Category Archive : Lifestyle Fashion

I have a golden retriever. She is a 3 year old house dog who is fully potty trained. My backyard is fenced in and I let her out all the time. The problem is that I am starting a full time JOB that will keep me away for hours. I can’t keep her in the house for that long and I don’t want to put her in a cage. Letting her roam the backyard is my only option, but she worries me that she’ll get lonely and try to find a way out (happened once before).

After exploring my options, I decided to purchase a dog park. I plan to put it in a nice shady spot in the corner of the patio. But here’s my problem: the outdoor kennel needs some kind of flooring. You could just drop it on the grass, but that will turn into a muddy mess in no time. So I set out to see what kennel flooring options are available.

My first thought was to throw out some indoor/outdoor rugs. Maybe get it in a funky color to spice up your space? A dog diva has a reputation to uphold, you know. So I ran to the garden department at Lowe’s. While searching, I found another option: outdoor patio flooring. There are not as many color options or as stylish as outdoor rugs. When the guy who worked there asked me what I was looking for and I told him, he pointed out that the dog will be pottying somewhere on the floor of his dog park, and the outside rug would be toasty in no time.

My next stop was the local farm supply store. They suggested that I use mats, like the ones they put in horse stables. The mats are about an inch thick and made of heavy rubber. Cut them to the size you need. Cleaning them is not a big deal as you just sweep them or hose them off. You can even use a cleaner on them. They are a bit squooshy, which would make it comfortable for my dog ​​when he is lying down, relaxing. I might even throw in some wood chips which I’m told keeps my cage smelling fresh and certain types of wood even keep fleas away.

As I pondered barn mats, I began to think of other types of mats. Bar mats? They have lots of holes, which would be great for drainage in case you spill your drink. But their legs could get stuck in the holes and they could sink into the ground. Children’s rugs? Available in primary colors and you could learn your ABC’s and 123’s at the same time! They actually make interlocking tiles for dog parks. You put them together like puzzle pieces.

Another thought is to install a concrete pad. After all, that’s what the professionals use for their kennels. I pointed out to my husband that it’s a simple DIY-type weekend project. All you need is some 2x4s, a wheel cylinder, and some concrete. I could get it out in a morning and it would only take two to three days to heal, depending on the weather. Once you’re ready, you could put up a rug or blanket, maybe a stylish dog house to give him a place to go in bad weather, and hang up some party lights to make him feel at home.

Your answer?

Dog gate.

Over the years, many people have told me that I am a cheerful person. The irony of that is that I would never describe myself that way. However, what I do know to be true is that being positive, being cheerful, and being optimistic by nature they can increase in daily attitudes, regardless of whether you feel that way about yourself or not. You can become a more positive person if you want to be by doing the same things that happy, positive people do all the time. By adding these three things, every day, you can change your perspective.

1. Pause before speaking or reacting. This may not seem logical, but think about it. If you are reading this article, you probably want to be more positive. That means you can’t usually be positive. It follows that when you speak and act, it is probably more natural for you to come across as negative or discouraging in your tone. Therefore, to be more positive, the first step is to hesitate to give your reaction or give a comment. Pause and think first. This will reduce negative words or actions that might be easier to let go of, and for those around you, it will eliminate the “usual” response they see from you, the most negative. This is the hardest step, because it requires breaking a habit you’ve probably developed over many years, but it also carries the most immediate reward.

2. Imagine the best. Immediately after your short break, imagine what would be the best case scenario in any given situation. I didn’t say you had to believe that’s what’s going to happen, but imagine what could happen. Allow yourself a minute to hope. Deep down, positive people have hope. It is hope that generally keeps them operating as optimists, and they always allow themselves the luxury of imagining the best. They have developed the habit of asking “What if?” Practice this step often and repeatedly until the habit of hope replaces the habit of criticism.

3. Take action. If you can imagine the best case scenario, then act or say the words that will go most directly towards that end result. If you are acting and speaking with the best in mind, you will naturally be more positive because the driving motivation is positive. It doesn’t mean you’ll always come to that positive conclusion, but you’ll be a lot closer to trying than if you wallow in the negative. Do those things that are positive, or those things that will lead to the best outcome.

