Month: January 2022

According to the IRS, there are three categories of income: assets, liabilities, and portfolio.

Active is what it seems. You do income-generating activities from which you earn income.

Portfolio is also what it seems. You invest money in things like stocks, real estate funds, or other investment vehicles, and at best, your investment produces profit or income.

Then there is passive income.

The holy cow of network marketing companies and continuity/membership site experts.

The goal of every kind of overworked, low-income, self-employed person praying for a miracle.

Passive intimacy without work. You, on the beach, cocktail in hand, checking your PayPal account for sales every few hours. Or, better yet, you, on your couch, in your pajamas, watching GOT or House. Again.

I’ve googled a lot of content on passive income and while there are some solid possibilities out there, for example lending money for interest, many take a solid idea and execute it right away, like this one that admits you have to work ahead to get there. to be passive: “first you need to get off your ass and do something crazy, like write a quality 20,000 word ebook (crazy, not passive lol)”, but this is where it gets crazy: “but then you can sit back and enjoy watching PayPal sale messages pop up on your iPhone every morning as sale after sale happens…continuously and without any extra work. That’s really good stuff flavored with passive pina colada!”

There are some seriously delusional thoughts.

Let’s look at digital products. You write or create it once, set it up on a landing page, connect the cart, drive traffic, and head to the beach to pick up your moolah.

A well-done e-book or virtual program requires hours of research, writing, production, formatting, etc. Those hours cost your time, and during those hours you are not making any money. But okay, we can all agree, there has to be work on the front end, right?

Correct, but it does not end there.

Now we have marketing. If your landing page is optimized, your copy is great, and your ads are spot on (something that requires daily tracking, by the way), and your ebook, product, or program is targeting the right audience, you could see recurring revenue from this. evergreen produce.

Phew. We’ve done a lot of work so far and there are a lot of “if’s” from a marketing perspective. (If your landing page converts because you have conversion copy and the page is SEO optimized, and it targets an audience that wants what you have from you, and so on.)

And the marketing doesn’t stop if you want the sales to continue.

What about managing affiliate partners, returns, customer service? Even outsourced, there is still active participation.

This type of income, as you can see, is far from being passive but leveraged.

Leveraged is good. This is how businesses grow and, in our case, entrepreneurs, how we get out of the trap of capping revenue on the fee-for-service only model.

I don’t want to bring Debbie down, but part of my commitment to my clients and to you, my readers, is to bring the truth; illuminate traps, false gods, and naked emperors.

Am I suggesting not doing an e-book, virtual show, or continuity show? NO! (Well, I might in the case of the membership/continuity program, and I’m getting some experts together to break down the good and the bad and who should and shouldn’t and when. I’ll have details next week here.)

I suggest you examine your attraction to a marketing idea before you jump in. No idea will “save” a shaky business – sales is the exception here – and an idea that promises to “change everything” in your business is not likely to deliver on its promise. What it really requires will only be found in the type of mouse – that fine print at the bottom of web pages and print ads that give you the disclaimer.

Always read the type of mice.

And start researching leveraged income streams. Find out what it really takes to set one up and get started. It may not be passive, but it is income that requires less of you one to one or one to many. And that means more time to work on your portfolio or pina coladas.

You don’t have to be a concert pianist to take the time and effort to develop a substantial repertoire. What does “directory” mean anyway? In short, the repertoire is a set of works or songs that form the core or foundation of the pianist. (Technically, a “song” has lyrics while a “work” or “piece” has no lyrics. The word “song” is often used incorrectly.) all times and that this constitutes the directory itself. However, I think that directory implies something more complete. Let us now examine the term and explore the most efficient ways to develop, expand and nurture it:

Five Golden Rules for Building a Substantial Piano Repertoire

1. Practice, practice, practice

2. Microcycle jobs you are currently practicing

3. The macrocycle works throughout your life

4. Consider that no job is “done”

5. Constantly add books and sheet music to your library

The first rule of practice hardly needs explanation. To become better and more proficient at anything, one must do it, do it often, and love doing it with all one’s heart and soul. Tiger Woods did not become a great golfer by eating snacks and watching television. The best chumps in the world didn’t get there hanging out in bars and drinking beer. In the same way, an aspiring pianist who wants to have fun and be successful playing hundreds of songs or works will never achieve it if he stops practicing regularly. Ideally, one should not practice out of obligation, but out of love for music and a burning desire to improve.

