5 Ways To Increase Male Sex Drive Naturally With Food, Herbal Supplements, And Exercise

A man who feels that his sex drive is flagging with weak erections and low sex drive can immediately see his doctor for a prescription for a pill. Unfortunately, medications made by pharmaceutical companies do nothing to address the causes of low male libido and erection problems. Also, depending on a lovemaking drug is not necessary once you know how to improve your libido naturally.

Low male libido can be caused by poor diet, high blood pressure, poor circulation, hormonal imbalances, medications, and drug use. Smoking, alcohol and junk food, prescription drugs and being overweight are symptoms of a poor lifestyle that can negatively affect a man’s sex drive and tend to weaken erections over the years.

Instead of seeking help and taking chances with pharmaceutical pills that can have dangerous side effects, a natural approach to solving erection problems makes much more sense. Instead of having to rely on a pill and a prescription, watching what you eat, drink and how you exercise is the perfect place to start. The following tips are designed to help you on your way back to a strong and healthy male libido lifestyle, where you don’t have to rely on prescription pills to achieve solid erections.

1. Exercise to increase libido

Once a man reaches 30, his metabolism tends to slow down, testosterone levels drop, and the body can become congested. This causes a drop in libido for many men by the time they reach their mid to late 30s. For other men, this can happen in their 40s. Libido problems are also possible in young men who have poor masturbation habits and who have used recreational drugs too often too young.

Whether you are young or old, exercise is essential to maintaining a good healthy libido and hard erections. Long, slow workouts are effectively useless. Opt for short, sharp, intense workouts that burn fat at a high rate. Focus on circuit training that burns fat and builds muscle mass. As a result, your body will benefit from improved circulation and higher levels of testosterone when building muscle. Make sure intense 45-60 minute workouts are done at least 3 times a week. Light exercise in sunlight (walking at noon) can be done every other day for best results.

2. Foods for a high sexual desire

Many men know that certain foods help increase their libido. Oysters, which contain zinc, are a great example. However, not everyone can afford to eat oysters or enjoy them. Instead, stick to a Paleo diet and avoid white carbs like pasta, bread, and white rice. Increase the intake of vegetables (broccoli, celery, asparagus), raw fruits (bananas) and fish (salmon, anchovies, sardines). Chicken, beef, and nuts are also sometimes helpful in increasing libido. Avoid junk food completely and be careful to consume only very low amounts of cheese, sugary foods (desserts), and chocolate.

3. Lifestyle for a strong sexual desire

Alcohol, recreational drugs (marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine), and prescription medications can all have unwanted side effects when it comes to male libido. Although libido may not be affected right away, after a while the body feels the effects of heavy drinking, cannabis smoking, or other illegal drugs. Low libido can still occur after a man is completely free from any drug use.

Medications used to help regulate blood pressure or control depression can also cause libido problems. If possible, talk to your doctor about changing or stopping any regular medications. Research all medications you take or might take in the future for possible side effects.

4. Herbal supplements for great sex

Herbal supplements are derived from natural plants and herbs and can be very beneficial when it comes to increasing libido. The ideal way to take herbal supplements is to take several different ones and rotate them. There are many herbs: some increase testosterone, others improve circulation, and others act as aphrodisiacs.

5. Detox for better results

Many men, young and old, have congested livers that prevent their body from working as it should. Pesticides in food, packaged foods, pollution, drugs, and alcohol all conspire to make our livers work harder. After some time, negative effects can be seen on the libido.

For optimal results and more frequently occurring hard erections, liver detoxification with herbs and natural foods can be very beneficial. The liver can regenerate faster with the help of milk thistle and an improved diet. A healthy libido is the desired result that can be obtained by detoxifying the liver and the body.

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