Hide blue text on MySpace

There are millions of people around the world who make MySpace a part of their daily lives. It has been used as a way to locate people you haven’t seen in years, network like-minded people for business purposes, get the attention of music industry insiders, launch a career, share videos and photos. with family and friends, and even more!

Your MySpace profile is the first thing people see when they decide they want to know more about you. This is the reason why MySpace members spend so much time adding and removing graphics, backgrounds, songs, cursors and various codes from their profile. They strive to have the perfect profile, even though such a thing probably doesn’t exist! Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, and there are some terrifyingly interesting profile pages to look at on MySpace.

It doesn’t take long to change an item or items on your profile. In fact, in just a few moments, you can change the appearance of a profile so drastically that it will be unrecognizable as the same one you saw before. Users typically don’t make such extreme changes unless they’re changing the design, in which case they’re just exchanging some code by copy-pasting. When they preview your changes and see what could only be called a huge mess, then they know they got hold of bad code. Or, if they wrote the code themselves, they figure they must have transposed a letter or a number, maybe both.

Always be sure to preview any changes you make to your MySpace profile! The preview feature is there for a reason, and that is to prevent you from sending your profile to Earth of no return. In other words, once you click Save Changes, there’s no going back. Don’t make changes without reviewing them first, the way so many users have discovered it’s not a very good idea. Otherwise, you may end up having to start your profile all over again, from scratch!

It’s amazing how deeply you can make changes to your profile. You can even change the color of the text if you want. MySpace makes some of the text you see when you start creating a profile appear as the default. Words like “About Me” and “Who I’d Like to Meet” in orange text, as well as “Movies,” “TV,” and “Heroes” in blue text will appear first. you start adding and removing to/from your profile.

It seems like those last 3, “Movies,” “TV,” and “Heroes” are a little harder to knock out for some people than others. There is a code available that will hide this text for you. Copy and paste the following into the “About Me” section of your profile.

This will hide the words on the left side. However, the cells will be there. If you want to have a one column interest table, try this code, copy and paste it into the “About me” section.

And this code will hide the Interest table completely.

You should be able to make the blue text in your interest table permanently hide with the use of these three codes!

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