Why do dogs have whiskers?

See the long, coarse, and widely spaced hair growing around your dog’s muzzle? These are whiskers. This finely tuned and highly sensitive sensory structure is scientifically known as vibrissae. Most animals have whiskers. These hairs not only serve to enhance the appearance of the dog. Whiskers play an important role. The mustache is a touch-sensitive organ that is comparable to the fingertips of humans.

Quite long but sparse hairs that grow on the side of the nose, on the upper lip and on the chin are commonly called whiskers. But did you know that whiskers are not only found in the area of ​​the dog’s muzzle, but also on its forehead? The hairs on the eyes of dogs are also called whiskers, although these hairs are slightly shorter than those that grow on the muzzle. Whiskers are also the first hairs that puppies grow. Except for the size, the whiskers are almost the same as normal hair. The whiskers are more than twice the size of normal hair. The roots are also embedded three times deeper. The root of a mustache is found in the middle of a network of small nerves. The rich supply of nerves in the follicle makes whiskers an intricate receptor. These highly sensitive tactile hairs receive the vibrations from the air currents and send the message to the brain. The dog can sense the presence of a predator or an object in its path. Mustaches are equated with eyelashes. Both send messages to the brain that cause the dog to automatically close its eyes when the whiskers rub against an object. This protects the eyes from damage.

The whiskers serve as a kind of antenna that tells the dog all kinds of information. It is a good navigation tool that is especially useful when the dog is looking for food at night and is more difficult to see. Dogs and other animals grope their way in the dark with the help of whiskers. Whiskers inform the dog about its surroundings. Dog whiskers are also considered an important hunting tool. Of course, dogs are known for their excellent sense of smell, but these highly sensitive hairs help the dog detect prey from several feet away. Dogs are diggers. They track and follow their prey in their burrows. The whiskers let the dog know if the opening is wide enough for him to get through. Scientists also believe that whiskers are excellent indicators of the mood that the dog supposedly uses to subdue and scare off a predator.

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