Month: November 2021

Collaborative robots, also known as cobots, are designed to help humans with a variety of dangerous tasks. The main concept of these robotic systems is to operate safely alongside humans in the same space, where the various strengths of humans and robots can be used efficiently. These robots are significantly less expensive and can operate in harsh conditions. It simplifies the work process in a short period of time, finishing it more perfectly and precisely than humans.

In recent years, the use of this type of robot has increased dramatically, driven by rising labor costs, the growing need for automation, and the expansion of robot capabilities. The ability to perform repetitive and tuff jobs for longer hours has increased acceptance of collaborative robots in several industrial areas. For example, heavy industries that use chemicals and high process temperatures can pose a serious hazard to humans. In such a situation, cobots can be a useful solution, as they work in any difficult condition without safety concerns with a reduced risk to the health of human employees. The decrease in the cost of sensors and computer power has lowered the overall costs of robots, increasing their presence in several small companies. Small and medium-sized companies offer significant opportunities for the market. This opportunity is driven by the fact that cobots are less expensive compared to traditional industrial robots. They can be easily trained and implemented, and have the ability to perform repetitive and mundane tasks for longer periods of time.

The collaborative robot market has gained great popularity in developed regions such as North America. The market is driven by factors such as increased investments to increase productivity and face competitiveness in the market. The North America region encompasses the US, Canada, and Mexico. The Canadian company Kinova Robotics has launched a robotic arm to help people with disabilities. In Mexico, the manufacturing sector is attracting enormously many foreign direct investment. Several major companies are investing in Mexico and using cobots to increase quality, reduce costs, and improve the safety of their workforce. The UK and other major European countries such as Germany, France and Spain have also seen an increasing trend for cobots, due to increased export opportunities and increased demand from the metal and chemical processing industry. In addition, Asia-Pacific has also shown a growing trend, due to its greater acceptance in various industries along with the increasing need to optimize product quality and the lack of availability of manpower. In the coming years, Australia, Singapore, the Philippines and New Zealand are expected to be the strongest market for the adoption of collective robots in various sectors. In addition, dramatic changes in economic development, poverty reduction and the adoption of advanced technologies have led to increased demand for these types of robots in South America, Africa and countries in the Middle East.

The exposure of these robots in countries such as Bolivia, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia will help to evolve in the coming years. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and SK Telecom had signed an agreement to deliver more than 900 units of Albert educational robots for 300 schools in Costa Rica. These smartphone-powered educational robots will help develop basic skills in arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. Furthermore, advancement in artificial intelligence would lead to the development of technologically advanced domestic and commercial collaborative robots. Recently, scientists are overcoming various engineering challenges and are making personal home robots. The introduction of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) has allowed machines to be instructed in the use of natural languages, which is a great success in the field of collaborative robots.

Recent economic conditions suggest that the economy has slowed considerably and some experts say that we have entered a recession. At times like these, banks are more likely to tighten their credit requirements. The inevitable consequence is that business credit can be harder to come by.

Under these conditions, it is even more important that when business owners apply for a loan, they understand what the banks are looking for. They need to know and understand the four Cs of credit:

1. Capacity 3. Conditions

2. Guarantee 4. Character

Let’s start with the first C, Capacity – the demonstrated ability to repay. Be clear! Banks are dedicated to lending money. That is one of the main ways they make money. So, contrary to what it may seem, a bank wants to lend you money. In fact, banks need you as much as you need them. But with that said, a bank must also be sure that the business owner will be able to pay the debt. This is really the “meat and potatoes” of any loan.

Therefore, a bank will review the financial statements of a business owner to see if it can generate enough cash flow to cover both its current expenses and its new obligations.

Collateral is another C speaking out loud to a bank. In my role as a business banker, it often amazes me how business owners often fail to appreciate the importance of collateral. Keep in mind that banks are security conscious; so having a guarantee helps the bank feel more secure.

Also, having collateral can substantially lower the cost of borrowing. Every business has guarantees, be it accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, etc. These are your assets; so use them to your advantage. When you sit down with a banker, be sure to discuss collateral.

The third C is Conditions. Banks also find it prudent to carefully observe current economic conditions when deciding to extend credit. They will look at the industry you are in and how it is affected by those conditions. A slower economy does not mean that a bank will not lend you money; it simply means that they are more careful in their credit practices.

Another important factor is where your business is in its growth cycle. Banks generally want to see two years of business data before they consider lending you money. Your business still doesn’t qualify? There are steps you can take to position yourself and be considered credible. Talk to your banker and ask him to do a thorough review of the financial reality of your business. Use your banker as you would your accountant.