The second rule of microcycle works is the pianist’s short-term plan, which can range from a few weeks to several months or perhaps a year at most. This is what most people imply by the word “repertoire”, as it is the time frame in which one can sit down at any time and play (preferably from memory) a set number of works. I have found the best results for microcycling by focusing on about five works at a time. For example, I often spend an entire week practicing exclusively one work (such as a Joplin rag), the following week exclusively another work (such as a Mozart sonata), and the following week exclusively another work (such as a Liszt etude). Then you may not even touch them for two months and returning to one of them feels like “meeting an old friend”, speeding up your re-learning phase. What used to take a week to accomplish now takes just a couple of days. Ideally, the pianist should strive to learn, forget, and then relearn works in monthly, weekly, and daily cycles. This is the eternal and endless plan that I follow when I practice and prepare for my YouTube videos.

The third rule of macrocyclic works is the pianist’s long-term plan, which can range from one to ten years. A thirteen-year-old just starting out usually doesn’t realize that what he learns in these formative years lays the musical foundation for his life. Writing this article at the age of 47 and having started playing the piano at the young age of 6, I am constantly amazed at how resilient and powerful the human brain really is. For example, I started practicing Mendelssohn’s “Rondo Capriccioso” this week after lying dormant and totally intact for 27 years, and was amazed when he memorized me again in just three days. What took me three months to learn well at the age of 20, took me only three days to learn as well or better again at the age of 47. This is one of the intriguingly satisfying aspects of the music and piano repertoire. All music ultimately remains in your consciousness and forms your “musical identity” until the day you leave this earth. It’s never too late to learn to play the piano, develop a repertoire, and harness the power of musical memories. After working on the “Rondo Capriccioso” for a week and recording it for YouTube, he most likely won’t play it again for several years.

The logical successor of the third rule of the macrocycle is the fourth rule of considering that a work is never finished. As a freshman in college music at the young age of 18, I thought that the works were “over” after performing them in a recital or concert. My usual plan of action was to work on a set number of pieces for a semester or a year, “finish” them, and then move on to the next pieces assigned by my professor. Now, at 47, I can’t help but smile at my youthful innocence. As I demonstrated with my “Rondo Capriccioso” experience, I have learned over time that no work is ever finished. Never. The micro and macro cycle of the piano repertoire is the bread and butter of the pianist’s musical life. These cycles continue to the end just like food and water. I am constantly resurrecting works that I once thought were finished, and I have never been happier with my musical evolution and progress.

While the first four rules constitute the mental or immaterial components of developing a great piano repertoire, the fifth rule of constantly adding books and sheet music to the library constitutes the physical or material component. Just as one cannot wash dishes without first buying or acquiring plates, cups and utensils, a pianist will never be able to develop a wide repertoire without buying or acquiring printed music. Most people refer to all printed music as “sheet music”, however this is really a misnomer. Technically, “score” refers to individual works of up to about four pages maximum. For example, I recently ordered “My Heart Will Go On” from my favorite music company, Sheet Music Plus. (Although I am primarily a classical pianist, I also enjoy practicing pop music from time to time.) Being a unique title, it is correctly called a score. On the other hand, “Complete Rags For Piano” by William Bolcom, which I also commissioned Sheet Music Plus, it’s not a sheet music at all, but rather a “music book” or “music volume” because it’s thick and contains 21 titles. (Please excuse this clarification, but the term “score” is often used incorrectly.)

