validating, all they have to do is say the right things for a few weeks and they’ll trick you into thinking you’ve found “The One” with whom you want a long-term relationship.

Do you want to be a PUA that has hundreds of women you’ve slept with who are all the same woman and never right for you, or do you want to be a PUA that ONLY goes out and looks for positive women with the most important characteristics? do you seek and find them consistently? If you want the coach, the instruction of a coach like me who takes you to the best women is not for you. You’d better learn to play for the same night every night.

For more lessons on how to remove validation lookup behavior please visit my website listed below in my signature.

One of the main causes of acne and other skin diseases. Acne affects more than 75% of adolescents and many adults as well. Most adults suffer from emotional trauma due to the scars left by acne in their teens.

There are some areas, which are famous for their humid climate, and are concerned about getting acne, so you can choose different lifestyle and skin care changes that can help you keep pimples away.

  • Wash your face after sweating

You should get into the habit of washing your skin after sweating, especially after exposure to hot and muggy conditions. This evacuates any oil and dirt particles that may have accumulated on sweat-soaked skin. Wash with a non-abrasive, alcohol-free skin care product and rinse with lukewarm water. A little warm water helps open up your pores, but you should avoid water that is too hot, as it can strip moisture from your skin.

  • expel the oil

Warm, humid natural conditions are known to act as a catalyst for oil production in the skin’s pores, which can intensify skin conditions and incite acne. You can prevent excess oil simply by using corrosive salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, two common fixatives in prescription acne medications. Both of these chemicals are known to aid in the natural drying of oil caused by moisture, while also treating the actual acne-causing bacteria on the skin.

  • Choir yourself to play

While humidity is known to cause sweating and dampness that can make you feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, please refrain from touching your skin with your fingers all the time and avoid wiping your face with your hands.

Excessive contact only spreads the oil and dirt present, and can add microbes to the skin that will only exacerbate skin acne. Instead, during high humidity, pat your skin dry with a clean, soft tissue. You can also use a skin-absorbing and oil-absorbing tissue paper, which you can buy at cosmetic stores. These extra absorbent things help draw oil and sweat away from the skin for a more attractive appearance.

Remember, excessive touching of your acne can result in an acne scar. If you already have scars due to acne, then you can get acne scar treatment for flawless and youthful looking skin.

  • Forget the T zone

In high humidity conditions, skip cream/moisturizer application to the oily regions of the face, also called the T-zone. This typically covers the nose and forehead above the eyebrows. For the rest of the skin, use an oil-free lotion that won’t clog pores or create acne.

The time of pregnancy is the period when the human body undergoes many remarkable changes such as weight gain, skin changes, growth of the uterus ten times its normal size, and changes in the breasts. But among all these changes during pregnancy, women are often surprised by the changes that occur in their breasts.

Breast changes are one of the first signs experienced in early pregnancy, although many believed that the breast is not fully mature until after a woman gives birth and produces milk.

Meanwhile, the areola, which are the dark areas of skin that surround the nipples, begin to swell, followed by the breast itself. The swelling, soreness, tingling, and pain of both the nipple and the breast are due to the growth of more lobules and the growth of the milk duct.

Breast pain is common already in the first weeks after conception, which is why some women compare the changes to those that occur before menstruation, while some begin to notice breast tenderness between four and six weeks of pregnancy, but no matter how it occurs, the sensation lasts throughout the first trimester of pregnancy.

The breast is fully capable of producing milk by the sixth month of pregnancy, which results in many hormones playing their roles in milk production. Breast itching also occurs as the breasts grow and prepare milk for your baby after delivery.

In some women, their breasts grow during pregnancy, but in others, their breasts grow only one cup size, especially with their first child, but disappointments and surprises arise when the breasts did not change much during subsequent pregnancies.

The nipple appears larger and the veins in your breast more prominent at six to eight weeks of your pregnancy. It is normal because the volume of blood circulation in the body increases throughout pregnancy.

Some women find that their breasts begin to leak early in the third trimester of pregnancy. If this is the case for you, consider yourself lucky, all you need to do is wear a nursing pad to remedy the situation.

You’ve heard it from your grandmother over and over again. Prune juice is good for you! It has been used for years to cleanse the body and make bowel movements more regular. For less than $5, you can experience a quick body detox. However, the only unpleasant thing about this body detox may be the taste.

body detox

Many people in the older generation used to drink prune juice because they liked it. They also found that it was a good way to detoxify their body. This juice has a lot of fiber. In fact, a glass of prune juice has so much fiber that drinking it will have you running to the bathroom in no time. You may not enjoy pooping all the time, but there’s no need to be embarrassed. If you don’t have a regular bowel movement, waste builds up in your body. This is why a body detoxification is so important. The average person must have a bowel movement once a day. This sounds like a lot, but in general, you should have a bowel movement after every meal. If you only have to go every few days or even less, you may be constipated. The first thing this juice is known to do is help with constipation.

