Are you using “The Force” in your favor?

Remember the original “Star Wars” trilogy? The third film in that series was titled “The Empire Strikes Back.” There is a wonderful scene in that movie that conveys the struggle many of us face when it comes to believing in our ability to achieve our goals and dreams.

In case you have never seen the movie, or don’t remember the scene, let me briefly prepare it for you. One of the main characters (Luke Skywalker) crash-lands on a creepy planet while searching for the famous Jedi Master, Yoda (I like to think of Yoda as a modern “mentor” or “coach”). 😉

Luke’s ship ends up stuck in a swamp, but he manages to make it to shore to begin searching for Yoda.

Once he finds the “Master”, he begins training with him to become a Jedi. Part of the training involves learning to use something known as “the Force.”

Another character in the film (Obi-Wan Kenobi) describes the Force as “an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.”

One day while training with Yoda, Luke notices his ship (still in the swamp) beginning to sink. This is how the scene unfolds…
Luke: We’ll never get it out now.

Yoda: Are you that sure? Always with you cannot be done. Do you hear anything I say?

Luke: Master, moving stones is one thing, but this is totally different.

Yoda: No! Is no different! Just different in your mind. You must learn what you have learned!

Lucas: oh, okay. I’ll try it.

Yoda: No! try not to Do. Or not. Here there are no attempts.

(Luke tries to lift the sinking ship, but fails)

Lucas: I can’t. It’s too big.

Yoda: Size doesn’t matter. Look at me. Judge me by my size, right? Hmm, well, you shouldn’t. For my ally is strength. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it. make it grow His energy surrounds us and unites us. Luminous beings, not this crude matter. You must feel the force around you. Here. Between you and me. The tree. The rock, everywhere. Yes and even between land and ship.

Luke: You want the impossible.

(Yoda lifts the ship)

Luke: I don’t… I don’t think so.

Yoda: That’s why you fail.

(Note: to get the real effect of the scene, you should rent the movie.)

Anyway, have you figured out where I’m going with all this yet?

Very often, our “limitations” in life stem from our beliefs about what we think is “possible.”

Part of Luke’s failure lay in his inability to believe that what he wanted was possible.

We all possess the ability to manifest many “incredible” things in our lives. It all starts with our thinking. As Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can do something or you think you can’t do anything, you’re right.”

So the question I have for you to ponder is simply this: “Where are you limiting yourself by believing that what you want cannot be achieved?”

© 2003-2012 Kim Smith

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