What You Should Know About The Birth Control Pill

The contraceptive pill represents one of the most popular contraceptive methods, because it offers the greatest protection against unwanted pregnancy. However, it does not protect the user against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and has several side effects.

How to use it?

You should not take any pregnancy control pills without consulting your gynecologist. The specialist will prescribe the pill that is most suitable for your health, age and specificity of the period.

The woman should take the contraceptive pill every day, preferably at the same time, for 21 days in a row. During the last 7 days of the cycle, you will either not take any pills or you will get an inactive one, that depends on the type of product you are using. During the seven days that you do not take the pill, you will have your period.

Then you need to start using the pill again after the seven-day break, on the same day of the week as before.

Side effects of the contraceptive pill

This method of birth control has many side effects, some temporary, some long-term. When you start using the pill, nausea, morning sickness, spotting, and breast tenderness can be a problem. But the symptoms go away as the body adjusts to the new level of hormones.

In the long term, the contraceptive pill can have serious side effects, which is why specialists recommend that it not be used for years. Among the health risks of long-term administration we must mention an increased risk of cervical and breast cancer, blood pressure problems, thrombosis, liver dysfunctions, benign cysts, etc.

Who should NOT use the contraceptive pill?

Women who have a chronic disease or who have a family history of thrombosis, for example, should not use methods of hormonal control of pregnancy.

The birth control pill is not recommended for women who have been treated for ovarian cysts, cancer, or liver problems.

Smokers and women over 35 should also not use hormonal pregnancy monitoring due to the increased risk of side effects.

Your doctor will usually recommend blood tests and a careful evaluation of your health to make sure your body system is within optimal parameters. Oral contraceptives should not be prescribed otherwise due to the health hazards they pose, especially in some categories of users. In addition to the birth control pill, you may want to explore your other birth control options.

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