Category Archive : Relationship

The world of anime, games, cartoons and superheroes is extremely fascinating, and the imitation of the characters of this world is done by organizing themed parties or cosplay events. Cosplay is an event that takes place in many Western countries and in Japan. Cosplay, also known as role playing, is an event during which performers wear specific costumes known as cosplay costumes and other accessories on a character and perform an action. Various competitions and fan conventions are also organized in the form of cosplay activities.

These costumes are widely used by cosplayers for role playing and other related activities. Apart from cosplay events, these costumes are also used in various pageants and theme parties where people dress up as their favorite characters and enjoy fun games and activities.

Best fictional cosplay costumes:

Impersonating characters from the fictional world has become a wonderful activity to be a part of, especially for fiction enthusiasts and teenagers. Therefore, there are cosplay costumes available for almost all the fictional characters who have won millions of hearts. In addition to the already existing characters, cosplayers also create their fictional characters and design a costume based on their imagination.

Among the various fictional characters in the fantasy world, let us discuss the two most popular female characters who rule the fictional arena. As these characters are extremely popular all over the world, wearing a cosplay costume that represents them is every fan’s goal for the next themed party or cosplay event that lines up.

carol danvers Captain Marvel Cosplay Costumes they’ve been in vogue since the day Carol Denver’s character was introduced as a US Air Force officer in Marvel Comics. This character became very popular and was later recognized as Ms Marvel. After gaining immense popularity, this character was also seen in a self-titled series and later became a part of the superhero team. With tremendous love and appreciation from the public, Ms Marvel was featured in various animated shows, video games, cards, and merchandise. Ms. Marvel came to be called a prominent and most powerful superwoman.

As this character gained so much recognition from his first appearance, attractive cosplay costumes were designed and sold. This costume, made of leather, satin and cotton fabric, consists of a jumpsuit, belts, vest and other accessories of the fictional character.

poison gwen stacy Spider Woman Girl Cosplay Costume It is also a very popular cosplay costume among the public. Spider-woman is another notable superwoman from the Marvel comics. This character’s first appearance was in Marvel Spotlight, followed by Spider-Woman.

After this, the character appeared in several eponymous series and was admired for her powerful abilities.

The Spider-Woman costume is also available in different patterns and colors to help you achieve the exact look of the superhero. The costume is available in thick lycra or leather and includes a jumpsuit, shoes, face shield, mask, and other accessories. These costumes are readily available and can be customized as desired.

Are you the parent of a child with Autism or another type of disability who receives special education services? Do you currently have a dispute with your school district regarding your child’s education? Would you like to learn about state special education laws and regulations to use in your defense? This article is for you and will discuss these laws and the information you need to know to empower your defense!

1. Each state is required by IDEA 2004 (federal special education law) to have laws and regulations that show how they will comply with the law.

2. State regulations may not “make provisions that reduce the rights of parents or that are in conflict with the requirements of IDEA and federal regulations.” Federal law “trumps” or is stronger than state law. State law can give a parent more rights, but it cannot take away rights.

3. Many state laws are not consistent with federal laws.

4. Some states have been told that they must change their state regulations to be consistent with federal law. For example: New Jersey stated in its regulations that school districts had the right to evaluate a child in an area in which they had not previously evaluated, if a parent requested a publicly-funded independent educational evaluation (IEE at public expense). The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) found this inconsistent with IDEA 2004 (300.502). They have asked NJ to review its regulations and, until it does, ensure that school districts do not test children in an area that has not previously been tested before paying for an IEE.

5. Other states’ regulations are also inconsistent with federal law, but the US DOE has not told them to change their regulations. One example is New York, which has a regulation that ESY eligibility is only for children with multiple disabilities and/or who show regression and slow recovery. This is not consistent with federal special education law and may harm children by denying them the services they need. Another example is in my state of Illinois, the guidance for parents states that parents must “request” an IEE before taking the test. IDEA 2004 states that parents have the right to “get” an IEE if they disagree with the school’s evaluation. A letter to the Illinois State Board of Education noting this inconsistency was responded to with this statement: “The office plans to review the identified guidance document and initiate any necessary revisions during the summer of 2012. Your information will be considered during the course of that process.” We are now in 2014 and I won’t hold my breath for the State of Illinois to revise their guide for parents.

6. OSEP Policy Letters Often Address Inconsistent State Laws and Regulations! They are excellent promotional tools and can be found at: I use them all the time to show special educators how the Office of Special Education Programs (in the US DOE) interprets IDEA 2004 and inconsistent state regulations.

