Category Archive : Tours Travel

예약을 취소하거나 수정하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요

서울의 서쪽 가장자리에 위치한 김포국제공항(GMP)은 2001년 인천공항이 개항되기 전 도시의 주요 국제공항이었습니다. 이 공항은 주로 한국 내 국내선 항공편을 취급하며 일부 국제선 연결편도 취급합니다. 도쿄(HND) 및 오사카(KIX) 행 항공편. 두 개의 긴 평행 활주로는 Airbus A380 및 Boeing 747-400과 같은 대형 항공기를 처리할 수 있습니다.


김포공항은 2개의 여객터미널 외에도 대규모 화물시설과 상업공간을 갖추고 있다. 그중에는 국내 최대 항공사의 본사가 있는 공항 자체 비즈니스 항공 센터가 있습니다. 공항은 또한 다양한 버스 노선을 통해 도시의 나머지 지역과 연결되어 있으며, 도시 내 주요 목적지 대부분은 김포공항 버스로 직행됩니다.

공항에는 4개의 주차장이 있으며 각 주차장은 차량 크기에 따라 요금을 부과합니다. 추가 요금을 내고 두 터미널 모두에 편리하게 위치한 발레파킹 서비스를 이용하실 수도 있습니다.

김포공항 주차대행 예약을 취소하거나 수정하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

김포공항 주차예약은 온라인 주차예약시스템을 통해 취소 및 변경이 가능합니다. 시스템에 접속하려면 사용자 이름과 비밀번호로 로그인해야 합니다. 로그인 후, 도착 예정 시간 1시간 전까지 주차 예약을 완료하시면 위약금 없이 주차 예약을 변경하거나 취소하실 수 있습니다.

공항에서 장기간 체류할 계획이라면 사전에 주차 공간을 예약해야 합니다. 이렇게 하면 자리를 확보할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 비용도 절약할 수 있습니다. 웹사이트를 통해 또는 공항의 전용 카운터를 방문하여 이를 수행할 수 있습니다. 카운터는 총 3개이며, 두 터미널의 각 층에 하나씩 있습니다.

티켓 카운터는 평일 오전 7시부터 오후 8시까지, 주말에는 오전 9시부터 오후 4시까지 운영됩니다. 공항 공식 웹사이트에 나와 있는 전화번호로 전화하여 주차 공간을 예약할 수도 있습니다.

또한 일본항공의 공식 웹사이트를 방문하여 선택한 항공편의 좌석을 예약할 수도 있습니다. 김포공항 터미널에 있는 일본항공 대리점을 방문하여 좌석을 예약하실 수도 있습니다. 그러나 출발 최소 하루 전에 좌석을 예약하는 것이 좋습니다.

예약한 항공편이 만족스럽지 않은 경우 즉시 항공사에 연락하여 문제를 해결하는 것이 중요합니다. 항공사는 일반적으로 환불을 제공하거나 다른 항공편으로 재예약합니다. 문제가 지속되면 언제든지 고객 지원에 문의하실 수 있습니다.

시내에서 공항으로 가려면 택시나 크리에이트립 버스를 이용하세요. 또는 지하철 5호선이나 9호선을 타고 김포역까지 오실 수 있습니다. 역에서 셔틀버스를 타고 공항까지 갈 수 있습니다.

There are four basic steps to acquiring wealth. In fact, these steps apply to just about anything in life. They are:

  1. Passion
  2. Decision
  3. Plan
  4. Discipline

First, you have to have the passion to do something. Without passion to do something you will be like a ship without a rudder. You will simply float going where the currents take you. You will always be at the mercy of those who have a passion for something. This amounts to a lifetime of hopelessness.

Next you have to make a decision. You can have all the passion in the world but until you decide do something all that passion is latent. It will never be done. Do you really want to do something? Do you really want to get rich?

Third, you need to make a plan. Without a plan, you will go from one idea to the next and never get anywhere. Lots of people do this. That’s why so many “get rich quick” schemes abound. Having a plan is like having a step-by-step guide to get where you want to go.

