Become a more positive person

Over the years, many people have told me that I am a cheerful person. The irony of that is that I would never describe myself that way. However, what I do know to be true is that being positive, being cheerful, and being optimistic by nature they can increase in daily attitudes, regardless of whether you feel that way about yourself or not. You can become a more positive person if you want to be by doing the same things that happy, positive people do all the time. By adding these three things, every day, you can change your perspective.

1. Pause before speaking or reacting. This may not seem logical, but think about it. If you are reading this article, you probably want to be more positive. That means you can’t usually be positive. It follows that when you speak and act, it is probably more natural for you to come across as negative or discouraging in your tone. Therefore, to be more positive, the first step is to hesitate to give your reaction or give a comment. Pause and think first. This will reduce negative words or actions that might be easier to let go of, and for those around you, it will eliminate the “usual” response they see from you, the most negative. This is the hardest step, because it requires breaking a habit you’ve probably developed over many years, but it also carries the most immediate reward.

2. Imagine the best. Immediately after your short break, imagine what would be the best case scenario in any given situation. I didn’t say you had to believe that’s what’s going to happen, but imagine what could happen. Allow yourself a minute to hope. Deep down, positive people have hope. It is hope that generally keeps them operating as optimists, and they always allow themselves the luxury of imagining the best. They have developed the habit of asking “What if?” Practice this step often and repeatedly until the habit of hope replaces the habit of criticism.

3. Take action. If you can imagine the best case scenario, then act or say the words that will go most directly towards that end result. If you are acting and speaking with the best in mind, you will naturally be more positive because the driving motivation is positive. It doesn’t mean you’ll always come to that positive conclusion, but you’ll be a lot closer to trying than if you wallow in the negative. Do those things that are positive, or those things that will lead to the best outcome.

Being a more positive person is often a factor that our thoughts regularly dwell on. You can allow your thoughts to get stuck in the negative, and if you do, you will always see limitations and barriers around you. However, if you want to be a more positive person, you have to stop, imagine and think differently, and then act that way. Think of things that are positive, pure, optimistic, and hopeful. Develop this habit and you will indeed become a more positive person.

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