Being a more positive person is often a factor that our thoughts regularly dwell on. You can allow your thoughts to get stuck in the negative, and if you do, you will always see limitations and barriers around you. However, if you want to be a more positive person, you have to stop, imagine and think differently, and then act that way. Think of things that are positive, pure, optimistic, and hopeful. Develop this habit and you will indeed become a more positive person.

It is a fact. Everywhere you look, more and more wealthy foreign men are marrying Chinese women, especially in places with a dense Chinese population, such as in the US. In cities like Los Angeles and New York it is common to see Chinese women shopping at high street stores. expensive brands with their mestizo children. So what made these guys ignore all the skinny busty blondes and go after the Chinese girls?

There are probably multiple answers to this question, but one that seems to come up again and again is the fact that Chinese women tend to care more about their families. In these uncertain days, when every year seems to bring with it a new financial crisis, more and more Western women are spending time on their careers, while putting their families on the back burner. Western men, on the other hand, have been watching helplessly as their wives slowly assume their role as the sole financial breadwinners in the household. The truth remains: men enjoy having a wife to take care of them, take care of the kids, and keep things going around the house. Knowing that they have a wife who depends on them gives them a sense of dominance, which makes them feel a bit more like men.

The last decade has brought with it the rise of women to power. Never before have so many women attended universities and held important government and corporate positions. Western women love to brag about the fact that they are financially independent, because for them it is almost like coming out of years of seclusion and finally being able to see the sunlight. It’s like showing off the prize for winning a long and strenuous battle. What women really didn’t count on all these years is that they can change the way society thinks, but they can’t change the laws of nature.

It is a fact that women love to feel safe. When looking for a partner, most women will even put financial security ahead of many other aspects and this is something they do even unconsciously. Even those women who have a prosperous career and are completely secure financially, will not allow themselves to marry or even fall in love with a man who earns less than them or who has a lower education. Not to mention the old saying that women love men with expensive cars and pockets full of money. It is not about the structure in the form of steel in the form of an expensive because they love so much. This is not the rectangular greenish paper with the dollar sign printed on it. For women, it’s about the sense of security and confidence that these objects can give them.

In this scenario, where the figure of the male supplier is coming to an end, Chinese women have come to fill a void. Most adult Chinese women today were raised by very traditional parents, who taught them the importance of being a good wife and taking care of her husband. Being a good wife is an important part of Chinese culture and most Chinese women are willing to make great sacrifices for their families and for their marriage. The tradition will strongly influence even Chinese women who are highly educated and quite capable of leading financially secure lives on their own. For wealthy Western men, who already have everything except a doting wife, they are the perfect match.

Another reason more and more rich men are showing off their Chinese wives is the simple fact that Asian women possess a “quiet” beauty that doesn’t require them to spend hours at the gym or have thousands of facials. They also seem to age much less than white women, giving an older man the feeling of being with a much younger girl without having to deal with all of the age difference issues. In short, Chinese women are becoming popular because they are easier to please and are not ashamed of being (or feeling) dependent on their husbands or boyfriends.

You just can’t do anything with that little guy sitting on your shoulder, can you? The little devil who is the green-eyed monster better known as “jealousy”.

Controlling jealousy is essential for men, but some resort to it at all times.

Are you?

I feel like showing her jealousy is the relationship equivalent of eating a couple of sugary doughnuts.

When I eat a donut, it tastes great at the time and then a half hour later I regret my decision to eat it because the sugar skyrockets in my bloodstream and those starchy treats sit in my stomach like a rock.

When you show jealousy towards her, it makes you feel good at the time, like you’re in complete control, but you’re actually planting something in your relationship that will sit there like a rock.

Feeling the need to question her every move shows her your insecurity. And believe me, no clinically sane woman with normal self-esteem wants a jealous man in her case in the long run.

Has your jealousy cost you some good relationships over the years? Has it caused unnecessary conflict?

Why do you keep doing it?

You have to select a woman you can trust to start with. What does it say about you if you feel the need to keep questioning her every move? What kind of women are you choosing anyway? Is your radar off when you’re dating her? Why do you get serious with someone you can’t trust?

Obviously, this is not usually the case. You know that it is your own insecurity that leads you to fantasize about things that are simply not real.

You will probably explode in a fit of jealousy with her only to regret it later. You will permanently regret it at some point because you know she will walk.

