Read the policies and procedures of any network marketing company you’re thinking of joining!

Policies and Procedures (P&P) are legal contracts that people must sign when they join a network marketing company.

The problem is that most people don’t read them or don’t understand them. (Some companies’ P&Ps can be 30 pages or more, and that’s pretty boring legal jargon.)

Policies and Procedures, Terms of Service, Consultant Agreement, and Independent Sales Representative Contracts are some of the names that MLM companies call the binding contracts that they require you to sign when you join their company.

Does this look familiar to you?
“I have read, understand and agree to the Terms of Agreement, Policies and Procedures and Compensation Plan.”

How many people read the entire contract to the end?
Probably not too many.

If you hired a lawyer to read it first and explain it to you in layman’s terms, you would have a clear idea of ​​whether or not you wanted to sign that contract. But who is going to go to that kind of trouble and expense. And besides, you’re saying right now, “My amazing network marketing company would never trick me out of my business! It’s a totally honest company!”

They want you to think that signing the P&P is just a simple formality. Think again.

Here is a little story.

Joe and his wife Mary joined a large network marketing company. Things were going great for Joe and Mary. In just a few short years, they were able to quit their day jobs and build their home business full time. They were so happy to be living a life they had always dreamed of.

Then one day all the happiness and success stopped.

Joe and Mary received a letter in the mail from their network marketing company. When they read the letter, they tried to understand the devastating news: Joe and Mary were told by the company that their affiliation with the company had ended. No reason, no apologies, just terminated.

Joe and Mary were very upset, of course. They spent years building a great organization of honest, hard-working people. They helped the company train people and gave seminars. They gave everything they had to this company.

They took all of their documents to a lawyer to find out what they could legally do to prevent the company from firing them.

The attorney sat down to read the company Policies and Procedures that Joe and Mary had signed when they joined the company. After reading the document, the attorney took out a red marker and marked something on the paper and handed it to Joe and Mary.

Joe and Mary looked at it and read:

You can end your relationship with [company] at any time by providing signed written notice to [company]. [Company] You may also terminate the relationship with you (including partnerships, corporations, or other entities) at any time by giving you written notice. you or [company] are not required to have any reason, neither you nor [company] have to allege or prove any cause to terminate this relationship. In the event that the relationship is terminated, you will not have the right to claim against [company] nor any right to claim or collect lost profits, lost opportunities or any other damages. Termination will result in the loss of all benefits as [company] Independent consultor.

There was nothing they could do about it. The loyalty and dedication they had shown to the company had not been reciprocated.

Please, if you are thinking of joining a network marketing company, read the Policies and Procedures, do not become another victim of heartless companies. You deserve more than that.

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