5 tips for writing mystery stories

Mystery stories are a special type of writing. Fast-paced and complex, they’re a great read idea for a problem solver. Good mysteries keep the reader wondering as you solve the crime. The great mysteries keep the reader in the dark until the end.

Although you can have almost any combination of genre in one, there are certain rules that you must follow in order for the story to be considered a mystery.

1. Plot: Mysteries are stories based on plot. They go beyond the standard victim being murdered: the detective searches for clues, the murderer is caught up in the plots. Good mysteries have all of that. The great mysteries have twists, turns, and enough red herrings to keep the reader guessing until the moment the killer is revealed. The plot of a mystery story must be plausible or the story will fail on its covers.

2. Crime: the crime should be introduced as soon as possible, preferably in the first chapter. Not many readers will be willing to read hundreds of pages without a victim. Most would not be willing to read beyond the first chapter. The crime must be credible, something that the reader can see is happening.

3. Main Characters – Introduce your detective and villain from the beginning. Your detective is the hero of the story and your reader wants to see him in action from the beginning. Your villain may show up early, but if you want the reader to keep guessing, keep your villain in the shadows until they are unmasked.

4. Take your time: keep your villain a secret until the last possible moment. If you show the reader who you are too early, they may lose interest in the rest of the story. Be sure to reveal the clues as your detective uncovers them so your reader has a chance to solve the crime first.

5. Investigation – Be sure to read up on the type of crime, police procedures, and forensic information to bring your story to life. Also, make sure you know the setting of your story inside and out. Nothing ruins a story faster than a writer who doesn’t understand his or her own environment and makes mistakes that the reader can see.

Mystery stories tend to follow more standard rules than other genres. Following those rules will help you write the kind of mystery your readers are looking for and create the kind of suspenseful story that will have your readers turn the page to the end.

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