By understanding these 6 things about the State’s Special Education Law, your defense will be strengthened! Good luck!

When you see those 2 heartbeats on the sonogram, first embrace the joy and adventure of twins. So get ready, get ready, get ready. Organizing a baby nurse, having all the equipment ready before you need it, and gaining working knowledge of infant health issues before you find yourself in a red alert situation will only make your family’s life easier when those little packages arrive. .

Arrange adequate rest in the first weeks at home from the hospital- Conventional wisdom teaches new mothers to “sleep when the baby sleeps.” For twin moms and dads, particularly those with other children, this is not an option. Enlist friends, family, and neighbors to watch the twins for even a few hours a day, so you can rest.

Night sitters, or nannies, provide the vital service of allowing mothers to recover from the stress of “double birth.” By caring for babies at night, a nanny allows a mother to get the deep, restful sleep her body needs to stay healthy. For new parents, this dream is also obviously crucial. Older siblings who wake up at night adjusting to new babies also benefit from a night nurse, as it allows mother and father to be available to comfort the older child.

Stock up on diapers, wipes and Vaseline- Stock the house with size 1, newborn, and preemie diapers. Don’t wait until your babies outgrow without a diaper to buy the next size. Having the next size ready will make one less emergency trip to the store and minimize the masses. The average newborn feeds 8 times per 24-hour period. That means a minimum of 16 diaper changes a day for your twins! If we add accidents at the changing table to the equation, there are countless wet wipes, vaseline bottles… and 1,500 diapers in the first 3 months of life. Say it loud. One thousand. Five hundred. diapers

Buy straws- You will no longer be able to eat or drink with 2 hands. It sounds silly, but get plenty of straws for your water, protein shakes, and coffee. While you’re at it, drink plenty of water, protein shakes, and coffee.

Get the babies on the same schedule– While feeding and sleeping schedules can be erratic the first few weeks home from the hospital, do your best to keep those little ones on the same schedule. When one wakes up to eat, give milk to the other as well. When one awakens, it awakens the other. After 1-2 weeks, babies will synchronize sleeping and eating.

Learn About Baby Tummy Problems- Spitting up, gastroesophageal reflux, and gas are extremely common in babies. Know the symptoms of each one. Then decide how you would like to treat them if you notice symptoms. Of course, you’ll want to talk to your pediatrician about tummy problems, but as we all know, babies often need more help after hours. There are many over-the-counter remedies such as gas drops, probiotics, and gripe water that help your baby’s digestion and may provide temporary relief.

Since twins are almost always born before their due date, anticipating your family’s needs ahead of time is an easy tool to make your first few weeks home from the hospital as smooth as possible. Arranging an overnight baby nurse is perhaps the most important preparation, as adequate sleep allows the mother to recuperate and the whole family to function at its best.

Educators have classified math anxiety into two categories; Type I (mathematical aspect) and Type II (psychological aspect).

Type I math anxiety is caused by certain mathematical symbols, concepts, or terms that create mental blocks in the learning process. A child with this type of anxiety tends to say, “I used to be good at math, but I got lost in geometry and algebra,” or, “I had a bad math teacher during my elementary school years.” He will often try to learn the lesson, but will not understand it: “I’m sorry, but I tried.” A Type I child does not usually hate math or math teachers; in fact, he’s excited to talk to math teachers who are willing to listen. Therefore, a compassionate and competent math teacher can be of great help.

Type II math anxiety is triggered by sociocultural factors. The myth that boys excel in mathematics more than girls, or the ghost that mathematics is rigid, hard and insensitive fuel these fears. The child tends to say, “I can’t do math” or “Who needs math anyway?” or “I hate math, it sucks!” The child is likely to display illogical behavior towards mathematics or mathematicians. He talks harshly about friends or relatives who are good at math and about pranks on math teachers, whom he passionately hates. It’s almost inconceivable to get a child with Type II diabetes to talk to a math teacher or get them anywhere near a math class. Now, a little anxiety can be conducive, as in the case of a singer about to perform her first performance. It is when anxiety makes one ineffective in functioning that help is needed.

