Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates: Increasing or Decreasing?

Breast cancer is the cancer most frequently diagnosed in women and has been the most common cause of death in women, second only to death from lung cancer. Breast cancer can occur less often in men. According to the 2010 Annual Statistical Report of the American Cancer Society, overall, rates have risen about 30% in the past 25 years in Western countries, due in part to increased cancer screening tests in earlier stages. In the United States, rates decreased by 10% between 2000-2004, due in part to a reduction in the use of hormone replacement therapy. Although breast cancer rates are increasing in many Western countries, death rates in the United States continue to decline primarily due to declining smoking rates, improved cancer treatments, and earlier and better detection. cancer.

Data on current incidence and mortality rates in the United States

The terms “incidence” and prevalence are sometimes confusing. Incidence refers to the annual diagnosis rate, or the number of new cases diagnosed each year, while the term “prevalence” refers to the estimated population of people who are managing breast cancer at any given time.


1. In 2010, 209,000 new cases of breast cancer are expected to occur in women, while only about 1,000 are expected to occur in men. Of the cases in women, 85% will be ductal carcinoma. New cases of in situ (non-invasive) breast cancer are expected to be 54,010. However, since 1998, the incidence of in situ cancer in Caucasian women has been declining, while in African-American women it has increased, possibly due to a more frequent and better diagnosis.

2. In 2010, the five states with the highest incidence of breast cancer in women are in the order of Connecticut, District of Columbia, Washington, Oregon and New Hampshire. The lowest incidence in women is on the order of Mississippi, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada.

3. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime in the United States.

Death rates

1. Mortality rates have steadily declined in women since 1990, with the largest declines in women under 50 years old by 3.2% per year and in women over 50 years old by 2.0% per year.

2. The estimated number of deaths from breast cancer is 40,230, representing 19% of all new cases in 2010. Of these deaths, again, the majority of 99.1% will be women.

3. The five states with the highest estimated death rates for 2010 are in the order of California, New York, Florida, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

4. The five states with the lowest estimated death rates for 2010 are in order of: Wyoming, North Dakota, District of Columbia, Alabama, and Arkansas.

5. The 5-year survival rate for all breast cancers has increased from 63% in the 1960s to approximately 90% today.

Therefore, due to earlier and better diagnosis, statistics show that there are more women actively having breast cancer (prevalence) than previously shown. However, mortality rates are decreasing due to better and earlier diagnosis, as well as better treatment strategies.

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