Category Archive : Shopping Product Reviews

Identity theft, cyberbullying, and other computer crimes are at an all-time high. Never before have so many run the risk of becoming the next victim. A cybersecurity crime can occur at any time of the day or night on anyone’s Internet system by an unknown person, whether it be within a company, by someone on the other side of the world, or even by a family member. vengeful.

Recently, several Hollywood celebrities have had their cell phones hacked. Your personal information, photos, text messages, and emails were compromised. Last year several banks, insurance companies and government offices as high as the Pentagon were hacked. Important information was stolen.

According to John Jorgensen, chief executive of the Sylint Group, hackers have made Florida, where several hundred thousand seniors have retired, the second-highest state in cybercrime. The theft of trade secrets has increased by 100% annually, and 80% of this cybercrime is perpetrated from within the company. Trojan horses and computer worms infect systems and steal personal and company information.

If you are reading this, your unprotected computer is at risk; 70% of all stolen laptops are stolen for their data value, not their physical value, and 68% of wireless networks are unsecured. Identity theft accounts for less than 20% of all cybercrime. Do you think you can find the perpetrator and sue him? Think again. Only about 7% of cybercrimes are prosecuted and law enforcement cannot protect you.

The whole month of October is National Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month. Sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security in cooperation with the National Cyber ​​Security Alliance (NCSA) and the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), the goal is to raise awareness about the growing dangers of cybercrime, not not just to our national government organizations, banks, and other major American corporations, but to every individual Internet user.

This year’s theme is “Our Shared Responsibility” and is intended to reflect how interconnected we are with everyone in our modern and highly technical world. Although the government’s goal is to foster hundreds of forums on the issues in schools, colleges, universities, and businesses across the country, each of us can do our part, whether within our family unit or even in a neighborhood forum at through a shared dinner or barbecue.

Do not think that you are not at risk! If you use a home PC, laptop, iPad or iPhone or any other equipment that connects you to cyberspace, your files can be hacked. If you use free wireless connections in hotels, Starbucks, or any other gathering place, you are at serious risk. Your system can be easily hacked, your identity can be stolen, and your financial information collected and sold to criminals all over the world. You can become a victim of cyberbullying. Coins used by government and military officials and private detectives are also used by cybercriminals. Make it your goal right now, today, to learn all you can about how to protect yourself and your family members. Discuss the problems with your children of all ages. Learn about password protection, encryption, proper file deletion, antivirus and antispyware software, social media safety, and many other vitally important security measures. Go to the following government website at this URL and spend an hour arming yourself with knowledge. Knowledge is empowerment. Take charge of your personal and business use of cyberspace.

Remember… this is “Our Shared Responsibility.”

Here are some simple things you can do to practice cybersecurity during National Cybersecurity Awareness Month and throughout the year:

  • Download tip sheets on how to stay safe in a variety of online settings: on social networking sites, on gaming sites, on your mobile device, and distribute them within your community.
  • Add a signature block to your email: “October is National Cyber ​​Safety Awareness Month. Stay safe online! Visit for the latest cyber safety tips.”

There are many great things about the Apple iPhone that have made it the best-selling cell phone of all time. However, the only reason I can think of that might make some people dislike the iPhone is the price. After buying an Apple iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS, most people don’t want to have to buy another one until an update is available, not because they accidentally damage the phone!

One of the most common problems with all cell phones is the charger connector and it is no different with the Apple iPhone. The charging port becomes loose or worn and does not make a proper connection. Sometimes it even breaks completely. Whatever the case, a cell phone cannot hold a charge forever. If you’re an iPhone owner, you know it’s especially important to maintain a usability charge. Not to mention, if your charging port isn’t working, you most likely won’t be able to extract any data from the phone either.

Instead of replacing your iPhone by buying a new one at full or even discounted price, send your phone to a qualified iPhone repair center. If you have insurance, check with your insurance company first. It is often less expensive to repair your iPhone’s charging port than it is to pay your insurance deductible. If you do not have insurance or your insurance does not cover this damage, your best bet is to search for a cell phone repair company online.

