A starry look is the latest trend in ear piercing

Do you have pierced ears? Just once? Bored. Once is not enough for today’s fashion-conscious tweens, teens, and tweens. Now you shouldn’t have just one star shining on your earlobe, you should have a whole constellation of piercings. This starry, mix and match look is the latest trend in the world of ear piercings and a way to add subtle and not-so-subtle visual interest to your profile.

With this look, the lobe can be pierced with at least three holes, designed to allow several different earrings to be worn at the same time. A collection of three dainty studs or tiny hoops creates a minor galaxy in the ear, a galaxy that can, of course, be added with additional piercings at the top of the ear. With this look, delicate shine is usually the order of the day. Although sometimes one or two larger earrings can be mixed in with the smaller ones, becoming a star orbited by planets, moons around a planet, or the moon in a bright night sky.

With a small set of piercings in the lobe and another set on top of the cartilage, you really could incorporate a little shimmer that would enhance your skin tone and brighten your eyes, showing off your face at its best. Earrings can help you soften the shape of your face, elongate it, widen it or draw attention to your best features and away from those you are not so happy with. Be careful when choosing where to place your constellation piercings and how to fill them in, as the exact setting and look could be used to enhance your appearance, while getting it wrong could end up having the opposite effect.

Take a long look at yourself in the mirror and play around with a pen or some stickers to see how you would look with different patterns of piercings. Piercing your ears in a slightly unusual way could help you create your own personal style and stand out from the crowd in the best possible way. Be quirky and be yourself and your character and charm are sure to shine through.

This look will mean that you won’t just have to choose a pair of earrings to wear each day and therefore you will be able to be much more creative when it comes to building your own signature look.

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