I love my music library and I still play the books I have since I was 10 years old. I always find new books and sheets to buy, appreciate and add to my library. I am constantly expanding and exploring new repertoire. In the age of the Internet, the use of free PDF files has become too rampant in my opinion. PDF prints often only last a few weeks at most because they are so easily lost or broken. Sometimes I rely on free PDF files, however 98% of my music library consists of sheet music and books that I paid for. Although any music published before 1922 is in the public domain and therefore legally free to everyone, one is fooling oneself by relying too heavily on free PDF files. Books last a lifetime and can be used and reused until end of life. Refusing to buy music and trying so desperately to get it for free is like eating out of paper plates and plastic utensils. A pianist will never tremendously expand his repertoire without acquiring the physical props (ie books) along the way. Let’s conclude with a story.

Once, when I was teaching piano at a university, a student came to his lesson with the first movement of Beethoven’s “Appassionata” copied onto twelve thin sheets of fax paper. They didn’t stay on the music rack and constantly fell to the floor. This went on for a whole semester until I nearly pulled out all my hair and had a heart attack. From then on, I forever banned the use of PDF hard copies in my studio and started encouraging students to buy music from a store like I did when I was in college (pre-Internet days, imagine that! ). If my student had invested a little money in a volume of Beethoven’s sonatas (as much as it costs to go to the movies and order popcorn), he would have had the “Appassionata” and thirty other great sonatas for the rest of his life. . However, instead of investing in his future, he chose the cheap way. The moral of the story is that quality and longevity prevail and it is in one’s best interest to develop and nurture one’s music library throughout life. The immaterial and the material work in unison. Physical and non-physical. Yin and yang. (In Chinese philosophy, “yin” or “feminine” equates to the immaterial or ephemeral aspect of practice and cycling, while “yang” or “masculine” equates to material accessories such as music books and sheet music.)

So there it is in a nutshell: practice, micro-cycle, macro-cycle, no job is ever done, constantly adding music to one’s library. These are the five golden rules for building a substantial piano repertoire. Thanks for your time and happy practicing!

Eclipses don’t just happen in the sky as single events. As Bernadette Brady points out, “Each eclipse is a member of a family and each family has characteristics. They belong to larger patterns called Saros cycles and those cycles have a beginning and therefore a graph for the time of this beginning, the first eclipse”. This entire cycle may well take over twelve hundred years to play out, producing eclipses once every 18 years. We must keep in mind that eclipses always come in pairs. After the first of the pair takes place, the next one occurs about two weeks later.

There are many Saros cycles going on at any given time, so we have two to four solar eclipses a year, but these individual eclipses that occur in any one year will all come from different families, different Saros Series. For example, the cycle that produced the eclipse on Monday March 19, 2007 began in 1664 and has also produced eclipses on the following dates in the following degrees of the zodiac:

February 1971 – 6 Pisces —

March 1989 – 17 Pisces —

March 2007 – 28 Pisces —

This solar eclipse is known as Saros Series 9 New North (Jansky eclipse naming system) and on March 19, 2007 it occurred at 28 degrees Pisces. So take a look at your chart and see if you have anything in the latest moving degrees. If so, it would have had a much more personalized meaning to you, as you would have been actively engaged with an issue or problem that you were dealing with in your life.

The birth chart of Saros Series 9 New North, born August 21, 1664, has a Venus-Mercury conjunction at the Mars/Pluto midpoint and Mars at the Uranus/Pluto midpoint in his natal chart. Thus, this entire series has a strong physical component in its expression. This can range from struggling with a new sport or your first yoga class to minor accidents, so if it’s an aspect of a theme on your chart, then perhaps you considered how you could use that energy more positively.

Another example is the very recent Annular Solar Eclipse of February 7, 2008 at 18 degrees Aquarius in Saros Series 10 North and the Total Lunar Eclipse of February 21, 2008 at 2 degrees Virgo.

Bernadette Brady, in her book on the subject of Predictive Astrology, says of this Eclipse series that there is a strong emphasis on communication. Although setbacks can occur with frustrations and restrictions. Energy is generally low and depleted, so it’s a good time to take life easy and not take too much on board at one time.

The effects of any eclipse usually last about six months or so. But they can also be felt about a month before it happens.

