Fun baby shower game ideas to make your guests laugh

This is one of the funniest baby shower game ideas you will ever play. It doesn’t matter if the baby shower guests are even mothers, this game will be a lot of fun for everyone.

What you will need:

– 1 doll (can be bought at any toy store).

– 1 piece of string or rope about 5 feet long (you can get this at any craft or hardware store)

– 1 small laundry basket (you only need a very small one. If you can’t find one small enough, try using a fruit basket or something similar).

– 10 sets of baby clothes (wear new ones and give them to mom when the game is over).

-1 pack of clothes pins (can be bought anywhere).

-A working home phone

-A cell phone

-A timer (a kitchen timer works well for this game).

-A gift for the winner

This is how you play:

By playing what I think is one of the most engaging baby shower game ideas ever, every guest has the opportunity to be the multitasking mom. Two other guests will hold the rope between them like a clothesline. The hostess or someone else will give the multitasking mom the doll, the laundry basket, and the clothes pins.

The victim, I mean the player, will also be given the phone number, and someone will call him from his cell phone and try to have a conversation with him.

The person on the phone will try to ask you certain questions to get your attention, such as, “What was your husband’s name again?” or “What was the name of your first pet?”

The mother will have three minutes to hold the baby, while talking on the phone and hanging up the baby’s clothes. When the timer rings, it stops. Someone will write down the number of items of clothing you were able to hang. If someone drops the baby, they automatically lose it.

Every guest has a chance to be the multitasking mom, and the one who gets the most clothes on the clothesline and does the best job of having a conversation and holding the baby wins the prize.

This is one of the best baby shower game ideas out there. It’s hard, hard enough, to multitask, and your guest will be holding his belly in laughter! A great option for this baby shower game idea is to videotape it, and you can look back and enjoy it for many years to come.

The clothes used in one of the most multitasking baby shower game ideas ever can be purchased as new baby clothes. Then you can give the clothes to the real mom when the game is over. She will appreciate the extra clothing and will be glad that her shower was a success.

These types of baby shower game ideas are also a great option if you have a co-ed party. Instead of making women the multitaskers, you can make men pretend to be daddies. This will give single couples an idea of ​​what it will be like to be parents and will make guests laugh. However, it can scare mom into just a little bit.

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