Month: April 2019

Let’s start with a little talk about William Lawrence Murphy, the man behind this modern space-saving solution. Little did he know that Murphy beds would take the world by storm with their innovative idea of ​​saving space while also having a great looking area when folded. He was a man of women and he wanted to impress them when he invited them to his house, but he lived in a small house. So he invented the first folding bed that would hide away and make your home feel clean and tidy to impress girls.

Piston mechanisms are used to operate them using two of them. The less common ones use air pressure to lift and support in order to lower the bed frame. It has the ability to lock when the bed is vertically hidden in the wall. This lock is a security feature, however a very precise installation must be achieved. Old traditional Murphy bed systems use steel springs. Springs are the only mechanism Murphy beds should use because they are strong and provide measured balance. This makes raising and lowering your fold-down bed light.

So let’s talk about the benefits of having a folding bed. To name a few:

  • More space instantly available for your bedroom

  • More free floor area

  • Different decoration for your room

  • Choose from different styles: horizontal or vertical

  • Simplify your life, less time making the bed

  • Many options, such as bedrooms, study, living room, tiny houses, guest houses, vacation houses, rental houses, shipping container houses, houseboats, cabins, etc.

Save a lot of money by building your own folding bed. A ready-to-install Murphy bed could easily cost more than $ 2,000. On the other hand, a DIY Murphy bed is taking the trouble to build, but many people are very skilled and talented for these types of projects. There are hardware kits that can be found for about $ 500, but others that include wood and hardware could cost around $ 1,000. So there are a variety of options and prices.

Some people have the money to do it completely custom, but many others prefer to do it on their own while saving a lot of money to use for other needs. Don’t be scared off by woodwork as you can have them cut to required measurements at your local hardware and lumber store. The same construction details that go into a twin, double / full, or queen size Murphy bed are identical except for the sizes. It’s funny to say that no matter what the size is, you will find that the cost of either size is the same.

One of the best options is that they are available in portrait or landscape configuration. Very convenient to plan well the available floor space that is available.

Imagine the place to install your folding bed, be it a bedroom or a living room inside a small house and enjoy the comfort and the excellent space-saving setup. Under your Murphy bed you can also install a desk shelf that will appear when you close your bed to the wall and have a work desk, then add a chair and you are good to go with another bonus and now you have a double bed and desk.

There are many ideas and images that you can search using Google images and trigger your thoughts on a variety of things that you will be able to do using a Murphy bed.

Your online business will prosper if you master the art of search engine optimization or SEO. Search engine optimization will increase the chances that business-ready customers will see your website. If you know the basics of SEO, your website will rank higher and appear among the best search results. This will allow customers to easily view your website. There are several tools that you can use to help you in your online marketing. These SEO tools are as follows:

Google keyword planner. When placing content or articles on your website, you need to know the right keywords to use. The Google Keyword Planner is a great SEO tool to help you determine which keyword or keyword phrases has the highest search volume. With the keyword planner, you will be able to know which version of the keyword phrase to use that will bring the most traffic to your website. The keyword planner will also give you information about what customers expect to read on your website page.

Google Trends. Another tool that SEO experts use is Google Trends. This tool will show you people’s interest in a specific keyword phrase over a period of time. Basically, this tool will help you determine when to publish your content. Google Trends will show you what potential customers are searching for and the period in which a specific keyword is the most searched. This tool is important as it will let you know when is the right time to post new content on your website.

Plagiarism checkers. Search engines frown on the use of duplicate content. If you need to publish existing content, you must give credit to the original author or else search engines will see your content as plagiarized and this content will not be allowed to publish. There are a large number of plagiarism checkers that you can use for free that will determine the authenticity of any content that you are about to publish on your website.

Common sense. If you are writing on your own, you should be aware that writing blogs and web articles is not enough. You should always write content with a specific goal in mind, which is to get your readers to buy the product or service you are selling. Google Keywords and Google Trends can give you a list of different versions of keywords that you can use that are related to your product. However, you should use these keywords in such a way that they flow naturally throughout the article. Bombarding your article with too many keywords can trick search engines into ranking you higher, this practice will not be attractive to your potential customers as they are the ones who are going to read your content.

When writing content for your website, remember to always write for people before writing for search engines. One way to make sure you have good quality content is to read your work out loud or have someone else read it too.