Four main benefits of podcasting

Podcasting is the newest and fastest growing medium out there right now. Ten years from now, there might be something else that has developed. But do you want to wait ten years to grow and influence people?

When I started in 2010, there were only about 100,000 podcasts. Today, there are more than 1.2 million! That may sound like a lot, but more than 1/3 of them are idle (meaning current content is no longer being produced or loaded). So your chance to shine as a podcaster is better than ever!

Here are four reasons why podcasting can help you achieve your goals right now.

1. It is popular. Very popular! Podcasting is growing more than 25% per year (according to the latest statistics compiled by Edison Research in 2019). If you want to be on the growth curve, you have to be a podcaster who delivers consistent content to those who seek it (in your niche).

2. You don’t have to be on video! Podcasting is audio only. You can make a recording in your pajamas and with your hair tousled. No one will know when they listen to your podcast. Your listeners will not care if you are on the beach or have a “beach body”. The only thing that matters to them is the information you provide.

3. Podcasts can be listened to anywhere, anytime! Radio requires a listener to tune in at a specific time. If they miss the time slot when the show is on the radio, they miss it entirely. With a podcast, someone can be at the doctor’s office, pause the podcast when called at the bottom, and pick up where you left off when you leave and get in your car. That is impossible with radio or television!

4. Podcasting can help you earn money! Many podcasters monetize their podcasts for an additional source of income. Monetization can take many forms, such as endorsements, joint ventures, affiliate programs, selling your own products, or accepting donations.

Join in the fun and help share your passion with the world. You can even earn some extra money in the process!

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