The fourth C is Character. JP Morgan, one of the most successful businessmen in the world, once said, “I will do business with anyone as long as I am honest!” The key is understanding how a bank defines character.

Banks assess your character by your past performances – how you handle your financial, business, and personal affairs. Banks want to see that you understand how to run the business of the business. After all, would you give credit to someone who has a history of late payments, no payments, and defaults?

Remember that no matter how good your cash flow and cash position is, a bank will quickly reject your application if your credit history is poor. Clearly, then, a smart business owner will ensure that his business dealings also develop good character and integrity.

Finally, given the high cost of doing business in today’s global economy, the question is not whether your business will need credit, but when. Therefore, it is essential that entrepreneurs have a good understanding of what banks are demanding in exchange for their loans.


Forty-three years have passed since Rodale Press published the first

popular work on the theme of well-being. The title, “Senior Wellness: An Alternative to Doctors, Drugs, and Disease,” paid tribute to Halbert L. Dunn, a physician who coined the phrase “Senior Wellness” and used it to promote personal responsibility. for health and happiness, including daily attention to sufficient exercise, scientific nutrition, exuberant living and environmental sensitivity. As early as the 1950s and early 1960s, Dr. Dunn promoted a shift in emphasis from continued dependence on health care for chronic diseases and diseases caused in large part by poor lifestyle choices and dangerous environments.

Despite the growth of a wellness movement, the emphasis is still on treatment and cure, rather than prevention and wellness. This fact is one of the many main reasons why the US health care system now costs $ 3.2 trillion a year. In my opinion, the focus on chronic disease and the attendant neglect of life enrichment is the single most important reason for this staggering level of medical spending, unmatched anywhere else in the world.

A simple version of my stress test self-assessment appeared in that 1977 book mentioned above. I have expanded it over the years. The test has always been designed to give a broad sense of a variety of factors that can lead to emotional and mental stresses of an unpleasant nature, which is basically the meaning of stress, although the term has also been interpreted to include such occasional stresses by factors positive, such as overexcitability caused by sudden and extreme good fortune. (Personally, I always appreciated such stress and still do.)

Basically, however, too many positive or negative stressors that are not handled well will cause health disorders and others that range from misery to ruin. My stress test, which remains a self-assessment tool after many expansions over the years, remains a self-report instrument intended for personal understanding. It is not a test in any technical sense. Unless validated under controlled conditions over time with scientific rigor, it will only serve the purpose of self-awareness and understanding of areas that deserve attention. Which, by the way, always was and still is the intention.


Many books have been written on the phenomenon of stress. It is a popular term in our culture and receives a lot of attention in various workplace health promotion programs. Among human beings, there are important individual differences in the way people respond to and handle stressors at different times and in various circumstances. What stresses you can, paradoxically, delight me, and vice versa. People thrive on and suffer from stress in their lives in a wide range of ways. Therefore, any stress self-assessment that increases awareness should lead to less suffering and more prosperity. That seems like a very good thing.

If effective stress management is as beneficial to health as experts in this specialty field claim, the benefits of mastery are considerable. A partial list of benefits includes less brain shrinkage (!), Better emotional health, better handling of distressing events, aid in concentration, sharper focus, less presenteeism, expanded potentials, lower risk of dementia, and improved sleep cycles.

In summary, the following stress test is a

life satisfaction assessment or survey to date. It should help you embark on or add to a wellness mindset and lifestyle.

We can all improve our ability to handle stress. This test should be helpful in exploring problems and concerns that lead to positive resolutions of many challenging situations.

The rating scale

The Ardell Wellness Stress Test, updated and expanded many times from the small chapter on “High Level Wellness”, now incorporates physical, mental, emotional, spiritual (ie meaning and purpose) and social aspects of wellness. This is one of the reasons why many users report that the test is useful: it offers a balanced assessment of various sources of stress based on a six-point scale, in addition to a neutral option indicating that there are no associated positive or negative emotions. with a certain element. Simply rate your satisfaction positive or negative for each item.

  • Enter “+3” if your satisfaction with how life is currently going with respect to the category listed is “exuberant to ecstatic”, as good or positive as could reasonably be expected or desired.

  • Enter “+2” if your satisfaction level in the category is “very happy to fairly satisfied”.

  • Enter “+1” if your satisfaction level is “OK to slightly satisfactory”.

  • Enter “0” if its more precise meaning is “not sure” to “no problem”.

  • Enter “-1” if the most accurate answer appears to be “slightly disappointed” to “not quite right”.

