How To Increase Stamina And Have Sex For 30-40 More Minutes (Pornstar Principles!)

No matter how many sexual strategies or positions you try, if you want to increase sexual stamina and last 30-40 more minutes in bed, you must learn to relax while using them. And the secret to learning how to do this comes from practice.

Trust me, there is a step-by-step approach to relaxing during intercourse and I am going to share this with you below and understand that once you master this, you can stop ejaculation for as long as you want. Here you have.

Here’s why it’s important to relax

Premature ejaculation prevention comes down to your ability to relax your mind and body during sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation is known to be essentially the contraction of the PC muscles (the muscles used to stop urination midway) along with increased sexual arousal. You must be able to relax your PC muscles if you want to stop premature ejaculation.

Therefore, our ability to make sex last longer will depend on your mental effort to keep your PC muscles relaxed. It doesn’t matter what strategies or positions you use. If you cannot relax your PC muscles, you will ejaculate early.

The 2 principles of relaxation

Telling him to relax is definitely easier said than done. So I imagine you would like to know how to “relax”. It is not that difficult if you follow these 2 principles …

  1. Control your mind, control your body: Most men focus entirely on the sensations they feel in their genitals during sexual intercourse. You should start to move the focus away from the genitals and apply the focus to other parts of the body such as the abdomen. Focus on breathing in an in and out motion with your abdomen rather than an up and down motion with your chest. Also pay mental attention to the tightening of the leg and hip muscles. When you feel them squeeze, stop for a few seconds and take a deep breath. Hold it down for a few seconds and allow your mind and body to relax.
  2. Turn your focus elsewhere: When you feel your arousal starting to build faster than you want it to, shift your focus from your arousal to other areas. Take your eyes off your lady and tell yourself that you must relax, over and over again. Start thinking about your toes and wiggle them. After some practice, this will be a great strategy for you.

You have to practice

It is very important that you practice the above principles. It will take some time and practice to become highly effective, but like any other body workout, you will see good results if you are persistent. The secret to increasing sexual stamina is no secret. It is your ability to act consistently to get the results you want.

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