Prune juice is a good and safe detox for the body because it is also packed with antioxidants, iron, and other nutrients. Toxins affect your skin and the health of your body. The more toxins that are present in your body, the more complications you will experience. Antioxidants can help prevent cancer and have anti-aging properties. It is also good for normalizing blood sugar levels.

Prune juice, as well as other sources of fiber, should be incorporated into your diet. Although prune juice serves as a quick fix for detoxifying the body, it is not a good idea to drink large amounts frequently. Too much prune juice can cause diarrhea or kidney problems. It is best to drink it in moderation or consume it occasionally when you need help regulating your bowel movement. Doctors do not recommend drinking this juice in high doses. Trust me, a glass will do the trick!

With summer just around the corner, we’re all gearing up for the season of bikinis, exposed abs, and shiny new belly buttons. While some may dread this season, you’ll soon find that there really is no reason to regard the long, hot days of summer as anything less than a season of fun. The good news is that to get your tummy in shape to wear the latest and greatest belly button rings, you only need a few weeks, a minimum of sit-ups, and the right types of food.

A healthy and successful weight strategy is 80% based on the foods you choose to eat. Knowing this simple little fact makes facing the summer season and your belly a lot less scary. And let me emphasize that you Will being able to eat food – great tasting food. Starving yourself to get six pack abs is not a good strategy! No one will enjoy your belly buttons if you end up sick and have to stay home.

Here are several diet tips to get a flat tummy to show off your belly rings:

* Choose foods rich in nutrients. This means that you should stay away from processed white carbohydrates, such as processed grains, potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta.

*Learn to love your vegetables and protein. Grill up some summer squash and a chicken breast and you’ll find you don’t even miss cornbread or mashed potatoes. Try a chicken burger with tomato, lettuce, avocado and a thin whole wheat bun. Or skip the bun and toss it all into a salad.

* Experiment with MUFA. These are your monounsaturated fatty acids: the good fats. This category includes natural peanut butter, avocados, walnuts, almonds, olive oil, and sunflower seeds, just to name a few. This type of fat actually helps you burn belly fat to get ready to show off your belly buttons.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for getting a flat tummy that is sexy and fit for belly rings, bikinis, and overall better health. Dive into that salad, and then get ready to dive into some summer fun.

Are you looking for an effective acne treatment? Millions of people around the world suffer from acne and are looking for the right acne treatment to help them solve their problem. Having pimples on your face is a big problem, especially since it can make you feel embarrassed and humiliated in front of your friends or loved ones. Today’s post helps you on how to treat acne. Below are excellent remedies that will not cause you allergic reactions and skin irritations:

1. Wash your face with salicylic acid before going to bed. This is an acne treatment to depend on. Salicylic acid can dissolve blackheads and dead skin cells. Rub a small amount of white toothpaste on your acne. Let it stay overnight. Wash your face first thing in the morning. Repeat this for a few days until you see results in no time.

2. Drink plenty of water. It’s another acne treatment you can trust. Always have a bottle of water with you when driving or at your desk. It can keep your skin fresh and blemish free. Water is a natural cure for pimples without the harsh irritations.

3. Stay away from processed foods. These foods only irritate your condition because they contain a lot of toxins that can make your acne worse. If you want to know how to treat acne, look for fresh and organic foods. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

4. Exfoliate with cornmeal. Use this natural acne treatment to get rid of those pimples fast. This is your perfect home remedy to combat pimples. It can thoroughly clean blocked pores. Mix cornmeal with your facial cleanser. Massage the solution all over your face twice a week. They can work together to penetrate deep into pores and dissolve dead skin cells and hardened oils.

5. Wear only mineral makeup. This can help you avoid clogging of skin pores that can be caused by most non-mineral makeup. Choose mineral makeup with SPF to protect you from the sun’s harmful rays. Remember that exposure to the sun can make your pimples and your skin more damaged.

6. Use moisturizer. If you have oily skin in particular, use moisturizer. Dehydration of the skin will not help in the treatment of acne. Apply moisturizer twice a day because without it you will have dry skin, which can make you more prone to pimples. Dry skin also has no barrier, so pimple-causing bacteria can easily stick to the skin.

7. Use tea tree oil products. This is another natural yet effective acne treatment that works in your favor. It has antibacterial properties that can help heal acne quickly.

8. Remove hair products from your pimple-prone skin. Your hair should be away from your face to prevent breakouts.

9. Vaporize your face. Steam is another acne treatment to rely on. You can easily get rid of acne and pimples.

These are natural ways on how to treat acne that you can do at home without spending much at a spa or dermatology clinic. Follow these tips if you want to get rid of those annoying and embarrassing pimples on your face. Effective acne treatment doesn’t have to be expensive, but it’s actually within your reach at any time. Have a pimple free face now!

