How to Get Targeted Twitter Followers for Free and Fast

Twitter is a great social networking website for any internet marketer. Gone are the days when you needed to capture leads using Opt – In lists. While Opt-In lists are still great for getting targeted leads, there are faster and highly effective ways to build a relationship with your customers and ultimately get them to buy from you.

Here are some ways I got more targeted leads using Twitter. I add my Twitter address first whenever the opportunity arises. If you look at most forums these days, especially forums geared towards Internet Marketing, they include a place on your profile to add your personal Twitter address. Offer a lot of good information and share your knowledge on these forums and you will automatically start getting more followers.

I also find that following the best internet marketers on Twitter will give me followers who also follow these best internet marketers. Not only do I do this, but when I follow the best internet marketers, I also see who is following them and follow some of these people who seem to have something to offer. When you do this, you are building a highly targeted customer list. Internet marketers, whether at the top or bottom, are always looking for new information as the internet is always changing and new strategies are always emerging.

This not only works for internet marketers, you can also sell golf related products online, but Twitter can work for you too. Follow the big brands in Golf and start following their fans too. Make sure you have posted a new Tweet before you start following it that is golf related. That way, when people check your list to see who’s following them now, they’ll see you, and then they’ll see that you’re talking about something golf-related. They are more likely to check you out and see what you have to offer.

Be sure to also connect all of your blogs and websites to Twitter. A simple “Follow me on Twitter” message somewhere on the page is enough. You’d be surprised how many people will follow you just because of this.

I do not recommend using mass tracking tools. They are everywhere on the internet right now, but they can easily ban you from Twitter and other social media websites. It’s better to constantly build your list than to add 1,000 people a day. I like to build my Twitter list with 100-200 quality leads per day. If you get just 3% to buy something from you, that’s still 3-6 sales per day. If you get $50 per product, that could mean up to $300 per day, and that’s just for spending 20-30 minutes on Twitter per day.

You must also have other methods of generating sales. I never like to put all my eggs in one basket. The internet is always changing and companies are always changing the rules to make the internet a better place mostly but this can ruin your online business if you have everything invested in one place.

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