  • Enter “-2” if the best / best answer is “very disappointed” to “quite unhappy with this.”

  • Enter “-3” if you feel about the problem at hand: “I’m on the road to nowhere” to “I think I’m about to fall off a cliff.”

With this scoring system, enter a number to the left of each factor regarding the amount of positive or negative stress it generates. When you have completed all 25, add up your score and read the assessment of your stress situation.

The final recommendation when testing and scoring are complete, no matter what your score is, is to become familiar with and commit to a REAL wellness mindset / lifestyle. REAL wellness means lifestyles and mindsets driven by reason, inspired by exuberance, backed by

athletics and freedom enabled.

The self-assessment test

_____ 1. Choice of profession or career

_____ 2. Current job or ability to earn a satisfactory living

_____ 3. Marital or partner status

_____ 4. Main relationships (family and best friends)

_____ 5. Ability to have fun and the extent to which you regularly experience good times.

_____ 6. Number of recent times you felt exuberant, filled with the feeling that “life is good”

_____ 7. Financial situation and future prospects

_____ 8. Sense of who you are and how you are evolving (self-respect and confidence)

_____ 9. Meaning and purpose in life (includes “spirituality”)

_____ 10. Level of self-esteem and estimation of how others see you

_____ 11. Prospects of having an impact on those who know you and possibly others

_____ 12. Sex life

_____ 13. Body, how it looks and works

_____ 14. Home life, including variety of interests and passions

_____ 15. Life skills and education: knowledge of problems and facts unrelated to your job or profession.

_____ 16. Ability to cope with changes, crises, setbacks and all kinds of unexpected situations

_____ 17. Nutritional knowledge, attitudes and consumption patterns

_____ 18. Ability to heal from disappointments, hurts, and tragedies

_____ 19. Potentials

_____ 20. A variety of interests and a balanced quality of life

_____ 21. Feel that life for you is on an upward curve, improving and filling all the time

_____ 22. Level of participation in issues and concerns beyond their immediate interests

_____ 23. Parenting choices and styles / principles for parenting

children’s orientation

_____ 24. Role with the network of friends, family and / or others

_____ 25. Emotional acceptance of the inescapable reality of aging, decline, and death

Add the plus number and subtract the minus numbers. Write the total in this space: ______


+60 to +75: You’re in a very good place overall, and you’re unlikely to be significantly concerned about stressors on a consistent basis. You have many positive factors in your life that, more than any stress management

The technique (eg, deep breathing, meditation, etc.) will make you largely immune to the adverse effects of negative emotions when dealing with what life has to offer. There are few challenges that are likely to divert you from an ongoing sense of near well-being as long as your satisfaction

the level is still as high as indicated in this assessment.

  • 36 to + 59: You are doing well, much better than most. You should find the information available on the concept of wellness attractive and consistent with your movement towards effective and healthy living. You already have a well-honed ability to deal creatively and efficiently with events and circumstances. Further advancements should be easy for you. All good wishes to keep going as you learn new skills, particularly in the areas of critical thinking, exuberant life experience, physical fitness, and expanding your personal freedoms and options.

  • 20 to +35: You have a well-founded appreciation of the importance of lifestyle choices in affecting the quality of your life. Learn the value of personal responsibility, a supportive environment, and the cumulative positive effects of small changes over time. In the coming months, invest additional energy in learning ways to strengthen certain areas. You can increase your satisfactions while reducing your stressors.

  • 0 to +19: You can clearly benefit from a modest investment in learning ways to reduce stress and increase pleasures. A flurry of negative circumstances could lead to emotional setbacks. Take steps now to avoid slowing your steady progression toward mastering good living and self-efficacy.

The following recommendation applies to the above score range (0 to +19) and the following three score ranges: Review the stressors identified in the 25 statements. Search Google or otherwise at least basic information about these crucial stress-related problems. Retake the test after you have done this reading and, where appropriate, practiced selected techniques and perspectives.

  • -1 to – 17. Your ability to use basic REAL wellness skills is inhibited by insufficient handling of the stressors in your life. These four key skill areas are 1) the use of reason-based decision-making, 2) the enjoyment of exuberant life qualities, 3) the practice of the two keys to athletics (exercise and smart nutrition), and 4 ) the ability to break free from self-imposed restrictions on your personal freedoms. This is a mental health problem with considerable consequences.

  • -18 to -37 – Everyday stress that interferes with the good life is a serious problem and deserves your attention. Stress of a constant negative nature in life will jeopardize your motivation to choose wisely and maintain the energy level necessary for good health and a pleasant life. You are a candidate for counseling. Either you are too pessimistic or you have serious trouble dealing with stress.

