A non-invasive natural method to remove unwanted tattoos

Removal of a tattoo has been attempted using clay, calcium bentonite clay to be precise. Calcium Bentonite Clay is a natural ‘soil’ found in a limited number of places around the world. The use of calcium bentonite clay has been known for its “detoxification” abilities by many indigenous populations around the world. Only recently has it gained popularity in the modern world.

Calcium bentonite clay has naturally negatively charged ionic molecules, while most substances, including tattoo ink, have positively charged ionic molecules. Clay literally attracts positively charged ink and holds it (adsorption), in addition to attracting ink molecules within clay molecules (absorption). This amazing double combat process works with astonishing efficiency.

Applying the clay couldn’t be easier …

  1. Create some hydrated clay by mixing 1 part clay powder with 3 parts water (preferably filtered) or using a clay mask straight from your tub.
  2. Spread a layer of hydrated clay over the tattoo to be removed. Let the clay harden and do its job of absorbing (and adsorbing) the tattoo ink. An hour should be sufficient, unless the clay has not hardened.
  3. Then wash the clay dry but do not rub or brush the area, simply wash it by gently running your hand over the area and gently towel dry.
  4. Repeat this at least four times a day, leaving the last time overnight. Do not add anything else to the mix or anything else to the treatment, such as a bandage, for example. Hardened clay will fall off, but it should be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Depending on the tattoo, this daily routine should be repeated for three months. During that time, after the clay absorbs (and adsorbs) the ink from your skin, the tattoo should fade and then disappear. If the tattoo has not disappeared, stop the treatment for a month and then go through another three-month cycle of treatments.
  6. The colors, size and age of the tattoo, as well as your skin type, will influence the rate at which the tattoo fades. A multi-colored tattoo will take longer to fade than a black ink-only tattoo. Also, the green color is the most difficult to remove.

This method is never as immediate as laser removal procedures, but it is a simple and expensive approach that can be performed in the comfort and privacy of your home without visiting the laser treatment clinic.

Remember that this treatment is not the same as applying abrasive exfoliating creams. Tattoo removal creams break down skin pigments (both inked and natural). The clay is supporting the skin by drawing the tattoo ink to the surface and on (and into) the clay. Indeed, your own skin is doing the job in a less oppressive natural way.

Give it a try, what do you have to lose besides the tattoo?

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