So what can you do to control your jealousy?

1. Remember, if you have a worthwhile woman in your life, OTHER GUYS ARE GOING TO FUCK HER. It is a fact of life. If she is a good woman, she will politely refuse her advances.

2. If he wants to cheat on you, he will cheat on you. Women are born better than us at dating and relationships. They study it from an early age. Trust me dude, when it comes to dating and relationships, you’re bringing a squirt gun to the fight.38 special. If she has it in her brain to cheat on you, no amount of questioning will stop her.

The key is to select a good, respectful woman with a lot of integrity that you can TRUST and then TRUST HER. You seem like a pathetic child in his eyes when you are so insecure that you keep questioning his every move. I don’t care if you can bench 500lbs and won 3 titles for fighting, she will think her deepest thoughts of you “cowardly” if she detects ANY insecurity on your part. And there’s nothing that says “insecurity” like showing jealousy.

Remember guys, you have to TRUST her to KEEP her.

Homeopathic treatments offer a natural, holistic way to treat a yeast infection through your body’s own healing process. Homeopathic treatments are diluted natural substances that can create the same symptoms in a healthy person for whom the medication is prescribed.

Homeopathy is about treating the whole person: their lifestyle, as well as their physical and emotional aspects.

Yeast infections are the result of an overgrowth of Candida fungi. Candida lives throughout our bodies relatively unnoticed until some factor, either external or internal, upsets our body’s delicate chemical balance and results in Candidase, a yeast infection.

Before considering homeopathic treatment for a Candida infection, visit your doctor to make sure that what you have is really a Candida infection and not another, more serious condition.

Homeopathic Treatments

Here are some homeopathic treatment suggestions for a yeast infection. Boric acid is highly effective in treating chronic fungal infections in general. However, it should not be used if you are pregnant.

The remaining natural chemicals treat specific types of yeast infection symptoms, specific types of discharge. Be sure to visit a licensed homeopathic doctor to find out which one would be most beneficial for you:

  • Boric acid
  • carbonic calcareous
  • Borax
  • Kali bichromicum
  • creosote
  • Natrum muriaticum
  • Pulsatilla
  • Sepia
  • sulfur

Some of these homeopathic yeast infection treatments are starting to dot your local pharmacy shelves more and more; but probably the best place to find these remedies is at your local health food store.

The best known homeopathic treatments include..

  • Yogurt with active cultures – Contains bacteria that keep yeast under control. Including yogurt with live cultures as part of your daily diet will help. To treat an external Candida infection, try covering a tampon with live culture plain (unsweetened) yogurt and inserting it into the vagina.
  • raw apple cider vinegar – has been promoted as having important benefits for general health. One of which is to increase the alkalinity of the body, making it less palpable for Candida. Experts say that this can be achieved by drinking a glass of water with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar twice a day. It can also be used to treat infection externally. Try using two cups of raw apple cider vinegar in a low, lukewarm bath and wash the affected area.

For yeast infection, homeopathic treatments should never be used until you have ruled out other possibilities for your symptoms. Seek the advice of a trained professional before treating Candida infection with homeopathic medicines.

Overcoming despair when facing dark times is possible no matter how dire things may seem at this point in your life.

Feelings of despair arise as a result of feeling powerless when facing dark times. If you’ve lost your job or lack the finances you need to pay your bills or buy groceries, feelings of despair and anxiety can take over. But you don’t have to let them do it.

Use the following 3 steps to help empower yourself so you can overcome despair in dark times.

Step #1 – Turn on the light of hope

You feel desperate because you have lost hope that everything is working in your favor. Let the light of hope shine on your situation. There is always a way out of every situation you face. But if you allow the cloud of despair to cover your mind, it will be difficult to see the way out or receive the light in the form of inspired ideas and wisdom that will lead you out of this dark tunnel. Hope brings peace and peace empowers you.

Step #2 – Ask for what you want

Quiet your mind so you can think clearly about what you want. Once you have a clear picture of what you want the result to be, ask for what you want. This process makes your mind stop focusing on how bad things are to see the solution of how good things can become.

This mental shift in your thought process puts you into a different vibration so that you can begin to attract what you want into your life experience. Asking for what you want is very powerful, but you must ask with the mindset of seeing the results you want, not what you don’t want. And when you ask, ask with the expectation that you will receive an answer.