In the world of cell phone repair, there are very few, if any, qualified local stores a person can go to in their area. Many people rely on local cell phone stores where they buy their phones, and also ship the phone to another carrier. So why not save yourself the money, hassle and middle man and send it off to be fixed yourself? If your cell phone needs to be sent to a company for repair, it is recommended that you “the owner” send the phone in, rather than going through a middleman. This way you have the option of where to send it and it is less expensive. It is also usually significantly faster to recover the cell phone.

Be sure to check out the various ratings of any Apple iPhone charger connector repair center. This will ensure that you get quality iPhone parts, good service, and the shortest possible wait time for your iPhone repair.

Since its inception in 1977, Star Wars narratives have amassed a large following. By adopting a transmedia strategy, he has given his fans a truly immersive experience that spawned a unique subculture of its own. While many look to the film franchise for childhood memories and heart-pounding plot developments, some of us discover enlightening PR advice from Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Here are some of them:

Many of the truths we cling to depend on our point of view.

The first lesson to learn from Obi-Wan is the importance of empathy for a public relations professional. We, as public relations professionals, must be able to abandon confirmatory biases in order to analyze situations from the perspective of different actors.

The mission of public relations is to build a mutually beneficial relationship between different stakeholders through interest management. Without the ability to consider from different parties’ points of view, certain stakeholder groups may be disappointed and thus set the stage for future conflict.

Always in motion is the future.

Change is the only constant; the future is difficult to predict. However, one of the most exciting parts of public relations is also forecasting trends and preparing for what may be.

Rapid changes in media consumption patterns and technological advances add to the challenge. It is the very speed that throws unsuspecting professionals and agencies out of the game and even makes some obsolete. The courage to accept change is the key to survival and success. There is a need to constantly stay on top of the latest industry developments, consumer trends, and strengthen our arsenal with the latest skill sets.

Don’t assume anything Obi-Wan. Clear your mind if you want to discover the real villains behind this plot.

Yoda’s advice to Obi-Wan serves as a reminder to everyone to never take things at face value and to always keep a clear head. Regardless of how busy we are, being a professional means to never compromise on standards and work ethic.

Instead of just hoping for the ideal, we always anticipate and prepare for the worst with contingency plans. It also helps to have a clear mind when analyzing facts and situations. When faced with a cluttered mind, always take a breather before diving into tasks.

To be a Jedi is to face the truth and choose. Emit light or dark, Padawan. Be it a candle, or the night.

Last but not least, Yoda also delivers an important PR lesson on decision making and integrity. When a choice or decision has to be made, it must be made based on ethics and integrity. Always playing devil’s advocate, the best of advertisers must always remember that we are not crowd pleasers, nor are we merely mouthpieces. Always choose to err on the right side (did I say light?).

In short, regardless of being a Warsie or not, there is always something for everyone to learn from the nuggets of wisdom hidden along the Star Wars journey. As long as we are sure that we have learned everything there is to do, always remember that.

“A lot to learn, you still have”

A controversial issue such as weddings in the civil registry in many families inspires strong feelings in many people, on both sides, for and against. With such issues, there is often a lot to be gained by looking at each side, one by one. You should examine the positions for and against along with the reasons given for these positions. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages:

OK here we go! On the one hand, there is Pro; In favor:

The first point in favor of weddings in the civil registry will be how easy it is to organize.

A second point in favor could be that they can be arranged for a wedding very quickly with very little waiting.

A 3rd point in favor is that they are the cheapest type of wedding you can have.

A fourth great benefit is that they can be arranged if you are divorced when some religious orders may not be willing to remarry people.

Lastly, the fifth point is that you only need a minimum of two witnesses in all jurisdictions that we know of.

And on the other hand, to balance, the side of the Cons, against:

The first point against registry office weddings will be that many people want a wedding based on religion, and all registry office weddings are secular and contain no religious content within the ceremony.