Solving Math Anxiety:

The Type I student needs to understand that developing math skills is like building a house; If the base is not solid, the top will collapse. The best way is to take a refresher class with a kind and patient teacher. What can the teacher do? Recognize the source of anxiety and mitigate it. If, for example, the symbol % is causing anxiety, then the teacher should try to avoid using % until the student is comfortable with it. This includes working with the student’s communication skills: graphics, written words, sounds, colors and others. Creativity is necessary. The teacher should also have more than one “teaching script” or focus for each lesson. If one topic is creating undue stress, then detouring to another in the meantime can help. What can parents do? You can help your children follow these particular steps:

Make sure your children read their math homework before they come to class.

Teach them to write down, underline, or summarize the main points of the lesson, key procedures, meanings, formulas, examples, solutions, and proofs.

· Make sure they review their notes right after class.

· At home, teach them to look at their assigned math readings before delving into them.

Help children review using different methods, such as reciting aloud, writing, and visualizing the important points of the lesson.

Help them work on at least ten new problems and five revision problems during study sessions.

Make sure they study math before their other subjects.

· Make sure they have short breaks every 20 to 40 minutes when they are studying math.

Help them finish their difficult math homework.

Ask them to reward themselves for studying and concentrating.

Do weekly and monthly reviews with your children.

The Type II student is harder to reach, because they already have a full-blown math phobia. A math teacher alone may not be enough; a counselor or psychologist who can work with emotional disorders may be required. The goal here is to reduce the Type II student to Type I. The development of a mathematics education is imperative, and parents and teachers play a key role in this. Parents should share with their children the attitude that learning math is fun, that math involves real and meaningful problems, and that a good foundation in math can lead to a successful career in the future. Only when mathematics is viewed positively do children view it with curiosity, enthusiasm, and aptitude.

More than 25 percent of the fish caught in Wisconsin are caught when the lakes have frozen over, indicating just how popular ice fishing is in the dairy country.

Most ice fishing begins in early December. This is when the local fisherman braves 3-4 inches of ice and starts looking for walleye. This year is an exception. There is a lot of ice in the north. This author was in the Eagle River Chain of Lakes this past Thanksgiving. Although it was too early to put up flags where he was fishing, my neighbor was able to catch a monster in a nearby lake. He Caught a 30″, 12lb Walleye! That would go on just about anyone’s wall.

Walleye and Panfish are the most popular fish for ice fishing, but if you can find a good spot for northern pike during the day, you’re in for a fun day of fishing. All these fish are good through the ice. During the winter the meat of these fish is firm and delicious. Sometimes during the summer Northerns and some panfish become mushy and dirty. This is not the case in the winter. You’d be hard-pressed to tell the difference between a northern winter and a winter walleye in a blind taste test.

Panfish are usually caught by jigging. Some anglers have good success on Tip Downs. Tip downs typically have a wooden support next to the hole and a rod, wire, or even an umbrella extending from the top. When the fish bites, the wire droops downward. These are good setups for soft biting fish.

Walleye and Northern usually get caught up in Tip Ups. These tip ups usually have a flag on a spring that releases when the fish bites. In my opinion, the number one Tip Up is the Beaver Dam Tip Up. I do not own stock in the company nor do I sell any of their products, they just do a very good tip. When using an up tip it is important that your reel moves smoothly without binding. Winter walleye can be skittish and if they feel a tug on the reel they will drop the bait.

Early in the season I like to use medium to large through ice circles for walleye. It is important that you hook the black eye just below the dorsal fin for walleye. Put that treble hook as close to the back as possible. If you hook them too deep into the body, it’s what we call a “death hook” – your minnow will likely die quickly and lack the movement a well-hooked minnow has. Northerners will smack a dead minnow, but walleye like to get moving.

It is also important where you put your minnow in the water when you are fishing for walleye. The best position is to have that minnow about 10-15 inches from the bottom of the lake. Use a depth finder first to mark the bottom. I sink my depth finder first, grab the line at the waterline, lift about 20 inches off the line, and put a wooden match through the line. I then set the minnow and let the line out making sure the match is next to my spool when I put the tip in the hole.

This should get you started ice fishing. Remember, be safe and check the ice with a potato stick before heading out.

Skin cancer is becoming more common around the world, and melanoma affects an increasing number of adolescents and young adults. In this situation, it’s natural to wonder if your children are at risk and how you can protect them. Find out everything you need to know so that you can take the most effective preventive measures.

What is the risk?

Melanoma is quite rare in children 0-18 years of age. It represents about 3% of all cancer cases in children. At the same time, the number of young people affected by this condition is growing. A new study has revealed that over the past 35 years, the number of children diagnosed with this condition has increased by 2% per year.

