App Store and iTunes Store on Apple iPad

Apps on Apple’s new iPad are very similar to Apple’s advanced OSX apps in both appearance and functionality. For example, the well-integrated iTunes Store bears a striking resemblance to the desktop iTunes Store. Not just the size, but the piece also has similar capabilities when it comes to its audiobooks, movie purchases and rentals, iTunes U accessibility, and TV show downloads. Purchases can be paid for by charging iTunes reward cards or by creating an iTunes account with a credit card.

The same goes for the App Store version on the iPad. It acts and looks a lot like the Apple Store experience in your iTunes software. However, since the store runs on the iPad, the screen by default shows apps optimized specifically to fit the iPad software.

Additionally, Apple is currently encouraging its developers to design new apps exclusively for the new iPad, which may not necessarily be compatible with iPod or iPhone. Since this is likely to become an expensive purchase for Apple fans, I wish it were easier to distinguish between apps made for the iPhone and similar apps made for the iPad. There is currently a dual compatibility app offering that will provide a mix of iPhone and iPad versions embedded in the same file. This has been specifically designated by Apple with the plus symbol (“+”) in the iPad App Store. While broader support with more apps bundled in a similar way would have been desirable, selling apps separately is understandably a more profitable business.

Fortunately, the iPad ranks first among all devices in terms of the number and quality of apps built into it. Additionally, most apps developed for Touch or iPhone can also run on iPad, meaning users can bring existing Touch or iPhone apps to iPad and maximize their potential.

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