The second point against it will be that the text of the ceremony is a stand text and, in general, it can only be varied very slightly to be in accordance with the wishes of the couple.

The third point against it will be that other weddings will take place shortly after your wedding, so the waiting margin for the late arrival of the participants is extremely limited.

Your fourth con is that a registry office wedding will not suit anyone who wants to have an elaborate wedding. In fact, a registry office wedding room will have a rather limited number of seats and not all of your guests may be able to enter the ceremony if the number is large.

5th and finally, the last point against it will be that a wedding in the civil registry will never meet the requirements of a couple who wants to celebrate this as the best day of their lives, with an extravagant wedding.

Now both sides have been heard and the Pros and Cons are stacked up, for and against.

Finally then, what is the “bottom line” here? Are weddings in the registry office good or bad?

The answer definitely seems to be “Yes” to both questions! Registry office weddings are a mix of the good and the bad… It should be left up to the reader to determine. Which side, good or bad, has the preponderance of the weight of opinion?

Every day it seems like we hear about a new product that claims to do something to make our lives easier and more enjoyable. It could be a new drug, an easy and delicious way to lose weight, a faster computer, or a more fuel-efficient car. But thanks to the overwhelming amount of marketing messages we see and hear on a daily basis, it’s hard to take all the claims seriously. As they say, you can’t believe everything you read, right?

Well that’s how I felt about Philip Stein Teslar watches, especially after they started getting so much positive media coverage early on. For a while, it seemed like every time she picked up a fashion magazine or tuned in to Oprah, they talked about the elegant beauty and amazing health benefits of Philip Stein watches. Forgive me, but the skepticism in me comes out every time I hear nothing but positive stories about a product. After all, I thought to myself, if these watches were so amazing, wouldn’t everyone already have one?

It was then that I decided to test the claims made by Philip Stein. Apparently, he was doing my research at the same time that many “scammer” websites were doing theirs, but I’ll come back to that later.

My mission was to prove or disprove the following statements:

  • Philip Stein watches use single-frequency and multi-frequency technology to change the wearer’s electromagnetic field, giving them an overall sense of calm, better sleep, and increased mental awareness.
  • Single Frequency and Multiple Frequency technology will achieve the same goal in Philip Stein watches, which is to replace the negative extra-low frequencies (ELF) commonly associated with electronic pollution with the same frequencies that are present when the brain is at rest, or in a state of optimum performance (7-9Hz).

Well, I hate to make my research sound overly simplistic, but I thought it would be more effective to go out and buy a genuine Philip Stein and test these theories for myself, rather than rely on unsophisticated methods like reading the latest snake oil. – scammer blogs. As it turns out, this was by far the most convincing method. Not only was I able to find out firsthand that these watches live up to their claims, but I also got a beautiful new watch in the process, one that looks great on my wrist and keeps stress at bay.

I was relieved to learn later that all the “Tesla scam” sites were basing their opinions on a combination of ignorance (they had never seen or worn one of the actual watches) or frugality (they bought a watch they thought It was a real Teslar, but it turned out to be a replica. I guess that’s what happens when bloggers don’t verify their data.

Do yourself a favor and check the facts for yourself at

The HTC Sensation is the manufacturer’s new flagship smartphone and is a perfect example of how fast smartphone technology advances. It offers a number of impressive key features and beats most of its competitors in many ways.

In this article, I’ll take a look at some of its key features so you can decide if it’s the right smartphone for you.

The HTC Sensation is primarily marketed as a multimedia smartphone. While it certainly has the credentials to make this claim, it’s also a fantastic productivity device, and thanks to the versatility of the Android operating system and its downloadable apps, it really does offer something for everyone.


