Gum Arabic Producers in Sudan

Gum Arabic Producers

Gum arabic farming provides an important livelihood in southern Sudan. Although most families grow several crops, gum arabic is the primary source of income. In Timna, a village 45 minutes from the main road, everyone is involved in the crop. The village has no other jobs and everyone is involved in harvesting the gum. Amin’s wife, Jenna, helps harvest the gum.

The gum arabic plant is harvested from wild Acacia trees. In Sudan, this type of tree grows prolifically and produces the most gum arabic of any country in the world. The gum arabic producers are able to harvest this sap in the winter months. This gum comes from the gum belt of Africa, stretching from Senegal in the west to Somalia in the east.

The gum arabic industry is the largest agricultural export in Sudan and supports five million farmers. It is exported in raw form and can triple in value once it reaches processing centers in Europe and the United States. But this process is rife with middlemen and smugglers who take huge profits.

gum arabic

The training provided by the CBPC aims to improve harvesting practices, develop self-reliance and promote economic development. It also aims to empower the most vulnerable groups and increase the level of engagement of the private sector and government. This way, gum arabic producers can contribute to economic development and the protection of the environment.

Gum Arabic Producers in Sudan

The government is involved in the gum arabic industry in Sudan. The board of the Gum Arabic Company is chaired by the Under Secretary of the Ministry of Trade and includes representatives from the Sudan Farmers Union. There are several taxes imposed on the gum production in Sudan. These taxes range from $200 to $400 per MT and are collected at the local level. In addition, additional taxes are collected on the transport operators on the way to Khartoum. While some of these taxes are legal, the processing industry claims that many are unconstitutional.

gum arabic in Sudan

There are also numerous problems and challenges faced by gum arabic producers in Sudan. These associations were established during phase III of the Restocking of the Gum Belt Project and were aimed at promoting financial returns for farmers and increasing the rural community’s self-reliance. Furthermore, it was hoped that gum arabic production would lead to the development of the Gum Belt.

gum arabic producers in sudan

Gum arabic is a valuable natural ingredient in food, beverages, and chemical products. It is a commodity with a wide range of applications, and its exports have nearly tripled over the last 25 years. This means that it is important for the growth of an African country. However, the gum arabic supply chain faces extraordinary challenges.

While the production dates for gum arabic are unpredictable, the process starts at the beginning of the dry season. Once the gum has accumulated, it is extracted at various intervals over the following months. On average, Om-Oshosh farmers begin the tapping process at the end of October, but in some cases, the process is delayed due to unusually cold temperatures and heavy rainfall.

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