Dual Nationality and Second Passport – Ways to Obtain Them

Obtaining dual citizenship and a second passport is one of the smartest moves you can make if you really value keeping your international freedom. It is something like taking out an insurance policy. Only that the good you are insuring is not your car or your house, but something much more precious: YOUR FREEDOM. This is something you can’t put a price on, but it’s something many men have given their lives for. worth millions.

It may surprise you to learn that passports are a modern invention. Less than a hundred years ago, most countries never required official passports. But now they are required by all countries and some use their issuance as a means of coercion to restrict your right to travel and even control, monitor and record you. That is why applying for dual citizenship and a second passport is a wise decision. If your country’s government is unduly authoritarian and making your life miserable, then you have a freedom document that will allow you to escape and move freely throughout the world.

In addition, your government can use the issuance of your passport as leverage to force you to pay the unreasonable tax burden created by out-of-control government spending. They may also force you to report worldwide income and assets if you own it because of the passport you hold. So you can see why it may be prudent to get dual nationality and also a second passport to freedom, one with no restrictive strings attached. This will give you the option of giving up your old citizenship to only adopt your new one if things get out of hand in the country of your first nationality.

Having a dual nationality and a second passport means that you are a legal citizen of two countries at the same time. A person can acquire this by birth or by marriage. For example, a family living abroad gives birth to a child in another country. That child can be a citizen of the country in which he was born and also a citizen of her parents’ country of origin. Also, if a person goes to another country and marries a foreign citizen, he can become a citizen of his new country and also retain her original citizenship.

But the other way to get dual nationality and a second passport is to get yourself or your whole family involved in one of the legitimate second citizenship programs available from a reputable provider who is a lawyer or facilitator who knows the laws related to how to apply for dual citizenship in the particular country from which you are interested in obtaining a second citizenship. There are some programs available that are affordable and there are others that are more expensive. Therefore, it is important that you connect with someone who can help you find the program that is best suited for your situation.

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