One of the main points of interest of people when choosing a new smartphone is the quality of the camera. The HTC Sensation certainly doesn’t disappoint in this regard. At 8 megapixels, it’s certainly impressive in terms of image quality. What’s also impressive about the camera is how easy it is to use. Everything you need is conveniently arranged in the camera interface. Icons for settings, flash, switching to camcorder mode, and switching to front camera mode are located at the bottom of the screen, with a manual zoom slider located at the top of the screen. Video is also very good on the HTC Sensation, with the ability to capture 1080p HD.

htc sense

The manufacturer’s customized Android interface, called Sense, is available to allow users to customize their phone to a high degree. Up to 7 home screens can be assigned with different apps, widgets and themes. This makes Seaton a great all-rounder as you can set up screens for eg work, entertainment, travel, social media etc. Sense also has many great innovations, which make the phone easy to use on a day-to-day basis. It also has a website that allows users to sign up and then they can backup all their files and even perform a number of tasks remotely. For example, if you lose your phone, you can wipe all your data and even post a reward message in case someone finds it.

dual core processor

One of the most talked about specifications of the HTC Sensation is its dual-core processor. At 1.2 GHz, it’s available to provide all the computing power your device needs to run demanding applications. Allows resource-dependent applications to load instantly and run smoothly. It also provides benefits to the hardware. For example, the responsiveness of the touchscreen depends on the available processing power, as does the phone’s ability to quickly navigate the Internet.

Of course, there’s a lot more to the HTC Sensation than what I’ve covered in this article, but I hope it’s given you an idea of ​​the levels of technology the phone offers and the kind of user experience it offers. The HTC Sensation’s versatility makes it a great all-rounder for many different types of users, but it has the power to excel at many tasks. The HTC Sensation is available on most major UK networks, with many offering the phone for free when you sign up for one of their tariffs.

WoW Beginner’s Guide – Tips for New World of Warcraft Players

Are you a WoW newbie? World of Warcraft is a very fun game, but also very complete. There is so much you will need to learn if you want to get to the top. If you’ve played other MMORGPs, you may have a basic understanding of WoW, but there’s still a lot to learn.

To get you started, here are some basic tips for beginners:

1. A mob’s color and label indicate how easy or difficult it is. If you come across enemies or wild beasts like wolves and bears that have a gray level indicator, then you won’t get XP (experience points) for killing them. If the level indicator is red with “???”, stay away from that enemy at all costs. He is way beyond your level and will kill you with just a few hits.

2. Make sure you always look carefully at your map and follow your compass correctly. This tip may seem obvious, but you’ll be surprised how easy it is for World of Warcraft beginners to get lost!

3. Download some free plugins for automatic tracking and coordination assistance. They are easy to install and you will be glad you took the time to download and install them. Carbonite and TomTom are two popular options used by many World of Warcraft players.

4. Beware of “elite” mobs. They are much harder to kill than ordinary enemies. Even if you come across an elite that is the same level as you, be careful when fighting it, especially if there are other mobs nearby. You may end up being attacked by the elite AND other mobs at the same time.

5. If you are playing on a PvE server and do not want to engage in PvP combat in a contested area, then do not fight any PvP guards. If they chase you, just run away. Don’t try to fight them, even if you think you can beat them. If you fight a PVP NPC, you will be automatically marked and any high level player from the opposing faction can kill you.

If you’re just getting started playing WoW, whether as an Alliance or Horde player, these five tips will help you get started. Even if you are completely new to the world of online gaming, these tips will make everything a little easier for you.

elderly care

All sorrows can be borne if you put them in a story or tell a story about them.

-Isak Dinesen

THE FIRST TIME I acted as a caretaker was when my parents celebrated their wedding anniversary with a party at our house. One of the guests was my Aunt Fanny (not her real name), my mother’s sister. Fanny had had a minor stroke at some point before, but she was functioning quite well. However, when she went to the bathroom, she had a problem, so some of her urine ended up on the bathroom floor. Mom asked me to clean the bathroom. I did, but it wasn’t easy and by the time I finished she was disheveled and sweaty. I can still remember the sickly sweet smell of her urine; I later found out that she had diabetes. I wasn’t happy to do the homework, but it had to be done. When I joined the party, Aunt Fanny called out to me, “You look awful!” Well yeah, I guess I did it because it was a dirty hot job to clean up after her. That was my introduction to the world of caregiving. I was seven years old.

