Horror in video games

There is something very strange about horror. As much as it terrifies and shakes a person, it also has the power to entertain. The immense potential of harnessing this genre in the entertainment industry was realized decades ago and since then directors, actors, showmen and everyone else in the business have been using this twisted form of entertainment. Well we’re focusing on how Horror has emerged as a tool to appeal to gamers of all ages from around the world by giving them a bit of depth on some of the hit horror games.

  1. Topping this table is undoubtedly the Alone in the dark Serie. With protagonist Edward Carnby trying to solve supernatural and mysterious happenings in New York, this game surely awakens the player’s inner fears and frankly, playing alone in the dark can get really creepy.
  2. Biohazard in Japan, and the famous demonic resident All over the world it has been a delight for gamers, comic book readers and young people for quite some time. It is a sci-fi survival horror series that also has many movies with the same name. Although it started out as a novel, it soon became the best-known horror series in the entertainment business. The first installment in the game series came in the form of a PlayStation game that involved a series of mysterious disappearances, bloody murders, and clues to cannibalism.
  3. Konami’s best known survival horror game by far has to be the Silent Hill series. The first came out in 1999 with the protagonist Harry Mason arriving in Silent Hill in search of his kidnapped daughter. During the game, the protagonist and the player are told together about the girl’s past, which is the true cause of horror in the plot.
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