french bulldogs as pets

French bulldogs are a great addition to any home. They look sturdy and “well built” but only weigh 30lbs max. They are descendants of bull terriers and are a breed that requires a lot of attention, without being a particularly athletic animal that needs a lot of exercise. These dogs can be easily spotted just by looking at their “bat-like” ears; which are large and wide at the bottom and decrease in size as they round out at the top.

There are a few considerations to keep in mind when considering French bulldogs as pets:

1. They love to get attention and play with people and other dogs. Owners should be aware that French bulls are deceptively strong for their size, so advise guests and children to be gentle with them (the rougher you get with any dog, the rougher he gets).

2. The proportions of its body and the general constitution of the animal make it difficult to regulate body temperature. This means you must keep them close to shade and water on hot, humid days or they will be in danger of overheating.

3. French bulls are characterized by being people. For that reason, don’t buy one and expect them to sit in the corner. They will want to be constantly by your side and they will want your acceptance. People who want a great friend will love them, while there are other breeds that are more independent for owners who have less time for their dogs.

4. If you are going to have another male with your bulldog, consider neutering them, as two males of any breed will tend to fight. Males and females do not usually fight, but it is always advisable to spay or neuter them to avoid unwanted “excitations”.

5. The French bull is one of the healthiest bull terrier mixes, but requires regular visits to the vet to stay on top of any health issues. They need semi-regular tests for thyroid disease and Von Willebrand disease. This is no reason to avoid these wonderful dogs, as all dogs have certain health problems to which they may be predisposed, but with proper care these conditions are rare and easily corrected with treatment.

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