I am neither a doctor nor a nurse, although on several occasions when talking to doctors I was mistaken for a health professional. My journey in caregiving led me to learn a lot about many illnesses, medications, and dementia. We were lucky to have a family doctor who made me his partner in the care of my parents. I am a lawyer. My approach to the law is also as a kind of caretaker. I specifically went to law school to help my extended family. I hated the idea that we could be threatened with lawsuits or embroiled in any legal matter, and have to turn to a stranger for help.

We talked about caring in law school. I had a teacher who took care of his senile father. He said we had a 50-50 chance of having to care for a parent with dementia. Little did I think then that he would be doing it a year from now. Why did I choose to be a caregiver? I don’t think I ever did it consciously. Being a caregiver is often not a role you choose; it is most likely something that happens to you; usually you are drafted and did not enlist. Instead, I was faced with a long series of decisions and “unknowingly” became a caretaker because of those choices.

When I was quite young, one of my cynical friends said that we should get married as soon as possible because any sibling who is not married when the parents need help becomes the caretaker until they die.

I graduated from law school in 1980 and had every intention of working for the federal government, a good fit for female lawyers at the time. However, a government hiring freeze went into effect just as he was ready to enter the workforce, so that was not an option. Job prospects in the private sector were pretty bleak, and they got worse in 1981. Perhaps if I had been given the kind of offer I couldn’t refuse, like a high-paying position in a law firm, my family’s story would have been very different. . As it was, I took care of my mom while she was looking for work from home. Maybe it was learned behavior. As a child, I visited the house where my mother grew up almost daily. Two of my aunts who never married shared this house with her mother, my grandmother,

taking care of her until the end.

Maybe it’s what the family does.

My dad swore that mom would never be placed in a nursing home, and I agreed with him. I personally believe that if a healthy young person were fostered into a home, they were over-medicated and cut off from the outside world, that person would experience mental decline. How much more for the older person! My aunt Min went to a nursing home and had a positive experience. However, she was in a converted house with a very small group of patients. A devoted husband and wife team ran it.

She had two other aunts who needed care towards the end of their lives. Her families also took care of them. She didn’t take care of them, but she visited them from time to time and helped them in any way she could. In addition to my own experience, I have spoken with many people who were or are caregivers of patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

My story is a cautionary tale. I’m trying to talk to each of you so you can learn from my mistakes and take heart from our successes. I hope my experiences help you, whether you are a full-time caregiver or someone who occasionally interacts with an elderly loved one.


I have nothing to offer but blood, canvas, tears and sweat.

-Sir Winston Churchill

YOU BECOME THE PARENT, and your father becomes the child: that happens when you realize that your father’s mental or physical capacity is weakening to the point where your roles have begun to change. When this role reversal occurs, it’s not the happiest time of your life, but it doesn’t have to be the worst.

The first hurdle is deciding when that day has arrived. It can come on suddenly with obvious signs of mental decline, or it can take a long time to realize something is wrong. Some people rush the day. The first “older moment” or mistake is for some a sign that the older person is incapable of taking care of themselves. Sometimes it is done maliciously; the adult son who wants the father out of her life or to gain control of some asset. Some forgetfulness occurs at any time in life: a child’s lost homework; the lost key of a young adult. Then suddenly the misplaced item is evidence of aging. Not necessarily so, without a pattern of problems.

