Learn to write a cover letter: 7 simple but very important tips

Learning how to write an amazing and effective cover letter has never been more important than today. This simple part of your job application package is the most important step in separating you from the crowd. Follow these seven easy steps and you’ll be at the front of the interview line.

1. Always research and address your cover letter to the person you intend to contact by name and title. If you’re sending your resume and cover letter to a job that doesn’t allow phone calls, do it anyway, but do it professionally and courteously. Simply ask the receptionist or person who answers your call for the hiring manager’s name and title. Be sure to let this person know that she is only applying so that she can professionally send your application to the right person.

2. Make sure you sign your cover letter in ink, I prefer black, but blue will work too. This simple step will show the hiring manager that you and your resume package are originals and not just another copy of a mass mailing from an uncaring applicant.

3. Keep your cover letter short and to the point. Never use more than five paragraphs and NEVER use more than one page! This is another simple step that will show that you are considerate of the hiring managers’ time. The reader will always appreciate a short and direct application much more than one that tends to ramble on and on about things that are not relevant to the open position he is seeking to fill.

4. Use good quality paper for both your cover letter and resume. Put both documents on the same paper. Also, make sure the style and fonts you use are the same or at least complement each other.

5. Be sure to highlight a couple of your accomplishments and/or skills that you are most proud of. This will draw the reader or hiring manager to your cover letter and grab their attention. Remember, you are trying to stand out from the crowd and show that you are the right candidate for the job. Never waste valuable space on your cover describing your previous jobs and background, that’s what a resume is for. Your cover letter should always be written in such a way that it will attract and hold the attention of the readers, make sure you write in the most positive way.

6. Check, check, and then check again. Nothing screams “don’t hire me” more than a poorly written and poorly punctuated cover letter or resume. I like to go so far as to have someone else read it and criticize it for me so it can be corrected in whatever way is needed. Be sure to submit this in “Perfect” form.

7. Last but not least, use a simple, easy-to-read font. Always remember that there are many other people vying for this same open position and this is your only chance to make a great and lasting impression.

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