Gorgeous sun-kissed beaches, splendid scenic beauty, delicious cuisines, and incredible nightlife. Spain has it all. Here are seven holiday destinations that are a must-see in Spain.

1. Costa Brava – The Costa Brava has always been a top spot for holidays throughout the year. The coastline extends from Port Bou to Blanes. The place has high cliffs, abundant vegetation, beautiful villages, sun-kissed beaches and hidden bays, only accessible by boat. The first places include Chichi Begur, Cadaqués and Port Lligat. Port Lligat is famous for Salvador Dalí and his wife Gala, as they once lived and worked. If you are interested in culture and archaeology, then Ampurias or Empúries is a must see.

2. Santiago de Compostela- This is the capital city of the Galicia region in the northwestern part of Spain. Also known for its traditional Pilgrimage, the place is also known as Camino de Santiago. The pilgrimage is important for many Christians since Santiago was buried. The city captivates the attention of people from all over the world. From its illustrious history or rich culture, the city has a lot to offer. Praza do Obradoiro is the arrival point for pilgrims. The Cathedral of Santiago is also an important landmark, as it is located in the heart of the city.

3. Barcelona – The capital of Catalonia, this cosmopolitan city situated on the Mediterranean coast has a historical background that blends effortlessly with modern city life. Antoni Gaudí’s unfinished cathedral La Sagrada Familia and Parc Güell are a must see. The city is well fed, both historically and culturally. Barcelona has a number of bars, great shops and amazing clubs too. Also a must visit is the cozy seaside resort of Sitges, a drive to Montserrat National Park which offers hiking, climbing and a monastery with beautiful panoramic views.

4. Madrid-Located in the center of Spain, the city is more than two million years old, dating back to the stone age. Although most tourists visit Madrid for its quiet beaches, it has much more. The city offers some of the best museums in the world, restaurants, vibrant nightlife, delicious delicacies and also a plethora of pedestrian shops to offer the true essence of Spain. The historic center, Madrid los Austriacos, is a must-see. Today Madrid stands out for its art and culture, with more than seventy museums, including the famous Prado Museum, the Reina Sofía National Art Center and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.

5. Valencia – Valencia is one of the largest cities in Spain. The city is located in the eastern part of the country in the Valencia region. The city is well built with an important cultural and entertainment complex, known as the “City of Arts and Sciences”. There are several science museums, aquariums, planetariums. Valencia hosts the Fiesta de las Fallas every March. It should be on every tourist’s wish list.

6. Seville: Bustling nightlife, a refreshing atmosphere and a beautiful tourist attraction, Seville tops the list of must-visit cities in Spain. The city is the cultural and financial capital of Andalusia. A beautiful place with relevant historical landmarks, the most important being the great Cathedral of Seville. Seville Cathedral is a major tourist attraction as it is believed to be the burial place of Christopher Columbus. The Real Alcázar, is another exorbitant place with a luxurious garden.

7. Granada- The capital of the province of Granada, the city is located south of the Sierra Nevada. Granada is the perfect blend of culture, tradition with extravagant nightlife and beautiful scenic beauty. Granada has a great architectural sight, with visitors coming from all over the world mainly to experience the Alhambra. Precedent of the Moors in Europe, the Alhambra offers its visitors wonderful ornate architecture, splendid scenic beauty along with a spectacular lush garden and stunning views of the city.

Spain is integral with the modern experience seamlessly intertwined with its great history and culture. Each city in Spain is an experience in itself. Happy Holidays!

Why do I have wrinkles and I’m only 28? I thought wrinkles only wrinkled the face of old geezers. Well, apparently not. We connect wrinkles with aging, but if the skin begins to wrinkle before what is considered the normal time, this can be due to several things. A main reason for early wrinkles is due to neglect.

The facts show that women are more bothered by wrinkles around the eyes than by any other part of the body. These same women who complain about their dilemma are the reason why their eyes have fine lines and wrinkles. Not all, but the vast majority of women with eye wrinkles do not follow the established rules to prevent wrinkles from forming around the eyes. As of yet, there is no permanent removal system to remove facial wrinkles, but you can certainly practice methods to help prevent them from occurring prematurely.

Wrinkles occur due to a loss in the elasticity of the collagen layer. Collagen is a layer of connective tissue that supports the outer layer of skin (the epidermis). As we age, we tend to lose some of the elasticity of the collagen that supports the overlying skin, leading to facial wrinkles.

What can I do to prevent wrinkles around my eyes? Depending on your age, you need to remember that wrinkles are natural and cannot be completely removed, but they can be smoothed or covered. Let’s look at the causes of them whether they are on the face, around the eyes, on the arms or legs, the neck, or even the bottom. Finding out the root cause of your wrinkles will prove to be more beneficial for the treatment to be successful.

