Bootstrapping Business Idea Entrepreneur: Become A Copywriter At Home

This article will give you an idea of ​​how you can become a copywriter and make a lot of money in your own home. Advertising is everywhere, and whether you’re writing for your own products or someone else’s, copywriting is recession-proof.

The writers create “sell in print.” Since a salesperson can’t be there, the copywriter’s job is to build excitement about a product, describe how it can benefit the reader by removing a pain they’re having, and carefully guide them toward making a purchase.

Good copywriters understand human psychology. They understand your perspective by studying the market. They try to live in that person’s shoes as they write, to find out what is keeping the prospect up at night.

Copywriters use “conversational voice” when writing. They don’t write to win any literary awards, and many parts of the writing style would make an English teacher cringe. The sole purpose of the copywriter is to get the prospect to take some sort of action, whether it’s signing up for something, making a sale, or entering a sweepstakes.

Copywriters are paid a commission of a percentage of the revenue generated by a sales letter, through a flat fee per project, or a combination of both. I would suggest a flat fee when you’re starting out, because you’ll need to have access to your sales data to get paid correctly on a commission basis.

It is very cheap to get started in copywriting. You will need a computer, telephone, and fax machine. Your biggest hurdle will be getting your first clients. You won’t necessarily need a contract at first, but your basic agreement or invoice should be a minimum. You should also create a customer interview form, with questions about the product pre-written so you don’t forget anything. It would also be nice to have a voice recorder, so you don’t have to take a lot of notes during the interview and you can pay attention to the client.

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