A personality change—a person who was very bossy becomes meek, or a person who was very sweet and loving becomes belligerent—can also signal the start of serious problems. The other side of this is not recognizing that the day has come. You may deny it because you don’t want it to be true and you don’t want to face the future without a parent to lean on, however subtle or bizarre the inclination. If you don’t see your parents regularly, are you really aware of what’s going on? I knew a very concerned daughter who lived out of state. She talked to her elderly parents often on the phone and she thought they sounded good. She assured him that they were fine. When she finally came to visit them, she was shocked to find her normally ordained parents living in utter misery. She certainly didn’t want to accept that my parents were starting to have health problems. One day, my father announced to my mother and me that he thought her hearing was deteriorating and that he wanted to buy a hearing aid. My mother and I quickly said no, your hearing is fine. It wasn’t right, and he was right about the need for a hearing aid. But I vividly remember denying that I had a problem because, as I now realize, I didn’t want her to have a problem or admit that she was getting old. As I mentioned, I was born when my parents were in their 40s, so these issues came up earlier in my life than they might for others. It doesn’t matter. When you recognize that your parents are aging, you must deal with the inevitability of being an orphan: the fact that you are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or older is completely irrelevant to your emotions. I consoled myself with the thought that I myself could drop dead at any moment and not have to face the orphan. Not a very healthy consolation.

My mother had high blood pressure for many years. She started showing signs of dementia when I was in law school in the late 1970s. Mom became legally blind at some point after she went senile. This meant that she could discern light and dark and some shapes. Dad had hearing loss, prostate cancer for which he had surgery, and heart disease. He had rheumatic fever when he was in his 20s and apparently he was left with an enlarged heart. He had two angioplasties that unblocked the arteries around his heart. Both parents were found to be borderline diabetics. An electrocardiogram found cardiac damage in my mother’s heart and she ultimately died of heart failure. Dad died of leukemia-14 hours, HOURS, after being diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia.

My sister, her husband, and their daughter lived just two blocks from my parents’ house. My sister did what she could to help, but her husband was a semi-invalid and took up most of his time. No other family could help.

It takes a long time or is it sudden

Sometimes there is no mental decline as we normally think, but rather lapses in judgment. A friend of my parents was more of a tyrant in his own home. One day he was clearly ill and his wife and adult daughters wanted to ask for help. He ordered them not to call an ambulance; They obey and, to his horror, they see him die on the living room floor.

My father was one of those who did not have mental impairment. However, one night I thought I heard him enter the room. He often slept on the sofa there. He was about to put me back to sleep, but it bothered me that he should be in bed. I went to the living room and found him sitting in a chair with chest pains. I knew that he had a recently diagnosed heart problem and that he was probably having a heart attack. However, he did not want to wake up the family, so he simply sat in a chair in the living room. I put him in the car and in the hospital. He had had a very mild heart attack, caught on time, so the damage to his heart and his health was minimal. I then asked him to clarify his decision. He indicated that he had not wanted to disturb me.

“You didn’t want to wake me up and disturb my night’s sleep?”

“That’s right.”

“So you thought you would sit on the chair even though you knew

Could you die there?”


“So I would wake up in the morning and find you dead, and you

Did you think that was the best way to handle it?”


This bit of consideration on my father’s part was, of course, ridiculous. But the effect of it on my life was profound. From that day until my father’s death some 10 years later, I never slept through the night. He slept very little, often only four hours out of 24, and very little, getting me out of bed at any sound. Parents of babies will understand the lack of quality sleep I experienced.

The family had known for several years that something was wrong with Mom, and we put it down to her getting older, even though she was not yet 70 years old. Personally, I consider it to be an early age to experience noticeable mental decline. However, I have read that the first Alzheimer’s patient, a woman treated by Dr. Alois Alzheimer, was 51 when she received the treatment and 56 when she died. Alzheimer’s can affect both middle-aged and older people.

The turning point for my mother came one day when she was making dinner. He made somewhat elaborate dinners and this consisted of a plate of meat, vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy. They were all cooking at the same time, and she was trying to plan it so that everything would finish at the same time. This can be a bit tricky for anyone. I heard her in the kitchen clearly upset. When I approached her, she said something like, “I can’t, I can’t.”