Finally, you have to have discipline. Just as dripping water will eventually wear down stone, it is the consistent application of your plan and working on it that will see you succeed. Remember that Rome was not built in a day. Neither do the pyramids. And it won’t be your plan either. But removing it as often as possible, preferably EVERY day, will allow you to see results. This, in turn, will encourage you to keep going.

When it comes to wealth, almost all rich and successful people say the same thing: find something you love to do, and then find a way to make money from it. When you do this, you will never “work” another day in your life.

It seems like no matter if I’m talking to a home-based or small business owner, marketing executive, or copywriter, almost everyone in this business faces the same burning question about every direct response promotion they create:

“How do I know how strong the sales copy is in my promotion before I show it to prospects?”

If you can relate, you’re going to love this. The next time you’re tempted to put down a draft, send it to a client, or send it to a design artist or web developer, do the following:

Set aside an hour. Lock yourself in a quiet room. Pull the phone jack from the wall. Mentally insert her dogs into a prospect’s Nikes, then read her sales copy just as he or she would.

DO NOT get carried away with editing or changing anything. Instead, notice every fleeting thought that crosses your mind and every feeling—excitement or boredom, conviction or skepticism, clarity or confusion—that arises within you as you read the sales copy.

Then, as soon as you’re done, take this test. Please rate how well your sales copy achieves each of these 37 objectives on a scale of one to five as follows:

1: non-existent or pathetically weak

2: Room for Major Improvements

3: I’ve seen worse

4: pretty strong

5: Wow, this is perfect. I must be a direct answer genius.

Ready? Here it goes…

1. Is the topic or benefit presented in the headline likely to resonate powerfully with a significant number of your best prospects?

1 2 3 4 5___

2. Does the headline and headline instantly grab your attention?

1 2 3 4 5___

3. Are they instantly and completely believable?

1 2 3 4 5___

4. Do they present compelling benefits the prospect will get from reading this?

1 2 3 4 5___

5. Do they explain why it is crucial for the prospect to read this right now?

1 2 3 4 5___

6. Do they establish the spokesperson’s qualifications beyond the shadow of a doubt?

1 2 3 4 5___

7. Do you sell on the opening reading?

1 2 3 4 5___

8. Does the opening copy connect directly to the headline and headline, and intensify your desire to continue reading?

1 2 3 4 5___

9. Do the emotions you experienced while reading the copy that follows the open make you willing to continue reading?

1 2 3 4 5___

10. Are all key factual statements supported by sufficient detail to make them credible?

1 2 3 4 5___

11. Does the spokesperson present a compelling reason for writing this or offering this product or service at the beginning of the text?

1 2 3 4 5___

12. Is the prospect told why they absolutely need to read this?

1 2 3 4 5___

13. Does the spokesperson’s personality and conviction come through loud and clear?

1 2 3 4 5___

14. Does the copy feel like a one-on-one conversation between two friends with a common interest?

1 2 3 4 5___

15. Is the emotional tone of the copy appropriate to the topic?

1 2 3 4 5___

16. Is it clear that the spokesperson is an advocate for the prospect and has an emotional interest in getting this information to you?

1 2 3 4 5___

17. Is the prospect likely to find an emotional soul mate, someone who expresses their feelings, in the spokesperson?

1 2 3 4 5___

18. Does the spokesperson feel like a friend and advocate, and not just another salesperson?

1 2 3 4 5___

19. Do you feel that the copy moves faster as you advance in the piece?

1 2 3 4 5___

20. Are the practical benefits of the product and/or premiums fully dimensioned?

1 2 3 4 5___

21. Are the positive emotional benefits provided by the product/premiums fully addressed?

1 2 3 4 5___

22. Are the negative emotions your prospect has regarding the topic at hand fully explored and neutralized by the product?

1 2 3 4 5___

23. Are there entertainment items scattered throughout? If so, are they appropriate to the topic?

1 2 3 4 5___

24. Is the value of the product and all the premiums fully dimensioned and the price completely trivialized?

1 2 3 4 5___

25. Is a plausible justification given for the discount, premiums and other elements of the offer?

1 2 3 4 5___

26. Does the guarantee reaffirm the benefits and is presented in a way that deepens the bond between the spokesperson and the prospect?