Step #3 – Let go and relax

Let go of your frustration. Let go of your despair. Relax your mind so that you can think clearly and be open to the answer coming to you and recognizing it when it appears. As you go about your day, pay attention to what’s in front of you. Ask yourself, “What can I do to get the results I want? How can I look at this situation differently? What can I do differently?”

What you’re doing here is changing how you respond to your situation and you’re coming from a place of empowerment.

Hope gives you courage to face another day.

Asking for what you want shifts your attention to resolution mode.

Letting go and relaxing changes your vibration so you can start attracting what you want and asking the right questions instead of focusing on the wrong things and recreating more negative energy that comes from despair.

Fleas are a real plague both for your pet and for the people who live in the house. Therefore, it is crucial that you can discover how to kill fleas and prevent them from reproducing in your house ever again. While you’re getting rid of fleas, it’s important not to overlook your pet’s health. Fleas often attack sick animals, and the key to preventing them is keeping a healthy pet.

By keeping your pet clean and healthy, you can also help prevent other pests like tapeworms, heartworms, and other related diseases. Keep your pet a happy and longer life by maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. More importantly, provide your pet with a healthy diet.

The first step in killing fleas is to bathe your pet in soapy water, make sure you use a shampoo that is non-toxic to your beloved pet. You can use dish soap as it is probably the safest to use, the soapy bath can help drain adult fleas and remove fleas from your pet’s fur. Products like Frontline are helpful in keeping fleas off your pet. It is important to get rid of the larva and eggs as well to prevent re-infestation.

It’s important to kill fleas on your pet and keep them from coming back, so you’ll need to keep your home and yard clean. Vacuum your house frequently, especially the carpets and sofa where your pet likes to visit.

“You’ve come a long way, honey…” the TV ad read. In the ’70s, women were told that we could have it all, do it all, be it all. We were told that we could climb the corporate ladder, be a mother, have a successful marriage, and earn as much dollar for dollar as a man could. Now we had “women’s rights.”

Along with those rights came the Pill. sexual freedom. Now we could have sex without so much fear of pregnancy. In fact, we were equal to men. Right? Or do we just make it easy for them to have sex without making any effort?

Along with those rights, we learned phrases like “macho macho pig” and set out to educate men who could no longer objectively see us as women. Singer Helen Reddy sang “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar”.

We stopped letting men open our doors, pay for our drinks and dinner, and insisted that we take home the bacon AND fry it in the pan. In addition to being “equals”, we insist that men do NOT look at us as women… but as equals. But are we really the same? And how equal do we want to be? Personally, I’m not interested in being one of the guys. I like being a woman. I like being feminine. I like it when a man is a real man.

Biologically, we are not the same as men. Men are still snipes and snails and puppy tails and trucks and guns and testosterone, and women are still sugar, spice, everything good, lip liner, and lunch with the girls. Thank God we are not the same. I believe in women’s rights and I also believe that women have the right to be treated with basic human consideration and respect. Men deserve respect too, but personally I can’t respect a man who doesn’t respect me. Is it any wonder why so many women complain to me and to each other that they don’t feel respected by men?

How far have we really come since the 70s? We’ll see….

Women still earn less than a man doing the same amount of work. Now we work outside the home, we come home exhausted and we work inside the house taking care of the children and our husband. If a husband and wife divorce, their lifestyle decreases by 45% and increases by 15%.

Men of the “future”, that is, TODAY, were supposed to be caring guys who were products of “an enlightened age” sensitized to our plight as women. Of the men who, although they no longer opened doors for us, paid us the way, respected us as women, revered us as mothers and wives and girlfriends, were still expected to NOT OBJECT OR DISRESPECT.

Well guess what? Many of the men who are supposed to be products of the moms and dads of the ’70s…the so-called “enlightened men” still objectify women.

I wish I had a dollar for every time I get a text or email from a guy I don’t know and have never met who calls me “baby.”

The following is a small example of the types of emails I receive from complete strangers:

“Hey babe. Contact me and let’s talk.” “Hey, hottie. Do you want to talk, babe?” “Hey babe. Let me know if you want to connect. Okay babe?”

