How to play Perfect 01 Dart game

Disclaimer: There are many combinations of darts that can be used to play 301, 501, 701, 801, 901, etc. This serves as a possible example and should not be considered the only possible scenario for playing the perfect 01 game.

The perfect 301 dart game means finishing a match with 0 points in two rounds or throwing just 6 darts! Throwing two darts is an astonishing feat and requires a great level of skill and concentration to achieve on a regular basis.

How to play the perfect double entry / double exit dart game?

For this exercise, we will focus on playing your best 301 dart game using your natural throwing strengths. If you can easily match the numbers located on the top of the dart board, that is, 20, 18, etc. (see the figure below). So your natural throwing force is the top of the bullseye and you should focus on 20 as your main throwing number.

Note that 20 is the largest number on the dart board that can receive a triple score and players are rewarded significantly if they can consistently hit it (60 points max). However, they are severely penalized with fewer points if they fail because it is surrounded by the numbers 1 and 5. Therefore, more experienced dart players choose to aim for this number due to its high reward factor risk.

If you are a player who finds it easy to match numbers located at the bottom of the dart board, i.e. 19, 17, etc. (see the figure below). So your natural throwing force is the bottom of the dart board and you need to focus on hitting 19 as your main throwing number.

Note that 19 is the second largest number on the dart board that can receive a triple score and players can earn up to 57 points for hitting a triple 19. 19 is surrounded by the numbers 3 and 7. Many beginning players e Intermediate players choose Play 19 because the point reward is better if they miss 19 (minimum 3 points per dart) rather than trying to hit 20 and miss (minimum 1 point per dart).

advice: Find out which section (top or bottom) of the dart board is your strength by throwing ten rounds at both double-20s and double-19s each. Keep a running tally of the number of times you hit double 20 and then double 19. The number you hit the best will determine your main pitch number.

Why focus on the upper or lower sections of the dart board when playing 301?

The goal of any good dart player is to create a repeatable throw. If you can hit a double 20, then a double 18 requires very little adjustment to your throwing style because both numbers are located close together in the upper section of the dart board (see website for details). This is instead of hitting the double 20 and then trying to hit the double 19, which is quite possible for good dart players, but requires a larger adjustment due to the greater distance between the two numbers.

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