  • -38 to -75 – Oh my gosh. What do you do for a living? Are you the supreme leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Il, ruling dictator of the Hermit Kingdom? Do you work in the Trump White House? Something, many things, must be done to lighten the load, to remove much of the stress from your life.

Let’s look on the bright side for a moment: He’s still alive, managed to complete the test without suffering a cardiac event, and probably has a sense of humor, more or less. But seriously, if you’re really as stressed out as this little set of awareness raising questions indicates, it’s time to have a chat with a wellness professional.

Thank you for taking my stress self-assessment test.

All best wishes. Take care of yourself.

Silky Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers have several differences. Most people can’t tell the two apart. But its appearance is really different if you know what to look for. Below is a comparison, so you will be one of the few who will be able to do that too.

Silky Terrier vs Yorkshire Terrier – Appearance

Their fur has a very little difference between the two, unless you love one breed or the other! So take a closer look at the following:

Differences in the coat of these terriers

Colour – The coat is lighter on the Silky, usually silver or slate blue, compared to the steel blue of the Yorkie.

Long – Silky Terriers have a coat that follows the contour of the body … it can go under, but does not touch the ground! Yorkies, on the other hand, have coats that go to the floor and can haul mature adult dogs. To make grooming easier, some people will trim the bottom. Also, if the hair is dragging, it will pick up a lot of leaves and debris from outside.

Topnot and head – Basically the head is a deep, deep tan and then the Silky Terrier’s tan or silver color becomes lighter. In the Yorkie, the topnot is a rich golden tan and then darkens along the sides of the head, at the bottom of the ears, and on the muzzle. The tan color is not supposed to mix with the other colors. This is considered a Yorkie fault.

Great indicator of the breed you are looking for – it’s size

The size of these two toy dog ​​breeds is the most visible factor. Although you will sometimes find a large Yorkie or a small Silky, this is usually the exception, not the rule. The Yorkie should not exceed 7 pounds. Silky Terriers weigh around 10 pounds.

I know these two weights don’t seem like a big difference, but you can definitely tell a small dog with a small bone structure from a sturdier one.

Now let’s take a look at the face

Take a closer look at each of these dogs’ faces. Everything is much smaller in the Yorkie.

  • Muzzle / Muzzle: Smaller dog = shorter muzzle. Silky Terriers have slightly longer noses.

  • Eyes: Silky Terriers have almond-shaped eyes.

The best way to know if the dog is a Silky Terrier or a Yorkshire Terrier: does the pet have a bow on its head? If so, it is more than likely a Yorkie. Silky’s aren’t supposed to have bows on their heads! Dogs get mad and are very inflexible about this!

What is corporate housing? Do you need to stay in a corporate home? Corporate housing is often available in furnished apartments or condos that companies and individuals rent for a longer period (extended stay) or for a short period. Stays can range from a few weeks to months. If a business sends a staff member out of town on an assignment that is expected to last more than a few days, the business will often consider corporate housing options for two reasons:

Reason # 1: cost savings

Reason n. # 2: provide the employee with a homelike environment

Cost savings and short-term rentals

With a short-term rental, such a furnished condo is usually a good option for businesses. Maybe you have a team that travels to another city and stays for more than a few days. Having the team share an apartment could be substantially lower than paying for individual hotel rooms. Staff members can carpool together, which also saves on travel costs. Providing corporate housing could also be a better incentive for the employee rather than having to stay in a hotel. Not only are there nice amenities in this type of environment, but another benefit is that employees can do their own laundry, cook, etc. Sometimes employees need to take their families with them when it comes to an extended stay business trip, and in this case, a corporate department is almost a must.

A homely environment

Hotels can be nice when you first arrive in a new city, but they will lose their shine after a few days of living in tight spaces and eating food in restaurants. If your staff members are in a homelike environment, this will be more desirable to them than hotel rooms and will also increase the chances of productivity. A happy employee is generally much more productive. Corporate suites are generally well equipped for productivity with excellent tech preparation and adequate workspaces (compared to a small hotel room desk in an already tight space, for example)

Travel optimization

There are also benefits to a business beyond costs. Some corporate housing companies offer consolidated billing and other benefits, making it easy to reconcile and reduce or even eliminate expense reporting problems for employees. Lining up with a good short-term rental company could help you meet your needs as they arise.

Whether you are an employee looking for a potential period away from home or an employer looking to optimize corporate travel and accommodation, there are companies in major cities that will take care of your corporate needs for short- or long-term furnished accommodation.

