How does turmeric fight acne?

What does turmeric bring to your mind? Some brilliant and delicious dishes from the Orient…or a bunch of cooking recipes! Well, not many know that turmeric is a perfect herb for the skin, which means that it is one of the best natural acne remedies. Whether it is for a spot acne treatment or facial or a comprehensive skin treatment, turmeric may be the answer, delivering much-sought-after results. Let’s discuss in detail!

Did you know that Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines have relied on turmeric for two millennia to treat skin conditions, digestive problems, and liver disorders? Where does the herb get such amazing medicinal properties? Well, the active ingredient called curcumin present in turmeric imparts anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting prostaglandins, the inflammation-causing agents in your body. Curcumin is actually a pigment that also imparts antibacterial and antioxidant properties to this well-known spice. Antioxidant vitamins C and E prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, turmeric contains carotenoids and volatile oils.

From the aforementioned information, it is clear that turmeric has all the necessary properties to combat acne breakouts. When applied topically, it breaks down acne-causing bacteria, cleanses pores, and minimizes irritation and redness. When taken orally, it boosts your immune system, allowing your body to fight off bacterial infections and keep them at bay. With that being said, you may be wondering in what form it is used! Well, it is the underground stem, that is, the rhizome that is dried and pulverized for use in culinary and medicinal applications. For oral consumption, you can mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of warm milk to make a concoction. A daily intake before bedtime works effectively to boost your immunity and prevent inflammatory acne. However, you can use an equivalent amount as an ingredient in your daily cooking.

How is turmeric used topically? Use it as a mask or scrub. You can make a mask by mixing ½ teaspoon of turmeric with 5 tablespoons of honey; leave it on your face for about 10 minutes and wash off. Another idea is to mix equal proportions of sandalwood powder and turmeric powder with milk to make the mask. To make a scrub, you can mix about 2 teaspoons of turmeric with a drop or two each of lemon juice and mustard oil (or coconut or olive oil); Spread the mixture on your face, leave it on for 15 minutes, spray a little water and rub with your fingers in circular movements while removing the layer. A mixture of turmeric powder and neem oil is excellent for treating blemishes. And yes, turmeric stains your skin temporarily; Rub a lemon wedge or olive oil to remove stains. With practice, you will learn to adjust the proportions of the turmeric.

Turmeric will not only get rid of acne, but it will also lighten your skin, which means that regular use will definitely give you a brilliant glow. Turmeric is readily available in Asian grocery stores, usually in the “herbs and spices” section. Capsules are available from pharmacies or online stores, but be sure to check the ingredients and instructions before using them.

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