Hello? I have a name AND IT’S NOT BABY. I loved the movie, but I’m not a talking pig, or a famous baseball player, or a female multi-sport phenom (although she used to play a lot of soccer and basketball). We haven’t met. Please don’t think you can be SO familiar with me. Let me say this to all the guys who call me “Babe”… “Hey babe. When you can email me and have something to say, that’s a better ice breaker than ‘you want to connect with me and see what happens’ “. ?’ then let me know. If you’re so spoiled or lazy or too stingy to jump for a cup of coffee or so poor in social skills that you think I’m going to fall into myself to respond to you based on your courtship of an I-sentence, you’ve got another thing to come. . It’s your best A-game, keep going.

I’m not playing in that game with you. I am NOT a ripe fruit. I am a confident woman with a lot to give someone, and I don’t mean just sexually. I am not some desperate, stupid, gullible old woman who mistakes objectification for respectful and genuine concern. I’ve been around long enough to know when I’m being disrespected. I’m not desperate for sex, but I bet you are and that’s why you’re sending 60 emails at a time to women hoping the numbers game pays off. I’m not a set of boobs. I’m not a pair of legacies. I’m not YOUR hot babe.

I am a mature, well-read, well-educated, self-respecting woman with high self-esteem and a high self-concept who is not going to spend an ounce of my effort on ANY man who objects and talks to me as if I was a free prostitute. . I have helped people die and been in the room when they passed away. I’ve been through hurricanes. I have a perspective on life that you won’t get for another 20-30 years IF THAT. I won’t let anyone trivialize my existence by calling me ‘Baby’ and texting me when you and I haven’t even talked on the phone, seen eye to eye, or broken bread together…Let me repeat this so I have it. clear: I am not a fruit within reach of the hand for you to pass, pick up from the ground, use and discard”.

So are men still objective women? From what I’m reading on the internet in recent studies, yes. (April 1, 2009 — Psychology researchers at Stanford and Princeton universities have discovered that images of semi-naked women can make men view them as objects. A lead researcher on the project said: “What the brain scans show is that they are reacting to this photograph like people react to objects. It’s like they’re not fully human.”

Why does this continue in 2009 with almost 40 years of “equality” between men and women? Well, one reason is because women allow it. We let the men get away with it. Maybe we don’t value ourselves, so why should we expect a man to value us? Perhaps we overlook this familiar term because it’s not worth getting upset about. And maybe after hearing it for the thousandth time, we’ll hit a breaking point and finally decide to draw a line, because it signals the start of a downhill slide with a man. One reason is because with porn so readily available on the Internet, men are looking at two-dimensional representations of women and sexualizing what they see. They transfer this sexualization onto real three dimensional women and treat them accordingly. One reason is because while their mothers were climbing the corporate ladder, no one was home TEACHING these young men how to respect women. One of the reasons is because of the divorce, the father no longer lives at home, and perhaps the father reprimands the mother in front of the sons.

If you think that just because you’re young and sexy and that’s enough, God bless you. If you don’t change that thought, you will become the very old man that we women are tired of meeting and dating.

Yeast infection or candidiasis is often mistaken for a skin ailment and is treated with yeast infection cream. However, the fact is that candidiasis is an internal complication caused by the overgrowth of Candida in the body system; and the underlying symptoms are hardly known to respond to external applications. Other than that, the signs and symptoms of the infection vary from individual to individual depending on their immunity.

Skin lesions or abrasion in the form of chronic rashes, eczema, soaked toes or nails are some of the most typical symptoms of Candida thrush. Other than that, itchiness and irritation in the genital areas are also common in this condition. Once these symptoms are diagnosed as candidiasis, it is common practice among sufferers to rush to some over-the-counter medications – yeast treatment creams.

The Pros and Cons of OTC Yeast Infection Cream

Although the external application cream gives you the desired instant relief in the most necessary hour of pain and discomfort; treatment is mainly temporary and short-term. This is mainly because externally applied medications such as yeast treatment creams do not address the root cause of yeast infection.

It is true that conventional treatment procedures with over-the-counter medications gain more prominence due to their easy accessibility; but it also has its share of possible side effects in addition to being expensive. Studies have revealed that the medicinal cream has an adverse effect on candidiasis, mainly due to the presence of steroids.