Developing vocabulary is essential to learning a foreign language. Google Translate offers a fantastic tool called Phrasebook to help you build your vocabulary. Like most of its end-user products, Google Translate and Phrasebook are free. All you need is a Google account and a lot of work.

Google Phrasebook comes as an empty box, which you fill in with the words and phrases you want to learn. Depending on the language, a basic vocabulary consists of at least a thousand words. To express your ideas fluently, you may want to exceed that number several times. Let’s review how to use this tool and discuss its strengths and weaknesses.

When you open Google Translate, you will see the red login button in the upper right corner. You don’t have to log in to use Google Translate, but the phrasebook requires you to log in. If you don’t have a Google account yet, you can create one by clicking the red sign up button in the upper right corner of the login page.

When you are logged in, set your language to and from the drop-down buttons at the top of the translation text box. Google Translate does a good job translating common words. The instant translation feature is enabled by default. All you have to do is type the word in the text box. The translation is displayed in the text box on the right side. If the word has multiple translations, Google displays them below the translation text box, grouped into word classes, such as verbs, nouns, and adjectives. When developing vocabulary in a foreign language, it is beneficial to learn a few words about the same concept, especially different kinds of words.

Add translations to your phrasebook

If you are satisfied with the translation and want to save it in your phrasebook, you should click on the star in the lower left corner of the translation text box. If more translations are displayed below the translation text box, you can also save any of those translations to your phrasebook. Just click on the translation you want to save. This will show it in the translation text box. Then you can add it to your phrasebook by highlighting it. In this way, you can add more than one translation of the same word or phrase in your phrasebook.

You can hear the pronunciation of the word by clicking on the speaker’s sign in the lower right corner of the translation text box. At the time of writing this article, the pronunciation gives an idea, but it is not always accurate. Therefore, relying solely on Google Translate for pronunciation is not suggested.

Example sentences

If you press the rectangular speech bubble next to the speaker, some example sentences with the translated word will be displayed. These prayers come from reliable websites, such as newspapers and magazines. You can display some sentences by clicking the arrows in the upper right corner of the text box. Saving a few sentences in your phrasebook would be a useful feature for developing vocabulary in a foreign language. However, Google Translate does not have this functionality at the time of writing.

If you click on the example sentence, its translation is displayed below. Sentence translations and longer sentences give an idea of ​​the meaning. However, as of this writing, it is difficult to say that the results are always grammatically correct and made up of the correct words. Therefore, for longer sentences, it is suggested not to rely solely on Google Translate and to consult other sources as well.

Enter your own translations

An advantage of Google Translate is that it allows you to enter your own translations. This is especially useful if you are not satisfied with the proposed translation and want to save another one in your phrasebook. To do that, click on the word or phrase in the translation text box, enter your own translation in the dialog box, and click the use button. The selected translation will be replaced by your own translation, which you can highlight for saving in your phrasebook. That way, you can build vocabulary by saving words and phrases from other sources in the same place.

You can access your phrasebook by clicking the Phrasebook button in the upper right corner. The phrase book button has a book with a star on its cover. You can search your phrasebook with the search box above it. You can listen to the pronunciation of words and phrases. You can filter your phrases based on language pairs. You can also sort them by the date they were added or alphabetically. You can remove any of the translations by selecting its checkbox and clicking on the trash container. You can edit them by clicking on a line. That shows the translation in the text boxes, where you can edit them and save them to your phrasebook again.

Download and print your phrasebook

The phrasebook export feature allows you to use your phrasebook outside of Google Translate. This is a fantastic feature, because you can download your phrasebook, print it, and study it anywhere and anytime you want. In the top row of the phrasebook, there is a button with a grid. Click that button to export your phrasebook to Google Sheets, the Google Docs spreadsheet application. When your phrasebook opens in Google Sheets, you can edit, print, or download it. To print, just click the Print button in the upper left corner. You can download it by clicking the file menu (top left), select download, and select one of the file types. You can download your phrasebook as an Excel file, as a pdf, as a plain text file, or any of the other available file types.

Google Translate has its strengths and weaknesses. However, its phrasebook functionality is a fantastic tool for language learners to build vocabulary. It is up to you to do the work to complete this tool with all the words and phrases you want to learn. However, this handy tool makes it very efficient to create and maintain a vocabulary database for language learners.

No doubt you already think that I am crazy for proposing this diet. But did you know that the best runway models from around the world trust this diet? For example, it is rumored that Giselle could be using this diet to stay amazing. Still not convinced? You can lose more than 15 pounds in a single week on this diet; Let’s find out how, in this article.