I calmed her down and led her to the porch. We had a glider that she loved to sit in at night, and I made her sit there. I came back to find that dinner was almost finished. Everything was cooked and ready to be served on plates except for the potatoes, which needed mashing. From that day on, she couldn’t cope with anything complex in the slightest, even though this had been something she did practically every day. She had been a good cook, so I tried to get her to help me with small parts of the cooking task. We often made waffles from scratch, so I had him separate the eggs so I could beat the whites. Parting requires some skill, but it was something she had done effortlessly for many years. This time she only looked at the eggs and couldn’t act. Distressing.

WMVCore.dll is a file that is a crucial component of the Windows Media Library that is used by applications with multimedia content; they work particularly with the compression and decompression of multimedia files. Its mechanism consists of making use of the codec in WMV or Windows Media Video. On Windows, Windows Media Player accesses this file to play music files or watch movie files that are tagged with wmv. Having the wmv core dll error means something went wrong with the file. There can be many reasons that trigger the error and you need to find out what they are, fix the problem and fix it. Here is the tutorial to guide you in doing this.

What causes the WMVCore.dll error?

Common warning messages that users receive when they have the wmvcore.dll error are:

  • “can’t find [PATH]wmvcore.dll”
  • “can’t start [APPLICATION].”
  • “A required component is missing: wmvcore.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again.”

As you can see, the computer is signaling the lack of a particular component needed to finish the process of playing a particular video or audio in Windows Media Player. The dll file could be missing, misplaced, corrupted due to virus infections, or corrupted. No matter what the case is, it is clear that you need to resolve the issue with this particular component. Follow the guide below to do this correctly.

How To Fix WMVCore.dll Errors

If the inconsistencies are caused by the app, you should remove it and reinstall it. See which programs are causing the error to appear. Write them down because they are the ones you need to reinstall.

Go to START > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.

Among the names listed, identify the application names you noted.

Delete or uninstall these. After doing so, restart the computer and see if the error still occurs.

You can simply insert the installation CD or download the app again if you want to re-install it. Next, fix the problem with the dll file by replacing it.

Download the wmvcore.dll zip file from the official website and unzip it to the computer’s hard drive.

Go to c:windowssystem 32 folder to find the old dll file and rename it to wmvcoreBACKUP.dll; also, put the new dll file in the same folder.

Register it by opening a command prompt (Run > type “cmd”). In the box, enter “regsvr32 wmvcore.dll” to make the new dll file official. Restart the computer so that the medicines can take effect.

Lastly, download the Frontline Registry Cleaner program. Let it run a database scan. This is a reliable tool that handles registry maintenance and troubleshooting. If the error is caused by any of the data stored in the registry, this software can easily identify and fix it. You will control the situation and prevent any potential errors that can damage the computer system.

The study of leadership is a lifelong pursuit. It is not a destination but a journey. The results can be staggering for organizations with strong leadership. Jim Collins in Good to Great described highly successful companies and one of the key elements is what he coined as a Level 5 leader. These people were not what you think. Most people when they hear “leader” think of flamboyant CEOs or fast-talking politicians. When you go deeper, the opposite happens. I recommend all of Mr. Maxwell’s work. One thing that makes his work real is that John has built non-profit organizations throughout his life with great success. When you build a company, people have to follow you if they work for you because their livelihood depends on it. Building a nonprofit organization is not the same. People CHOOSE to follow you and that is what makes their work so profound.

Why is this important to me? Let’s show it with an example and I think you’ll see why it’s critical to make Leadership a lifelong study. I’m a big fan of OPE, OPT, and OPM (Other People’s Experience, Time, and Money). This allows for leverage and expansion of your organization when balanced correctly. From a strict performance point of view, consider the following. Let’s say you have an organization that has 100 team members. If you work on yourself and improve your own performance by, say, 20%, then that’s a really good improvement and you should do it. But if you broaden your focus and strive to get everyone on your team to improve, say, 5%, then the impact on the organization is a 500% improvement. So let’s monetize this example. Suppose the organization earns $1,000,000. Improve yourself by 20% and maybe the organization will see $1,200,000. Upgrade team members by 5% each and the organization will see $5,000,000. Which would you rather have? Please note this is without increasing your costs… It goes without saying that Leadership is a study that needs to be continued.