1 2 3 4 5___

27. Is the prospect’s desire for instant gratification addressed? Have you emphasized how quickly he or she will receive the product?

1 2 3 4 5___

28. Did you feel your excitement grow as you got closer to the end?

1 2 3 4 5___

29. Does the spokesperson present a compelling reason to buy now?

1 2 3 4 5___

30. Is there an urgent motivator: a quick response bonus, a limited offer, a deadline, etc.?

1 2 3 4 5___

31. Would I be strong enough to make you act?

1 2 3 4 5___

32. Does the closure leave you with the feeling that it would be crazy NOT to ask?

1 2 3 4 5___

33. Are there any special incentives to order right now, over the phone?

1 2 3 4 5___

34. Does the copy of the order form convincingly reaffirm the benefits and warranty?

1 2 3 4 5___

35. Does the order form seem simple and easy to use?

1 2 3 4 5___

36. Are the ordering instructions clear and easy to understand?

1 2 3 4 5___

37. Does the order form thank the new customer for their order and start the matching process?

1 2 3 4 5___

How would you do?

Do you want a general reading? Simply add up all your answers and check your score…

37-109: Wow. You just gave yourself an “F.” And you were going to give THAT to a client or a designer? If the First Ones on Earth ever find out that you were willing to kill a tree to make paper for it, your life won’t be worth a dime. Better get back to the drawing board – FAST!

110-128: The bad news is that you have a “D” copy on your hands. The good news is that you know exactly how to fix it. Just work on each of the weak sections until you can honestly give them a substantially better rating.

129-146: OK – that’s about a “C”. Not bad for a draft… but certainly NOT good enough to make it into a final one. I suggest you start with the sections you rated a “1” or “2” first, and when you can honestly give each one a 4 or 5, move on to the ones that scored a 3.

147-165: So you’re in the “B” rank, a great start. Just a little adjustment in the weaker sections, and you’re done. Be sure to pay special attention to the headline, headline, and open copy – when you can honestly give them a 4 or 5, you just might have a big winner on your hands.

166-184: Do you want a job? Oh really.

185: Yes of course. Whatever. Oh my bad. I forgot to mention that you have to do this SOBER!

I’m pulling on your chain a bit here. The fact is that the overall score doesn’t make much sense. The important thing is that you’ve identified the things you still need to do to turn this sales copy into a huge home run.

If you are an investor, finding a plot of land to develop is an exhausting task. It takes a long time. It’s also very challenging in terms of having to compete with other investors who might have found the same ground for their concepts. Here are some tips to at least make your task a bit easier.

  • Work or deal with high street real estate agents

Many developments are managed by street real estate agents on behalf of the companies they work for. If you want your development or your concept to be in their portfolio to sell, you have to deal with them. Your business proposal should always be ready for presentation. If you have builds in progress, you can bring them to your site. Be very idealistic and vocal with the plans that will shape your development. What they will hear from you or see in your presentations will influence their decisions. Be more competitive because some of them may already have stable contacts with other companies.

  • Use satellite images generated by popular applications.

In fact, technology is here to make things easier for many people. It includes you. Yes, you can use applications that generate satellite images of the streets. Through this, you can easily find gaps in the streets and empty spaces or where some small houses are built next to large green areas. You can then track down these places or at least look for some landmarks. Make an eyepiece on the spot afterwards. Find people you can talk to about the land. If there are no people available to talk, your local government is your trusted source of information.

  • Check with the local planning divisions of the towns or cities in which you are interested in building your development.

Make the most of your time while you’re in town or the town hall. Go to the planning division. Inquire about some brown land or even green land that is open for planning and development. Remember that once requests are submitted, they become public record. This means that you can look at these documents and see for yourself if there is still room for further development. If not on the same parcel of land, then perhaps on the adjacent piece.

Finding land on which you can establish buildings, municipalities or even self-build your house can be very exhausting. If at any point you find that you need the help of your local real estate agent, remember that you are just a phone call away!

