A brief history of public speaking

Public speaking is one of the oldest forms of communication known to mankind. The concept of public speaking is extremely important. The first public speaking manual was written around 4500 BC by the people of ancient Egypt. Public speaking was the first known mass communication process. Throughout history, civilizations have relied on powerful and eloquent orators to inform, pass laws, and energize audiences.

Ancient nations like India, Africa, and China used public speaking. The Aztecs and the cultures of Central and South America used systems to speak to mass groups. They would set up “relays” where the “relays” would repeat what was said.

In Greece and Rome, public speaking became mainstream and more integrated into future cultures. The Greeks and Romans used it as a form of education. Talking large amounts in a group was very commonplace. Aristotle and Plato used to teach philosophy, mathematics and history there in front of avid listeners.

Imagine being able to theorize about deep and significant things and not being able to explain or talk about those things out of fear or some other reason. The question I would ask myself is this, what would be the point of really thinking about an issue, coming to conclusions, and not being able to effectively tell anyone?

History provides excellent examples of problem solving techniques that work for humanity. Public speaking is no different; ancient peoples valued it, taught it and practiced it. You and I should learn from his example. Practical reasons may encourage you to become a better public speaker. Job promotions sometimes depend on public speaking and the courage it takes to speak in public.

Driving to an appointment the other morning, I sat in my car at a stoplight and noticed a bumper. “Speak even if your knees hit you” is what that sticker said. I thought, “Wow!” I never thought of it that way. Maybe that’s a perfect way to say it. People throughout history have done it and you can too!

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