Our environment is full of harmful agents that negatively affect our skin and our health in general. Smoking cigarettes clearly reduces the microcirculation of the skin and increases the number of facial wrinkles. The mouth is the most affected in the smoker. Overexposure of the skin to the sun or the continuous use of sunbeds also decreases the elasticity of the skin, dehydrates it and favors the appearance of wrinkles. The sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays drain the skin of moisture and thin the skin’s dermal layer. There are particular things in this life that are bad for our skin and unfortunately over which we have no jurisdiction. But there are also bad things that we have control over and that we must avoid.

By avoiding tobacco, the sun, and tanning beds, you’ve taken a step in the right direction to prevent premature wrinkles. If you travel abroad to hot countries, protect your skin. Use a sunscreen with SPF greater than or equal to 15 (sun protection factor). This helps minimize sun exposure to toxic solar radiation and decreases your chances of getting skin disease. Skin cries out for a moisturizer when it’s dry, just like you cry out for water when you’re thirsty. Moisturize skin daily to keep it hydrated.

Be careful with particular skin treatments. It is imperative that you seek expert advice on solutions or treatments that you are not familiar with. Topical creams can thin the epidermis (outer cell layer of the skin) and thicken the dermis (inner cell layer of the skin). These agents remove or exfoliate the dead surface layer of the skin producing a healthier and revitalized skin texture. Treatment such as Retin-A or Renova, as well as topical alpha-hydroxy acids improve skin quality and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

When you start treatment, you need to know what type you have. Are they wrinkles or folds? Deep folds, such as the furrows along the corners of the lips, increase due to sagging facial tissue. Muscular wrinkles located on the forehead or at the corners of the eyes (crow’s feet) can and do increase with facial expression. Knowing the type of wrinkles you suffer from and perhaps their cause will help you achieve the results you want by using the right anti-wrinkle creams and lotions.

What are the best effective eye treatments? This is hard to answer because of the options you have to choose from. While you have eye treatments that work as suggested, you’ll also have ones that don’t. It is best that you start a trial first to avoid wasting your money on ineffective products and also to avoid damaging your skin. Beware of wrinkle treatments on the market because some beauty providers are too quick to take your money and don’t care if their product does the job or not. So that you never find yourself in this situation of being scammed, why not consider making your own homemade anti-wrinkle facials?

Home treatments for eye wrinkles

Anti-wrinkle treatment 1 with avocado

Make a meaty mixture with 3 thin pieces of avocado.
Add 5 drops of almond essential oil and mix until you get a paste.
Apply the mixture on the skin around your eyes and leave it for 5 minutes.
Rinse well with warm water to remove

Winkle 2 treatment with your own mix of applesauce

Dice a peeled potato and place in a food blender along with 2 tablespoons of unsweetened applesauce and blend until all lumps are gone.
Spread the mixture on the skin around the eyes.
Cover eyes with a warm, moist facial washcloth and leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Lanolin eye cream recipe.

Add 2 tablespoons of water and 1 tablespoon of lanolin to a pot and heat slightly.
Add 1 1/2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil.
Take the pot off the heat and add 1 tablespoon of lecithin powder. Add more water if the mixture is too thick. Apply the cream to the skin around the eyes as needed to reduce wrinkles and lighten dark circles.

To prevent premature wrinkles, practice a thorough cleansing routine. If you take a more positive attitude towards your skin when you cleanse it, then you can look forward to a smoother, fresher complexion. You have to learn to accept wrinkles as part of your life; It will make treating them easier. Cosmetic surgery is very popular with women who want to get rid of wrinkles, however, so are the side effects and not to mention the cost.

Cleanse the skin to get it back in shape

Exfoliate twice a week to remove dead skin, use an anti-aging serum and moisturizer with SPF 15 to protect your skin from the aging effects of the sun. Use anti-aging products from the age of 30. No more young there is no need. Skin products that contain sunscreen, peptides, and antioxidants are effective in minimizing wrinkles. Facial massage is ideal for facial skin, it improves cell regeneration and circulation.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet that includes oily fish. Keep your skin healthy and eat spinach and blueberries. Both increase antioxidant levels. Foods that contain antioxidants help protect the skin from pollution. Protects the skin in cold climates. Icy winds can have a severe and damaging effect on the skin.

1. Cold cucumber and potato juice will give you a clearer complexion. Using cotton pads, soak it in the solution and place it on your eyelids for about 15 minutes and then rinse.

2. Treat dark circles around the eyes with coconut oil or cold milk.

3. Get rid of eye puffiness using a potato; grate and wrap in a cloth and place over the eyes for about 15 minutes.

4. Cucumber juice mixed with a small amount of rosewater will leave your eye skin feeling refreshed.

Get a second opinion on the product you have to remove eye wrinkles, you will avoid becoming one of those pocket suckers who still wear wrinkles.