Health Benefits of Zico Coconut Water

For thousands of years, coconut water has been known and revered as a natural source of nutrition, wellness, beauty, and hydration. This has always been true, especially in places where the coconut plant is abundant. The tree is hardy and grows even on small islands practically surrounded by the ocean.

In some places in the tropics, the coconut palm is even called as the “tree of life”. This is due to the fact that in times of famine and war over the years, coconut water derived from this tree has been used as an intravenous fluid and has saved many lives. It is the only natural substance that can be safely injected directly into the human bloodstream and serve as a fluid that solves dehydration problems. Babies who are breastfed by mothers who drink the water regularly are healthy, even in times of war when food is scarce among the population. This was what really happened in places invaded by Japanese forces in the Pacific during World War II.

In these modern times, science has validated the efficacy of coconut juice, especially as a natural sports drink. Zico Coconut Water is now a leading brand of this natural sports drink popular with athletes who need it after strenuous sports activities to replenish body fluids lost due to heavy perspiration.

ZICO Coconut Water contains all five essential electrolytes that give your body everything it needs to stay hydrated and perform at its best, especially on hot summer days. ZICO actually has more potassium than a banana, 15 times more than most sports drinks on the market today, to prevent muscle cramps, which is a common problem among athletes. It is good practice to drink ZICO before or during a workout to get the natural energy you need for optimal performance. Plus, after a workout, The Water replenishes and rehydrates you to speed physical recovery.

This sports drink also has five essential electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorous) that are important for health. Now that coconut juice is sold in products like Zico Coconut Water, everyone can take advantage of the benefits that the coconut tree can bring to humanity. People, even in places where the tree does not grow, can now experience the many beneficial uses of the power of the coconut, through the Zico coconut water drink. It is now found on the shelves of many supermarkets in colder countries.

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