Coping With Relapses In Anorexia Recovery

As anyone who has suffered from an eating disorder will know, recovery is not a straight line and there are likely to be times of relapse. However, it’s important to understand that just because a person relapses doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll start all over again.

Dealing with relapses in anorexia recovery

The most important aspect of dealing with relapse is to have at least one person with whom you can be completely honest. This is because anorexia thrives on dishonesty and you can end up convincing yourself very quickly that you’re fine, even though that’s definitely not the case. We all need someone to challenge us, whether we’ve been in recovery for weeks, months, or years.

Identification of relapse triggers

To recover from a relapse, you don’t need to know what triggered the relapse, you just need to recommit to getting back on your eating plan and accepting whatever treatment you can find. However, it can be very helpful to know why a relapse occurred, as this will help in planning for future relapse prevention. For example, if you know that going on vacation or being away from home for other reasons wreaks havoc on your meal plan, you can address this issue before your next trip with your therapist or eating disorder specialist.

Tips to overcome relapses of anorexia

If you are relapsing right now, now is the time to start challenging what you want out of your life. The truth is that you have two choices, either continue down this path of destruction and end up back in the hospital (or worse), or make the decision that today you will do everything you can to change things. Writing small goals about how to change eating habits and exercise levels can make a big difference. It is absolutely vital that you tell at least one member of your treatment team what is happening. If you can’t face talking, write a letter or send an email. Remember, anorexia is not going to change anything in your life for the better. It is a parasite that will gradually suck the life out of you, leaving nothing but an empty shell. You are worth so much more than living with a life-threatening disease. Embracing recovery again requires taking steps in the right direction every day. You are not alone and you owe it to yourself to try again.

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