The rules

You can basically only drink black coffee and eat apples. Any type of apple will do, as will any type of coffee as long as it is black, that is, without added milk or sugar. The idea is that you can drink or eat as much as you want.

Of course, you can also drink water because it does not contain calories. It will depend on the volume of water in your stomach to avoid hunger pangs. I recommend drinking plenty of water as well to accompany coffee and keep your stomach healthy. Otherwise, that amount of coffee alone could lead to indigestion problems.

It works?

Apples are well known for keeping hunger pangs at bay, while coffee boosts your metabolism. In this way, you can lose a large amount of weight. But the problem is that this extreme diet is extremely lacking in nutrition. You CAN take supplements, but they are not the same as getting your nutrition from food.

If you decide to do this diet, I personally recommend no more than 48 hours. Regardless, you are unlikely to have the willpower to tolerate more than this.

Today I wean my little one. He is 18 months old. My initial plan was to breastfeed him until he was two years old. I had no trouble breastfeeding him because he doesn’t bite or hurt me in any way. However, he has become very attached to me. He doesn’t want anyone, not even Lola or Yaya, to feed or sleep him. He only wants me. Since I work at home, he has become a huge distraction because he calls my home office and he never stops crying until I leave the room. He takes me out of the office and takes me to his bed to nurse. Suck during meals, while watching TV, while playing. I always have to bring a jacket when we go out because I don’t know when I would rip my shirt off and suck. He needs to suck at night while I work. I don’t get enough sleep because it wakes me up from time to time. The activity that I used to enjoy has now become a burden on me.

The right opportunity came when my mother needed to visit my grandmother last weekend. Granny went home too, so Aki and I have the house to ourselves. He had my full attention for three whole days. While I was at Grandma’s, she texted me saying that my cousin Cathy had already weaned her daughter and was bringing home the herb plant they used. He told me to prepare my son for weaning. For three days I regulated his lactation, letting him suck only after meals and before sleeping. He doesn’t seem to care. He seems to be satisfied and very happy just to be with me. When my mother returned, she brought home some Panyawan stalks from my Lola’s garden. I decided to wean my little one the next day.

Early the next morning, I prepared my weaning materials. I crushed one end of the Panyawan stem and spread the extract all over my breasts. Panyawan is an herbal plant that is believed to cure diabetes. It has a bitter taste and is often boiled and drunk. At first I wanted to use ampalaya extract, but decided against it because my son eats amplaya. I also thought of using chili extract, but that might be too much and I don’t want to hurt myself too.

When Aki tasted the bitter Panyawan, he was shocked and puzzled. He tasted the other breast and found that it had the same bitter taste. The bitter taste had such an impact on him that he stops whenever he feels the urge to breastfeed. I gave her a wafer of chocolate as a reward for remembering the bitter taste and to my amazement she wiped the chocolate on my breasts and tried to feed! Maybe you thought chocolate would take away the bitterness! It was a fun time!

My little one’s first day of weaning started well. My fear is how it would go at night when I put it to sleep.

Do you want to learn to surf? Sure, you most likely have a romantic idea of ​​gliding smoothly through a cascading wall of water, carving up and down the face of the wave, riding to the beach … right?

Incorrect. Chances are, if you’ve never surfed before, you’re ready for, let’s say, a very rewarding experience. I hate to tell you, but learning to surf is not easy. Sure, anyone can take a lesson and be technically ‘surfing’ in just a few minutes on soft, squishy crashing waves. But come on, any surfer will tell you that that’s not really surfing. If you want to experience the thrill of surfing so indescribable that it is said that “only a surfer knows the feeling,” then you will need a lot of practice, patience, and probably some helpful tips and advice.

If you stand your ground, beyond the embarrassing disappearances and initial discomfort, you will eventually experience that incredible ‘thrill’, but keep in mind that it could change your life!

Paddling a Surfboard: 3 Tips for the Beginning Surfer

1) Stand on your surfboard with your hips centered and balanced. Imagine that your surfboard is like a seesaw; you want the nose and tail to be balanced. If you go too far forward, your surfboard will pearl, too far back and you will sacrifice speed and have a hard time catching waves. As a general rule of thumb, keep the nose of your surfboard floating just a couple of inches out of the water while paddling.

2) ‘Ankle to Ankle’: To help prevent side-to-side (left to right) swaying, you’ll want to keep your ankles glued together. This may seem difficult at first, but the key to rowing effectively is a strong core. Keeping your ankles together while paddling the surfboard will strengthen your core and improve your balance. Just remember ‘ankle to ankle’ the next time you feel unsteady and I guarantee this little trick is sure to help you.