People with money are approached all the time by people who want money and their job is to find out who, if anyone, will receive the money they have to offer. This decision is generally based on which investment has the best chance of providing the highest return with the lowest risk.

Therefore, one of the best things you can do when working on a plan to approach people who have money and try to convince them to give you some of the cash is to help yourself by building your credibility in the eyes of people. they will investigate. . Credibility is another way of saying less risky, so that’s the goal you want to achieve in your appearance to investors.

In this article, we’ll cover several simple things you can do to significantly improve your credibility and make yourself stand out as someone more established and more likely to succeed than other people competing for the same dollars. The general perception of people who invest in businesses is that the more established and credible a person is, the more likely they are to be successful.

This is not difficult to understand, as you can easily imagine yourself in your role and being approached by two different people looking for an investment. Who would you choose if you had to choose between a person who just had a vague plan that wasn’t written down and hadn’t done any research and had very few answers about what he was going to do and didn’t seem to have really gotten anywhere in the room yet? search for your plan and someone else who had completed all of the above and more?

If the second person had a written plan with a full package of offers with numbers and data to back them up and a business card, a working website, a good chosen restaurant name and estimated opening date and a whole team of people credible with industry experience backing them in this startup, it would be easy to see who would be the right choice for an investment.

In order to appear as credible as possible to someone considering investing in your restaurant concept, you need to make sure you have these five things completed:

  • A name for the restaurant.
  • An estimated opening date
  • A website and a logo already designed and live.
  • Business cards printed and ready to deliver
  • A scouted location and possibly a lease option in hand
  • Either personal experience in restaurant operations or have hired someone (or people) to your team who has experience as a manager or owner of a successful restaurant

If you have these things in place, your chances of getting funds increase dramatically. Without them, you have a much better chance of getting the money you want.

Exploring Web 2.0: Second Generation Interactive Tools: Blogs, Podcasts, Wikis, Networks, Virtual Worlds, and More

By Ann BellKaty

Press crossing 2009 Copyright

Web 2.0? What happened to Web 1.0? Otherwise, what’s the difference? And more specifically, who cares?

According to the author, Ann Bell, an online instructor and course developer at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, Web 1.0 faded shortly after the dot-com debacle at the beginning of the new millennium. Before that, he says, the information paradigm was “publish and browse”; the web was there to be read, not interacted with. Today, in Web 2.0, data streams from every conceivable source are continually mixing and matching. As for who cares, knowledge, as they say, is power; any business person planning to make a living on the web should pay attention to some of these things.

And this is a good book for someone who wants to learn more about the Internet but doesn’t want to get bogged down in technical thicket. Author Bell doesn’t harass us by estimating kilobytes or explaining domain nameservers. Web 2.0, he says, depends on sharing between users, and he sets out to show us how we can all benefit from this collaboration. The chapter on RSS Feeds, for example, gave the clearest explanation of what RSS is and how to use it of anything I’ve read on the subject. Information diced and sliced ​​and delivered to your plate to suit your needs. It also gives us a list of valuable links to use in building our own RSS feed.

For those of us who have always gotten excited about nonsense words like metadata and folksonomy, there is an interesting section that explains these terms and shows how they are important in Social Bookmarking, another system that any entrepreneur hoping to be successful on the net should have in mind. bill. from. Already on Ok, so you understand the labeling. Of course, Podcasting, Vodcasting and ScreenCasts, Wikis, Mashups and Virtual Office applications still remain to be discussed.

Virtual office applications, or cloud computing as many call it, are a valuable addition to any business office. Free software and free storage that is far beyond the reach of your failed hard drive. Don’t know where to find these valuable things? No problem, Ms. Bell lists several of the most popular services: Google Docs, Microsoft Live Office, and Zoho. (I tried Microsoft Live Office for the first time and found it too complicated – I went back to Google Docs.)

Some readers may find this book a bit light. Mrs. Bell spends very little time on technical matters. Except for the section on RSS, it tends to be more descriptive than helpful in the use of the various elements it describes. But the book serves as an excellent introduction to the new interactive resources of Web 2.0.