This study has shown that the majority of children diagnosed with the condition were in their teens. More than 90% of all diagnosed patients were Caucasian. The most vulnerable group is considered to be girls between the ages of 15 and 19.

The most common cause of this and other types of skin cancer is frequent exposure to UV radiation for long hours. Children who have suffered severe sunburn on more than one occasion and those who experience this problem frequently are at higher risk of developing the condition in the future. The same applies to children using tanning beds and lamps. The danger posed by these tanning methods should be well understood. They are considered the leading cause of melanoma in girls, including adolescents.

Prevention measures

Steps for parents to take are simple and will help reduce the risk of melanoma. The main one is to keep your children in the shade when the sun is strongest. Older children should be taught to stay away from the sun when its height exceeds the height of its shadow.

When children go outside, they should use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and preferably 50. Sunscreen should be applied to all parts of the body, not just those directly exposed to the sun. It should be applied even on cloudy days. It should be applied about 30 minutes before going out and every 2 hours after if the child is in the water or playing actively. Children should wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses when outside.

Last but not least, you should regularly check your child’s skin for abnormal growths and report it to a doctor immediately. Regular screening for melanoma is recommended for adolescents.

1. Set the date and set it early

The key to any successful event is careful and timely planning. You should start planning your party at least two months in advance: make venue and catering reservations in advance so you don’t miss out on the ones you most want, and send out your invitations as soon as possible so your guests can reserve.

Set your RSVP date four weeks before your birthday party. This way, you’ll have an accurate guest list to give to your vendor and venue rental company so they can finalize arrangements for your event.

two. Choose the perfect catering service

As with any event, the food you serve will influence the success or failure of your party. At a 21st birthday party, catering is particularly important to limit the number of intoxicated guests at your party. 21-year-olds are notorious for overly-indulgent partygoers.

A cocktail service is one of the best options for catering your party, as your guests will be constantly consuming small and delicious bites of food, and will be encouraged to mingle and chat with each other. Talk to your supplier about putting together a cocktail menu for your party.

Your caterer will have a set menu of past performances that you can choose from: however, don’t be afraid to talk to your caterer about your own menu inspirations. Infuse their standard menu with some of your own personal twists.

Book a tasting session with your supplier so you can experience the full flavor and presentation of your food. A tasting session is also the perfect time to bring your own ideas to the table. Get inspired by your theme, old family favorites, or even the time of year.

3. Liven up the party with a theme

Use your wildest imagination to come up with a fun and whimsical theme for your party! Take notes from your favorite music, TV shows, movies – you could even incorporate your favorite hobbies or cultural interests. Some of the most popular themes for 21st birthdays include:

Hollywood: Dress up as your favorite actors and actresses with a Hollywood theme. Have a few of your guests act as paparazzi at the door to take photos of you and your friends as you arrive – it could even include a red carpet! If you’re going to include a short slideshow in the evening’s formalities, you could present it like a movie premiere.

Topics of the time: 60’s, 70’s and 80’s themed parties are as popular as ever. Not only are they fun and evocative, but they are simple themes: the costumes and music selection are simple. You can also use the year you were born to theme the evening.

Colors and Letters: Theme your party subtly with a color theme. Your decorations, tableware, choice of clothing, and even some menu items can be chosen to reflect your theme. Alternatively, you can use a particular letter to theme your evening, such as the first letter of her name.

casinos: Having your 21 in a casino does the whole thing for you. Put on your best Vegas-style outfit and host some themed games and activities.

Your theme can be subtle or overt; sophisticated or scandalous. For a toned down theme, you can take inspiration from your venue: Celebrate 21st by the beach and serve seafood and summery cocktails, and have your guests dress for the water; throw a good old-fashioned pool party and ask your caterer for barbecue-style catering; or you could even host a large-scale picnic in a picturesque setting, imagination is key!

Four. Choose the ideal place

The length of your guest list, as well as your budget, will help you determine the type of venue you will hire for your party. You want your venue to be large enough to hold all of your guests comfortably. A hired venue will help you with the arrangement of all your tables and chairs, tableware, decorations, and sometimes even entertainment and open bar. Find an affordable venue that suits your theme as well as your logistical requirements.

