How to fix Windows error 0x0000024 on your PC

The 0x00000024 error is a common occurrence if you are running a Windows operating system; it is more common on computers running Windows XP. Once you boot up and sign in to Windows, you usually get the error message. This is a sign that the Ntfs.sys file on the system is experiencing problems. It could have been corrupted, infected by a virus, etc. This error is what causes the blue screen to appear.

What is this bug?

Basically, you will see the computer display an error message on the screen saying:

“NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM” or “Stop 0x00000024”.

This error is only seen when the ntfs.sys file is not working properly. Do not take this problem lightly because this file is actually a very important component of the computer. Allows the system to process and write drives that use the ntfs file system. If the file has problems, Windows will have trouble using it. Also, another possible reason could be the problem of Windows not being able to properly read a file on the hard drive or the applications that make use of the file. To resolve this issue, you will need to identify where the error is coming from and how to fix it. Follow the guide below to perform the proper fix of the error.

How to fix error 0x00000024

The first step is deal with hard drive problems. The hard drive is the most plausible reason for complications like 0x00000024 error that occurs on computers. To find out if the error started there, you need to check the integrity of the hard drive. This is the usual method employed when faced with errors like this. To do this, use the CHKDSK command, which can be done by following the steps here:

  • Go to START and click RUN.
  • Inside the box, type “cmd” to open the command prompt; In the Command Prompt box, type “”chkdsk drive:/f” and then ENTER to confirm the command.
  • This will start the CHKDSK application which will check the performance status of the hard drive and determine if it is good or faulty.
  • Also, you should not bypass the drivers of the computer because they can also be the cause of the error.
  • To do this, go to MY COMPUTER and then select the hard drive you want to scan for errors first.
  • Right-click on this drive and select PROPERTIES > TOOLS > CHECK NOW button. This selection will appear for analysis and then from the options choose “Automatically fix file system error checkboxes” and/or “Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors”.
  • After that, just press START for the scanning and recovery to begin.

Lastly, you will need to run a registry cleaner. The tool for this is Frontline Registry Cleaner. While dealing with the registry database, you should employ the use of a tool that is specially designed for such a sensitive sector of the computer system. This program will fix problems and prevent damaged files from causing problems with computer operations.

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