There is a big difference between a career as a restaurant owner and a career as a restaurant manager. Restaurant managers sometimes own their own restaurants, restaurant owners often do a great deal of managerial work, and both are heavily involved in the success of the restaurant and its day-to-day operations, but the general similarities end there. The specific roles and responsibilities of a restaurant owner vs. a restaurant manager will be explained in more detail below.

A career as a restaurant owner

Restaurant owners are responsible for overseeing all operations of a restaurant, even when they hire someone else to manage it. They make an initial investment and buy the restaurant from someone else or open their own restaurant. Owners must make additional investments in the future when the restaurant needs new equipment and supplies, or when the business has outgrown its location and needs to move or expand, and they will also be responsible for cleaning up the mess if the business fails. The owner has a vested interest in the success of the restaurant, not just because it is his job, but because it is his investment, creation, and often a dream come true. The owner bears the greatest financial risk, but also reaps the greatest reward if the restaurant is a success.

They vary in their level of responsibility in the kitchen and on the floor. Some owners hire other people to do everything and trust them to make the right decisions, while others are there every day, interacting with customers and staff and taking on managerial duties. Many of them must work long hours every day of the week to get their business off the ground, but if it becomes a success, they get a chance to sit back and relax for a bit.

A career as a restaurant manager

They work closely with restaurant owners to ensure that the business runs smoothly. They also have a vested interest in making sure the restaurant operates at a profit; in fact, this is their main concern. The manager has salary increases, bonuses, and profit sharing to tempt him to succeed, and the fear of losing his job to tempt him to avoid failure. This career requires skills in budgeting, leadership, communication, analysis and planning, as well as knowledge and appreciation of the culinary arts and customer service.

‘Millionaires Mile’ has become the place for luxury hotels and villas on the west coast of Phuket and is home to some of the best residences the island has to offer, thus its name suggests that it is home to many millionaires. .

The road starts at the southern end of Kamala Beach and meanders along the coast to the headland and the latest development on the road, Jomchang, which overlooks Patong Bay. The road was home to the first $1 million+ villas many years ago and thus the name ‘millionaires’ row’ was born. The road is a dead end at present and stops at the development of Jomchang. In time, the road may be extended the short distance through the forest, allowing a faster route to Patong, but also increasing tourist traffic. The journey from Jomchang at the southern end of the road up the windy road to Kamala takes 10 minutes by car with only half of the road newly repaved. Once the rest of the way is done, this should stop for a few more minutes.

There are a number of developments still under construction along the road, some recently opened and of course many older properties, which would still be considered the height of luxury.

At the beginning of the road, just out of the town of Kamala, is Cape Sienna, a new luxury hotel with everything you would expect from a 5 star hotel. Andara is next door and again a top of the line hotel with amazing facilities and views. Ayara resort is further up the hill and is built into the rocks of the Andaman Sea, offering amazing views. Even further afield is the Paresa Hotel, which sits high on the rocks overlooking the ocean and offers luxurious seclusion. Paresa launched at the end of 2009 and has already received great feedback.

Nestled amongst these luxury hotels are a number of private luxury villas and villa developments with their own gated community. Jomchang, at the end of millionaires’ row, has a handful of luxury villas, all above the US$7 mark. True luxury comes at a price and being in the ranks of the highly curated millionaires will, of course, attract a premium.

There are some nice views from the public road, but most are reserved for the private property on which these luxury villas and hotels sit.

Accounting is often boring and undramatic, except when accountants are faced with releases from restrictions when dealing with non-profit organizations. This is when you see accounting types, like CPAs and auditors, especially those without a non-profit background, giggling too nervously. Blame it all on FASB 117!

“Net Assets Freed from Restrictions” (NARFR) isn’t just one account. You have these accounts in all net assets or funds. Basically, these accounts are part of a FASB 117 mechanism to temporarily decrease restricted net assets, since most, if not all, expenses are reported in the unrestricted fund.

For example, you received a $5,000 donation to use for a program to be held the following year.