5. Taking care of the paperwork

The key: If you’re sticking to tradition, handing over the keys is an important part of your 21st birthday party. The passing of the key symbolizes your becoming an adult—your freedom to open new doors and accept new responsibilities. There are several ways to ‘hand over the key’. You can have a key custom made and cut for presentation, or place one on a piece of jewelry such as a necklace. You could even have your cake made in the shape of a key.

Giving gifts: If your guests are encouraged to bring gifts (and most will, without being encouraged), arrange for a clear table where they can place their gifts. Some parents will have a special surprise gift that they want to present to their son or daughter at the party. The best time to present this gift would be during speeches.

Speech, Speech: Today, the format of speeches at birthday parties and weddings is less formal: however, they still give your party a sense of occasion and add a personal touch to your special evening. Talk to specific family and friends about how to make short, simple speeches for the evening. They could include funny anecdotes or poignant words. Set a specific time for speeches to be delivered, usually early in the evening and between meal service times.

6. Recruit some helping hands

With the amount of organization you’ll need in the days leading up to the party, you’ll want to enlist the help of some of your family and friends. Ask family and friends to help with decorating, table settings, balloon blowing, playlist creation, and even catering. Help from your family and friends is an easy way to lower your costs, as well as help people mingle.

7. Have fun!

Once all the planning is in place, your guests start arriving and the drinks start flowing, sit back and enjoy your own hard work! Turning 21 is once in a lifetime: so enjoy the company of your family and friends, a good meal and a long and unforgettable night.

As winter approaches, the days get shorter… darker… colder… You wake up and go to work/school in the dark, spend most of the day working, then come back home in the dark. With memories of long, warm summer days, it’s no wonder people get depressed in the winter!

Well, this season, let’s fight the winter blues! Let’s increase our energy naturally! Let’s take control! Here are some of my best recommendations…

Outdoor exercise:
Exercise is one of the most important things to combat the winter blues and preferably outdoors in daylight. Bundle up and have fun! Some great ideas include snowshoeing, skiing, and skating. Fresh, invigorating air can be invigorating, like a cold shower to awaken your senses. It doesn’t really matter what exercise you do, just do it. Exercise releases endorphins, your natural feel-good hormone, and increases serotonin, which promotes healthy sleep. It also improves circulation, which improves healing and oxygenates the brain so it is more alert.

Spend time with friends/family:
Spending time with family and friends is a great mood lifter. Even if you don’t feel like it, force yourself to be social. Plan a fun outing, organize a dinner party, go to a spa day with the girls… Plan something you’ll love. Surround yourself with those who have positive energy, as some of that positivity is likely to rub off.

Bright light in the morning:
Bright light can be very therapeutic. Exposure to bright light in the morning helps reinforce normal circadian rhythms. Turn your face toward the sunlight for 15 minutes when you wake up or toward a bright indoor light. What are circadian rhythms? Circadian rhythms are natural body rhythms that regulate the sleep-wake cycle, digestion, and other bodily processes that occur in cyclical patterns over a 24-hour period. They tell the body when it needs to produce certain hormones and enzymes that regulate body processes.

It consists of the sleep-wake cycle:
Forcing yourself to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day also helps strengthen your circadian rhythms. This promotes better restoration during sleep and improves energy during the day. To ensure a good night’s sleep, be sure to practice proper sleep hygiene techniques, such as avoiding caffeine in the afternoon/evening and avoiding bright lights before bed.

Nourish the body with healthy foods:
Avoid sugary foods as these will cause spikes in your blood sugar level and thus also raise and lower your mood. Complex carbohydrates are better for keeping blood sugar at a more stable level, such as whole grains. Healthy snacks throughout the day also help. In general, whole foods are superior to highly processed foods because they are not lacking in important vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as they are nutritious and support good digestive health. Other important things to include are omega-3 oils, nuts, seeds, and smart proteins like fish, lean meat, and poultry. The B vitamins are especially important as they affect mood. Make sure you’re also getting enough vitamin D: It’s produced naturally by the skin when exposed to sunlight, but people can become deficient in the winter months. You are what you eat! Be sure to provide your body with essential nutrients, as these serve as building blocks for cell regeneration.

Avoid talking about the weather:
Unless you have something nice to say, don’t talk about the weather. Focus on the positive things.

Find a hobby or a new challenge/project:
Completing a challenge or project can give you a great sense of accomplishment and will naturally improve your mood. Try something to stimulate your creativity. Make some artwork or play an instrument. These activities can be very uplifting. Or curl up with a great book.

