How much does window tint cost?

In the past, window tinting was thought of as window sunglasses as most window tinting was colored to block out sunlight or for privacy to prevent people from looking into your car. . Initially, tinting was only for vehicles, but it has now been extended to house windows and even airplanes.

Tinting technology has come a long way; now you can stand in front of a tinted window and not even notice it. Window tinting isn’t cheap; Average prices range between 50 and 70 dollars per square meter. The factors that will determine the cost of staining your property are:

1. The type of film you choose. The types of movies available are; Anti-glare, reflective, decorative frosted, low-E, safety and UV protection films. Safety and UV protection tints tend to cost more compared to reflective and glare tints.

2. Size and number of windows you have. It will definitely cost you more to tint large and many windows compared to fewer and smaller windows.

3. Access. Unlike vehicles, which can be driven into a tinted garage and tinted, houses, on the other hand, are difficult to access, especially if it’s a multi-story building. A multi-story building requires more time, special equipment and experience to tint the windows. Staining a multi-storey building is usually expensive per square meter compared to a normal house or car.

4. If necessary remove the old stain. If you plan to replace your tint, this will cost you more because you will also have to pay for tint removal.

You should also expect to pay more if you have small panes of glass, oddly shaped glass, or if scaffolding is required. Window tint installers typically charge by the hour for their services because travel and installation time are included in the fees. It is recommended that they come once to install all the tinted windows to do it little by little.

Expect to pay $50 to $60 per square foot for window film and an additional $15 per square foot for labor costs.

I spend $1000 to have my windows tinted at my commercial tree service store. So be sure to ask and get accurate estimates before making a decision.

It was definitely a great investment thought. It kept my business cooler and gave the outside a really professional look. I highly recommend window tinting for all businesses and homes.

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