This book is packed with in-depth knowledge and should be used as a desktop reference. Keep it handy and review it every quarter. I will outline a few key points due to our time constraints, but I encourage you to read this book and the others by John Maxwell. You can also see his other works on the site.

If you were to graph leadership, think of it as a scale with leadership ability (1-10) on the Y axis and dedication to success (1-10) on the X axis. In the book, John talks about the McDonald brothers. They built a good chain of restaurants and they were successful. They had a leadership ability of 1 and a dedication to success of 8. Therefore, their total coverage area was 1×8 or 8. Ray Kroc bought the franchise rights and McDonald’s is one of the most successful corporations in the world. Mr. Kroc’s ability to succeed was, let’s say, a 9 and his leadership ability was also a 9. His total effectiveness chart was 9 x 9 for a total of 81. You’ll see that his effectiveness in growing the business and recruiting good people to help you was at least 10 times better than the McDonald brothers.

As you can see, if you commit to striving for excellence on both the X and Y axis, you will multiply your effectiveness. The total range is from 1 to 100, so there is a lot to learn.

I am going to highlight 4 of the 21 laws for reasons of time. All laws are critical and can be studied and improved independently so you don’t have to master one to move on to the next.

1. The Law of Solid Earth – Trust is the foundation of Leadership. When you look at Apple, people trust Steve Jobs. There are no two ways about it. You can’t build a billion dollar business for decades without it. Similarly, think about Enron. These executives were building a house of cards. Now they hid their motives and lied to their employees, but once trust was broken, their careers were over. None of those executives were able to go back to running another company because they violated the Solid Earth Act. It takes 30 years to build trust, integrity and character and 30 seconds to lose them.

2. The Law of Influence – The true measure of leadership is influence – Nothing more, nothing less. Think about this. Why would someone retell the story from 480BC? The Spartan king Leonidas led 300 Spartan soldiers into battle against the Persian army that was rumored to number in the millions. The Persian army was made up of slaves while the Spartans were free men. The Law of Influence is seen in the fact that Xerxes, the Persian leader, would kill any of his men for victory and Leonidas would die for any of his men. Needless to say, the stand of the famous 300 Spartans is still remembered today as one of the greatest battles in history. All the Spartans stayed and died because they were fighting for what they believed in and following a leader greater than themselves. That is Influence.

3. Law of the Inner Circle – A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him. This law is very important. If you are just starting out in your career then really look at who you are working for. Where do they spend their time? Who do they spend it with? This is critical because the top 5 people he hangs out with on a regular basis determine where he is in life. You’ve heard companies say that their people are their greatest asset. The Law of the Inner Circle says that the RIGHT PEOPLE ARE YOUR GREATEST ASSET. This is critical to the success and the heart of this law.

4. The Law of Victory – Leaders find a way for the team to win. Everyone knows that in business or in war there is no such thing as a Silver medal. Here is a quote from Winston Churchill that sums this up. When asked what our aim is with regard to World War II, Churchill replied: “Victory, victory at all costs, victory despite all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, no there is survival.”

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is a great book packed with great lessons for EVERYONE to study. I recommend the book even if you are not in a leadership position. If you want to increase your effectiveness, this book provides the road map for doing so. I have a long way to go on the path of leadership, but Mr. Maxwell’s work provides the road map.

I hope you found this short summary useful. The key to any new idea is to work it into your daily routine until it becomes a habit. Habits are formed in as little as 21 days.

One thing you can take away from this book is the multiplier effect of leadership. This is the result you will get by studying and practicing all the laws daily. I have started doing this and our organization has had some success. Personally, I have a long way to go, but I will continue to use this book and the other works of John Maxwell to guide me.