Steroids are known to affect the immune system and can also cause liver disorders. In fact, you may notice an increase in symptoms like acne, fatigue, allergies, persistent cold, etc., along with Candida; which are signs of a weakened immune system. And candidiasis is mainly caused by an overgrowth of Candida in the body, which threatens the entire immune system.

conventional vs. Holistic Approach to Candida Treatment

Recent studies in candidiasis have revealed that a natural and holistic approach to candidiasis is the solution for a permanent cure for this condition. It works to create a yeast infection or Candida-resistant environment in the body, by removing root factors that help Candida albicans overgrowth.

It is very important to overcome the myth that Candida is harmful to the body. In fact, Candida microorganisms like the ones that inhabit your digestive tract (for example) have been shown time and time again to actually be beneficial as they help destroy harmful bacteria present in the tract. The problem arises when there is a systematic imbalance in the body and the yeast turns into a fungal form that aggravates the general condition.

One of the main differences between the conventional methods of treating yeast infection with yeast cream and the system that treats with a holistic approach is that, while the former deals with the manifestation of the condition or the infected areas, the latter It is based on systematics. support for the body and the condition as a whole.

A permanent cure for candidiasis can be achieved according to a proven system by following certain rudimentary rules that will help maintain:

– the acid-alkaline balance in the body,
– certain lifestyle changes that support minimal stress, good sleep;
– an important cleansing program that helps detoxify harmful toxins generated in the system.

So what is the option you would like to take? Permanent cure by eliminating the root cause of the Candida yeast infection with a holistic approach; or temporary relief with readily available yeast infection creams. The choice is yours!

One thing we must admit is that most people love to eat foods that are rich in spices. And sometimes these foods can be obtained from foods that are mostly acidic. Well, alkaline diet recipes will be the solution to avoid acidic foods.

There may be many ways to prepare recipes that suit our tastes. This can also be done with fruits and vegetables which are alkaline foods.

You can easily prepare alkaline foods at any time. And here are the suggestions for alkaline juice, soup, snack and dinner.

or Alkaline Juice

This recipe is great for breakfast because it will boost your energy level. Wake up your digestive system while providing nutrition to your body.

You can mix cucumber, celery, spinach, lettuce leaves and any other green leafy vegetables. You can also use fresh parsley and alfalfa as optional toppings. Squeeze them together and mix them 50/50 with distilled water. You can add optional lemon juice. You can also add main pH to further improve the alkalinity of the juice.

or Alkaline Soup

This soup is highly recommended during a detox. This recipe contains avocado, which is high in essential fatty acids. It also contains cucumber which is well known for its cleansing properties. You can use herbs and spices, lemon and lime.

You will blend the avocado and store it to form a light paste. After that, you will add scallions, green or red bell pepper, cucumber, spinach, and garlic. Add Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, light vegetable broth (no yeast), and lemon or lime juice.

o Alkaline Dinner

For dinner, the Detox Lime-Chili Stir ‘Fry’ is one of the alkaline diet friendly recipes. Ingredients are Pak-Choi, Carrots, Mange, Peas, Bean Sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage (Red or Green), Fresh Lime Juice, Chili, Coriander and Vegetable Broth and Basmati Brown/Wild Rice.

The first thing you should do is pulp the cilantro with the mortar and pestle. And then add chili and lemon juice to make a sauce. Put it aside. And then, you will chop all the vegetables finely. After this you are going to steam them but do not cook them completely so as not to lose the nutrients.

Now, you will cover the cooked things on top of the rice and then you will put the sauce.

It’s so simple yet delicious. You can also steam the vegetables in a vegetable broth if you don’t have a steamer. If you like seafood, you can also add prawns.

The amount of each ingredient depends on your choice.

o Alkaline snack

The alkaline recipe that is sure to appeal to your palate is asparagus seasoned with lemon juice.

The ingredients are asparagus spears (bend towards the end and let them snap naturally), spring onions, melted butter (avocado), grated lemon zest from half a lemon, fresh lemon juice from a whole lemon, and fresh thyme.

Steam the spring onion and asparagus, but avoid overcooking them. Then mix the avocado butter, lemon juice, thyme, and lemon zest to make the dressing. Add a bit of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil to slightly neutralize the lemon juice. Now, stack the spring onion and asparagus and then dress.