Best Flooring Companies

The three Best Flooring Companies in Barrie are Kj’S Hardwood Flooring & Refinishing, Simcoe Building Centres and GoodDay Painting. These local businesses have a combined 62 years of experience in the industry and are proud to serve Barrie residents and business owners. These companies have a huge selection of brand name flooring in their showrooms and fully stocked warehouses. If you’re looking for a new floor or want to refinish your current one, these are your companies.

If you are considering a hardwood floor, you need to do some research before making a decision. The different species of hardwood have changed over the years. GoodDay Painting specializes in engineered hardwood flooring and offers a variety of other services to complement your new floors. They also offer floor coating and varnishing, as well as installation services. If you’re looking for a hardwood-flooring company, this is the place for you.

Flooring Barrie

If you are considering installing new floors in your home, consider investing in new floors from one of the three Best Flooring Companies in Barrie. With a great selection of hardwood, you’ll be able to find the perfect choice to suit your home’s decor. If you’re in Barrie, Simcoe Building Centres offers a wide range of products and services for residential and commercial customers. They have been serving the community for 62 years and are your one-stop flooring store.

The 3 Best Flooring Companies in Barrie

If you’re in need of new flooring for your home, Simcoe Building Centres can help you find a flooring company that is right for your needs. The flooring company offers many different options for residential and commercial properties. From laminate to oak, you can choose any style or color of hardwood floors. If you have a budget, Simcoe Building Centres offers floor coating and varnishing services for commercial clients.

When choosing a flooring company, measure the area in question and bring any measurements you may have. This will help the flooring company give you an accurate quote and help you make the right decision for your home. Once you have your budget in mind, it’s time to talk to the professionals at the 3 Best Flooring Companies in Barrie. These professionals will provide recommendations that meet your needs. And don’t forget to bring along your inspiration and any previous flooring photos you have.

If you’re looking for a flooring company, you must be sure to ask about the warranty. A company that offers a warranty is the best choice for those who are looking to avoid a lengthy renovation process. Having a warranty is also a bonus. If you’re unsure about a flooring company’s warranty, look for one that meets all of your requirements. When you hire a company, it’s important to make sure that they’re trustworthy.

Major Playground With Free Signup Bonus Real Money

The major playground is an online casino that is legal and trustworthy. New players are offered a free signup bonus of $100 to play with. This bonus is credited to the player’s account upon winning a prize. There’s no deposit requirement and you can withdraw your winnings within 24 hours. To qualify for the signup bonus, you need to choose three of your favorite celebs, select your favourite game and submit your information.

San Manuel major playground has an attractive and simple design. The color scheme is relaxing and the symbols are well-drawn. The graphics and layout are very neat and well-organized. You can easily navigate the site and play all types of games. If you’re a fan of roulette, the casino has a large collection of the game. If you’re new to roulette, try your luck and claim your welcome bonus.


When you first visit the website, make sure you check out the games that are available. There are several variations of this game. Its demo mode allows you to play for free before trying your hand at playing for real money. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can even try out the game for free. If you like the demo version, you can also move on to the real-money version to play for real money.

Online Casino Review – Major Playground With Free Signup Bonus Real Money

The major playground is a good choice for those who want to try playing slots for real money. It’s a good place to learn some of the tricks and techniques. The games are easy to understand, and the graphics are neat and well-organized. You can also choose from roulette games, blackjack, and baccarat. The more you know, the better you’ll become at the game.

The major playground with free signup bonus is a popular site for its innovative approach. Its sleek, functional design is easy to navigate, and offers a lot of features to keep you entertained. Its logo is a symbol that looks like a comic book character, and its symbols are professionally drawn. The graphics and layout of the site are organized and easy to find. The main menu is straightforward and easy to use. The San Manuel major playground with free signup bonus real money is another favorite for many online players.

The San Manuel major playground with free signup bonus is a good choice for beginners. Its design is simple, but functional. The colors are calm, and the symbols look professional. The layout is clean and the graphics are well-organized. It’s also easy to navigate and offers an excellent variety of games. The game selection includes blackjack, roulette, and video poker. You’ll find the best games for you here.