# 3) Cup your hands like you have water to drink. This is how you want your hands to be when rowing. Stretch your arms forward one at a time and dip your cupped hands down to the end. Try to prevent your shoulders or hips from swaying too much from side to side by keeping your core balanced and straight. This will help your surfboard glide through the water improving speed and ultimately make it easier to paddle.

* Special tip: take note of which surfers seem to be catching the most waves. Take a close look at them and notice their paddling. Are the ankles separated? Does the nose of your surfboard float just a few inches out of the water? Is your rowing stroke even and constant? They’ve most likely been surfing for years, so don’t worry if you’re not going to catch as many waves as they do. Learning to surf is a process that takes time and a lot of practice.

Practice your posture on the beach first.

The first thing to know before trying to stand on a surfboard is whether you are a “regular” or “dumb” surfer. No, don’t look silly or not surfing, because trust me, all beginning surfers look silly while learning to surf.

So what am I talking about? Well, the terms regular and dumb refer to which foot you naturally place forward on your surfboard. A “normal” footer navigates the left foot forward, while a “dumb” footer navigates the opposite side, the right foot forward. If you’ve ever tried skateboarding or snowboarding, then it’s usually the same stance.

I’m not sure? These three techniques should help you figure it out:

# 1 Bend your knees and find a relaxed and balanced posture as if you were surfing. Try to determine which foot in front is most comfortable. Typically the stronger foot is placed back to help put weight on the tail of the surfboard for turning.

# 2 Lie on your stomach like you’re paddling and then quickly get back into your surfing stance. Notice which foot naturally places forward.

# 3 This simple trick requires the help of a friend. Find a level place to stand, close your eyes and relax, and without announcing when, have your friend push you slightly from behind so that you can step forward naturally. Most likely, the foot you step forward to regain balance reflects your natural surfing posture.

I’m not sure yet? Don’t worry, you should be able to figure it out after a few walks.

Note: It is important to always place the strap on the rear foot. This will help prevent the strap from wrapping around your legs.

Where should a beginner learn to surf?

If you have never surfed before or are still in the learning stages, you may need some suggestions for choosing a suitable beach to learn to surf. Let’s start by providing a simple explanation of the different types of surf breaks:

A) Beach breaks: Sandy bottom, generally breaks in shallow water near the shore. Often these waves break best near piers or rock piers. The shape of the wave is formed by the changing contour of the sand below, therefore the quality of the wave can vary greatly depending on the season or even on a daily basis, as underwater currents constantly adjust the position of the sand below. beginner to learn to surf (initially). The shallow water makes it easy to stand up when you fall off the board, and the sandy bottom generally has few hazards to step on. However, watch out for swimmers! Most of the beaches during the summer have designated areas for bathers only. Look for the ‘black ball flag’ and stay away from that area. You are now a surfer so you have to hang out in the surf zone from here on out 🙂

B) Reef Breaks: these types of waves are formed by rocky bottoms or reefs. Some of the most treacherous waves in the world crash on a very shallow coral reef. Oahu’s world famous ‘North Shore’ is made up almost exclusively of shallow reefs. However, as a beginner, you may not yet be ready to conquer huge spit barrels. Don’t worry, the best thing about reefs is their diversity. As you progress beyond the initial stage of learning to stand up, you will most likely want to head towards a reef break that offers gentle, sloping waves. Reef breaks can provide longer rides than beach breaks and gives you the opportunity to really feel the slide of your surfboard under your feet. That first wave of ‘heads’ you catch will stay with you forever. Note: reef breaks can often be more crowded than beach breaks, so be sure to master the basics (paddling, snorkeling with turtles, and turning the board quickly) to avoid collisions with other surfers.

C) Point Breaks: Point Breaks can offer some of the longest and best fit rides available. Breaking appropriately against a ‘point’: These waves generally bend around the outer edge of a bay or peninsula, and may have sand, rock, or reef bottoms. Famous examples include my personal favorites Rincon in Santa Barbara or Honolua Bay, Maui. If you’re unfamiliar with these spots, googling and you’ll see photos of long, smooth, perfectly contoured waves begging for the waves. The kind of waves the daydreaming student-surfer would scribble in his notebook during class … just perfection! Note: perfection doesn’t usually go unnoticed, so be prepared to fight a bunch of wave-hungry surfers looking for that perfect ride. Caution: intermediate and advanced surfers only.

