How dangerous are fleas REALLY?

That time of year is once again upon us! The warm weather and blue skies have our dogs begging to be outside to bask in the sun. Ah, summer, how we love it! (Just like our dogs).

Unfortunately, that warm weather and blue skies bring with them something else: fleas. They are a threat to the comfort of our dogs and can wreak havoc in our homes. You know they are annoying, frustrating, painful, and extremely difficult to get rid of. But did you know that fleas also pose major health risks?

There is a large percentage of dogs that are allergic to flea saliva. When bitten by a flea, instead of simply scratching the area to relieve the annoying itching, a dog with flea allergy dermatitis will dig, lick, bite and chew the area that is likely already welty and very irritated. This can result in excessive shedding, painful skin problems, and infections.

Here’s something many dog ​​and puppy owners have no idea about. Fleas are carriers of parasites! And, not just any parasite; the tapeworm parasite. Infected fleas, as they scurry through your dog’s fur, run over his skin and sink their tiny teeth to cause itching, then are ingested by your dog or puppy while grooming. A tapeworm infection is no laughing matter either! If you notice that your pup is lethargic, losing weight, vomiting, having diarrhea, and everything around them doesn’t look right, you’ll want to get them to the vet as soon as possible. Tapeworm eggs will pass through your faeces and into your garden where it ‘goes to the toilet’, so they can easily be passed on to you or your children if not taken care of right away.

In the rarest of cases, fleas can also be carriers of some terrifyingly terrible diseases, such as typhoid and plague. The presence of these little demons is certainly not to be taken lightly!

When we ship our puppies to you, and it doesn’t matter if they’re Shorthaired English Bulldog puppies or Longhaired Yorkie puppies, we make sure your new puppy is 100% flea-free! Help make sure your new boy or girl stays that way by making an appointment with your vet right away and starting a routine flea and tick prevention treatment like Frontline, Advantage, or K-9 Advantix.

Keep your puppies, homes, yards and families flea free this summer!

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