What do buyers want in their next home?

It is not an easy question to answer and the answer can vary greatly from one buyer to another. While personal circumstances and individual preferences will often dictate the answer to this question, this article seeks to identify which features are generally most important to buyers when considering a home purchase.

I spend most of my time with two very different types of homebuyers. The first group are first time buyers, which is self explanatory. The second group is what I like to call “first-time improvers,” who are those buyers looking to move into a home that addresses the shortcomings of their current home. They aren’t necessarily second-time buyers, but they are often people who have outgrown their current home.

Storage space

I always tell my clients that you can never have too much storage space. A little cliche to be sure, but don’t let that diminish the truth of the statement. Believe it or not, a big consideration when it comes to “storage space” is the garage. More and more buyers are insisting on a double garage. Very few people use the garage for its intended purpose (to store cars), but it sure is a great place to stack a lot of other things. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that it usually includes access to a laundry/mud room on the main floor…another place where people keep their stuff!

First time buyers: This is rarely a concern, as many of them don’t have enough “stuff” to fill the main rooms of the house they’re considering, let alone additional things to fill the storage space. The double garage is still highly sought after!

Students moving up a grade for the first time: These people could teach newbies something or too. These are the buyers counting kitchen cabinets, opening closet doors, and looking under basement stairs, all in an effort to determine if there is more storage space than in their previous home. The double garage is really a must!

Other storage space considerations that are high on most buyers’ lists are the walk-in closets (especially in the master bedroom), the basement cold storage room (or as my friends in Woodbridge like to say ‘la cantina’) and a large pantry in the kitchen.


There is a major ongoing trend in new home construction in regards to ceiling heights that have been increasing over the last 10 years. By 2005, 9-foot ceilings surpassed 8-foot ceilings as standard in new single-family homes. Many luxury homes now come standard with 10-foot or higher ceilings on the main floor and 9-foot ceilings on the second story and in the basement. Ceiling height helps houses appear significantly larger and adds to the overall aesthetic of the house.

Both first-time buyers and first-time upgraders find this one of their most sought-after features.

tech ready

It should come as no surprise that cable/satellite readiness and high-speed Internet access are among the most important features for buyers. By extension, buyers value technology-enabled homes more, especially when it comes to new construction. Many buyers express interest in homes that have been pre-wired for surround sound, in-wall speakers, high-speed Internet over Cat-5 Ethernet cables, and HD digital satellite or cable over RG-6 cables. After all, what good is the latest 60” HD Plasma TV if it doesn’t have an HD broadcast?

Both first-time buyers and first-time upgraders find this one of their most sought-after features.

room sizes

The size of the rooms has been gradually increasing for several years. Buyers tend to give more importance to the 3 key rooms which include the kitchen, family room, and master bedroom. You can expect to see these 3 rooms continue to increase in size over the next 10 years, while rooms like the living room and dining room are likely to shrink or disappear altogether. Many new homes ditch the living room and instead incorporate that space into the family room, also known as the ‘Great’ room.

Students moving up a grade for the first time: The size of the rooms is especially important since they have already experienced a deficiency based on the size of the rooms in their previous home.

Other notables

Some other notable features that homebuyers find very important when purchasing a home include central air conditioning, recessed lighting, hardwood floors, energy efficiency, and the potential for profit if they decide to sell that home in the near future.

You might be wondering why it’s important to know what other homebuyers want in a home. Of course you, as a home buyer, will have your own priorities when it comes to what features are most important to you; however, keep in mind one important fact: Knowing which features have the most general market appeal to the largest number of buyers will certainly help when needed. it’s time to sell that same house in the future.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Custom Platinum

If you need a tube with a unique size, shape, or diameter, a custom platinum cured silicone tubing manufacturer is a good choice. Not only does silicone have an excellent physical property, but it is also FDA approved, and it is available in a wide variety of colors and finishes. The following benefits make silicone the ideal material for medical devices. And, since it is sterile and hygienic, it is especially valuable for the bioprocess industry.