Holidays to a Warm Destination:
A warm vacation may be just what the doctor ordered. Find the balance between work and play.

Experience the healing arts:
Things like chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage, and other manual therapies often provide relaxation and improve mood naturally. Chiropractic care helps balance the body both mechanically and neurologically. Many people report positive effects beyond the known physical effects of chiropractic care. Certain acupuncture points are used to improve mood and reduce anxiety.

As the owner of a busy home lice treatment service, I speak to dozens of parents and caregivers each week who are beyond frustrated with these pesky parasites. They are often desperate and want their battles to end forever! What I have found in talking to these parents is that there is yet So much misinformation about head lice.

To successfully treat head lice, it is essential that parents have access to research-based information. That’s why I (and every other treatment professional worth their salt!) spend so much of my time not only treating, but also educating parents.

One complaint I hear over and over again is the way schools handle infestations. While there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of lice spreading from hats, coats, etc., that in itself won’t do much to end recurring infestations.

The reason is simple…lice do not live in the environment. They spread primarily through direct head-to-head contact. The truth is that they die within 24 to 48 hours, once their heads are removed. Lice need to feed on blood every 4 to 6 hours to survive and once they miss two meals in a row, their digestive systems start to break down. At this point, they are on their way to death and are no longer a threat.

Consider this scenario: Little Janie has head lice. She leaves a hat at school overnight (or over the weekend) with a significant number of lice. Most parents fear that head lice will spend the night (or weekend) crawling from locker to locker infesting the entire school. However, in reality, they would be dead or close to death when classes resume. However, as in the case of the weekend, they would all be dead by the time the children return to school. Nits (or eggs) would not be a threat either, as they need the heat of the head to hatch and therefore do not hatch. Even if one hatched, the nymph would need a meal within an hour to survive.

Back to Janie… Unfortunately, what probably happened is that she went home and was treated with a common over-the-counter lice product and went back to school. Unfortunately, studies show that lice are becoming resistant to these chemical pesticides, and while most of the insects may die off, there will often be survivors who continue to lay eggs. To make matters worse, no product, from non-toxic treatments to the most powerful pesticides, will kill all eggs. Within a week or two, new lice hatch and soon we are back where we started.

So when Janie’s lice are found again, her parents may wrongly blame the school for not doing its part in fighting the infestation. What actually needs to happen to end the cycle is that all lice and nits need to be manually removed from her hair. This is the only way to successfully treat a lice infestation. Keep in mind that there is a HUGE difference between killing live bugs and actually killing an infestation.

The fight against lice should focus on the treatment of infested heads. This will give you the most return on your efforts and will go a long way towards ending your lice drama for good! Exhausting yourself by overcleaning will leave you with a clean house, but will do little to solve your lice problem. Also, engage in battles with schools, nurseries, etc. about how to remove lice from the environment will only lead to anger and more frustration.

Finishing your daily quests in Northrend will earn you not only gold, but also a lot of reputation. I highly recommend doing your dailies so you can build your reputation with certain factions that are beneficial to your class/spec. This Storm Peaks Daily Quest Guide will help you do just that! I will also include some Icecrown quest tips in this guide.

First of all, head to Storm Peaks at the Sons of Hodir location.

You need to take all the quests there and then head west to Jormungar’s cave. Do all your quests here (kill slimes, wargs, use stone, etc.). Use the QuestHelper plugin if you need additional help on these quests.

Next, head west to the barbarians’ place and take that daily quest called: [Barbarian Daily]. From here you can go to the pit and kill the challengers or you can use your bear and kill the barbarians there, it’s up to you. Once you are done with all the quests in Sons of Hodir, you will be done with the Storm Peaks area. That’s about 12 missions so far (in Storm Peaks) that you’ve chosen that you’ll need to complete.

Now let’s take a look at some Icecrown daily quests:

Fly to Crusader’s Pinnacle and go to the Skybreaker and take all the quests there. She flies just east of Vyrkul’s place and picks up the two journals there.

You will have to escort the captain teams and kill the vyrkul during the ground assault mission. When you reach the town, kill the remaining vyrkul you need to complete your quest. He goes to the cave and talks to the saronite miners and tries to free them. He saves 10 miners.

Go back (out of the cave) and get on the plane. This is your time to go AFK. You will drop two soldiers and rinse and repeat this process until both missions are complete.

This should give you an idea of ​​how quickly you can complete these daily quests in Storm Peaks and Icecrown.