Going Keto: Why It’s Really Good For You

Ketogenic diets have really gone from strength to strength in the last year and a half and for good reason. It’s a great way to not only quickly shed those unwanted pounds, but also to get and stay healthy. For those who have tried the Keto diet and are still following it, it is more than just a diet. It is a way of life, a completely new lifestyle. But like any major change in our lives, it’s not easy, it requires an incredible amount of commitment and determination.

Good for some but not for all? – Although a ketogenic diet has been used to greatly improve people’s quality of life, there are some who do not share the majority way of thinking. But why is that exactly? For as long as we can remember, we’ve been taught that the only way to get rid of extra weight was to stop eating the fat-filled foods we’re so used to eating every day. So, instructing people to eat healthy fats (the key word is Healthy) can certainly understand why some people would be skeptical about how and why they would eat more fat to achieve weight loss and achieve it quickly. This concept goes against everything we’ve ever known about weight loss.

How Keto Started: Discovered by endocrinologist Rollin Woodyatt in 1921 when he discovered that the liver produced 3 water-soluble compounds Aceture, B-Hydroxybutyrate, and Acetoacetate (known together as ketone bodies) as a result of starvation or if the person followed a rich diet. in fat and very low in carbohydrates. Later that year, a man at the Mayo Clinic by the name of Russel Wilder called it the “Ketogenic Diet” and used it to treat epilepsy in young children with great success. But due to advances in medicine it was superseded.

My Struggles Starting Keto – I started Keto on Feb 28, 2018, I had tried the Keto diet once before about 6 months before but never got past the first week. The first week on Keto is the worst part of the whole process, this is when the dreaded Keto flu, also called the carb flu, hits. The keto flu is a natural reaction your body experiences when it switches from burning glucose (sugar) for energy to burning fat. Many people who have followed the keto diet say that it actually feels similar to withdrawal from an addictive substance. This can last between 3 days and a whole week, it only lasted a few days in my case.

People who have had the keto flu report feeling sleepy, achy, nauseated, dizzy, and have terrible migraines, among other things. The first week is usually when people trying a Keto diet fail and give up, just remember this happens to everyone early in the process and if you can make it through the first week the hardest part is over. There are some remedies that you can use to help you get through this difficult period. Take electrolyte supplements, stay hydrated, drink bone broth, eat more meat, and get enough sleep. Keto Flu is an unfortunate event that happens to everyone when the body flushes out the typical diet from day to day. You just have to pass energy.

What is a ketogenic diet like? -When the average person eats a meal rich in carbohydrates, her body takes those carbohydrates and converts them into glucose for fuel. Glucose is the body’s main source of fuel when carbohydrates are present in the body, on a Keto diet very little or no carbohydrates are consumed, forcing the body to use other forms of energy to keep the body functioning properly. This is where healthy fats come into play, with the absence of carbohydrates, the liver takes fatty acids from the body and converts them into ketone bodies.

An ideal Keto diet should consist of:

• 70-80% fat

• 20-25% protein

• 5-10% carbohydrates

You should not eat more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day to maintain the typical ketogenic diet. I personally ate less than 10g per day for a more drastic experience, but achieved my initial goals and more. I lost 28 pounds. in just under 3 weeks.

What is ketosis? – When the body is completely fueled by fat, it enters a state called “ketosis”, which is a natural state of the body. After all sugars and unhealthy fats have been eliminated from the body for the first two weeks, the body can now function freely on healthy fats. Ketosis has many potential benefits related to rapid weight loss, health, or performance. In certain situations, such as type 1 diabetes, excessive ketosis can become extremely dangerous, while in certain cases, along with intermittent fasting, it can be extremely beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. Dr. Jason Fung MD ( Nephrologist) of the Intensive Dietary Management Program is doing substantial work on this topic.

What I can and can’t eat: For someone new to Keto, it can be very difficult to follow a low carb diet, although fat is the cornerstone of this diet, you should not eat any type of fat. Healthy fats are essential, but you may be wondering what healthy fats are. Healthy fats would consist of grass-fed meats (lamb, beef, goat, venison), wild-caught seafood, pork, and grass-fed poultry. Eggs and unsalted butter can also be eaten. Be sure to stay away from starchy vegetables, fruits, and grains. Processed foods are not accepted in any form on the ketogenic diet, artificial sweeteners and milk can also pose a serious problem.

So far it’s been 5 weeks and I’ve lost 34 pounds. and feeling great, I have a tremendous amount of energy and I don’t crash midday during work like I used to. It will take serious commitment and a great meal plan to get where you want to be health-wise. But the road to get there is always more satisfying than where you end up.

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