Debit Cash-Temp Restricted 5,000

Credit Income- Temporarily Restricted- 5,000

Come next year and now you can use that money for expenses. Money held in a separate account can be transferred. Three journal entries can be created:

Cash-Unrestricted Debit 5,000

Cash-Restricted Temporary Credit 5,000

Debit Expenses – No Restrictions 5,000

Cash Credit – Unrestricted 5,000

NARFR Debit- Temporarily Restricted- 5,000

NARFR Credit – unrestricted – 5,000

When the organization does not follow this setup and at the end of the year needs to convert to FASB 117, things can get confusing. Generally, accountants summarize all expenses listed as restricted and use that number for NARFR.

Year-end reports may be prepared in a different style than regular books. Many nonprofits do this because it’s easier to understand the expenses as part of each temporary fund, rather than showing NARFR receipts. You can compile a year-end report and leave the books as they are. That way, NARFRs are displayed at the report level only.

*** NARFR accounts are ALWAYS zeroed and have zero impact on the organization’s financial statements viewed on a consolidated basis. It ALWAYS increases one net asset and decreases another by the same amount.

Gibraltarians are celebrating the fact that despite the British having been there for 300 years, Gibraltar has gone from being a British colony with a military enclave to a luxury-filled financial centre.

As you get closer to the Rock, the views from the plane are fantastic. Ground level views can be just as exciting with the Mediterranean on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other and the familiar lines of limestone dominating the horizon.

Just two and a half hours from London Gatwick Airport, with sterling as its currency and VAT and duty free shopping, Gibraltar is a great place for a weekend getaway. If you’ve been there in the past and thought, “It’s just tired old pubs and lots of nasty fish and chip shops,” think again. Gib is gone all cocktails and cappuccinos.

Gibraltar has the smallest airport in the world and I love the story of a plane full of visitors, on its approach to land, and its pilot said, “Don’t worry, but it looks like we have a ship in the path of our approach to the Airstrip! I have asked the Gibraltar Police to move it out of our way so that we can land shortly.

Although most people there speak both English and Spanish and English is the official language, you will hear a mixture of Spanish and English called “Llanito” spoken all over the Rock. The population of the Rock, approximately 29,000, is a unique mix of Portuguese, Indian, British, Genoese, Jewish, Maltese, Moroccan and, of course, Spanish. They have combined a quick wit with a dry British sense of humor and a zest for life in Andalusia, which is only a few miles away.

Book one of several good hotels, such as the Hotel Caleta, located in Catalan Bay, once a small fishing village. Once there, you can enjoy its location on the Mediterranean side to watch the waves crash in or catch a stunning sunrise if you manage to wake up early enough. The beach is lined with small bars and a few restaurants, including La Mamela at the southern end, which serves excellent seafood alongside Andalusian paella, fish stews and pepper steaks.

After a very civilized lunch, get up from your chair and head to the pedestrian center of town to shop for some of the bargains Gib is famous for. While in town, get away from the shops and up the narrow lanes that will remind you of the charming towns and villages of Spain just a few miles to the north. If you are lucky, you may catch, wafting through the air, the wonderful aroma of Moroccan, Indian or Chinese spices combined with the fried garlic used in so many recipes.

Cayman is a popular destination for those looking to experience the beaches, shopping, activities and food of Caribbean island life. Grand Cayman, the largest of the islands, is a busy hub for tourists; George Town, the capital, offers excellent shopping opportunities as well as a big city feel. Cayman Brac’s 14 square miles boast rugged, natural terrain for the more outdoor-loving traveler, while Little Cayman is a small, private haven by comparison. If you’re planning a vacation to the Cayman Islands, be sure to include these 6 must-see attractions in your itinerary.

Water sports next to surfing

For those who love the water, Surfside Aquasports offers exciting kayaking and snorkeling tours of the islands. Departing from Grand Cayman’s South Sound public pier, adventurers will first explore the red mangroves and alcove by kayak. In these areas, tourists will be able to experience marine life up close, such as snails, lobsters, and jellyfish. The kayak tour is followed by snorkeling in the reef, an underwater refuge for tropical fish.

