10 Jedi Tips For Successful Internet Marketing

What are you going to? A Jedi or a But-Me?

You always have a choice on how you approach things…so would you like to be a Jedi or a But-I? Let me make sure you understand the differences between Jedi and But-me… You probably remember what a Jedi is, but you may not know what a “But-me” is. A But-Me is the part of our personality that is stubborn, unwilling, uncooperative, stagnant, moody, quarrelsome, and finds fault and finds problems everywhere…especially within ourselves.

Our But-Me part says, “But I can’t. But I don’t know enough. But it’s too hard. But I don’t have the right tools. But I don’t have the time.” Meta-I, Meta-I, Meta-I. I think you get the idea. Our But-Me is full of ifs, ands, or buts, is that you?

And the Jedi? You remember them… from Start Wars… Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, lightsabers and “may the Force be with you.” With amazing powers and strong qualities, the remarkable Jedi can teach us something about how to succeed in our internet marketing businesses.

What qualities do the Jedi have that could be applied to internet marketing success?

  1. serve jedi
  2. The Jedi are brave.
  3. Jedi do what is ethically correct
  4. They act quickly and decisively.
  5. They lead (they don’t command).
  6. They are calm and at peace, in control of their emotions.
  7. The Jedi know that complete concentration and patience are essential.
  8. They seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.
  9. edi balances using his strengths with controlling his weaknesses.
  10. They work with the light side of the Force, not the dark side.

“Oh my God,” you say, “I’ve been trading like a But-Me! I’ll never make it!”

Fortunately, once you understand how a Jedi operates, you can begin to take steps to change your mindset and approach. Each of us has But-I traits and Jedi traits. We can use the Jedi as models and choose the qualities we want to emulate, and allow our But-Me qualities to fade away. To be successful as an Internet Marketer, you must work on those Jedi qualities. So let’s take a look at those qualities and see how we can apply them… read on.


Serve by providing information and value, answering questions, and directing people where they can find answers (you don’t always give them all the answers yourself). You’ve probably heard the expression “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, but teach him to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.” Although your goal is to serve, this doesn’t mean you have to do too much! We take away the opportunity for growth that occurs when people have to work and learn if we do too much for them.

Be brave

Starting a new endeavor and having to learn a lot of new things can be scary. Courage doesn’t mean being without fear…it means overcoming fear and acting anyway. Heroes are just ordinary people who act in spite of fear. A person who is successful is the person who lets go of fear and goes ahead and does it anyway.

Do what is ethically correct

Basically, don’t lie, cheat or steal. Be honest and authentic in your relationships. This means being real, not being perfect. When people feel like you’re genuine instead of seeming perfect, they’ll connect with you more easily.

Act quickly and decisively

Avoid analysis paralysis and the bad habit of rethinking every decision after you’ve made it. If you need help making decisions, grab a pen and paper and write down as many pros and cons as you can think of, then let go of any feelings related to them and decide. Then go ahead with your decision. Could you make a mistake? Of course it’s possible, we all make mistakes… but that’s one of the best ways to learn! Don’t hold back from expanding and learning out of indecision.

Be calm and at peace and in control of your emotions

I can’t be clear when I’m not calm. When I’m unclear I’m confused, and when I’m confused I’m not effective. It is important that I give myself time and space to foster a calm and clear mind, and not allow my emotions to run wild. Meditation and working to stay organized go a long way with this.

Know that full concentration and patience are essential

In today’s busy world, we find it difficult to focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking is overrated – studies have shown that it doesn’t work very well, at least with humans! I constantly work on improving my focus and concentration, and I practice letting go of other things when I’m working on an important task. I usually work in one or two hour chunks, then take time to do smaller things, and this helps me stay focused, while giving myself a little break from time to time. Patience is certainly essential in all parts of our daily lives: it makes growth, improvement, and expansion possible.

lead (not command)

You’ve probably heard the saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. As a leader, you set the example and provide encouragement, information, and support, but you don’t make the decisions or do the work for someone else. Make a call to action (always a great practice) but keep in mind that the other person may or may not take that action, and it’s not up to you to force it.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and be more, you are a leader.” john quincy adams

Improve yourself through training and knowledge

We always have new things to learn. As I learn more, I have more value to offer to others, as well as to myself. Acquiring new skills is beneficial to me and also helps me to benefit others. There are things to learn beyond marketing skills, such as developing good work habits, a great mindset, glowing health, and flourishing relationships. As I learn, I expand as a person.

Balance using your strengths with controlling your weaknesses

We all have weaknesses and we all have strengths. Really strength and weakness are really two aspects of the same thing. The most important thing is to begin to recognize our strengths and our weaknesses, and from there we can see where to focus our efforts. Controlling your weaknesses means becoming aware of them and allowing them to disappear as you develop your strengths, rather than trying to force your weaknesses.

Work with the light side of the force, not the dark side

Focus on the positive, not the negative. May your attention expand. What you think will happen. If you think you can do something or you think you can’t do anything, you’re right (Henry Ford). We’ve all heard clichés that go along with this… but it makes common sense that if I put my thoughts and energy into something, I’ll get more of it, don’t you think? Put your thoughts and energy into what you want, what you would like to create, what will benefit everyone involved; this is much more constructive than focusing on the negative aspects of things.

Choose your perspective and choose your way of thinking. Then take action. The right mindset will lead to the right action.

May the force be with you!

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