Add kefir to tart cherry concentrate

Tart Cherry Concentrate has been used in my home for over 6 months and I have usually used it in conjunction with some frozen tart cherries that I was able to find at a local grocery store. Now that it’s winter, it can be harder to find fresh cherries, although I’ve also found them in the grocery store recently, and they actually come from the country of Chile.

Recently, my wife Dea introduced me to another natural product that also piqued my interest. She recalled growing up on a dairy product called “Kefir”, a derivative of drinking milk. She basically she knows something between yogurt and buttermilk. It also contained many healthy characteristics, so I decided to add it to my daily superfood regimen as well to help me fight disease and stay healthy in general. For example, we make a protein drink every morning in the blender, which consists of the following;

– a banana

– eight frozen tart cherries

– two scoops of whey protein powder

– tablespoon of tart cherry concentrate

– 2 cups of orange juice without pulp

– 1/4 cup of kefir dairy product.

Tastes great with almost no flavor coming from the kefir. We do this every day to start the day on a good note, where we normally would have skipped breakfast. Not something I would recommend as it can be the most important meal of the day.

Kefir is easily digested and promotes a healthy immune system. It is generally a beneficial bacteria that cleanses the intestines and can have a calming effect on the nervous system.

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