Platinum-cured silicone is an excellent choice for medical applications. Its high purity makes it a safe material for use in biotechnology and pharmaceutical products, and it is also USP Class VI and RoHS-compliant. And with its many benefits, it’s a good option for food and beverage packaging as well. But what are the downsides? Here are some of the things to look for in a platinum-cured tubing manufacturer.

There are advantages and disadvantages of using platinum-cured silicone. The main disadvantage is that it’s more expensive to produce than other materials, but the productivity gains are worth it. One of the biggest benefits is that it’s extremely sensitive to contamination. Exposure to sulfur or latex can prevent the silicone from curing properly. However, this problem is easily avoided with proper care. The benefits of using high purity platinum-cured silicone are numerous, including use in biotechnology, pharmaceutical products, and food and beverage applications.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Custom Platinum Cured Silicone Tubing Manufacturers

The benefits of using platinum-cured silicone are endless. Whether you need to manufacture a medical device, or a consumer product, the benefits are worth the price. From a practical perspective, this material is an excellent choice for any application. Because of its superior hardness and high tear strength, platinum-cured silicone is widely used in medical equipment, and has many industrial uses. In addition to these, it is also environmentally friendly.

Aside from its high purity, platinum-cured silicone is extremely durable. In addition to being flexible, it is able to withstand high temperatures. Its durability and ability to withstand high temperatures make it the preferred material for biotechnology applications. There are advantages to using platinum-cured silicone for medical devices. It is extremely versatile and is suitable for any application where hardness is essential. If you’re looking for a custom silicone manufacturers, consider a manufacturer that offers both options.

Platinum-cured silicone offers several benefits. Its unique chemical structure makes it ideal for applications that require high heat and precision. In addition, it is very resistant to corrosion. It also has a long life, which means it’s useful for medical devices. Apart from being durable, platinum-cured silicone tubing manufacturers also provide products that are environmentally friendly. So, if you’re looking for a custom-made silicon tube manufacturer, it’s highly recommended that you look for a company that offers this service.

Best Online Casino

When it comes to the best online casino, the STARS77 website is the obvious choice. It’s easy to play, convenient, and offers a huge variety of gambling games. There’s no need to install a software program, and the website is compatible with most devices. In addition, the support system for this casino is exceptional. If you have any questions or problems, you can always contact the site’s admin by clicking on the email link.

There are several reasons to play online with stars77. One reason why it’s the best choice is because it offers the most games with the highest payout rates. Whether you’re playing for fun or for cash, you can’t go wrong with this casino. The incredibly high win rate and user-friendly registration process make it easy for even novice players to get started. All you need to do is visit the website, fill out the simple form, and wait.

The privacy of customers is an important consideration when playing online. The company provides a comprehensive private policy document that describes its policies on gambling and how to protect personal information. It also provides contact information in case you have any questions. Unfortunately, the privacy policy does not apply to offline or other sources where information can be collected. This is another reason to use a different online casino. Aside from the excellent service and competitive odds, Stars77 also has a high minimum deposit amount.

The Best Online Casino – Judi Casino

STARS77 has a very low minimum deposit and a winning percentage of 99.7%. The registration process is simple and quick, and a user can play over 500 games. Unlike most of its competitors, it also offers live casino experience. Lastly, you can enjoy the best online casino games with an easy-to-use interface and great customer service. The customer support team is comparable to those found at physical casinos.

Besides, aside from a wide selection of games, Stars77 offers a variety of options. There’s a slot game for every taste, and there are also many other types of judi games available. It’s easy to find the right game for you! And with a wide range of payment methods, you’ll never be left without a place to play. You can also check the minimum and maximum deposit amounts.

Moreover, STARS77 offers a wide range of payment methods. The most popular forms of payment are credit card and Paypal. Those methods are convenient, and they’re very easy to use. You can also check your balance in real time by logging in to your account and checking your balance. Alternatively, you can also opt for cashier services. There are a number of other payment methods available, and it’s important to choose the one that suits your needs.