Conjunctivitis – Do’s, Don’ts and Myths

Most of our country rejoices with the onset of the rainy season. The parched land takes on a new, rejuvenated look, and the farmer sighs in relief. However, like all other seasons, it brings with it some specific risks and illnesses. The “eye flu” or conjunctivitis is one such affliction. Every year around this time, the incidence of eye flu increases dramatically.

Conjunctivitis is an infection and inflammation of the ocular membrane in the white part of the eyeball and under the eyelids. It is usually caused by viruses or bacteria that are highly contagious. Standing water, unfinished construction, air pollution, and humid weather are perfect conditions for the reproduction of viruses and bacteria.

Conjunctivitis causes redness, itching, discharge (watery or thick), crusting that forms overnight, eye pain, sensitivity to light, and a gritty feeling in the eyes. A burning sensation is also quite common. It may be preceded or followed by fever, cold, or sore throat in some patients. In rare cases, you may notice the formation of pus inside the eye. Conjunctivitis is usually not a serious problem. But it is important to consult any eye hospital, because if the flu is severe and is not treated in time, it can affect the cornea and cause keratitis or ulcers that affect vision. Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually treated with antibiotic drops or ointment along with anti-inflammatory eye drops. Oral antihistamines and anti-inflammatory medications can help relieve symptoms.

Some tips for managing the disease:

· Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer throughout the day.

· People with conjunctivitis should pay special attention to hygiene, do not share clothes, personal items, toiletries, etc.

· Do not touch your eyes repeatedly.

· Avoid public places and swimming.


· Patients and everyone around them should ensure that they wash their hands frequently with soap and water or sanitizer.

Frequent eye washing with cool filtered water and cold compression with ice packs help relieve symptoms.

To clean your eyes, use tissue paper and dispose of it properly in the trash can.

· Wear sunglasses to avoid glare and reduce accidental eye contact with fingers.

Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops to use as prescribed by the ophthalmologist; preferably have a separate set of eye drops for each eye.

not to do:

People with conjunctivitis should avoid public places and handshakes, sharing their clothes, bedding, or sunglasses.

· Do not rub your eyes.

Temporarily avoid the use of contact lenses.

· Do not share eye drops, it can cause cross contamination.

Do not use steroid eye drops or over-the-counter drugs from a pharmacy without consulting an ophthalmologist.


You can catch conjunctivitis by looking at a person who has it; it is not an airborne disease and is spread only by contact.

· Using any eye drops beforehand can prevent conjunctivitis; there is no preventive antiviral eye drop.

Note:People with conjunctivitis can join the administrative offices and the school after a few days; at that time, the lashes should not get wet or matted.

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