Globus Hystericus (Lump in the Throat) – 7 easy steps to counter them quickly and effectively

Do you have continuous or intermittent “lump in the throat” sensations? This condition is also known as Globus Hystericus in medical terms. In this article I will explain what it is. I will also teach you a simple method to ‘possibly’ eliminate the lump in the throat sensations that can be very annoying.

Globus Hystericus always shows up as a tight feeling in the throat, often, but not always, causing a sensation as if something is stuck in the throat.

Most people will experience a “lump in the throat” when faced with something sad or happy, such as during a birthday party and sad movies or perhaps when something very upsetting happens. This is the result of the ‘flight or fight’ response and is completely normal. These anxiety reactions are created to help us at times when there is a real threat.

But most of the time it can also appear in moments of stress and sadness. In any case, if you experience Globus Hystericus constantly, even when no real danger is present, it could mean that you are suffering from inappropriate anxiety levels. In other words, you could have an anxiety disorder condition.

What happened during Globus Hystericus is that the throat muscle starts to contract around the throat area. That’s all. You need to understand this fact carefully so that you can manage the condition properly to prevent an anxiety attack from happening. Your throat is NOT closing or you will not be able to breathe or eat. It is simply a symptom of anxiety. It is harmless and curable through the anxiety elimination program.

If you need a “quick fix” that can help you manage Globus Hystericus, I’ve listed these 7 steps to help you quickly relieve lumpy sensations;

  1. Try to sit in a quiet place. Get a warm face cloth and hold it against your throat and neck for a minute.
  2. Put away the face cloth and stand up straight with your back against a wall. Tilt your head back as much as you can, but make sure you feel comfortable doing it. You should now feel a stretch in your throat. Hold this position for five seconds.
  3. Slowly tilt your head to the left and then to the right, still holding the stretch in your throat. Take 5 seconds to make a complete turn from left to right. Do this exercise 10 times.
  4. Place your hand on your throat in the position where it meets your chest. Try to locate the two “stringy” muscles that run on either side of the Adam’s apple and disappear behind the chest bones. After that, use one or two hands to firmly massage any tension in those muscles. Do this for 2 minutes.
  5. If you find more stiff muscles in the neck, on either side of the trachea, simply massage them to relieve the tension.
  6. Now do the head rolls again for another 5 repetitions and relax.
  7. Allow your muscles to relax by sitting still for a few minutes. Get up slowly and walk around.

These exercises may not have an immediate effect, but if you can do them regularly throughout the day, they can have a dramatic effect.

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