Advantage and disadvantage of non-renewable energy

Human beings require energy, and lots of it, to run our planet. Since the industrial revolution, we have required more and more energy every year to keep our factories, cars, air conditioning units, and appliances running. As great nations like China continue to increase industrial production at record rates, the world’s demand for energy has never been higher.

Traditionally, industrialized nations have relied on fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas to power our economies. Fossil fuels are an example of this type of energy resource. There are many specific types of nonrenewable energy, including:

* Various types of coal such as anthracite, bituminous coal and lignite

* Petroleum products used to make gasoline, diesel fuel, and heating oil

* Natural gas, the methane in which it is extracted and used as fuel

* Uranium ore used in nuclear fission reactors is a non-renewable energy resource

What is the advantage and disadvantage of non-renewable energy? As follows:


1. Widely available, at least currently

2. Easy to use and design as it is based on a simple combustion process

3. Cheap

4. Easy to transport and distribute


1. Contribute to global warming, or global warming

2. It causes pollution like acid rain, which harms animals and plants around the world.

3. Potential source of global political unrest, as many nations are dependent on other nations for these non-renewable energy resources.

While these energy resources have a number of advantages. The downsides are prompting nations, corporations, and individual homeowners to take action to expand our access to renewable energy resources, such as water, wind, and solar power.

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