D) Rivermouth – Often the most fickle of breakwaters, rivermouths are essentially beach breakers with sandy bottoms, but in the right conditions they can occasionally rival the shape and form of any of the best reefs or point breaks that exist. Rivermouth waves are usually triggered after a heavy rain when an avalanche of water trying to reach the sea pushes a temporary accumulation of sand in the right place to channel incoming swell into the walls of water. Caution: beware of water contamination in urban runoff areas.

In short, stick to beach breaks while you master the fundamentals of rowing and balancing on your board, but don’t be afraid to hit the longboard reefs for a real adventure!

Surf terms for beginners

The following is a mini-glossary of navigation-related keywords and phrases, some of which have been used so far:

Black-Ball: A yellow flag with a black ball in the center used by lifeguards to warn surfers of a no-surf area.

Barrel: The ultimate ride is when the crest of a wave bends back on itself and forms a cylinder with enough room to provide a “tube” for the surfer to ride through. Related terms: pulling in; be beaten, boned, cased, or otherwise stuffed; dirty wells; the green room.

Dropping in: refers to the critical point when a surfer stands on a wave that is reaching the top. (Drop in on), which is used to describe the act of a surfer mistakenly riding in front of another surfer on the same wave. See also: snake

Face-Wave: The crest of a wave that surfers ride. It tends to break at the outer peak. It could be considered the opposite of bleached waves.

A fish

(a) Fish: No, not the type that sneakily swim under and around you. A fish in this sense refers to a type of surfboard. Typically shorter and wider than a typical modern shortboard, often modeled after vintage designer surfboards from the ’70s.

(a) Gun – Taller, sleeker and narrower surfboard used by advanced surfers to ride bigger waves.

Kook: A derogatory term used to describe, well … generally beginner surfers who don’t know what they’re doing in the water. Basically equivalent to the not-so-flattering term “idiot.” If you can’t see one, then it’s probably you …

Pearl (ing) – This happens when the tip of your surfboard dives underwater while riding a wave, causing your surfboard to come to an abrupt stop, likely throwing you forward and off of it.

Rip current: strong rip current of water that heads directly into the sea. Look for slightly brown or discolored and chopped water. If you are caught in the current, swim parallel to shore to escape.

Snake (d): Describes being unjustifiably cut by another surfer. See also: fall into (someone).

Stoked: To be super excited about something, damn awesome! That is to say. The waves are fading, I’m so excited right now!

White-Wash: The kind of white, foamy waves that have already broken in on themselves and are falling towards the shore. Beginners generally practice surfing these waves first before tackling the faster moving face waves that break at the outer peak.

The main rule is to have fun!

Does cardio have a dark side? But everyone says that cardio is the best exercise method for weight loss. So what is the problem?

I recently received a letter from a woman who discovered that good cardio has a slightly darker and more hidden side.



I saw the orthopedist today, and he noticed several things that would be causing my hip pain (which has improved with light workouts). It seems that one of my legs is longer than the other. And when I increased my cardio times (to try to get more results), the difference started to ‘come out’ and resulted in my hip pain …


She learned her lesson the hard way.

When someone with a minor injury or biomechanical defect, doing the same activity over and over again (like the thousands of reps you will do in a cardio workout) will hurt you all the time.

Why are runners always in the physio’s office? Or why do people always hurt themselves when they go from being sedentary to trying cardio 3 times a week?

Do you think I’m full of it? Well, I am not the only one who has this opinion. We just have to turn to the words of Alwyn Cosgrove for an even better explanation …

CB: Alwyn, where do you start working with an overweight person?


With a complete lifestyle and structural evaluation. Usually the overweight person has so little structural integrity that my first focus is a resistance training program to address their weaknesses and imbalances. By manipulating the rest periods, I can always get a cardio workout without the overuse injuries that often occur in the untrained.

Research (Jones et al., Sports Med. 18 (3): 202-214, 1994) has shown that the intensity required by the average sedentary person trying to improve their cardiovascular system is likely to create excessive structural overload; in fact, in this study there was a 50-90% injury rate in the first six weeks of training.

Interestingly, the typical program for an overweight person is usually thousands of repetitions (i.e. aerobics) that will cause more problems.

A superior system would be to target the muscular system and control set duration and rest periods to create the same metabolic and cardiovascular demand.


Yes, cardio is like good water torture … because pressure, when applied over time, will always bring you down. Even this woman’s doctor said that the intervals were better for her conditioning.

So prime your muscles with strength training (bodyweight exercises done on the floor) and low-volume interval training (done at a slightly stronger pace than normal cardio), rather than jumping into an aerobic routine. intense to lose fat. If you have good nutrition, you will lose as much or more fat with this approach than with hours of cardio. Nutrition is more important to beginners than exercise.

Train smart and train safe!