Cayman Turtle Farm

One of the island’s biggest attractions, the Cayman Turtle Farm offers visitors the chance to get up close and personal with these beautiful creatures through interactive encounters, touch tanks, wading pools and more. Tours of the farm’s Blue Hole Nature Trail, Cayman Street, and Education Center are also available, as are visits to Smiley’s Saltwater Lagoon, Free Flight Aviary, and Butterfly Central. This one-stop-shop for nature and animal lovers also offers aquatic adventures, such as Turtle Lagoon, where you can swim with young turtles, and Predator Reef, which is home to predators like sharks and barracudas.

Cayman Motor Museum

Explore a collection of rare and extraordinary cars at the Cayman Motor Museum. Located in Grand Cayman, this museum displays automobiles ranging from early automobiles to vehicles from popular movies, as well as many artifacts, photos, and paintings related to Caymanian culture. Buy a souvenir, or an interesting piece of memorabilia, at the museum shop to remember your visit.

Botanic Park

A great attraction for families, the Cayman Islands Botanical Park showcases many beautiful varieties of flowers, shrubs, shrubs, and trees. Take a stroll through the park’s Floral Color Garden before experiencing the woodlands of Woodland Trails and fabulous orchid species display. Be sure to also visit the lake, which is home to many water birds, as well as habitats for blue iguanas and butterflies.

stingray city

Stingray City is a fascinating attraction that, unlike anywhere else, allows visitors to interact, touch and feed the stingrays. Located on a sandbar with a maximum depth of three feet, Grand Cayman’s Stingray City is one of the most popular tourist activities in the Cayman Islands. Completely safe and monitored by professionals, swimming with stingrays is the experience of a lifetime.

Diving in Grand Cayman

Dive into the beautiful tropical waters in a whole new way when you book a custom dive trip with Grand Cayman Dive. Available for groups of up to 8 divers, this company will organize a trip for you and your family or friends, based on personal preferences and experience level. These kid-friendly expeditions can be done in the morning, afternoon, or night, and divers have the opportunity to explore many walls, reefs, and wrecks, as there are more than 250 sites to choose from.

The Cayman Islands offer attractions and activities that appeal to people of all ages and inclinations. While adventure sports cater to thrill-seeking vacationers, quieter options like parks and museums are perfect for families with children. With a selection this wide, you’ll never be at a loss for what to do in the Cayman Islands again.

Authentic Italian in New York

No, you don’t need to visit Italy just to eat! Fortunately, there are plenty of restaurants that allow you to try authentic and traditional Italian dishes right here in New York. While there are a number of average Italian places mushrooming throughout the city, Casabianca NYC is the ‘ristorante’ for a traditional meal. It is a family restaurant that invites you to savor reinvented recipes that exude the typical flavors of authentic Italian dishes.

The menu at Casabianca was selected to introduce the real Italian treat to foodies in New York. They have many secret Sicilian recipes that will simply blow your mind. Judging by the reviews, their grandma slices are to die for! Just one bite of her slices and you’ll be back for more very soon. Garlic Knots and Parm Hero are among the most popular items on the menu. Also, they never go wrong with their pasta sauces (vodka, alfredo or bolognese), all freshly prepared at home with ancestral recipes. Dive into their specials for a journey through Italy’s culinary history.

Traditional, Fresh and Homemade

At Casabianca, their top priority is to serve fresh food at all times. Quality is guaranteed not only in what is served at the table and delivered to your doorstep, but also in what goes into meal preparation.

All spices and ingredients are carefully selected and no frozen items are used. From the meats to the vegetables, everything is sourced locally. The sauces are made fresh every day, as is the bread. And you can clearly taste it all on their plates!

A perfect family meal

Casabianca’s menu is a delight if you are planning a loving meal with your family. There’s a ton of goodness to explore, stretching across appetizers, pizza, pasta, heroes, rolls, entrees, and more. Then there are also specials and baked surprises. You can go with your traditional Italian order or explore Sicilian secrets with their specials, either way it will be a great meal to savor and share. End your feast with a sweet indulgence that comes in the form of a cannoli and tiramisu. To top off a great meal, the atmosphere at Casabianca is perfect for a good time and delicious food.

There’s no reason you should keep drooling! Casabianca NYC is the perfect excuse to enjoy yourself Italian style!